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Part 1
Câu 1: Look at the picture and choose the correct activity: drive cattle home

Câu 2: __________ means to know someone or something because you have seen
him/her or experienced it before. recognize

Câu 3: When did the houses form? over 8000 years ago

Câu 4: When did people start living in Matmata? 700 years ago

Câu 5: Listen and choose the correct word: (quick, rock, place, strange) strange

Câu 6: Listen and choose the antonym for the word you hear.

(recent, old-fashioned, classic, past) recent

Câu 7: The gap in the following sentence will probably be _________.

‘Stonehenge is around _________ years old.’ a number
Câu 8: Listen and choose the antonym for the word you hear.

(attractive, pretty, stunning, ugly) ugly

Câu 9: Listen and choose the correct word: (industrial, cave, bridge, ancient)

Câu 10: Choose the correct sound for the underlined part: flavour /eɪ/

Câu 11: Where is Matmata? Tunisia

Câu 12: The gap in the following sentence will probably be _________ .
‘Angkor Wat is located in _________.’ a name
Câu 13: Look at the picture and choose the correct activity: store food

Câu 14: Listen and choose the correct word: (cave, hot, place, long) place

Câu 15: Listen and choose the synonym for the word you hear.

(adorable, clever, greedy, annoying) adorable

Câu 16: Look at the picture and choose the correct activity: collect vegetables
Câu 17: __________ means unusual, not normal or difficult to understand. strange

Câu 18: Look at the picture and choose the correct activity:

heat the house

Câu 19: When did they build the bridge? 1345

Câu 20: Look at the picture and choose the correct activity: chop wood

Part 2
Câu 21: Choose the correct sentence for the following topic:

General fact As we know, Facebook is one of the largest social-networks


Câu 22: GPS is an abbreviation for _______. Global Positioning System

Câu 23: If I personally feel, think or believe something, it is my ________. opinion

Câu 24: Choose the correct topic for the following sentence:

‘A mobile phone is used to call or text someone and has multi-purposes like sending
emails or taking pictures.’ Advantages

Câu 25: Which of the following statements is true?

Most drivers do not use a satnav every day.

Câu 26: Which is one of satnav’s advantages?

It tells drivers where the traffic is bad.

Câu 27: What is the Vietnamese equivalent of ‘satnav’? định vị vệ tinh

Câu 28: Choose the correct topic for the following sentence:

‘Many driving accidents take place because the driver was using his mobile phone
while driving.’ Disadvantages

Câu 29: What is the Vietnamese equivalent of ‘GPS’? Hệ thống Định vị Toàn cầu

Câu 30: Choose the correct topic for the following sentence:
‘In conclusion, mobile phones are very helpful, but in many cases they can cause more
harm than good.’ Summary

Câu 31: Choose the correct topic for the following sentence:

‘Martin Cooper produced the first mobile phone call on 3rd April, 1973.’

General fact

Câu 32: Something difficult to understand is _________ or complex. complicated

Câu 33: Choose the correct sentence for the following topic: Advantages

Another benefit of having a Facebook account is that we are always connected to

our family and friends.

Câu 34: When we ________ information, we organize and understand it. process

Câu 35: Choose the correct sentence for the following topic: Summary

Facebook is a useful and helpful tool but it becomes harmful if you begin to waste
your valuable time.

Câu 36: What can satnav do when we drive? It gives us directions.

Câu 37: Choose the correct sentence for the following topic: Disadvantages

There are many pages and groups that share fake news.

Câu 38: Satnav is an abbreviation for _______. satellite navigation

Câu 39: Which is one of satnav’s disadvantages? It can cause accidents.

