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Comparison of Models for the Prediction of the Electrical

Conductivity of Electrolyte Solutions
Saman Naseri Boroujeni, Xiaodong Liang, Bjørn Maribo-Mogensen, and Georgios M. Kontogeorgis*
Cite This: Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2022, 61, 3168−3185 Read Online

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ABSTRACT: It has been almost one century since Onsager developed the limiting law of
equivalent conductivity of electrolyte solutions. Thenceforth, many models have been
developed; however, they have not been assessed thoroughly and systematically. This paper
comprehensively investigates the accuracy and reliability of six equivalent conductivity
models, namely, the Debye−Hückel−Onsager limiting law (DHOLL), extended law
(DHOEE), smaller ion shell (DHOSiS), along with the simplified and full mean spherical
approximation (MSA, MSA-Simple), and Quint−Viallard (QV). To this aim, we have
prepared a database of experimental data for 126 electrolytes. The accuracy of the models is
examined with the help of graphical methods and error analysis over a wide range of
concentrations ([0, 18] mol/L) and temperatures ([0, 100] °C). Moreover, the origin of
possible errors of models is inspected with a term-by-term analysis of relaxation and
electrophoretic effects. It is shown that the absolute average deviation of models depends
highly on the electrolyte type, and it is generally smaller for 1:1 salts, especially at low
concentrations (less than 5%). The error evolution with concentration also reveals that MSA-Simple and DHOEE are more reliable
over a wide range of concentration and electrolyte types. It is concluded that MSA-Simple predicts the equivalent conductivity at
lower temperatures and the trend of Λ versus T more satisfactorily than the other models.

1. INTRODUCTION Similarly, Pitts,19 Fuoss-Justice,2,20 and Fuoss−Hsia/Fernán-

Equivalent conductivity (EC) always has been of great dez-Prini21−23 models have been developed only for sym-
significance for scientists and engineers. However, it has never metrical electrolytes. They have a similar mathematical form to
been as essential as it is today. For instance, the optimization of eq 1; however, as mentioned by Barthel et al.,3 from the
energy storage devices (batteries, fuel cells, etc.)1 depends on derivation point of view, they differ in the form of the pair
equivalent conductivity as the primary transport property. As it distribution function, boundary conditions, the approximation
is not practically and economically feasible to measure of relaxation, and electrophoretic terms, and consideration of
equivalent conductivity experimentally over a wide range of additional factors.
concentrations and temperatures (screening of thousands of Λ = Λ0 − Sc 0.5 + Ec ln(c) + J1c + J2 c1.5
systems), predictive methods are of the essence in aiding the (1)
better digital design of these devices. In addition, since the In addition, these forms of EC models have been used mainly for
equivalent conductivity can be measured precisely even at low the analysis of EC data for associated electrolytes by fitting J1, J2,
concentrations (LC) compared to other thermodynamic and Λ0, and KA. However, J1, and J2 can be calculated by analytic
transport properties of electrolyte solutions,2 the data coupled equations (see the Appendix of ref 24).
with predictive models are routinely used to indirectly estimate In 1978, Quint and Viallard24−26 and Lee and Wheaton27−29
other thermodynamic properties such as association con- generalized the model presented by Fuoss and Onsager8 and
stants.3−6 As a result, an accurate and reliable model is desirable Fuoss,30 respectively, for unsymmetrical multisalt solutions.
to predict the conductivity of an electrolyte solution with However, the formulation for multisalt systems is very complex
accepted accuracy. and difficult to apply in practice. The main drawback of the
Lars Onsager (Chemistry Nobel Prize winner 1968)7,8 was mentioned models is that the same ion size has been assumed in
the first to develop a correct version of the limiting law (Debye−
Hü ckel−Onsager limiting law (DHOLL)) of equivalent
conductivity by improving the theory of Debye and Hückel.9 Received: November 4, 2021
After that, in a series of papers, Fuoss and Onsager (FO)10−18 Revised: February 2, 2022
tried to improve the DHOLL for finite ion size, ion−ion Accepted: February 2, 2022
association and considered higher terms of Onsager’s continuity Published: February 18, 2022
equation. However, their models are limited to symmetrical and
single-salt systems.

© 2022 American Chemical Society

3168 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2022, 61, 3168−3185
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

Table 1. Summary of the Mathematical Formulations of Conductivity Models

model relaxation term electrophoretic term
ΔX |ZiZj| e 2q Δυi F2
DHOLL = − 12πε ε k T 1 + q κ =− |Zi|κ
X 0 r B υi0 6πηNAλi0
2 2
ΔX ZiZje q κ ZiZje q κ Δυi F2 κ
= 12πε0εrkBT 1 − q (1 + κa)κa
[e κa(1 − q ) − 1] ≅ 12πε0εrkBT 1 + q 1 + κa υi0
|Zi| 1 + κa

|ZiZj| e 2 Δυi F2
DHOSiS ( ΔXX )i = 12πε ε k T 1 P+* qq ω†Ψ*i
0 r B υi0

ΔX −1 κq2e 2 |ZiZj| (1 − e−2κqd) Δυi kBT Γ

MSA-Simple = . =−
X 24πε0εrkBT d(1 + Γd)2 [κq2 + 2Γκq + 2Γ 2(1 − e−κqd)] υi0 3πηDi0 1 + Γd

ΔX1Rel ΔX2Rel
Hyd Δυi Δυi1 Δυi 2
= + +
, eqs S1, S10, and S17 = + , eqs S18 and S19
X X X X υi0 υi0 υi0
ΔX1,2 ΔX2P Δυi
= + , eqs S20 and S21 υi0
, eq S22
The mathematical formulation is presented in the Supporting Information.

