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Tìm kiếm nguồn hàng, HĐNT

- Hàng hóa cần nhập, một số mô phẩm của hải quan:
+Laneig Lip mast 30g
+Inishfree green tea
+hydrating animo acid
+cleaning foane
+Toboco Sun Cream
-Doanh nghiệp nhập hàng : style Korean
B1. Gửi bảng hỏi giá:

Dear Sir Madam
I from ABCD family group, Viet Nam . Curently, we are looking for cometics supplier for ours compay. I
see your adverting on website www Please let us know the detailed price list of he
following items:
Commodity Quality Packing
1.Laneig Lip: mask 20g 2000 units
2. Inishfree green tea hydrating 1500 units
(150g) amino acid cleansing
3. Toboco cotton solt sun stick 2000 units
SPE50+ PA ++++ 20g

- We would also appreciate it if you could send some samples of material so that we can examine the
texture and quality!
If we can copperate. I hope you will give us more prefencential wanantly promotion policies!
We look forward to your early reply your offer!
Thank you and best regard

Nguyễn Mai Huyền

Sale manager- email

B2. Sau khi nhận được bảng báo giá →quyết định kí hợp đồng như sau:

No: 1
Date: 29th September, 2023
Between: ABCD family group
491c2 Do Xuan Hop Street, District 9, Ho Chi Minh City
Tel: 039 8646 926
Account no: 1020015942 Vietcombank
Hereinafter called: The Buyer
And : Limited liability style Company Silicon 2- Style
680 Sampyeong Dong,Bundang Gu, Seongnam City ,Kyungi Do,Korea
Hereinafter called : The Seller
Both parties muatually agree to sign this contract under following iterms condidtion:
Article 1: Descrips of Goods
- 1st shipment: Lapneige lip mask 20g
+ Unit price : : 870.00/ MTS CIF HCM port, VN, incoterm 2010
Quanlity: 300 kgs (+-0,5 PCT)
- 2st shipment: Inishfree green tea hydrating amoni acid cleaning foam
+ Unit price:870.00/MT CIF HCM port , VN, incoterm 2010
+Quanlity: 300kgs (+-0,5 PCT)
- 2st shipment: Toboco cotton soft sun stick SPF 50+ PA ++++
+unit price: 870.00/MT CIF HCM port, VN, Incoterm 2010
+ Quanlity: 200kgs(+-0,5 PCT)
Total quanlity: 660kgs (+-0,5 PCT)
Total account: 575.00 USD (+-0,5)
Origin: Korea
Manufacturer: Style Silicon 2 CO,LT
Article 2: Term of delivery:
+ Pactical shipment : Not allowed
+ Transhipment : Allowed
+ Port of shipment:
+ Port of discharge: HO CHI MINH city port
+ Lastest of shipment : 15th October, 2023
Article 3: Payment schedule:
- 20% of the contract value must be paid by TT in advance 3 days after contract's date otherwise
The remain 80% of contract value must be paid by LC at right. L/C must be issued within 8 days after
contract's date. The contract will be canceled if L/C doesn't open on time. Period for presentation :
Within 8 days from the date of shipment.
*Document required :
1. Signed commercial invoice in 03 orginals indiciating credit number and date.
2. 3/3 orginal clean on board bill of lading, market to the oder of VCB,HCM Branch, notify the BUYER
3. Packing list in 03 orginals
4. Full set of orginal insurance policy covering all risks
5. Certificate of orgin issued
Article 4: Packing list:
+ Packed in the hard paper box, dimesions as follows: 50*40*30 cm
+One box contains a maximun of 100 products
+Secure the list with tape, wrap the product with a least 2 layer of air bubbles
+ Insert 3cm-5cm thick foam around the box to recnforce the product
Article 5: Arbitration:
Any dispute between the buyer and the seller will be settled amicably at first.If it does not rach to
agreeable result,both sides should appoint their own representative to from interbational arbitration
in Viet Nam to resolve the problem. Decision reach by this arbitration will be final and binding to both
Article 6: General coditions
This contract is made in 04 English orginals, 02 for each party of equal value, any amendment and
additional clause shall be valid only if made in writting , sent by fax, and confirmed by both parties.

B2: Điều kiện giao hàng CIF được hai bên thỏa thuận nên bên bán sẽ là người thuê tàu
• Tên hàng:
- Laneig lips mask
- Inishfree grean tea hydrating amoni acid cleaning foam 150g
- Toco cotton soft sun stick SPF 50+ PA++++
• Số lượng cont (cont 20 DC, khô)
• Cảng bốc hang : Incheon, Hàn Quốc
• Cảng dỡ hang : Ho Chi Minh, Việt Nam
• Thời gian hàng sẵn sàng : 30/09/2023
- Xin giấy phép nhập khẩu cho lô hàng

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