Câu 40: I say _______ or ‘it is clear’ when I give a fact everyone knows. obviously

Part 3
Câu 41: Listen and answer the question:
What kind of music is played at the Iceland Airwaves festival?
new and interesting music
Câu 42: Listen and answer the question:
How many people attended the festival in the 3rd year? Almost 14000 people
Câu 43: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:
Family members and close friends may ______ gifts on Christmas Day. exchange
Câu 44: Look at the following notes and cross out the words that are not needed:
Place: The festival is in Sydney, Australia – what a pleasant surprise!
The festival is in/ - what a pleasant surprise!
Câu 45: Underline the important words in the following question:
What activities do you do in your free time?
What activities do you do in your free time?
Câu 46: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:
Red ______ represents good luck, happiness, prosperity, health at Tet. envelope
Câu 47: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:
Many children participated in the ______ with their sports teams. parade
Câu 48: Remember that notes should be ______. If you write too much, you
sometimes miss the next part of the listening. Only write the most ______ words.
short, important

Câu 49: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:

I always enjoy ______ the Christmas tree. decorating
Câu 50: Look at the following notes and cross out the words that are not needed:
Activities: You can listen to international bands, learn to cook special dishes and visit
natural places. You can
Câu 51: Underline the important words in the following question:
Can you describe your last weekend? Can you describe your last weekend?
Câu 52: Listen and answer the question:
What did the woman do yesterday? She played games to find out about gravity.
Câu 53: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:
Several hundred people are expected to attend the ______. lecture
Câu 54: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:
We are ______ my birthday by going out to dinner. celebrating
Câu 55: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:
The children were dressed in Halloween ______. costumes
Câu 56: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:
______ is the way of life, especially the general customs and beliefs, of a particular
group of people at a particular time. culture
Câu 57: Listen and answer the question:
Who can participate in lectures, talks, classes and performances at the Festival of
People who are interested in Art and Science

Câu 58: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:

She ______ the students into her home. welcomes
Câu 59: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:
Many children participated in the ______ with their sports teams. parade
Câu 60: Look at the following notes and cross out the words that are not needed:
Date: The festival takes place in March. The festival takes place in
Câu 61: Look at the following notes and cross out the words that are not needed:
Food: At this festival you can try some of the delicious moon cakes.
At this festival you can try some of the
Part 4
Câu 62: Reorder the words to make a correct sentence:
something/ about/ new/ How/ trying/ ? How about trying something new?
Câu 63: Listen and answer the question:
What is true about wedding cakes in Bermuda?
They prepare two cakes in a wedding.
Câu 64: Find one way to say ‘yes’. I’d love to. That’s a great idea.

Câu 65: Reorder the words to make a correct sentence:

thought/ you/ a/ buying/ Have/ about/ computer/ new/ ?
Have you thought about buying a new computer?
Câu 66: Which two ways of introducing examples can be followed by a noun?

such as, like

Câu 67: Listen and answer the question:

What are usually used to decorate traditional Western wedding cakes? flowers
Câu 68: Choose a phrase which make a suggestion. I’d suggest trying this.

Câu 69: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:

The bride and ______ walked down the aisle together. groom
Câu 70: Find one way to say ‘no’. I’m not sure if that’s a good idea.

Câu 71: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:

Everything was covered by a thin ______ of sand. layer
Câu 72: Read the definition and choose the correct word:
Something we use to make a place or thing look pretty. decorations
Câu 73: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:
In some countries, it is traditional for a ______ to wear white. bride
Câu 74: Listen and decide if the following sentence is true, false or not given:
In Korea, couples have kuk soo to show that they have known each other for a very
long time. False
Câu 75: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:
The restaurant serves some of my favorite ______. dishes
Câu 76: Reorder the words to make a correct sentence:
you/ talk/ Why/ your/ to/ manager/ don’t/ ? Why don’t you talk to your manager?
Câu 77: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:
Fireworks have long been an American ______ on the Fourth of July. tradition
Câu 78: Listen and answer the question:
What is true about weddings in most countries? There are special dishes.
Câu 79: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:
This church is a perfect example of ______ architecture. medieval
Câu 80: Which two ways of introducing examples can be followed by a subject and
verb or by a comma and a noun? for instance, for example

Câu 81: Read the definition and choose the correct word:
Long, thin strips of food made from flour or rice. Noodles
Part 5
Câu 82: Listen and answer the following question:
Where’s the canteen? It’s opposite the stairs.
Câu 83: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:
After finished the exam, the _____ will be sent directly to your home. results
Câu 84: Listen and answer the following question:
Who’s Josh? He’s an international student.
Câu 85: Choose the correct sentence about the function of the following place:
a laboratory
A laboratory is a place where we can do experiments under supervision.
Câu 86: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:
________ students should be well-prepared before entering university. High school
Câu 87: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:
Vovinam is Vietnam's most popular traditional form of _______. martial arts
Câu 88: Listen and answer the following question:
Why is the international office a useful place? You can get a lot of information.
Câu 89: Listen to the word and decide which syllable is stressed:

The 2nd syllable is stressed.

