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I. Content Standard:
The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/her understanding
of British-American Literature, including Philippine Literature and other text types for a deeper
appreciation of Philippine Culture and those of other countries.

National Competency:

EN9LC-IVf-13.3: Differentiate biases from prejudices.

Local Competency:

Develop a short story that shows bias and prejudice.

Learning Objectives:

1. Differentiate biases from prejudices;

2. Create sample scenarios that shows bias and prejudice;

3. Reflect on the impact of bias and prejudice in their lives.

II. Learning Content

Lesson: Bias and Prejudice

Materials: Laptop, Power Point Presentation, Pictures, Manila paper

References: Most Essential Learning Competency (MELC)

English 9 Learning Activity Sheet

Value Focus: Respectfulness

Subject Integration: Araling Panlipunan & ESP

III. Learning Tasks:

- Opening Prayer

- Checking of Attendance

- Review of the previous lesson

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Activity

The teacher will group the students into

three. Each group will be given five minutes
to do their tasks.

What are the guidelines in doing group  Choose a leader, secretary, and a
activities? reporter.
 Minimize your voices.
 Participate with your group.

Directions: Identify the statements that you
think are UNFAIR. Write your answers on the
manila paper.

1. All victims of typhoon Yolanda were given

assistance and food.
2. Those vaccines are offered for free to the
rich people only.
3. It is believed that Ana won the contest
because of her close attachment to the
4. A judge who is related to a particular
politician dismisses the case against his
5. Our parents set equal limits and consistent
in guiding us in our household task.

Directions: Make a short dramatization on the
given scenario.

1. The guy was not hired in the position

because of his tattooed arms and neck.

Directions: Make a short dramatization on the
given scenario.

1. Jay is being bullied because of his dark skin.

(The teacher will check the works of the

students.) GROUP 1
1. Those vaccines are offered for free to the
rich people only.
2. It is believed that Ana won the contest
because of her close attachment to the
3. A judge who is related to a particular
politician dismisses the case against his

(Dramatization may vary.)

(Dramatization may vary.)
E. Evaluation

Directions: Tell whether the situation presented is a bias or a prejudice. Write B if it states a bias and P
if it states a prejudice. Write your answers directly on a ¼ sheet of paper.
___1. The CEO of a company only hires men.
___2. A judge, who is related to a politician, dismisses the case against his relative.
___3. Because he is poor, he is always accused of stealing every time his rich neighbor’s valuable things
are lost.
___4. Some Muslims are assumed to be terrorists and eventually being discriminated.
___5. A teacher gives high grade to her student who shares the same religious belief with her.

F. Assignment

Directions: Create a short story that shows bias or prejudice. It should have at least eight sentences
with the appropriate use of grammar. Write it on a short bond paper.


Joy is a Grade 9 student at Old Sagay National High School. She always arrives late at school.
Her classmates would laugh and tease her.

“Why are you late in my class, Joy?” asked Mrs. Reyes, her English teacher.
“I-I’m sorry, ma’am. I… I,” she answered while stuttering.
“Ma’am, she’s late because she’s tardy and irresponsible!” shouted one of her classmates.

Joy just bowed her head in embarrassment. She then started crying silently.

“Hey! Don’t say that. Don’t you know that she’s helping her mother sell some banana cue
before going to school? She also needs to babysit her younger brother while her parents are away. Not
all late students are tardy and irresponsible. She just have responsibilities to deal with and I hope,
you’ll understand and respect that,” stated Marie, their class president.

Her classmate apologized to her. From then on, she was never again bullied in the shool.


Content ---------------------------------- 10 points

Clarity (Grammar Usage) ------------ 10 points

20 points

Prepared by:


English Teacher

Approved by:



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