them. Bernard et al.31 developed an EC model assuming and relaxation terms of the models to better understand their
different ion sizes in the framework of MSA. After that, Anderko differences and appreciate their behaviors.
et al.32 and Turq et al.5 have improved the MSA model, The manuscript is structured as follows. First, in Section 2, the
respectively, for multisalt systems and associated electrolytes. EC modes are briefly described, and their mathematical
Chhih et al.33 also simplified the MSA model for practical use by formulations and parameters are presented. Then, a summary
ignoring the relaxation and electrophoretic terms higher than 1. of the experimental database is outlined. After that, the results
Recently, Fraenkel34 has developed a new model based on the are presented as graphical comparisons, error analysis, and term-
“Smaller ion Shell” theory and the DHOLL known as DHOSiS. by-term investigation in Section 3. Finally, in Section 4, we
Similar to the MSA model, DHOSiS considers the differences present our conclusions.
between the cation and anion size. On the other hand, the
concentration range of applicability declared by the author 2. MODELS FOR EQUIVALENT CONDUCTIVITY
(0.101 mol/L for KCl) is narrower than the MSA model (1 mol/ In this work, we have considered six important EC models:
L for KCl). DHOLL, Debye−Hü c kel−Onsager extended equation
There are a few studies that compare the performance of the (DHOEE), DHOSiS, MSA (simple and full versions), and
EC of the electrolyte solutions. Bianchi et al.35 compared Quint−Viallard (QV). Although the origin of these models is
MSA5,31 and simplified MSA33 models with the Fuoss−Hsia/ almost the same, the final forms are quite different due to
Fernández-Prini21−23 and Lee and Wheaton27−29 for sym- different assumptions or different pair distribution functions.
metrical and asymmetrical electrolyte solutions at very low Besides the derivation, these models have been presented by
concentrations. De Diego et al.36 conducted an investigation on their authors in different ways. Here, we present all of the models
the EC models derived from the Falkenhagen37 theoretical in a unified way to facilitate the comparison between models. As
model for dilute solutions. Although they studied various 1:1 a result, the general form of the EC models can be written as

ij Δυ yzi
shown in eq 2.
ΔX zy
electrolytes up to very high concentrations (HC), the employed

λi = λi0jjj1 + 0i zzzjjj1 + zz
EC models are empirical rather than theoretical. In addition,
j zk X {
k i {
Barthel et al.3 analyzed a few EC models of the form of eq 1 for
associative electrolytes such as (i-Pent)3BuNI in ethanol and υ (2)
compared the association constants derived from six EC models
This equation is based on the interpretation of Debye and
(Table 3.10 in ref 3) at low concentrations. However, they did
Hückel. They attributed the mobility reduction of ions with
not compare the performance of these models.
concentration under an external electric field to relaxation and
Unfortunately, even though many models have been
developed for the EC, which model(s) perform(s) best is not electrophoretic effects. ( ΔXX ) is the reduction of mobility due to
clear, at least for a wide range of systems and conditions.
Furthermore, their application range, accuracy, and reliability
are limited to results presented mostly by the developers. As a
relaxation, and( ) is the reduction due to electrophoretic

effects. Note that the term ( × )λ is ignored for the

Δυi ΔX 0
result, a systematic analysis of these models for different υi0 X i
electrolytes and over a wide range of concentrations and DHOLL, DHOEE, DHOSiS, and QV models. Thus, for these
temperatures is useful.

ij ΔX yzz
models, the general form is eq 3.

λi = λi0jjj1 + 0i +
In this work, the target is to evaluate the predictive ability of
j X z{
six known EC models at an ample range of concentrations and Δυ
temperatures. Moreover, we focus on aqueous solutions of υi (3)
different electrolytes (1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 2:1, 2:2, 2:3, 2:4, 3:1, and
3:2) in a low-pressure conditions. We analyze the accuracy and Table 1 presents the relaxation and electrophoretic terms of all
reliability of the models with the help of experimental data for models considered, and then we discuss each model separately.
126 electrolytes. We compare the models’ predictions with In the context of the electrical conductivity of electrolyte
experimental data up to high concentrations and temperatures. solutions, four properties, namely, specific conductivity, molar
We also evaluate the models’ accuracy with the help of error conductivity, equivalent conductivity, and ionic conductivity,
analysis. Finally, we individually examine the electrophoretic are used. To clarify the difference between them and avoid
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2022, 61, 3168−3185
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

Table 2. Electrical Conductivity-Related Properties

properties formula explanation
specific conductivity (σ) σ = GA conductance of a cube of solution (geometry normalization)
molar conductivity (Λ) Λ= c
specific conductivity of 1 mol/L of solution (concentration normalization)

equivalent conductivity Λ ( 1
M A )=
νi |Zi| ν+ ν−
1 σ
νi |Zi| c
νi |Zi|
, i = + or − specific conductivity of 1 equiv g of solute (charge normalization)

ionic conductivity (λi) σ = ∑i =+, − νi|Zi|cλi contribution of ions of the same kind to the equivalent conductivity
Λ = ∑i =+, − νi|Zi|λi

Λ ( 1
M A )=∑
νi |Zi| ν+ ν−
i =+, − i ( 1
M Zi )
misunderstanding, we explain their differences and their an identical diameter (distance of the closest approach). Also,
relations. Table 2 summarizes the connection between them
for the relaxation field, the exponential part has been
and their physical meaning.
IUPAC does not suggest the use of the word “equivalent approximated with the first-order Taylor series, and the
conductivity” anymore due to ambiguity. It recommends the use higher-order terms of κa have been ignored. Consequently,
of molar conductivity of 1 mol/L of salt MZ+AZ− with the
νi |Zi| the ionic conductivity and EC of this model can be written as eqs
( 1
M Z+AZ− ) instead of equivalent conductivity. 38

symbol of Λ 7 and 8, respectively.