Trọng âm của ‘laboratory’ rơi vào âm tiết thứ 2 (/ləˈbɒrətəri/).

Câu 90: Read and choose the correct place:

It’s a place where you can do exercises, weight training and keep fit. gym
Câu 91: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:
_________ is a process of learning through which we acquire knowledge. Education
Câu 92: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:
A ______ is someone who teaches at a college or university. lecturer
Câu 93: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:
For safety reasons, student need to get permission from teachers to enter the _______.

Câu 94: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:

Children aren’t allowed to run in the ______. corridor
Câu 95: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:
As the elevator is not working today, you’ll need to use the ______. stairs
Câu 96: Listen and answer the following question:
What can you get at the computer room if you have the university ID card?
Free internet access
Câu 97: Choose the correct function for the following place:
a lecture theatre We can get information.
Câu 98: Complete the tips for using visual clues:
When you listen, pictures and maps can help you to understand what you will hear.
Look at maps and visual clues first and ________________. Then when you listen
you will already understand some of the content. think about what you can see
Câu 99: Listen to the word and decide which syllable is stressed.
The 1st syllable is stressed.

Trọng âm của ‘laboratory’ rơi vào âm tiết thứ 2 (/ləˈbɒrətəri/).

Câu 100: Choose the correct function for the following place:
computer room You can get access to the Internet.
Câu 101: Listen to the word and decide which syllable is stressed:

The 1st syllable is stressed.

Trọng âm của ‘history’ rơi vào âm tiết thứ 1 (/ˈhɪstəri/).

Part 6
Câu 102: Listen and answer the following question:
What has Nazlihan been doing on her smartphone?
She has been learning new words.
Câu 103: Decide if the following sentence is an agreement or a disagreement:
‘I couldn’t agree more.’ an agreement
Câu 104: Complete the following sentence:
It can be as important to listen to ______ as the words being spoken to know if a
person agrees or disagrees. intonation
Câu 105: Decide if the following sentence is an agreement or a disagreement:
‘That might be true, but I don’t think you’re right.’ a disagreement
Câu 106: Listen and decide if the person is agreeing or disagreeing:

disagreeing, agreeing disagreeing Vì: Voice falls and then rises.

- Giọng nữ có chữ ok rõ

- Giọng nữ, có yes,… enjoy….

- Giọng nữ, I agree nhưng lên tone cuối câu

Câu 107: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:

‘______’ is used to describe a situation in which you talk directly to another person,
not by phone, email, online, etc. Face to face
Câu 108: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:
______ is a style of education in which students learn via electronic and online media
as well as traditional face-to-face teaching. blended learning
Câu 109: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:
All that noise makes it hard to ______. concentrate
Câu 110: Listen and answer the following question:
How many times a week did Nazlihan have to go to the computer rooms for her
language course? 1
Câu 111: Listen and answer the following question:
What does Peter like about online learning? Ability to learn at his own pace
Câu 112: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:
My husband likes classical music – I, ______, like all kinds. on the other hand
Câu 113: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:
With engineers and administrators he was always ______ and exceedingly friendly.
Câu 114: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:
I strongly ______ with the decision that has been made. disagree
Câu 116: Listen and decide if the person is agreeing or disagreeing:

disagreeing, agreeing agreeing Vì: Voice falls.

