Recognizing Quantum Fields - Holo-Application

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Recognizing the
Quantum Field…


Dipl.-Soz. Frauke Kaluzinski

August 2011

Original edition 08/2011

Copyright by Frauke Kaluzinski

English translation by
Christiane – Carolin Koch

Production and distribution:

Books on Demand GmbH,

Ricarda Block


Quantum Dreams

Quantum dreams –
unknown to them are limitations,
you should offer them your gratitude
when they, removed from space and time,
shape themselves to your dream,
become the mirror of your fantasy
turn into matter, solid as never before.

to be continued on p. 72


Frauke Kaluzinski was born in 1963 in
Lüneburg, Germany.
After spending her 12th grade in Highschool
in Hudson/Ohio, she completed her advanced
technical college certification in design and
graphics in Hamburg, Germany. A great interst
in human behaviour and codes of conduct lead
her to a university degree in scociology and
economics. Her dissertation included a
juxtaposition of the teachings of C. G. Jung
and Martin Buber.

Throughout her life the mother of two

children was searching tirelessly for answers
to life’s questions in the field of psychology,
the world religions, esoteric trends and last but
not least quantum physics. „What does it mean
to be human? What is our purpose? And why
do we often behave so idiosyncratically?
The breakthrough finally came with the
melding of the above-mentioned fields and the
newer quantum physics. The mosaic showed a
startlingly simple formula:

The path to doing is being.

Lao Tse


Introduction 8
1. Quantum Leap 10
2. Max Planck on God 13
3. Wave or particle? 17
4. Creation or Creator? 22
5. An appeal to the reader 24
6. InFormation has occurred 29
7. What do our thoughts revolve around? 31
8. Everything is a question of application 32
9. Will the Creation one day come
face to face with the creator 34
10. The human being 39
11. Creation of man – a microcosm? 43
12. The Son ~ the Light ~ the Understanding ~
Christ (Consciousness) ~ is an inherent part
of creation 50
13. Healing with symbols 53
14. Observations by Viktor Schauberger 55
15. Karl von Eckartshausen 56
16. Mayas and the shift in time 57
17. I know that I know nothing 59
18. The Sine Wave 64
19. The phenomenon of Black Holes 71
20. Quantum space 73
21. Curtains up 74
22. My own refkections 76
23. Right and left side of the brain 79
24. Quantum healing and the 2-Point Method 81
25. Conclusion 83


How big is the Universe? In my thoughts, I go

to the end of the world and beyond. What is
there? Maybe unmanifest BEING - the
primordial soup - nothingness - God - spirit -
the love that dwells in hidden places? But God
revealed himself; otherwise, we would not

In the beginning was the Word. The


Matter is primordial soup in-formed,

Matter is condensed light
Matter is the photon when it is observed,

Who observes - who measures - who judges?

The human being - I.
Am I merely creation or am I also the creator?
The discoveries of quantum mechanics lead to
fascinating answers;
a worldview that turns everything upside
But once understood (internalized), it leads
directly to the quantum leap -
the expanded state of BEING human.


He, who seeks for truth,

must not take fright,
when he finds it.
Chinese proverb


1. Quantum Leap

At this point in time, we talk of the

impending leap in human consciousness.
In my opinion, this brings the possibility of
two diametrically opposing developments for
Human beings on earth are primarily focused
on material reality. In increasing measure, this
material reality also contains the conscious
perception of the subtle realms such as the
ether, the astral, and the mental spheres.

In its struggle to survive, humanity has to find

a way that will ensure its continued existence
on the material plane. Humanity, nature and
the atmosphere are attuned to each other to the
minutest detail. A comparatively small change
in the atmosphere - barometric pressure, state
of vibration - could instantly wipe out all
forms of life on this planet.

With the beginning of the third millennium, a

so-called star year - a cycle of 26.000 years,
draws to its conclusion.

I ask of myself: where does humanity find
itself at this point? And where is it headed?
It seems to me that the time of the material -
the bigger, better and more imposing - is
losing its appeal. In increasing measure the
focus shifts to the smaller things. Even to the
very smallest of things that can hardly be
called a thing at all. Headlines about
contemporary science are increasingly
dominated by light photons, strings/string
theory and ‘the Field’.
Is the human being God’s creation or rather
co-creator with God? Everything is, is possible
and conceivable. Are we creating our world -
or even each and every one of us our
individual worlds? Is everything dependent on
the observer? Or does the world outside
actually exist in an objective way?
If you have not yet discovered this for
yourself, it is a topic that requires utterly new
synaptic connections in the brain.
With a little sense of exploration on your part,
it will develop an amazing dynamic of its own.
This is how I felt when quantum physics and
quantum philosophy entered my life.
I was delighted to discover that our (still)
mostly unregulated internet offers a vast
variety of wonderful information, videos, and
forums for discussion.

With a background in humanities, it was still
possible for me to immerse myself in the field
of natural science and to ‚feel at home’.
How often did I ‚see the light’ while watching
physics experiments on YouTube? And new,
barely tangible understanding and awareness
tried to manifest itself within my mind.
The content of this book moves in the tension
field of particle and wave, creation and
creator, or - in the words of Erich Fromm:
“Having or Being”.

The following is an attempt to put in words

what can hardly be put in words, because
it is based on a human understanding - in my
case female understanding - that develops deep
inside and grows to become a certainty. It is no
personal possession and could never be called
so. The source that this experience springs
from is in the non-personal. And yet this
experience is instantly accessible to anyone
who opens himself or herself.

2. Max Planck on God

"So all our lives we find ourselves subjected

to a higher power whose nature we will never
be able to comprehend from a scientific point
of view and which equally cannot be ignored
by any thinking person. In the light of this,
for a contemplative man, there can be only
two attitudes to chose from:

Either fear and hostile resistance

or awe and trusting devotion.

In either case, there is no choice for man but

to struggle through life patiently and
persistently whilst bowing to this higher
power watching over him."



3. Wave or particle?

In physics, the phenomenon of light has been a

mystery for a long time. Do light photons
behave like particles or do they resemble wave
In the field of quantum physics, this question
leads to startling results.
There is an experimental setup called the
‚double-slit experiment’. It illustrates this in
impressive form for non-scientists (like myself
and possibly you).
Looking for the ‘double-slit experiment’ on
YouTube is worthwhile.
If you have not previously looked into this, I
promise, it will shake your concept of reality.
Every answer found by physics through these
types of experiments brings with it a thousand
new questions.