νi |Zi|

Å Ñ κ
λi = λi0 − ÅÅÅÅ λi0 ÑÑÑÑ
For example, instead of the equivalent conductivity of MgSO4, 2

ÅÅ 6πηNA 12πε0εrkBT 1 + q ÑÑ 1 + κa
the molar conductivity of 1/2 mol/L of MgSO4 with the symbol F 2 | Z Z | e q

i j
of Λ(1/2 MgSO4) can be used. |Zi| +
In this study, we have presented the conductivity models with
the equivalent conductivity with symbols Λ and λi in which the (7)

ÅÅ F 2 0Ñ
( 1
) and ( 1
) are omitted, respectively, for
terms M A M Zi
Λ = Λ − ÅÅÅ
νi |Zi| ν+ ν− |Zi|
|ZiZj|e 2
ÅÅ 6πηNA 12πε0εrkBT 1 + q ÑÑ

the sake of simplicity. On the other hand, the molar 0
(|Zi| + |Zj|) +
conductivities are presented in Section 3.
2.1. Debye−Hückel−Onsager Limiting Law (DHOLL). κ
This model was developed by Debye and Hückel9 and then (8)
1 + κa
improved by Onsager.39 It is the most basic model for the
prediction of the EC. They developed the model by ignoring the
size of the ions and assuming that the relaxation field is much 2.3. Debye−Hückel−Onsager Smaller Ion Shell (DHO-
smaller than the electric field (ΔX ≪ X). Furthermore, for the SiS). The DHOSiS model has been recently proposed by
electrophoretic term, the higher terms beyond the first one have
Fraenkel34 to improve the DHOLL using the so-called “smaller
been omitted. Then, after some algebra, they could show that the
EC of electrolyte solutions is linearly dependent on the square ion shell” (SiS) theory. He has made three main changes to the
root of concentration at infinite dilution. Finally, the DHOLL
DHOLL; first, he multiplied the ω value of DHOLL to make it

can be written in the format of eq 4 to eq 6
ÅÅ F 2 0Ñ
Å λi ÑÑÑÑκ
practical for multivalent electrolytes. Second, he considered the
λi = λi − ÅÅÅ
|ZiZj|e 2
ÅÅ 6πηNA 12πε0εrkBT 1 + q ÑÑ

0 differences between cation and anion sizes and thus adopted an
|Zi| +
(4) unrestricted primitive model (UPM) approach. Third, he

multiplied an oversize offset factor to resolve the over-

Λ = λi + λj
ÅÅ F (|Zi| + |Zj|)
= Λ − ÅÅÅ Å ÑÑκ
compensation of the second change. The model equations are

12πε0εrkBT 1 + q ÑÑÑ
|ZiZj|e 2
0 shown in eqs 9−13.

λi = λi0 + ÅÅÅÅ λi0 ÑÑÑÑω†Ψ*i

ÅÅ 6πηNA 12πε0εrkBT 1 + q ÑÑ
(5) F 2 | Z Z | e P *q

i j
|Zi| +
|ZiZj| λi0 + λj0
q= (9)
|Zi| + |Zj| |Zi|λj0 + |Zj|λi0

Å F2
Λ = Λ − ÅÅÅÅ
2.2. Debye−Hü ckel−Onsager Extended Equation |ZiZj|e 2
ÅÅ 6πηNA i =+, −
(DHOEE). The DHOEE is the equivalent model in the 0
∑ |Zi|Ψ*i +
12πε ε k T 1 + q
conductivity models to the extended Debye−Hückel equation 0 r B

∑ λi0Ψ*i ÑÑÑÑÑω†
for the activity coefficient models. Its relaxation term has been

derived by Falkenhagen et al.37 using the Eigen−Wicke
distribution function.41 Moreover, a finite ion size has been
i =+, − (10)
considered in this model and all ions have been assumed to have
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2022, 61, 3168−3185
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

Table 3. Parameters and Properties Needed for Each Model (Green Tick: Ion-Specific, Black Tick: Salt-Specific)a

It can be calculated from equivalent conductivity at infinite dilution (ECID).

l |Z |
o υ− +
Moreover, there are some minor modifications for the MSA
|Z+| 0
− 0

P* = m
t + t − for |Z+| ≤ |Z −| model primarily because of simplifying its implementation.
Some authors tried to present an explicit formulation for the
screening length parameter.42 Some other authors dropped
|Z −| 0 |Z+| 0
n υ+
t+ + t − for |Z+| ≥ |Z −|
υ− some expressions in the formulation (Γ 2d 2 in eqs S12 and S15)

l |
2[e κ(a − b+) − 1] − κ(a − b+) o
−κ o
due to the lack of numerical importance.32 The computational
o o
m1 }
1 + κa o o o
effort of solving the implicit screening length equation is not

n ~
Ψ*+ = − problematic if a proper method is used. However, the MSA
1 + κb+ model cannot predict the EC at high concentrations for some
electrolytes (e.g., LaCl3) in water without the second

−κ l 2[e κ(b−− a) − 1] − 2κ(b− − a) |


o o
o }
o o
In this work, we have used the original formulation31 for two
1 + κa n ~
Ψ*− = 1 + reasons. First, in this work, we have tried to conduct a fair
1 + b−
comparison. Thus, comparing a modified version of a model
b+ = 2r+ , b− = 2r − , a = r − + r+ with an original version of another model is not fair. Second,
dropping an expression because it has a minor effect on the
results at low to medium concentrations (MC) is not a strong
(λ+0 − λ−0)2 justification. Consequently, in this work, the results of MSA are
ω† = 1 + P*qκa from the original formulation.
3λ+0λ−0 (13) The MSA-Simple model33 is the restricted primitive model
The derivation procedure of the DHOSiS model is not entirely (RPM) version of the MSA that only considers the original
clear, but it can be seen that Fraenkel did not follow the method model’s first approximation for the relaxation and electro-
used by other authors. The derivation procedure of all models phoretic terms. The mathematical formulation of this model has
(except the DHOSiS) presented in this paper is by solving the been written in eqs 14−18.
Onsager continuity equation8 (or the Ebeling generalized κq2e 2|ZiZj|
form40) for the relaxation term. The output of this mathemati- ΔX 1
cally demanding problem for all models is a salt-specific X 24πε0εrkBT d(1 + Γd)2
relaxation term. However, the relaxation term of DHOSiS is (1 − e−2κqd)
2.4. Mean Spherical Approximation-Based Models [κq2 + 2Γκq + 2Γ 2(1 − e−κqd)] (14)
(MSA Model). This model is derived from the generalized
derivation procedure of Ebeling et al.40 and the MSA correlation Δυi kBT Γ
function3 for the equilibrium part. Additionally, Bernard et al.31 υi 0
3πηDi0 1 + Γd (15)
have used Poisson’s equation for the perturbation part of the
total potential. To solve the inhomogeneous continuity κ
2Γ =
equation, they have used Green’s function techniques. The (1 + Γd) (16)
significant point of this model is that it is an unrestricted
primitive model, and an ion-specific size parameter has been 2 0 2 0
e 2 ρi Zi Di + ρj Zj Dj
introduced in the formulation (crystallographic ion size). In this κq2 = γ 2 =
work, we consider two versions of MSA-based EC models: the ε0εrkBT Di0 + Dj0 (17)
original version31 and the simple version.33 The mathematical
formulation of the original model is quite complex and lengthy, ∑i ρi Zi2di
and the reader can refer to the original paper31 or the Supporting d=
Information. ∑i ρi Zi2 (18)

Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2022, 61, 3168−3185
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

Table 4. Parameters and Range of Applicability of the Water Viscosity Correlation47

T0: 293.15 K T: 273.15−373.15 K η0 = 1.002 × 10−3 Pa s
a1 a2 a3 a4 a5
−2.453949 × 10−2 1.854797 × 10−4 −1.7056449 × 10−6 1.41668775 × 10−8 −5.97695538 × 10−11

This model has an advantage over other RPM models in that an ρ(T ) = (0.99984 + 1.51782 × 10−4ΔT
equation has been suggested for the salt-specific size parameter
(eq 18). This function reduces to d = 1/2∑idi for symmetrical − 4.50573 × 10−5ΔT1.55) × 1000 (22)
electrolytes. For asymmetrical electrolytes, however, it gives
more weight to the ion with a higher valence type. Furthermore, Table 5. Parameters and Range of Applicability of the Static
Blum42 first derived this equation by solving the implicit Permittivity of Water Correlation48
equation of the MSA screening parameter at the limit zero
( lim Γ(ρi , di , Zi , T , εr)). εr(T0) = 87.82 β1 = 3.1306 δ = 8.33 × 10−30 C m
Γ→ 0
T0: 273.15 K T: 273.15−373.15 K ρ(T0) = 999.84 kg/m3
2.5. Quint and Viallard Model (QV). This model is an
improvement to the models developed by Fuoss and Onsager
One of the essential properties in the context of equivalent
(FO),8,11−18,30 in a way that higher-order terms of the relaxation
conductivity is the equivalent conductivity at infinite dilution
and electrophoretic have been considered. Additionally, unlike
(ECID) (Λ0(T) or λi0(T)). Since the reduction of the EC with
the FO models, the QV model24−26 is applicable to multisalt
increasing concentration is a key factor, a reference point is
systems and unsymmetrical electrolytes. In the original paper,
needed to predict the exact value of the EC. Hence, following the
the authors have written the final formulation of the model as
Debye and Hückel methodology, other authors utilized the
shown in eq 19
mobility of ions at infinite dilution as the reference of their EC
model. From the theoretical point of view, the salt (or ion)
λi = λi0 − SimI 0.5 + Ei′ mI ln(I ) + J1mi I − J2mi I1.5 + O(I 2)
ECID means that the movement of a single ion under the
(19) influence of an external electric field does not include the effect
In this equation, E′i ,
Smi , m
Jm1i, Jm2i
and are complex functions of of other ions. From the experimental point of view, it means that
ionic conductivity at infinite dilution (ICID), ionic strength, the we need the extrapolated value of the EC versus the square root
distance of closest approach, universal constants, and ions of concentration at zero concentration.
valence type. Despite its importance, there are very few models that can
In the formulation of eq 19, an expression with dimension predict ECID. These models are primarily correlations or
appeared in the logarithm, making the model’s programming semiphenomenological and more or less require experimental
without knowing the units very tricky. In this work, we have data. In this manuscript, as proposed by Fraenkel,49,50 we have
reconsidered the QV model using the formulation of relaxation fitted the experimental data of ionic conductivity at infinite
(εrT )2
and electrophoretic terms (eqs S20−S24) individually and then
combined them into eq 3.
dilution (ICID) versus a lumped expression ( ). Moreover,

2.6. Parameters and Properties Used in the Models. As we have used the experimental data directly at temperatures that
shown in Table 3, there are six essential parameters and ICID experimental data are available (representative curves are
properties needed to predict the EC. In the original derivation of illustrated in Figure S1).
all models, the solvent (or solution) thermodynamic properties All models except for the DHOLL have a salt-specific or ion-
have been assumed to be only temperature-dependent and specific size parameter (R/a/di). For DHOEE and QV, or other
independent of salt (or ion) concentration. Although it has been RPMs, this parameter is salt-specific and named the distance of
shown that a concentration-dependent static permittivity can closest approach (a). For MSA (full or the simple version) and
improve the predictions of activity coefficient models,43−46 in for DHOSiS, this parameter is ion-specific (di).
this study, pure solvent properties are used in all predictions. Although the physical essence of this parameter is clear, there
The investigation of the effect of using concentration- are some controversies regarding the exact value to be used in
dependent static permittivity and viscosity will be part of the the EC models. Fraenkel49,50 proposed an electric scale for the
subsequent study. In addition, for the temperature dependency, ionic radii calculated based on EC data. Still, in the DHOSiS
we have used three correlations for viscosity, 47 static model,34 he employed the ionic radii calculated as a fitting
permittivity,48 and density,48 as shown in eqs 20−22 (the parameter based on activity coefficient data (activity scale)
correlation parameters and range of applicability are shown in rather than the electric scale. Onsager and Fuoss8,11−18,51
Tables 4 and 5). proposed that the distance of closest approach should be used as

ji η zy
an adjustable parameter. Bernard et al.31 have suggested

lnjjjj zzzz = a1(T − T0) + a 2(T − T0)2 + a3(T − T0)3

crystallographic ionic radii in their MSA-based model. Other

k η0 {
researchers have recommended an effective ionic radius, which
is concentration-dependent and should be estimated based on
+ a4(T − T0)4 + a5(T − T0)5 (20) Using the size parameter (R/a/di) as an adjustable parameter