- Giọng nam, I agree, hạm tổng cuối câu

Câu 117: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:

She says that a change is needed, and I ______ completely. agree
Câu 118: Decide if the following sentence is an agreement or a disagreement:
‘You’ve made a good point.’ an agreement
Câu 119: Listen and answer the following question:
What does Sarah think of her online Maths course last year?
She enjoyed it, but she wanted to be able to talk to a real teacher.
Câu 120: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:
“Why is he so angry?” “Oh, don't ______ him. He's always complaining about

Part 7
Câu 121: Choose the correct sound for the underlined part:
store /s/
Câu 122: Listen and answer the following question:
Which of the following is an advantage mentioned in the recording?
People might not remember facts but they might remember where it is saved.

Câu 123: Choose the correct linking word(s) to complete the following sentence:
Prices were reduced by 20%. ______, sales increased. As a result
Câu 124: Choose the correct sound for the underlined part:
research /tʃ/
Câu 125: Listen and answer the following question:
What is Professor James Holden an expert in? robotics
Câu 126: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:
This test is too _________ that I can’t solve it. difficult
Câu 127: Choose the correct sound for the underlined part:
nation /ʃ/
Câu 128: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:
He is too _____ to walk to work. lazy
Câu 129: Choose the correct sound for the underlined part:
match /tʃ/
Câu 130: Listen and answer the following question:
What makes us change the way we think? modern websites
Câu 131: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:
________ are working to find ways to reduce the effects of climate change.
Câu 132: Find the linking word(s) in the following sentence:
Take an umbrella in case it rains. in case
Câu 133: Choose the correct sound for the underlined part:
church /tʃ/
Câu 134: Listen and answer the following question:
What can robotic suit doing? They help people who can’t walk to move again.
Câu 135: Choose the correct sound for the underlined part:
ocean /ʃ/
Câu 136: Choose the correct linking word(s) to complete the following sentence:
Laptops are convenient; ______, they can be expensive. on the other hand
Câu 137: Choose the correct sound for the underlined part:
surprise /s/
Câu 138: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:
You need to be logged in to be able to open ______ on a computer. files
Câu 139: Find the linking word(s) in the following sentence:
You can take my car as long as you don't damage it. as long as
Câu 140: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:
________ is a device for showing films or images on a screen or other surface.
Câu 141: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:
We both like the same ______ of music. sort
Câu 142: Listen and answer the following question:
Where do robots work in Thailand? In restaurants
Câu 143: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:
We can raise or donate our money to help ________. disabled people
Câu 144: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:
We should not sit too close to the computer _____ because it's bad for our eyes.
Câu 145: Listen and answer the following question:
What is the main purpose of the research?
To see how computers affect our memory

Câu 146: Listen and answer the following question:

What is one of the reasons that human invented service robots?
To help with household chores

Câu 147: Find the linking word(s) in the following sentence:

She arrived early so that she could help her colleagues. so that
Câu 148: Listen and answer the following question:
What is the first thing that people think about when they are asked a difficult
What to put into a search engine

Câu 149: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:

_____ is an activity of swimming or exploring underwater. Diving
Câu 150: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:
Tell me your _____ and I will be there to pick you up. location
Câu 151: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:
A ______ can dive to a depth of about 300m. submarine
Câu 152: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:
They looked to the government for ______ support. additional
Câu 153: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:
______ may make the water unsafe for human use. Water pollution
Câu 154: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:
______ can see very well underwater. Shark
Câu 155: Choose the correct linking word(s) to complete the following sentence:
The hotel was open. ______, nobody came to the reception desk. However
Câu 156: Choose the correct linking word(s) to complete the following sentence:
Tom is rich, ______ Jack is poor. whereas
Câu 157: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:
To get a good grade, you have to make a _____ at the end of your essay. conclusion
Câu 158: Choose the correct sound for the underlined part:
parasite /s/
Câu 159: Choose the correct expressions that we use to finish what we are saying in a

In conclusion/ To conclude

Câu 160: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:

My brother's handwriting is always so neat, ______ mine is a total mess. Whereas
Part 8
Câu 161: Choose the correct word to complete the following definition:

______ language is a language using hands and gesture to communicate or spell out
words. It is used by deaf people or people who have hearing problems and/ or people
who work and communicate with deaf people. Sign

Câu 162: Choose the correct characteristic for the following genre:

radio advertisement short sentences with positive adjectives

Câu 163: Choose the correct characteristic for the following genre:

TV news report present tenses used to describe recent events

Câu 164: Listen and answer the following question:

Has Lana ever learnt to speak? No, she hasn’t.