“Our knowledge equals a drop. The unknown

equals the ocean.” Sir Isaac Newton

At first, I had intended to summarize the
‘double-slit experiment’ briefly, but I
discarded this idea. Enrich your life with the
current concepts of quantum physics. Do a
little research. The internet abounds with
astonishing information on this subject.
And don’t think that it might be beyond your
understanding. Often the problem is that our
way of thinking is too complicated. You may
even exchange your evening in front of the TV
for a tour of exploration online.
Even these riches are NOTHING, compared to
the potential you carry inside.
Should you have no online connection and
never have heard of the ‘double-slit
experiment’, I would just appeal to your

This book aims to get to the heart of these

complex relationships; to connect the dots or,
we could say, find the common


Wave ~ or particle · ?
Creation ~ or Creator · ?
Why can this, from a certain point of view, be seen
as the very same question?

“Matter is frozen light.”

Nobel laureates David Bohm and Albert Szent-Györgyi

E=mc2, Theory of Relativity, Albert Einstein

Energy (E) equals mass (m) times the speed of light
squared. (speed of light 299792 kilometres per
second). In other words: matter is energy, and
energy, in turn, is frequency. Everything resonates,
even our bodies.

“I am the Light of the world” John 8, verse 12

„Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness,

but will have the light of life.”Christ

„In the beginning was the Word ~ , and the Word

~ was with God · , and the Word ~ was God ·.
All things have been created by the word ~ ,
Without the word ~ , nothing is created.

In him was life, and that life was the light of all
mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the
darkness has not overcome it.
John 1, verse 1 – 3



4. Creation or creator ?

And the Word ~ became flesh ~ and dwelt among

us, and we have seen his glory ~, glory as of the
only Son ~ from the Father. ~ , full of grace ~ and
truth ~ .

John bore witness about him ~ , and cried out,

“This ~ was he of whom I said, ‘He who comes
after me ~ ranks before me, because he ~ was
before me. For from his fullness ~ we have all
received, grace ~ upon grace ~ .

For the law was given through Moses; grace ~ and

truth ~ came through Jesus Christ ~ .
No one has ever seen God · ; the only Son ~ ,who
is God © and who is at the Father’s side ©, he ~
has made him · known.

God · = © = prior to Creation

God · + Son ~ = ·~ =


God - Human

~ ~
~ ~~
5. An appeal to the reader

So far you may have skipped through these pages

and wondered what this might be all about.
This book attempts to approach the phenomenon
of Creation from an inner perspective. It is
looking for stillness – your calm – your devotion
and recognition.
Man carries omniscience within himself. It has
only been overlaid by idiosyncratic patterns of
On the following pages I will quote the words of
some thinkers and scientists to clarify my own
approach. My own intuitive knowing can be
confirmed by other approaches and by the results
of scientific studies. In our world, it is still a fact
that the ‚human vessel’ has to be filled by as much
content, as many academic titles and as much
expertise as possible.
My own life took me along the academic path of
the study of sociology, the teachings of C. G. Jung
and Martin Buber.
The Universal Teaching that has been carried into
the world for thousands of years by the bringers
of Light was my daily fare.
And yet I would say that the content of this book
has developed mainly from a state of ‚inner

In periods of stillness and focus, in a field of
emptiness, a state of vacuum develops. In this
seemingly vacant space, everything connects of
its own accord. This has nothing to do with
inactivity or hours of meditation. It merely refers
to a calming of our ever-churning thoughts and
waves of emotions.
Whilst writing this book, I have discovered the 2-
Point Method. It is also referred to as Quantum
Healing or Matrix Energetics. In this the
aforementioned sentence is of particular
“ In periods of stillness and focus, in a field of
emptiness, a state of vacuum develops. In this
seemingly vacant space, everything connects
of its own accord.” It is becoming more evident
to me that humanity finds itself on the verge of a
paradigm shift. One of the teachings of the 2-
Point Method is that by focusing on two points in
space simultaneously, a gateway to a different
state of being is opened. With this method, we
reach for the pure state of being, the matrix itself.
We let go of the focused – “the fixed, the specific,
the blockage” created by our own point of view
and reach to the root of all things, the primordial
soup. To fully grasp the potential of this Method
for us as human beings, is - in my view - the
challenge of the time to come. This method
allows us once again to become cleaner and

clearer vessels for the Light. However, whether
the human children will turn towards the spirit of
Love or the more ‘dubious materialistic state of
being’ and its minions is up to each individual.

More information regarding the 2-Point Method

can be found at the end of this book.

For a better understanding, I would also like to

mention, that it was my intentional choice to
begin this book with the “beginning of all
God – the first and only dimension of existence
before Creation – the ALL and also the NOTHING
– reveals itself in the second dimension – the
word – the son – the wave – or the resonance.
This wave resonates throughout the primordial
soup, the ‘Heavenly Dimension’.
When we view creation through the prism of time
and space, it forms a spiral – form is born.
Spins – the chakras – vortexes – planetary orbits
– the Milky Way – galaxies.
The spiral motion is inherently linked to the
shaping of “solid” matter. Because the seemingly
“solid” matter has been long since proven to be a
field of resonances and corresponding forces.

Japanese scientist Masuro Emoto was able to
demonstrate very clearly how water crystals
manifest the resonance of specific energies in
their formation. Through tens of thousands of
experiments, he discovered that water not only
holds positive and negative information but also
‘records’ music and words as well as emotions
and consciousness.

Water crystal “Thank You”

The crystal formed “by” Beethoven’s 9th Symphony

– The Ode to Joy – is very similar in its formation.
Erforderliche Parameter fehlen
oder sind falsch.

Primordial Soup

One of the most beautiful but also simplest of
water crystals is formed by the word “THANK
YOU”. From my point of view, this is the perfect
symbol for the transition of something un-formed
(the primordial soup) to something in-formed –
brought into formation – material existence.
The Human Being
The primordial soup is unstructured in its centre.
Towards the outside formation begins – the
structure, the differentiation, the specific
expression. The following quote is taken from the
above-mentioned YouTube video:
„We know that water, charged with positive
energy, will form a hexagonal crystal. The
reason for this is the manifestation of vibration
(= Hado), which is the ultimate source of
energy.“ However, if the water has been
informed by the word ‚idiot’, no crystal will
Man himself is made up of almost 80% water.
Thus it is easy to conclude that our thoughts will
have an immediate and formative effect on the
energetic state of our bodies.
Resonance is integrated into geometric force
fields. These, in turn, are held together by the
relating spiritual principles, which underpin all of

Related to the theme ‚from the primordial soup
form takes shape’, see also Prof. Dr. Dü rr (at the
end of the video) :

6. The In-form-ation has occurred

It is entirely possible to transfer this information

from one substance to another.
Take into consideration the phenomenon of
quantum entanglement or the way in which
homoeopathic medicines act. It is not my
intention to examine worldviews and paradigms
from a scientific perspective. My gift lies in the
realms of intuitive perception. But maybe in this
very form of perception lies the opportunity for
human consciousness to grasp a theme as
complex as creation, making it ‚re-create-able’.

