Planilla de Oral Test 2024 (April) - T. Victor

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Nivel: T3 (FCE) Tuesdays Teacher/s: Victor Rojas Periodo: First Term Año Lectivo: 2024

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 Observaciones
N° Apellidos Nombres

1 Acosta Valfredi Andres

2 Caballero González Montserrat Ileana

3 Cabral Saueia Gonzalez Agustina

4 Cabral Saueia Gonzalez Constanza

5 Clemotte Gauto Denis Alessandro

6 Domenech Canale Juan Ignacio

7 Dominguez Rojas Santino

8 Lara Castro Riveros Juan Martín

9 Lukoski Paredes Arianna Jelena

10 Saucedo Fernandez Santiago Andres





1 Are you busy now? What are you doing? How do you feel?
Do you study English only in school? Where do you study English? How do
2 you like it?
Do you practice English outside of school? How often do you practice
3 English?
Where did you go on your last vacation? Tell me one thing you enjoyed the
4 most.
5 Tell me one thing you used to enjoy a lot when you were in primary school
Nivel: T1 Saturdays Teacher/s: Victor Rojas Periodo: First Term Año Lectivo: 2024

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 Observaciones
N° Apellidos Nombres

1 Bogado Segovia Mariam Belen

2 Britos Ramírez Yanni Abigail

3 Cazal Maria Jose

4 Cino Ramos Oscar Ivan

5 De souza Alonso Paula Annabel

6 Diaz Rolon Alianna Valentina

7 Escobar Kamm Thiago Francisco

8 Fernandez Melgarejo Patricia Valentina

9 Gomez Pereira Ezequiel

10 Gonzalez ayala Enzo

11 Iriarte Cauter Miguel Angel

12 Lopez Brugada Maximiliano

13 Miranda Arazatey Thiago Osvaldo

14 Miranda Arazatey Enzo Osvaldo

15 Rojas Thiago

16 Samaniego matias

17 Torres Preda Sofia Montserrat

18 Von Streber Di Pardo Jazmin María



1 Would you introduce yourself, please? Tell me your first and last name, your class, and your cell phone number.
2 How do you spell your surname?
3 How do you feel?
4 How old is your best friend?
5 How do you respond when somebody says to you….
How do you do? ………..
I am fine thank you, and you?......
Bye, see you tomorrow……….

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