Câu 165: Choose the word that is different from the others.

adapt, pick up, learn, study adapt

Câu 166: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:

Adults in the Netherlands are the best non-native English ______ in the world,
according to the EF English Proficiency Index. speakers

Câu 167: Listen and choose the correct answer:

(nghe thấy rõ don’t foget to study) The person sounds serious.

Câu 168: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:

The new hospital will be ______ opened on Tuesday. officially

Câu 169: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:

________ is a system of hand and body movements representing words, used by and
to people who cannot hear or talk. Sign language

Câu 170: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:

English is one of the most popular ________ in the world. languages

Câu 171: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:

Could you name some language _______ when talking to people from different
cultures? barriers

Câu 172: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:

My dad ______ me on the back to encourage me. pats

Câu 173: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:

_________ people are unable to see because of injury, disease, or a congenital

condition. blind

Câu 174: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:

Mr. Brown has been a client of this firm for ______ years. many

Câu 175: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:

Dogs rely on their noses as they can _______ extremely good. smell

Câu 176: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:

________ is another name for the South Pole. Antarctica (Châu Nam Cực)

Câu 177: Listen and answer the following question:

How many percent of Navajo children can speak Navajo now? 5%

Câu 178: Listen and answer the following question:

What is true about Boa Senior? Boa Senior was the last person to speak Bo.

Câu 179: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:

More and more digital devices are made to fit the ______ of your hand. palm

Câu 180: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:

Very _____ people knew this song. few

Câu 181: Listen and choose the correct answer:

(nghe thấy rõ you should learn English) The person sounds serious.

Câu 182: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:

Since they spoke only Japanese, we used signs and ________ to make ourselves
understood. gestures

Câu 183: Choose the correct word for the following definition:

Unable to hear, either completely or partly. deaf (khiếm thính)

Câu 184: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:

______ worship is a beautiful tradition of Vietnamese people on Tet holidays.


Câu 185: Listen and answer the following question:

Who is Filiz? Lana’s translator

Câu 186: Choose the correct characteristic for the following genre:

telephone message ‘beep’ sound

Câu 187: Choose the correct description of the sign we make with our hands when we
want to communicate the following message:

Hello! Hold our hand up with our palms facing towards the other person
and wave

Câu 188: Listen and choose the correct answer:

(nghe rõ come on, learn with us, lên giọng cuối câu, giọng nữ)

The person sounds positive.

Câu 189: Choose one suitable word to fill in the gap:

Please read the ________ carefully before starting the machine. instructions

Câu 190: Choose the correct description of the sign we make with our hands when we
want to communicate the following message:

Please be quiet. Holding finger to lips

Câu 191: Listen and answer the following question:

What is each family’s own way of communicating called? home language

Câu 192: Listen and answer the following question:

How many languages will disappear in the next 80 years? More than half

Câu 193: Choose the word that is different from the others.

wave, pat, speak, pet speak

Câu 194: Choose the word that has a silent ‘L’.

flag, walk, pull, will walk

Câu 195: Choose the correct word to complete the following sentence:
‘______’ describes the special characteristics of a text, e.g. a news report usually has
one person speaking, it is factual and formal and it begins with a short description of
the main stories. Genre

Câu 196: Listen and answer the following question:

How did Lana learn to use sign language? She picked it up naturally.

Câu 197: Choose the word that has a silent ‘L’.

should, problem, black, always should

Câu 198: Choose the correct characteristic for the following genre:

museum tour

one speaker describing objects and what we can learn from them

Câu 199: Choose the word that is different from the others.

deaf, blind, healthy, mute healthy

Câu 200: Listen and answer the following question:

Igil is usually decorated with what? a horse’s head

Câu 201:

Câu 202:

Câu 203:

Câu 204:

Câu 205:

Câu 206:

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