The human of this new, dawning age moves

through the deepest darkness right now. (The
beginning of this new cycle of time is dated to
2001 based on the records of the Great Pyramid,
and 2012 according to the Mayan calendar.)
The sun’s transit of the galactic equator is only an
exterior, visible manifestation of humanities
disconnection from Source. (read Gregg Braden /
Fractal Times). The possibility to reconnect to
Source exists now and has existed throughout

time. This reconnection to source also equals a
reconnection to the matrix of creation.
Perfection surrounds us.
To every problem there is always a solution – the
only obstacle is our resonance, our perception.
Every problem always ‘knows’ its resolution. The
only obstacle to this is our individual resonance
structure. A myriad of ‘thoughts and feelings’
hampers, with almost professional skill, our
ability of true (in)sight. For many people, there is
an increasing awareness right now that we have
reached a barrier.
Our rise or fall depends on one single decision,
individually as well as collectively. In the end,
each and every one of us can only decide for
ourselves. This is where our ability to act, our
power lies.

Nothing will change unless I change myself.

Everything changes, as soon as I change

One loaded sentence with far-reaching

consequences. Often it is only our way of
perception that shifts.

7. What do our thoughts revolve around?

And this question is to be taken quite literally.

Do our thoughts (the spinning of light photons)
revolve around spiritual questions - Does our own
light wish to reconnect to divine light, to be in
resonance with the Divine Light? Or do we
‚material beings’ dig deeper and deeper into the
material aspects of our being?
To which aspect of our perception do we
connect? The mind/spirit or the material – wave
or particle? An individual particle is always one
part of a greater whole. Being a part(icle) already
suggests being ‚apart’. In this physical incarnation
on earth, we are apart. This is unavoidable.
As beings of light, as light bodies, we form a
(physical)body of a myriad of cells. We are now
subject to different flows of energy and rules of
‚nature’. These are, more like an analogy, only
vaguely connected to the true nature of our being.
Goethe was familiar with this thought:

“Two souls, alas, exist in my breast,

One separated from another:
One, with its crude love of life, just
Clings to the world, tenaciously, grips tight, 1115
The other soars powerfully above the dust,
into the far ancestral height.”

8. Everything is a question of application

Time spins right or moves linear – on and on and

on. What would happen if time wound
The dervish spins left.
What a dance?

This Ritual of Sema found its origins in the

philosophy of Rumi. (Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi)

The following is a small extract from „Delphin

Magazin“ ARALIK/Zwischenzeitraum/2009

It is scientifically accepted that the primary

requirement for our existence is a spinning
motion. There is no being or object that is not
spinning. Every being is made up of atoms
surrounded by spinning electrons, protons and
neutrons. Everything spins. The human being is
alive because of the spinning of particles, the
cycles of blood flow, the life cycles – the cycle of
birth and death. Of earth, we are made, to
earth we return. Of course, all these
movements are natural and unconscious. But
the human being has consciousness and
intelligence, which sets him apart from other
beings. Thus the spinning dervish or Semazen

becomes an intentional and conscious part of
this movement, which all beings are a part of.
Contrary to a commonly held belief, it is not the
aim of the Semazen to reach a state of ecstasy.
Rather he spins in harmony with nature – with
the smallest cells and the celestial bodies. Thus
he bears witness to the majesty and existence
of the Creator; his thoughts are drawn to HIM,
he offers all his gratitude to HIM, he prays to
„ ... his thoughts are drawn to HIM, he offers all
his gratitude to HIM, he prays to HIM.“
Where do we find the common denominator of all
religions, all worldviews, and all human striving?
Does a common goal exist? Can this goal be found
and, more importantly, reached by everyone in
the same measure?
How can a part(icle) reconnect to the whole?
Considering the number of (religious) wars, the
strive, and the social injustice, it is easy to answer
in the negative. But should not every human
being be entitled to fully express the same
potential, in accordance with the aim of human
Every human being has to be fully equipped to
return to the full connection with Source at any
given point in time, depending on his or her own
decision. This is and has always been my

conviction – an inner knowing that has been with
me from the beginning.
Nothing else makes sense in the long run.
Deep down inside myself, I always knew, that
there had to be a very simple and easily
accessible way. This path does not take a
superhuman effort. No human being has to
achieve the ‚superhuman’. It is the divine spark
that has been instilled in all of us and that merely
needs to ‘re-awaken’.


9.Will Creation one day come face to face

with the Creator?

My answer is – yes! And this revelation is closer

than our hands and feet.
Christ says: „I am the light of the world.“
In modern language: I am the light photon, the
coherent light, the all-pervading life force,
omnipresent, eternal, undefined.
I am without space and time – in everything.
This light surrenders to the world and lies hidden
in the form, in matter. We have bonded with the
superficial. We have chosen appearances.

Let us chose the light, the love and life itself.
Only in this way will we find true peace.
Then we surrender consciously to the guidance of
life itself, to the Divinity, which says:
„ I am the way and the truth and the life.“

It is the Christ Essence (Krishna) that will guide

us safely through the external chaos of a period of
Old patterns of thought and behaviour give way
in the face of new force patterns of energy.

The parameters for this new possibility of self-

initiation are now better than ever before. For the
human beings of today, self-initiation signifies
‚surrender of the self’ or ‚devotion of the self’ to

Our heart is the stable of Bethlehem where the

Christ child will be born.
In other words:
Christ’s body is divided into a myriad of cells
(omnipresent). Each and every human being
carries such a cell. Every single cell contains the
blueprint of the ‚All’. As human beings, we can
resonate with this divine blueprint.
Human beings who come together with this
intention form an energy field.

„For where two or three gather in my name, there
am I with them.”

Is humanity ready to shift from the information

age to the age of consciousness? This quantum
leap is beautifully illustrated by the 2-Point
Method. At long last, this is a method that
demands that we take 100% responsibility for
our own thoughts and, even more importantly,
100% responsibility for our own emotions.
No more wailing and moaning, but gratitude and
love – for creator and creation – for self and
However the ‘innermost’ choice with regards to
‘the direction of the spin’ remains:
Will the ‚I’ die – in order to melt/meld into BEING
- into ‚trinity’, or will the ‚my’ come to the fore –
in a self-created ‚ideal world’, a world that is
shaped by heavenly images, the opening of new
worlds of perception – the astral worlds, the
realms of our galactic neighbours and so on.
The impending shift in consciousness for
humankind towards the subtle realms, towards
the astral worlds is dizzying. This carries with it a
danger that should not be underestimated:
the deceptive assumption of being on the right
track to coming close to the Absolute.