β1 NAδ 2 ij ρ(T ) ρ(T0) yzz

probably improves the results of EC models. Nevertheless, since

jj z × 103
2 ε0kBMW jk T T0 zz{
the aim of our study is not to analyze the ability of EC models to
εr(T ) = εr(T0) + − fit on experimental data using adjustable parameters, we have
used with all models the crystallographic ionic radii (for the
(21) distance of closest approach (a = r+ + r−)) in the aqueous
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2022, 61, 3168−3185
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

Figure 1. Summary of the number of data points and concentration range in the created database for 126 different electrolytes (numbers show the
number of data points, and the color map shows the maximum concentration at 25 °C in mol/L).55−77

Figure 2. Molar conductivity of (a) KCl (1:1), (b) Li2SO4 (1:2), (c) Cu(NO3)2 (2:1), (d) ZnSO4 (2:2), (e) LaCl3 (3:1), and (f) K3Fe(CN)6 (1:3)
predicted by DHOLL, DHOEE, DHOSiS, MSA, MSA-Simple, and QV models versus square root of ionic strength at 25 °C (acronyms 2016-HR-
SBH,55 1970-PM-CCCC-b,58 1984-TI-JCED,66 and 2008-BMR-JCED76 show the references for the collected data points).

Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2022, 61, 3168−3185
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

solutions that have been reported by Marcus.53 (The ionic Figures 2 and S2 present the molar conductivity of these 10
radius of the salts studied in this work are tabulated in the Table electrolytes versus SRIS. For most 1:1 electrolytes such as KCl
S1.) (Figure 2a), the models’ predictions are more satisfactory than
The last model parameter that has been used in the MSA- other electrolytes. The MSA and MSA-Simple models provide
based models is the diffusion coefficient at infinite dilution very good predictions up to 1.5 M, which is in accordance with
(D0(T)). Although it has been mentioned that this is a the original papers.31,33 Similarly, QV and DHOEE are close to
disadvantage for these models,34 it should be stated that this the experimental data. Moreover, DHOSiS has been shown to
parameter can be calculated from ICID (eq 23). Thus, it is not have a minimum value at low to medium concentrations. After
an extra parameter in the MSA-based EC models. that, the molar conductivity increases with the SRIS. Although
the intensity of this behavior differs significantly in the various
Di0(T ) RT electrolytes, it can be seen in all of them. It should also be
λ i (T ) ZiF 2 (23) remarked that Fraenkel discussed about the maximum
concentration that this model is valid, and this behavior is
Finally, it should be noted that this study aims to assess the beyond that concentration limit.34
predictive abilities of the EC models. Thus, besides the ICID, no In addition, we have analyzed the experimental data of more
fitting parameters are used in this study. The ICID is also than 126 electrolytes at different temperatures. However, we
obtained from experimental data reported in the literature.54,55 have not seen such behavior in the experimental data of any of
At temperatures where the experimental data are not available, a these electrolytes with increasing molar conductivity at higher
linear interpolation method for λ0i versus (εrT ) is used (for more concentrations. Therefore, it can be stated that the DHOSiS
η behavior at medium to high concentrations is unphysical or at
information, see Table S1 and Figure S1). At temperatures that least unexpected. Aside from that, in most cases, DHOSiS shows
ICID data are available, the experimental data are used. relatively satisfactory results at low concentrations (LC: c = [0,
Furthermore, in this study, we treat the ICID as an ion-specific 0.3] mol/L).
parameter. Thus, the same value of ICID is used for ion Mν+ or For 1:2 electrolytes (Figure 2b), the models’ predictions are
ion Aν− in different salts contain it. quite unsatisfactory, but it can be observed that DHOEE, MSA,
and MSA-Simple models are more suitable than the other
3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION models. However, experimental data are only available up to
A comprehensive database containing the molar conductivity of 0.65 mol/L (see Figure 1 or Table S6). For 1:3 electrolytes, the
126 electrolytes up to high concentrations and high temper- predictions of DHOSiS at LC are more satisfactory than others.
atures has been compiled and used in the validation of the EC At LC and medium concentrations (MC: c = [0.3, 1] mol/L),
models. To this aim, we have created a database of 126 different DHOEE results are acceptable.
electrolytes. This database includes the experimental data from Furthermore, for the 2:2 sulfates (Figure 2d), MSA and MSA-
23 references (as mentioned in Figure 1). Furthermore, ref 55 is Simple results are not satisfactory even at LC. For these
a collection of experimental data for EC of electrolyte solutions electrolytes, we have realized from experimental data that the
collected from 145 resources. A summary of the database is molar conductivity decreases very fast with √I at LC, but the
depicted in Figures 1 and S7. We have employed this database reduction slows down at MC and high concentrations (HC: c >
for our subsequent investigation of graphical insight and error 1 mol/L). None of the models could predict this trend, but at
analysis.a low concentrations, QV and DHOSiS could predict the slope of
3.1. Graphical Comparison of the Predictive Results of data better than others.
EC Models. All models strongly depend on the system’s In addition, 2:2 sulfates are considered in the literature as
temperature and salt concentration introduced in them associated electrolytes.3,4,33 For these electrolytes, Apelblat4
explicitly. Additionally, temperature affects the conductivity could predict the conductivity in dilute solutions (up to 0.05
through static permittivity, viscosity, and ECID. This section mol/L) using the QV model and Λ0, KA, and a as fitting
analyzes the influence of the system’s temperature and salt parameters. Chhih et al.33 also could estimate the EC of ZnSO4
concentration by illustrating the molar conductivity of different up to 1 mol/L using the MSA-Simple model and KA and di as
electrolytes versus the square root of ionic strength (SRIS) and fitting parameters. Additionally, Turq et al.5 could predict the
temperatures. We have performed this comparison with the equivalent conductivity of MgSO4 up to 1 mol/L using the MSA
parameters tabulated in Table S1. model and the KA and average distance parameter as fitting
3.1.1. Concentration Dependency. In this section, the molar parameters.
conductivityb of 10 different electrolytes (1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 2:1, On the other hand, Anderko et al.32 stated that using a
2:2, 2:3, 2:4, 3:1, 3:2) at 25 °C in water has been investigated, concentration-dependent effective ionic radius, the predictions
and the results are plotted against the SRIS. Since the of the MSA model can be improved even up to 30 mol/kg for
experimental data are abundant, we have chosen this temper- NaCl, KCl, NaBr, KBr, NaI, KI, MgCl2, AgNO3, NH4NO3,
ature. Therefore, we can assess EC models for more salts and HNO3, and HCl in water without ion pairing. However, in their
over a broader concentration range. The experimental data used methodology, a six-parameter equation has been proposed for
in this section have been taken from the compiled database and the concentration-dependent ionic radius, which should be
have been treated equally, despite coming from different sources fitted to the experimental EC data.
(for more information on the original papers, see ref 55). Unlike the electrolytes shown in Figure 2, the salts of Figure
The core purpose of this section is to evaluate the accuracy S2 have been less frequently analyzed in the context of EC.
and reliability of EC models at a wide range of concentrations Nevertheless, based on the data from our comprehensive
from a graphical point of view. Moreover, we have selected 10 database, we can investigate the performance of the EC models
electrolytes to indicate the ability of EC models for different in these less ordinary electrolytes (2:3, 3:2, 2:4, and 1:4). As can
electrolyte types. be seen from Figure S2a, the QV model could predict the
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Figure 3. Molar conductivity of KNO3 at (a) low concentration, (b) medium concentration, and (c) high concentration predicted by DHOLL,
DHOEE, DHOSiS, MSA, MSA-Simple, and QV models versus temperature up to 100 °C (data points are from ref 55).

