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Dictation, Vocabulary, Grammar and Use of English

Dictation Grammar

Exercise 1 Exercise 5
Can write from dictation using correct spelling. 1 A: get rid of it is a transitive inseparable phrasal verb.
Vegetarianism is the practice / of the non-consumption of 2 A: end up having is an intransitive phrasal verb.
animals / which can be traced back / as far as ancient 3 A: the café … closed down is an intransitive phrasal
India and ancient Greece. / This choice of diet in both verb.
instances / was the direct result / of the policy of non- 4 B: putting it off is a transitive separable phrasal verb.
violence towards animals. / This concept was highly 5 A: give it up is a transitive separable phrasal verb.
regarded / by early philosophers and religious doctrines. 6 C: wolfed it down is a transitive separable phrasal
Vocabulary 7 C: hang on is an intransitive phrasal verb.
8 A: snacking on them is a transitive inseparable
Exercise 2 phrasal verb.
1 fine: Fine dining is a style of eating in expensive 9 A: plan ahead is an intransitive phrasal verb.
restaurants with a rather formal atmosphere serving 10 B: dining out is an intransitive phrasal verb.
good food.
2 processed: Processed food is the food that
undergoes some sort of chemical or industrial
treatment in order to cook it, preserve it, or improve
its taste or appearance.
3 burning: A burning question must be dealt with very
4 fleeting: A fleeting pleasure is the feeling of
enjoyment that lasts for a very short time.
5 slimy: If something is slimy, it’s covered with an
unpleasant thick wet slippery substance.

Exercise 3
1 hum: Humming is the low continuous sound made by
bees, machines, traffic, etc.
2 venison: It’s the meat of a game animal, usually
referring to deer.
3 sprigs: A sprig is a single plant stem with leaves on it
like a parsley sprig.
4 savoury: Savoury food is salty or spicy rather than
5 stodgy: Stodgy food is very heavy and rather
unpleasantly filling.

Exercise 4
1 influential: ADJECTIVE – An influential person is
someone who has great influence on other people or
2 occupational: ADJECTIVE – Occupational therapy is
treatment that helps people who have physical or
mental problems learn to do the activities of daily life.
3 dietary: ADJECTIVE – Dietary requirements are
special needs or preferences related to eating, food
preparation and food in general.
4 uncontrollable: ADJECTIVE – An uncontrollable
craving is a desire that is too strong to control.
5 nutritional: ADJECTIVE – Nutritional facts (label) is
information placed on food products which lists
nutrients (ingredients) that the product includes.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 5 SECOND EDITION (B2+/C1)

Dictation, Vocabulary, Grammar and Use of English

Use of English

Exercise 6
1 on: carry on – the idea of continuation.
2 up: pay up – the idea of completion.
3 off: chop off – the idea of separation.
4 out: pour out – the idea of giving something to people.
5 off: slice off – the idea of separation.

Exercise 7
1 pet: Pet hates are things that you dislike and find
extremely annoying.
2 sense: A sense of smell is one of the five natural
powers allowing you to get information about the
world around you.
3 last: the last thing – It's clear from the context this is
an undesirable thing, so the last the speaker would
4 was: I was being completely overwhelmed – Was is
part of the Past Continuous form describing what the
narrator was experiencing at a given point of their
5 cloves: Cloves of garlic – A clove of garlic is a small
separate part of a bulb of garlic.

Exercise 8
1 cravings: NOUN – A craving is a very strong desire.
2 over-consumption: NOUN – Over-consumption is
excessive eating.
3 Dieticians: NOUN – Dieticians specialise in diets and
4 discouraging: GERUND – Discouraging is part of the
Present Continuous form which is used to describe a
current trend (are now warning us … discouraging us
from …).
5 legitimate: ADJECTIVE – If a step is legitimate it
means it’s a logical move or decision and it’s possible
to justify it.

Exercise 9
1 picked at the food: To pick at the food means to eat
very little without appetite.
2 stock up on: To stock up on something means to buy
a lot of it to have enough for the future.
3 cut back on cheese: If you cut back on something,
you reduce the amount of it.
4 do without it: If you do without something, you
manage without it.
5 fill you up: To fill someone or something up means to
make them feel completely full.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 5 SECOND EDITION (B2+/C1)

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