There is a world outside of – above and below –
our physical existence. The realms of angels,
ascended masters, extraterrestrials, elementals,
nature spirits. We learn from them. They are as
real or unreal as our own physical manifestation.
There is an endless numbre of beings, which, to
ordinary sight often invisible, populate our
universe and hold it together.
However, the source of everything is ‘the
undefined’ – the space between, ‘the
nothingness’. Thus the human being exists on two
plains: on one level he is the identification with
his own thoughts, feelings, emotions, sensory
perceptions, judgments and creations. On another
level, the human being is the observer – without
judgment, without involvement, not drawn in.
He becomes BEING.
He allows all to BE.
It is as it is.
He turns to Source – to the pure consciousness
from which everything springs. Now the human is
entirely free and independent, able to realize
everything that resonates from Divinity. In this
act, there is no personal intention – no ‚MINE’ and
‚YOURS’. Man has become the son or daughter of
the ALL-PERVADING, God in revelation, a
resonating cell of the whole. It says in the Book of
‚Levi’, the gospel of Aquarius of Jesus the Christ
(7th reprint 1984, page 193):

22 As they go on chatting, the Master says: "What do the
people say about the Son of Man? Who do they think I
23 Matthew says, "Some think you are David who has
come back. Others think you are Enoch or Solomon."
24 Andrew adds, "I heard a chief priest say, this man is
Jeremiah, for he speaks as Jeremiah wrote."
25 Nathanael explains, "The foreign masters who went
with us for a while said Jesus is probably the returned
26 And James said, "I think most of the men of our
authorities see in you Elijah, who again dwells on earth."
27 John said, "I heard a seer in Jerusalem remark that
this Jesus was Melchizedek, the King of Peace, who lived
two thousand years ago, and who prophesied then that he
would come again."
28 Thomas added: "Herod believes that you are John the
Baptist, who rose from the dead. But his conscience
troubles him, and in his dreams he sees the murdered
man like a ghost of the night haunting him."
30 And Jesus asks the disciples, "Who do you think I
31 And Peter says. "You are the Christ, are the love of
God made manifest to men."
32 Jesus said to him, "Blessed are you Simon son of
Jonah, for you have made known that truth which God
gave you."
33 You are the rock and will one day become a pillar in
the temple of God."
34 This confession of yours is the cornerstone of our
faith, is a rock of strength. On this rock the Church of
Christ will stand."

10. The Human Being

Man carries in his heart

~ Light

~ Love

~ Life

the whole Creation

Christus ~ Krishna ~ Buddha ~ ~ ~

The spirit of truth cannot be written about or
captured in books. It lies hidden in the heart.
However, if Divine spirit touches a pure soul, it
becomes a living experience – an inner knowing.

~ this special resonance has characteristics that

differ from anything know to us.
~ this love ~ this ‚inner’ light ~ this grace ~ this
knowledge ~ this life cannot be tied down. It
would be more easily described as a sphere of
influence. A field, that cannot be measured in its
extension or intensity.

All-pervading and omnipresent.

Attributes that we have given Divinity. The ~ is
revelation and all is created from this wave ~ . If
every form of creation would resonate with the
spirit of Divinity, all would be eternal and
omnipresent. Every thought would be an absolute
state of being.

„I am the way, the truth and the life.“

Christ = way transcendent + intrinsic

Christ = truth transcendent + intrinsic
Christ = life transcendent + intrinsic

As an attitude towards life, this means to me the
conscious alignment and surrender to the divine
– connecting, spiritual, flowing, to constantly
giving of one’s self,
the intermediary * the Light of the World * the

Only where there is measurement, “judgement”,

Matter, as we know it, takes shape.

Who judges?

God created an ocean of possibilities. God does

not judge.

Only man judges and measures.

My consciousness.

Your consciousness.

Their consciousness.

From the ocean of possibilities,

man chooses one, commits himself.
The segregation has happened.
The ‚I’
has been created.

11. Creation – the human microcosm?

Force in space

Connected to all

A resonating cell?

One part of the whole Macrocosm?

Love is the frequency of Divinity

Man and his own creation

Sensory perception

in resonance ~


~ Life



Fear tightens. Fear equals a tightening;
to withdraw, to build protective walls, to defend
one’s kingdom. Fear paralysis. Fear only sees
itself. It divides – it creates images of enemies.

Our world is ruled and dominated by visions of

fear. Fear of losing your job, your children – the
house. Fear of punishment, rejection, exclusion.

Fear is the control mechanism for our so-called

advanced society. In which direction will this
society develop? Towards even more fear,
uncertainty and isolation.

Fear exist, because material things exist ... ,that

can be lost. The painful end is death. We would
remain trapped in this haze of fear if death would
not put an end to it all.

Thus there is a new chance, choice, opportunity.

What do I align myself with?
Material things or the inner light of the spirit?

God - Human

~ ~
~ ~~
~ ~
~ ~


~ ~
12. The Son ~ The Light ~ The
Understanding ~ Christ (Consciousness) ~
is an inherent part of creation

If there is neither You nor I to observe and

determine, all is superposition.
The ocean of possibilities
removed from time and space.
Christ is coherent light(photon),
the phenomenon of quantum entanglement.
He is the mediator who reunites that which
was once separated from the divine.

Dr. rer. Nat Ulrich Warnke says in his book

‚Quanten-Philosophie und Spiritualitä t on page
170 and following:
„Electrons and protons, the smallest units of
charged matter, are the source of a consistently
radiating force field. This never-ending source of
energy, that we call an elemental charge,
originates from the vacuum. Precisely these
charges with their electrical potential are the
causes of force and time operations. Charges are
transmitted by photons – virtual photons in the
case of static fields and real photons in
electromagnetic fields.
Yet photons merely transmit information
regarding forces to masses, not the forces

Thus photons are communication intermediaries.
In the end, all connections within the organism are
ensured by the activity of electrons, which are
transmitted by the spins of the electrons. Spins are
the materialized information of the collapsed
waveform of the electron.”