conductivity at LC. However, at MC that data were available, the On the other hand, the predictive trends of MSA-Simple are
predictions of all models are not satisfactory. For 1:4 better than other models. For 3:2 and 2:4 electrolytes (Figure
electrolytes, the results of DHOEE and DHOSiS at LC are S2b,c), none of the models’ predictions are close to the
more acceptable compared to the other models. experimental data, even at LC. Another important note is that
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Figure 4. Molar conductivity of BaCl2 at (a) low concentration, (b) medium concentration, and (c) high concentration predicted by DHOLL,
DHOEE, DHOSiS, MSA, MSA-Simple, and QV models versus temperature up to 100 °C (data points are from ref 55).

for all salts in this figure, experimental data decrease fast with √I conductivity increases with √I. For some electrolytes such as
at LC, while the reduction slows down at MC. LaCl3, the MSA model prediction is not a number at HC. We
Finally, for 2:4 and 1:4 electrolytes, the MSA curve like have inspected the reason for this behavior in the MSA
DHOSiS indicates an unphysical behavior that the molar formulation. Based on our investigation, omitting the expression
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Figure 5. Molar conductivity of K4Fe(CN)6 predicted by (a) MSA-Simple and (b) DHOEE at different concentrations versus temperatures up to 100
°C (data points are from ref 55).

Figure 6. Molar conductivity of NaNO3 predicted by (a) MSA-Simple and (b) DHOEE at different concentrations versus temperatures up to 100 °C
(data points are from ref 55).

Γ 2d 2 in eqs S12 and S15 solves this problem. Figure S6 DHOSiS. As can be seen from Figures 3a and 4a, at LC, all
compares the result of three versions of the MSA model, full models perform, as might have been expected, similarly and in
MSA,31 modified MSA,32 and simple MSA.33 The only agreement with the experimental data. It may not raise that
difference between the full MSA and modified MSA is that in much surprise because deviation from the molar conductivity at
infinite dilution is insignificant at low concentrations. Thus,
the modified MSA, the expression Γ 2d 2 is ignored. Figures 3a and 4a confirm that an accurate value of the molar
As shown in Figure S6, using the modified MSA model conductivity at infinite dilution has been used.
completely solves the problem of full MSA model at HC. In On the other hand, the predictions deviate from experimental
contrast, at LC, the results of modified and full MSA are quite data at higher concentrations (Figures 3b,c and 4b,c). For
close together. Thus, ignoring this expression at LC can be KNO3, as shown in Figure 3c, DHOEE, DHOSiS, QV, and
justified due to a lack of numerical importance. However, at MC MSA-Simple could predict the molar conductivity at 0 °C.
or HC, this justification is no longer valid. However, with increasing temperature, the deviation from
3.1.2. Temperature Dependency. In this section, we study experimental data for these models increases. It is also observed
the effect of temperature in three different ways. First, we plot Λ that the results of MSA-Simple and QV models are closer to the
versus T for six models and experimental data at one specific experimental data.
concentration including concentration at LC, MC, and HC Furthermore, in this analysis, BaCl2 has been chosen to
(Figures 3 and 4). Next, we present graphically Λ versus T at illustrate how temperature and concentration can affect the EC.
different concentrations, and their corresponding experimental For this system, MSA-Simple can accurately predict its molar
data for DHOEE and MSA-Simple (Figures 5 and 6). Finally, we conductivity up to 1 mol/L31,33 (Figure S5). Thus, analyzing the
show the Λ versus √I semilog plots at different temperatures for temperature dependency of this electrolyte can be relevant for
DHOEE and MSA-Simple (Figure 7). studying both effects. As can be seen from Figure 4b,c, even
Figures 3 and 4 show the molar conductivity of KNO3 and though all models except MSA-Simple start to deviate from
BaCl2 predicted by DHOEE, DHOLL, QV, MSA-Simple, and experimental data at higher temperatures in 0.25 and 1 mol/L,
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Figure 7. Molar conductivity of (a) KCl, (b) Na2SO4, (c) Ca(NO3)2, and (d) ZnSO4 predicted by MSA-Simple at different temperatures versus square

root of ionic strength (data points are from refs 55, 57, 59, 60, 66, 76, and 78).

