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Losing the Value of Life

In the recent years, the evolution of eSports---a form of online competition between players
with the use of electronics---became a resounding topic within the realms of the internet, blurring the
lines between winning games and losing track of the reality.

Popular issues surrounding the young generation and their relevance to gaming arose as the new
era of technology spread through the globe. Statistics in 2024 have shown that there are approximately
3.02 billion gamers from around the world. Like the zombies in games, the players are now turning into a
hoard of them, hungry for competition in exchange for themselves.

Firstly, most gamers choose to resort to negligence of their own well-being. Immersion of their
body to the electronic devices for several hours straight proved the existence of eye fatigue, low back
pain, and tension headache were found in 90% of the people who face their computer monitors for
more than 3 hours a day just to master their sport.

The blame does not fall into the hands of the game creators; rather, it is time management that
is ‘lost in time’ within eSports players. Without proper schedule between gaming and rest, they shove
aside the importance of prioritizing their health, practically leading their lives to a demise.

Second major concern is the absence of real-life socialization and letting addiction swallow them
whole. Through long-term studies provided by CBN News, it was found out that those who are socially
disconnected are more prone to stress, high blood pressure, or depression. Nowadays, players choose to
isolate themselves from their real-world family and friends---spending most of their time with other
players online.

While virtual socialization may still be there, physically socializing with people is still superior in
many aspects that enriches the physical and mental well-being of human. ‘No man is an island,’ as
people say.

Although, it is undeniable that because of these games, eSports players are offered
opportunities by means of competing to earn cash and gain fame---the subjective standards of a
successful life. However, is the weight of these things heavier than the cost of a human’s well-being? If
so, then eSports is nothing but just a gateway to death for those who sacrifice their life in exchange for
material things that will fade over time.

Competitive gaming is a lurking danger hidden behind the screens, and eSports players who are
the verge of losing themselves in this game called life are simply swayed from the things they should
actually prioritize. Therefore, guidance should be provided by their elders and physical connection must
be developed between their peers to lead them from being completely astray.

At the end of the day, the decision still lies at the hands of the gamers to take the risk of winning
trophies in exchange for their lives. Yet, sooner or later, competitive gaming will be deprived of its
importance, leaving behind what’s only valuable: the worth of human life.

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