„No one comes to the Father except through

me“ (John, verse 14,6) or „God will not forsake
the work of his own hands.“By the power of our
thoughts, or better still, by the inherent power of
Christ radiation, the photon can be turned and
rotated. If I myself, or - from a broader perspective,
humankind as a whole – shifts its primary focus to
this visible (or sometimes invisible) material world,
we are bound by its laws. This means everything
that is born and reaches fruition also must die. And
yet if you look at this from a perspective of quantum
mechanics, it too is only one ‚possible reality'.
Matter in its static, existential sense does not exist.
What remains is the TUNING IN to the 'all' ~ the
greater whole ~ to the vacuum ~ to the nothingness
~ if we look at it on a level of information ~ to the
matrix ~ to the primordial soup. With the use of the
2 Point Method, we begin to move from an
individual field of consciousness towards this united
whole – this „pure state of consciousness".

The word - the imagination creates the cohesive
forces of material reality.

This process is mostly subconscious yet magical.

Faith, whatever kind of faith, is the ‚glue' – the
alignment of the photon. Feelings and emotions
amplify this a thousandfold. We ourselves send out
the impulses that become the basis of our own
personal ‚reality'. In this way, we have made
ourselves the creator. Still, as a precaution, our
potential to create has been restricted to a particular
cosmic field. I assume this is related to the height of
frequency (or in our case 'lowness of frequency') at
which we resonate.

In this sense, matter is solidified spiritual power.

The field of creation for man is the earthly material,

aether, and astral plane. This is where our
imagination and unconscious intentions become
reality, at least on an individual level of
consciousness. On this plane, we search in vain for
peace, truthfulness, and stability.
Hidden in a buried place at the level of our heart, we
each carry the divine resonance potential ~ . In this,
we find the key to the shift. This key can be used in
very different ways.
This is an example of the physical plane - the body:

13. „Healing with signs“ or symbols

Which people, which culture has not made use of

this hidden knowledge, has used it for its own
purposes and passed it on in secret ways?
Why in secret ways? Signs and symbols are keys of
power. They are used as links to existing frequencies
and resonances, be it positive or negative. To be
precise, the desired frequencies are heightened and
brought into resonance. When we talk about
„healing with signs", certain signs or symbols are
specifically used to harmonize dissonant
wavelengths. These dissonances have manifested as
pain, allergies or disease. They are „re-tuned" to a
healthy state of being. How can this be?
The following explanation is given in the booklet
'Healing with Signs' by L. B. Rheinfelder and K. J.
“We owe the rediscovery of the healing power of
signs to the Viennese electrical engineer and
explorer of life-energies Erich Körbler: the painting
of the body by using very specific and highly
effective geometric symbols on the skin, also the
creation of healing water by information transfer.
Körbler called this method „new homeopathy"."
The aim of healing with signs is to dissolve
blockages in the energy system, to reconnect to the

flow of life. Who could be surprised to discover that
the key symbol for healing is a sine wave?
The dissonance, the disease, the blockage is
overridden (overwritten) by a sine wave.
This can be done using „informed water" or by
direct application of the symbol to the skin. The
healing success is astounding.
At the moment this method is being recognized and
furthered in its uses by the biologist, alternative
practitioner, and author Layena Bassols Rheinfelder.
She is also the founder of the PraNeoHom Institute.
Healing - transformation - or conscious controlling
of reality only achieve a state of permanence by the
distinct focus on ‘Creation’. There is a state of
BEING, a ‘higher’ order and there is the coherent
resonance of UNITY. Any kind of dis-order or dis-
ease is instantly made whole in the consciousness of
ONENESS. Only one question remains:
Which consciousness determines the state of being?
My limited consciousness or ‘pure unity
From the perspective of the Highest, there is only
BEING. Outside of time and space, everything has
always existed. There is no movement, no
development – only presence. Man carries both
states of BEING within himself. He is inhabitant and
co-creator of the ‘material universe’ – yet he can
also simply BE – exist. In this simple state of

‘simply being’ man will find everything he longs in
life: love, peace, happiness, authenticity and
absolute independence of external influences. He
resonates with and is guided by the omniscience that
rises from within.

14. Observations by V. Schauberger
teil.../334/ - an excerpt:
“According to Schauberger in nature there exist two
movements of energy in polar opposition. He calls them
‘natural’ and ‘unnatural’ forms of energy.
“As is well known that there are only bipolar and mutually
intensifying opposites in nature, the question is: which motion
of energy serves the construction and which the destruction of
The natural motion works without friction and resistance. It is
free of pressure and warmth, implosive, reductive, attractive,
and centripetal.
He also calls it the feminine energy with a negative charge.”
“the unnatural motion of energy uses resistance, creates
pressure and heat, is explosive, increasing, repelling and
centrifugal. This is the positively charged, male energy. It is
gravitational and thus repulsing and disintegrating …
In nature, both forces exist and serve their
purpose. The disintegrating energy is essential. It
returns the old and diseased, that which cannot be
cured, everything that is dying or dead to the circle
of life. Thus nourishing the new, the purified.”

Before my inner eye, this instantly conjures up the
image of the ever-expanding universe. The analogy
would be the distancing from Source and the gradual
return to the ‘inner source’ – to Spirit, the hub, the
immovable – to God who is the source of all.
The prodigal son returns, enriched by a universe of
understanding and realization.
He was lead from the unconscious to
consciousness. (Luke 15, 11)
15. Karl von Eckartshausen
“God only longs to forgive, to draw back to
himself, to enclose in the fold and bring joy to those
who suffer sadness. – If I move away from the light
of the sun and intentionally hide in the darkness
amongst rocks, I will lose the warmth of the sun’s
rays. But the sun will always remain the benevolent
sun. The sense of cold and darkness is merely a
consequence of my decision to move away from its
radiance. I cannot complain that the sun is
punishing me. Rather I have to admit: I feel the
consequences of my voluntary separation.”

Imagine that everything inside of you is love – life

and light itself – by the grace of the inborn coherent
light (principle) of the Son of God.
Imagine this with all of your being. It is not
possible… you are in the way. And yet:

Only in this way will you feel an increase of light
in your life, will you be able to bring love and
suffuse your life in radiant joy.

16. The Maya

The Maya have predicted the beginning of a new

age around 2011/12. Online, you can read the
“We have entered into the 9th and final level of
(universal) consciousness on March 8th 2011. This
9th and final level has 13 periods lasting 18 days. It
will last only 234 days. This is the end and also the
new beginning of the Mayan Calendar.”
Elsewhere it says:
If it is the purpose of the ninth wave to create
harmony from all that has gone before, then it is
our task to ask the Divine for guidance on how to
achieve this. If we are asking for global harmony,
it is not enough to ask for our egos to guide us.
Instead, right from the start, we will have to ask
questions like: “How can I serve the Cosmic
Plan?” or “What can I contribute to the
manifestation of Unity Consciousness?”