ÅÅ 1 Λ pre ÑÑÑÑ
AAD % = ÅÅÅ − 0 ÑÑÑ × 100
the predictions of MSA-Simple are rather accurate. Con- N Λexp
sequently, it can be implied that the role of concentration ∑
Λ0 (24)
dependency in the prediction of EC models may be more
important than temperature.
We have structured this analysis into two parts. In part one, we
By comparing Figures 5a,b and 6a,b, it can be concluded that
present the AAD% (or error) with the concentration in figures of
the predictions of MSA-Simple at low temperatures are more
AAD% versus √I (Figure S7). In the second part, we categorize
precise than DHOEE (same as the previous analysis). Still, at
electrolytes based on their anions and the valence type of their
higher temperatures, none of the models are in good agreement cations. Then, we present the AAD% of the EC models in three
with the experimental data. concentration ranges, namely, LC, MC, and HC (Figure 8).
Finally, by looking at Figure 7, the same conclusion can be 3.2.1. Error Evolution with Concentration. Figure S7
drawn about the MSA-Simple. If the predictions of the MSA- presents the AAD% of six electrolytes for six EC models versus
Simple are accurate at one temperature (for example, EC of √I. These graphs can be used to analyze the accuracy and
Ca(NO3)2−water system at 298.15 K (Figure 7c)), it is also reliability of models over a wide range of concentrations. The
accurate at other temperatures. Additionally, the MSA-Simple is experimental errors also should be considered.
generally more accurate at lower temperatures (Figure 7d). In terms of accuracy, as shown in Figure S7, it is impossible to
3.2. Quantitative Assessment of the Accuracy of the make a general comment for all electrolytes over the whole
Models. In this section, we have used the absolute average concentration range. However, it can be seen that the error of
deviation in percent (AAD %) as an error function to quantify models up to HC is lower for 1:1 electrolytes.
the accuracy of the models (eq 24). Since the EC models predict As can be observed, AAD% increases with the concentration
the reduction of equivalent conductivity from its value at infinite for all electrolytes and all models. Additionally, for 1:1
Λ electrolytes (Figure S7a,b,f), the DHOEE, QV, MSA, and
dilution, we have chosen ( ) as the main expression in this
Λ0 MSA-Simple can be said to be moderately accurate with the
analysis. AAD% of less than 10% at all concentrations.
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Figure 8. AAD% of DHOLL, DHOEE, DHOSiS, MSA, MSA-Simple, and QV models in low concentration, medium concertation, and high
concentration for (a) MCl, (b) MCl2, (c) MCl3, (d) MSO4, (e) M(ClO4)2, and (f) MNO3 aqueous solutions at 25 °C (M shows the corresponding
cation with different valence type).55−77

Moreover, for 2:1, 2:2, and 3:1 electrolytes, the models, hand, MSA-Simple and DHOEE are two models whose errors
especially DHOSiS, behave differently at LC from MC/HC. For up to high concentrations are approximately constant or
3:1 and 2:1 electrolytes (Figure S7c,e), the DHOSiS error at LC increase only moderately (Figure S7).
is slightly less than MSA and MSA-Simple. However, at MC and 3.2.2. Error Analysis of Electrolyte Families. We have
HC, MSA and MSA-Simple perform better and rather categorized electrolytes based on their anion and ZCation because
accurately. Finally, for 2:2 sulfates, DHOSiS is the most accurate the behavior of the experimental data is quite similar when
model up to LC (in agreement with the original paper34). electrolytes are grouped in this way. Then, we have calculated
However, the error escalates very rapidly to more than 100% at the error of EC models at LC, MC, and HC. The results for six
higher concentrations. categories, including salts of type, MCl, MCl2, MCl3, MSO4,
Another characteristic that can be deduced from these graphs M(ClO4)2, and MNO3, are shown graphically in Figure 8.
is reliability, i.e., general performance of the models over a wide For MCl, MCl2, and MNO3, as shown in Figure 8a,b,f, the
range of concentrations. The errors of DHOSiS and DHOLL models’ predictions except for DHOLL are satisfactory at LC
increase rapidly with increasing concentration. On the other and MC. In contrast, the errors of MCl2 and MNO3 are generally
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Figure 9. Relaxation term and electrophoretic term of six models for KCl predicted by DHOLL, DHOEE, DHOSiS, MSA, MSA-Simple, and QV
models versus square root of ionic strength at 25 °C.

