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It is with great pleasure that I write this letter of recommendation for Stacy, a talented

and dedicated student with whom I have been fortunate to work closely with as her
school counsellor and librarian as well for the past four years. Stacy possesses an
amazing passion for learning, alongside a unique ability to balance her academic
pursuits with a diverse range of extracurricular activities. I am confident that her
skills, personality, and positive mind will make her an asset to your institution.

Her role as the Library Prefects President for a period of two years further show her
dedication and commitment to making a positive impact in our library and our school at
large. During her tenure, Stacy has showed great dedication and creativity by introducing
amazing ideas to improve library services to our patrons, which was suffering apathy.

Stacy’s self-motivation and discipline have allowed her to prioritize her goals and say no to
opportunities that might detract from her overall success. In all my years as a counselor, I
have seldom come across a student as passionate, and committed as Stacy. Her unique
combination of academic excellence, leadership, and a genuine desire to make a difference
in the lives of others make her an ideal candidate for your institution.

I am confident that your institution is the best environment for Stacy to continue pursuing
her educational career, with opportunities available at your institution, they will
undoubtedly help Stacy thrive and achieve her full potential.

Thank you for considering my recommendation. Should you require any further information,
please do not hesitate to contact me.

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