And what will follow? There are a thousand and one

speculations on this. Forced into a specific time
frame, one might say: the next 16,4 billion years

(one age of the Mayan Calendar) of human
evolution - of human creation, have begun.
A further 16,4 billion years of human evolution
sounds fascinating. It has always been part of the
cosmic plan, yet I hope that not every individual
‘microcosm = human’ will have to take this journey.
It will include experiences of paradise, yet it will
also carry with it much suffering. The phenomenon
of time will change during this period. It will be
possible to alter past and future by conscious control
of reality – they turn into a well of resources. The
final remaining question will be: What is my goal?
Will I choose the resonance with the archetypal
principle of the heart or will I create ‘reflections’ in
the material and astral worlds? Guided by ignorance
and curiosity, many will choose the earthly and
cosmic astral realms. With great euphoria, humanity
charges ahead to discover these new realms. We
come into contact with forms of being inside and
outside of Earth - with former inhabitants, with
angels, ascended masters, and extra-terrestrials. At
this point, we are overwhelmed by a wave of new
and incredible information. Yet more and even
much, much more still does not equal ‘salvation’ or
Reconnection to the Divine is closer to us than our
hands and feet. There is no need for evolution, for
development, for a hunter-gatherer mentality, not
even for time or anything external.

It is merely about being in resonance.

What did Plato say?

“I know that I know nothing.”

17. I know that I know nothing

Based on my own experience I can agree with this

statement. As normal, causal-ly thinking beings, we
continually come to our own conclusions finding
ourselves in considerable chaos. How could the
talents and experiences of the life of a single human
being possibly understand all the consequences and
effects of his or her actions?
Would it not make sense to connect to, be in
resonance with, the Omniscient?
To exchange one’s own limited perspective with
omniscience? What a tempting offer.
But this offer is actually real and has existed since
the beginning time.
How do we get there? …………….. It is so simple.
It is in every book, is much discussed in workshops
and esoteric fairs:
The EGO, the EGO has to be overcome. It is
shouted out loud. It is much discussed and argued
over. We travel to far-flung countries and unknown
gurus (a little humorous look at myself…). We

think, we know much, have come a long way – the
newest methods, techniques, crystals, powers,
channelings, angels and healing herbs – yes… all of
this may be part of your journey – and yet in all
likelihood, you will reach a certain point and you
will say: I know that I know nothing.
You have passed through the highs and lows. Often
you feel pain in your heart. Exhausted and maybe
even a little helpless you will find yourself once
more surrounded by an ocean of offers and
Could it be that my perception was too focus on
external things? Was I too preoccupied with my own
’wellbeing and enlightenment’?
Recognizing one’s own inabilities is good.
This is the moment when the ‘higher power’, the
‘spiritual’ can find a suitable place within us. Should
self-initiation therefore not rather be called self-
abandonment and self-dedication?
To make your ‘self’ available as a tool for the Light.
The most exciting journey of life begins. Right here,
right now, in this moment. Everything required on
this journey will be given at the right time. Life itself
will provide.
Do not ask why or where this journey will take you.
In the beginning, we don’t know. Sometimes there
may be a presentiment but mainly it is all about
trust. Things will happen. I am the silent observer

and at the same time, I AM. On the surface, life
may be dynamic or varied, joyful or sorrowful. I
myself am the silent observer, amazed that all of this
is happening to me. Life gathers speed, awareness,
the ability to love, vibrancy and creativity. This is
the real goal. The inner certainty of truly being
connected to life and love grows.
Here we also approaching Erich Fromm’s
observations in if book ‘Having or Being’. He shows
the existence of two forms of being that are
struggling for the soul of man. ‘Having’ as a state of
being has become predominant according to Fromm.
It is founded on a sense of lack, uncertainty, and
unavailability of life. The mindset of ‘HAVING’
strives for security, superiority, and power by
acquiring material things, thus escaping the
uncertainties of existence.

A life based on the principles of BEING is founded

on love and the willingness to share. Here
perceptible experience and vibrant relationships are
of prime importance. ‘Separating barriers’ want to
be overcome. Man is able to act for the wellbeing of
others when he has realized that his own individual
wellbeing is connected with the wellbeing of society
as a whole.

Everything is connected to everything else. On the

quantum level, light photons are ruled by different

laws. We are not even allowed to be observers. The
act of observing already brings ‘solidification’. For
as long as we are material, earthly beings, we will
live in the tension field of ‘particle or wave’. When
the light photon is measured/observed, it becomes a
particle that has chosen a location. It had to choose.
The BEING, the Divine is omnipresent and all-
pervading – everywhere at once and connected to
all. Unobserved everything is in the flow. The light
photon takes on the waveform.

Life once more flows in the divine stream of grace.

If I were to sum this up in a single word, the word
would be:



It is the reconnection with the Divine.

The word THANK contains the ANK


The Ankh, also spelled ANCH, is the Egyptian

cross.The hieroglyph consists of a T with half a
'lemniskate' – a lying figure eight - added above.

T-Theos (Greek) = God + Lemniskate = 2x ~ ~

There are ancient Egyptian portrayals of a God

passing the Ankh to the pharaoh as a symbol of life

18. The Sine Wave

One of the few symbols
that will always have a positive effect,
thus harmonizing cosmic energies.

Feng Shui

Hermetic Laws

as above, so below
as inside, so outside

Chinese Philosophy

particle and wave

Plato and Aristotle

are amazed by our very existence, by the fact that so

much ‘is’ and not more is ‘not’.
A question arises: what forces are at play beyond
Why do we live and love, doubt and die.

Have you ever considered the shape, symbolism, and
energy - the powerful impulse of a question mark?
Is it not remarkable? This wave? This sine wave?
That takes us right to the point. A question usually
contains a ‘not knowing’ and an openness for an
(The German language allows for a play with the
word answer. Antwort = Ant-Wort. The answer
contains the ‘word’.)
If there was no ‘question’, there would be no
development, no feedback, no passable way back to
Source. With the 2-Point Method, there is a very
simple module:
“asking the open question”.
Each time, it is fascinating and rejuvenating to see
the answers the field will offer to this question.
In comparison, what is the energy of an
‘exclamation mark’?
decisive – rigid – defined – judgment – death.

The world is

God’s undefined thought

and divine vocation,
unbounded thinking.

Nothing exists on this earth

that is not made up of thought form
and not a thought, that will not co-create this

Thus spirit mine, oh, loves this world,

for he loves thoughts,
and she, to think of everywhere, gives him so

Friedrich Rückert, 1788-1866

"Light outside of time."

Wherever your thoughts are bound,
You find your self.

~· ~
Allow the simple signs and symbols in this book to
resonate with you.
Absolute knowledge cannot be written or held.
Truth cannot be divined intellectually. It is closer to
an inner experience, a dawning from the right
hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for
intuition, creativity, and holistic perception.

19. The phenomenon of black holes

Let’s take a look at the latest theories regarding the

development of black holes and galaxies.
Recently, it was discovered that every galaxy, every
star, even every photon has a black hole at its center.
Every kind of visible form is a result of a ‚turning
away’ – a separation from the WHOLE!
It is presumed that prior to the formation of solid
matter, there were cloud-like shapes of helium and
hydrogen in the universe. The moment a creative
consciousness begins to make up its own ‚separate’
MOVIE (to move = space-time), this prime matter
collapses in on itself. A vortex of creation is born.
From a human point of view, this is a black hole ...


But of course ☺the light of the WHOLE is missing.

Space and time are only created by this separation.
This takes a spiral from into the 4th and 3rd
dimension. We can look at this process from two
directions. The aforementioned was described from
the perspective of prime matter. If we look at it from
our human point of view, everything that comes into
the gravitational pull of a black hole is swallowed
taking it back to the beginning. A creation of God
becomes creator of a whole world.

Prof. Dr. Dürr says about this:

In this excerpt taken from his lecture Prof. Dr.

Dürr says:
“Creation means something new takes shape and
disappears again. It is similar to the Big Bang –
and it continues to happen. The world is
continually recreated, informed by the world that
has gone before.”
“Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle shows that
electrons cannot be definitively located. Electrons
appear and disappear in the same instance only to
re-form themselves in a different location. Creation
happens continually.”
The physicist and quantum scientist with 50 years
of experience continues to explain:
“ We realize to our great surprise: Reality is not
actually real… is not real in the material sense,
made of things, of matter, but rather – as we say in
physiscs – of potentiality. It holds the possibility of
material realization, but it is not the manifestation
itself. It is what was before the manifestation.”

Treat yourself to this fascinating 8-part lecture on


20. Quantum Dreams

Quantum dreams - unknown to them are limitations,

you should offer them your gratitude
when they, removed from space and time,
shape themselves to your dream,
become the mirror of your fantasy
turn into matter, solid as never before.

Worlds are created by you, free in your intent,

plant life and animal kingdom - all a part of you.
The ocean, the dessert, the heights and the depths
all by your heart’s desire brought into being.
Yet along side luck, joy and happiness
also exist wars and great suffering.

Oh no! Not this! What will you do?

That cannot possible relate to you.
The dream of being human and the dream of peace,
those are the quantum dreams of those who love
(with ease).
You paint the earth - a place of joy,
Created by your very hand.

Dream on, dear child, playing with sand,

Creation springs only from ONE hand.
By all this crafting, puzzling, testing
eventually all arrogance shall be dissolved.
‘Cause I and You and MINE and YOURS,
From all beginnings have been HIS. / ONE.

21. Curtains up

On the stage of life, there is a curtain that separates

the actors from the viewers.
On awakening each morning this curtain is raised for
every one of us. Innumerable thoughts are rushing
by: “Where am I? Who am I? What awaits me on
this day?
In the space of a few seconds, we remember our
lives. We find our orientation in the here and now or
– more often than not – in yesterday and tomorrow.
We are ready to step onstage to continue the drama.
You take on your part as mother, father, lover, sales
assistant, doctor or pensioner. The drama may be
weighty and challenging, full of doctrines:
“Life is hard – I have no time – and definitely not
enough money – my nervous breakdown is your
fault – if only I had finished my apprenticeship, I
would not be unemployed now – my karmic burdens
keep me entrapped – I don’t deserve this - nothing
can be created out of nothing – I am too honest for
this world – my father treated me unfairly – I was
the fifth of eight children – and so on, and so on…”

The world is at fault. I am the victim.

Often we are expected to play more than one part.

We do this without complaint.
Or do we complain after all?

Oh yes, who does not know the uncomfortable
feeling deep in your tummy?
Is my life truly as it should be? Should I change
something? Am I not in the claws of circumstances,
unable to make changes? I am trapped!

But there is also a different version:

My life is amazing!!!

Of course, there are the crowd pleasers, the darlings

of the stage.
Everyone cheers when they step up. Welcome,
cheered. Funny, brilliant, adorable! Amongst them
are those who are fully aware how they are using
drama and stage. Curtains up! A touch of humor
here, some depth and charisma there - the quality of
the play is raised. The actors and audience nod
towards each other in knowing consent.
Oh, this new knowledge of the quantum fields and
positive thinking allows entirely new experiences to
shape. The stage itself becomes far too small. But
wait, the whole theater is ours as a stage. The
audience is included, becomes part of the story.
Space, people, the music, the light are artistically
There is far more space. There are far more
possibilities to create one’s own story of life in a

happier, more comfortable way. No need for a
curtain! Everything is allowed, is possible!

Yes, it is even possible to leave the theatre itself

behind, to head out. And – oh miracle! There are
other cities with other theatres. We can include other
countries, whole continents, even the stars in our
plays. It can be dizzying – now we are the actor,
audience, director, producer, stage designer, theater,
location – and all dimensions all at once. It feels
At this point, I myself am getting a taste of this new
‘sense of freedom’. I am beginning to realize the
connections between my thoughts and ‘my personal
reality’. I experience in my own life how negative
emotions become adverse circumstances in my life.
Yes, I have made a conscious decision to claim
responsibility for my feelings and emotions.

22. My own reflections

Now we have returned to the initial question: “Am

I merely creation or also creator?”
Without a doubt, each and every one of us is also the
creator. – 100%; as long as we are focused on this
world of ‘polarity’. But it will remain polarity - an
illusory world that only pretends stability. Quantum
physics has shown again and again that our material

reality is only ‘born’ by the act of witnessing. (Prof.
Dr. Dürr series of lectures + double slit experiment)

This takes me to the question: do I really wish to

create a paradise for my self in this illusion of a
material world? What about death? Is it all worth it?
If in one instance my light can be gone? The
seemingly real should not be the goal of human life.
It is and always will be a dead end, which man by
conscious choice can turn away from.

What has this done to the play?

I don’t know. No idea. I stop coming up with ideas

and images. I begin to live in the here and now. I
perceive my body as an antenna – a means of
resonance – for impulses and impressions from
within myself as well as the outside world.
For example a little while ago, I realized during an
application of the 2-Point Method, that my body
reacts in a very subtle way to my thoughts.
My thoughts focused one by one on people who
came to my mind.
With every ‘name’, my body took on a specific
shape. Within myself, I found a living imprint of
information similar to Emoto’s water crystals; only
this ionformation was ‘in motion’. Next I ‘focused’
on words such as sweet – sour – salty – bitter – spicy

– and so on. The resulting movements were akin to
the words. I had the idea that these movements could
be caught in symbols – a form of writing. I guess
this must have been the beginning of the first forms
of writing. Now things turn truly personal… ☺

My body has always reacted very directly to

vibrations. Play any kind of music and my body will
take shapes to show what this music looks like. At
times this may be quite funny. My sisters often used
to grin when we went out dancing somewhere.
But what are Native American dances, if not this?
Nowadays this is called Hip-Hop, Street dance or the
The Anthroposophical Movement calls language
made visible ‘Eurythmics’.
What have we all forgotten? Something that used to
be a most natural form of experience to humans
hundreds and hundreds of years ago.

23. Left and right brain

Our school system, so utterly left-brained, has

much to answer for with regards to this forgetting.
The 2-Point Method reminds us of our lost right-
brain abilities. Which forms of perception come
from the right side of the brain?

- intuitive perception
- feeling
- creativity
- spontaneity
- curiosity
- special perception
- body language
- imagery
- playing
- art
- music
- synthesis
- dreaming
- holistic perception etc.

The left hemisphere of the brain represents:

- logic
- analysis

- numbers and counting
- rationality
- language structure
- calculation
- reading
- linear
- detailed

The left hemisphere of the brain controls the right

side of the body and vice versa. For optimal
function, the left and right side of the brain should
work in harmony.
With the 2-Point Method, awareness is guided by
analytical observation to holistic perception. You are
no longer focused on one specific thing, but two
points at the same time. Consciousness connects
these dots and perceives them ‘simultaneously’. This
shift in focus leads to a shift from the left to the right
hemisphere of the brain. A theme or problem can
now be perceived in a holistic way. Initially, it is
helpful to practice the 2-Point Method only
'externally' - in a visible way. All of this also works
internally, entirely in your mind – without the
second person + the method, by directly focusing on
the field. All the great bringers of Light have
illustrated this for us.

24. Quantum healing
and the 2-Point-Method

During a session of matrix transformation or

quantum entrainment = qantum healing (even
though healing is not the perfect word) the facilitator
focuses on both hands simultaneously. The eyes
are open but unfocused. The ‘heart felt’ inner joy is
of prime importance - this sense of gratitude and
unshakable trust in the higher order of things. It is a
question of Christ energy, the unconditional love of
a pure heart.
This creates a state of being ‘in the here and now’.
There is a conscious awareness of several parts of
the body at once. This state equals the quantum’s
superposition before being measured or observed.
At this point, there may already be a resonance
with the recipient’s system. (There is no flow of
energy.) The principle of ‘entanglment’ takes over.
The quantum field takes on the same qualities (the
same alignment) in both facilitator and receiver.

2. The connection with the recipient can be

activated either by touch or by imagination. On a
quantum level space-time as we perceive it does not

3. The theme (subject). What is to be transformed?
In which area do we experience an unintended
solidification (disease, blockage, a sense of pressure,
a belief system)? It is sufficient for the recipient to
think of the theme. It does not have to be spoken
aloud. For the facilitator it is often a relief not to
know the theme. It makes it easier to remain with the
right side of the brain. It is afterall the heartenergy
that transforms, generates the change. By resonant
entanglement with the with the state of frequency of
the facilitator, the previously ‘trapped’ quantums in
their particle shape receive an impulse to collapse
back to wave from - to the state of many

4. The first point represents the theme – the second

the solution. The first point is entangled with one
hand – the second point with the other. In your
consciousness both points become ONE. In divine
consciousness there is neither problem nor solution.
This ‘expulsion’ into duality is the dilusion of
earthly ‘separation’ consciousness on the earth
" In periods of stillness and focus, in a field of
emptiness, a state of vacuum develops. In this
seemingly vacant space, everything connects of its
own accord."

25. Conclusion

I am thinking of all the biblical stories. Jesus was

an absolute master of the quantum field. He also said
frequently: “your reality shall be shaped according
to your beliefs.”
In the end, we all have to realize this for ourselves.
A conscious decision is demanded of us. Do I chose
the solution, the light of understanding, even if it
brings a brief period of pain – the pain of separation
from a thought or belief system.
We are asked to take full resonsibilty for our
‘projections’, manifesting thoughts, feelings, and
emotions. What ever we meet in our lives comes
100% from our selves. Not necessarily a very
comfortable realization or something we enjoy
looking at.

I would like to end with an incident mentioned in

the previously quoted Book of Levi – The Gospel of
Aquarius (page194). It describes the in-ability of the
apostles to help a boy with epilepsy contrary to their
own expectations:

15 Jesus and the disciples returned to Susanna's
home, and after the meal those disciples who could
not heal the child
ask their Lord:
16 "Why could we do nothing? We spoke the word.
Even the holy word seemed powerless?"
17 Jesus said to them, "Your everlasting success
has made you a little careless. Have you not
overlooked the power of God?
18 Without its spiritual substance, this word is only
vain speech. And you have also forgotten to pray.
19 Without asking for faith, you cannot have true
faith. Prayer is like the wings of your faith. But
wings do not fly alone.
20 By faith and prayer you can pull down the tops
of high mountains and sink them into the sea. You
can make hills leap like lambs, if you will.
21 For you, this error of failure was salutary. In
man's life the greatest progress is made by the
mistakes he makes."
22 Then, as the disciples meditate in thoughtful
silence, the Lord says, "Let these words of mine
sink deep into your hearts."

To realize the possible,
we have to attempt the impossible
again and again.



Love is the frequency of the Divine.


Further information:

Quantenmedizin: Heilung durch Rückprogrammie-

rung, Dr. Ulrich Warnke. 9. Symposium der
DGEIM, 13. Oktober 2007 in der Stadthalle

Zitate Dr.Warnke:
"Damit Spins ihre Eigenschaften ändern, braucht es
"Spins sorgen für das Ordnungsschema."
"Energie x Zeit = Wirkung … und das gibt
"Energie : Zeit = Leistung, und deswegen ist Zeit
letztlich eine Abfolge von Ereignissen."
"Es gibt kein physikalisches Gesetz, das nicht
erlaubt, sowohl eine Zeitachse in die Zukunft zu
haben, als auch gleichzeitig ein Zeitachse in die Ver-
gangenheit." (Maxwellsche Gleichung)


Frank Kinslow – „Suche nichts-finde alles“

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