higher than that of MCl. Moreover, the deviations of DHOSiS at MSA-Simple, and QV for 1:1 electrolytes are 10−2, 10−1, 10−1, 1,
HC are increased considerably compared to LC and MC. 1, and 10−1 mol/L, respectively. In addition, the concentration
Unlike MCl and MCl2, that up to MC, acceptable results can limit of the EC models might be increased by adjusting the ion
be achieved by DHOEE, MSA, MSA-Simple, DHOSiS, and QV size parameter with the EC experimental data and considering
models, for MCl3 (Figure 8c), only MSA and MSA-Simple yield the ion−ion association using the mass action law (see refs 5, 32,
rather accurate results. For 2:2 sulfates and 2:1 perchlorates 33, 56, and 74−77). However, there is a possibility for overfitting
(Figure 8d,e), the DHOSiS model performs very well at LC, but to experimental data with an unphysical value for ionic radii
again the deviations increase significantly, while DHOEE, MSA, (negative ionic radii as mentioned the Table 3.10 in ref 79) or
and MSA-Simple perform better than the other models even at the association constant. Hence, in the judgment of the EC
HC. models, their concentration limit should be considered.
Due to experimental errors, the slight differences between 3.3. Evaluation of the Relaxation and Electrophoretic
many EC models cannot help provide definite conclusions on Terms. As mentioned before, two terms contribute to the EC of
which model is superior. For instance, the difference between electrolytes, the relaxation term and the electrophoretic term. In
DHOEE, MSA, MSA-Simple, and DHOSiS at LC should be this section, we analyze EC models individually by considering
ignored for 1:1 electrolytes. the behavior of their relaxation and electrophoretic terms. Some
In conclusion, it can be stated that DHOSiS predictions are results are shown in Figure 9.
accurate at LC, but the errors start to grow rapidly with the From the formulation of DHOLL, it can be easily understood
concentration, both at MC and HC. Despite their simple that the relaxation term and electrophoretic terms are linearly
formulation, predictions of DHOEE and MSA-Simple are dependent on √I through the κ (Figure 9). Additionally, for all
acceptable in all cases except for 2:2 sulfates, where the errors electrolytes, the electrophoretic term, and for most of the
of other models are also high. Furthermore, the error results of electrolytes, the relaxation term of DHOLL have values lower
MSA compared to MSA-Simple indicated that from the practical than for the other models. Contrary to DHOLL, the relaxation
point of view, there are no advantages for MSA over MSA- and electrophoretic terms of DHOEE are not linear versus √I,
Simple, and the simpler version of MSA could be used without and for most of the salts, an upward curvature can be seen.
any loss of accuracy. Moreover, although the QV model has The relaxation term of the QV model has the shape of a
considered the higher terms of Onsager’s continuity equation, as rotated S. At LC, it is very close to the DHOLL, then at MC, the
Figure 8 indicates, QV does not provide improved results reduction of ΔX slows down and then sharply increases. The
compared to DHOEE. behavior of the electrophoretic term of QV for both cations and
We have also presented the arithmetic average of AAD% for anions is quite similar. There is a minimum in the electro-
EC models (Table S2). To avoid introducing bias from phoretic term for almost all electrolytes, but the minimum
electrolytes with more experimental data points, the arithmetic position is different. Physically, it means that the movement of
average is calculated. Thus, the contribution of all electrolytes ions under the external electric force first accelerates and then
with the same valence types to the reported values in Table S2 is slows down when the concentration increases (without
the same. considering the relaxation pulling effect in the opposite
It can be concluded from Table S2 that for 1:1 electrolytes, direction). This behavior of the QV model cannot be seen
almost all models’ performances are acceptable. For 2:1 from Λ versus √I because it compensates with the relaxation
electrolytes, DHOEE, MSA, and MSA-Simple, and for 3:1 term.
electrolytes, MSA and MSA-Simple are the best models. Even at The trends of MSA and MSA-Simple are rather similar, and in
LC, the predictions of all models for 1:4, 2:3, 2:4, and 3:2 most cases, their relaxation and electrophoretic terms are close
electrolytes are not satisfactory. The predictions at MC and HC to each other. Furthermore, the contribution of the relaxation
also are not in good agreement with experimental data for 2:2 term compared to the electrophoretic term is smaller in terms of
electrolytes. the reduction of EC. For all electrolytes, the relaxation term is
Finally, it should be noted that the EC models are derived by higher than at least −0.4, even though there are some cases that
some simplifying assumptions. These assumptions result in a the electrophoretic term is lower than −1. The relaxation term of
limit to the concentration range that they can be used reliably. MSA-Simple shows a minimum in some cases, but it becomes
The concentration limits of DHOLL, DHOEE, DHOSiS, MSA, almost constant after the minimum. In addition, the relaxation
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term of MSA in some cases and at higher concentrations starts to theory also imposes a concentration limit for the DHOEE and
increase very fast to reach a positive value (as shown in Figure MSA-Simple models. However, none of them show a non-
S4). It should be mentioned that the positive value for relaxation physical behavior beyond their concentration limit. On the other
term means that the asymmetry of ionic cloud pushes the central hand, Figures S7 and 8 and Table S2 show that their predictions
ion parallel to the external electric field, which is not physically are pretty acceptable for some electrolytes beyond their
correct. concentration limits.
In Section 3.1, we concluded that the predictions of the Thirdly, the original paper uses the ionic radii from the fitted
DHOSiS model at medium to high concentration are not value to the activity coefficient data using the DHSiS model
satisfactory, and the trend of the model appears to be (activity scale).34 In this paper, we have not used the ionic radii
nonphysical at such concentrations. Here, by analyzing the proposed by the author for two reasons. First, these ionic radii
relaxation and electrophoretic terms, we can explain this are not reported for all of the cations and anions (only reported
behavior of the model. The cation’s relaxation and electro- for 11 cations and 7 anions34). As a result, if we used the activity
phoretic terms demonstrate a minimum, becoming positive at scale, the EC could not be predicted for many electrolytes.
MC and HC. It can be attributed to a possibly unphysical Second, a fair analysis could not be performed due to the
estimation of the ionic cloud size for cations (the smaller ion), employment of activity coefficient experimental data in one
which start to increase with the concentration at a specific point model.
depending on the electrolyte.
Furthermore, the relaxation term of the DHOSiS model, 4. SEMIPHENOMENOLOGICAL APPROACHES
unlike other models (even MSA, which is a UPM), is ion-
specific. Following the mathematical procedure used for MSA In this study, we have employed a predictive approach by
proves that even assuming different sizes for anions and cations minimizing the number of fitting parameters of EC models to
leads to a salt-specific relaxation term. However, replacing the one parameter, which is the ECID. However, in the literature, a
semiphenomenological method is suggested. Fuoss51 suggested
ionic cloud size (κ−1) with an effective size (Ψi*) causes an ion-
that the EC models of form eq 1 are three-parameter models as
specific relaxation term that should be justified. Consequently, it
Λ = Λ(a, KA, Λ0). He and colleagues tried to fit their EC models
can be implied that the ion-specific relaxation term is
for symmetrical electrolytes to experimental
scientifically inconsistent, or at least for the positive ion, it
data.8,10−18,21,30,80,81 But they barely went beyond the medium
needs significant improvements.
to high concentrations. On the other hand, some of the authors
Another comment that can be made about the DHOSiS
have utilized Λ0, J1, and J2 as fitting parameters for aqueous and
model is the derivation procedure of the mathematical
nonaqueous solutions.3,21,82,83
formulations for the EC. How the model is derived is not
Furthermore, Apelblat has used the QV as a three-parameter
entirely clear in the original paper.34 Moreover, all other models
model and analyzed it for a broad range of aqueous and
(except DHOSiS) have used the same procedure to derive the
nonaqueous electrolyte solutions.4,84−90 Despite the assessment
formulation for the EC.
of many electrolyte solutions, he focused on dilute or even very
Nevertheless, for DHOSiS, it has been explained that three
dilute solutions. MSA and MSA-Simple models also have been
changes have been made to improve the DHOLL based on “the
used to fit the experimental data with the help of an association
smaller ion shell” theory. Thus, unlike the other models, it can be
model or a concentration-dependent ionic radius.5,20,32,33,52,91
inferred that Fraenkel has not actually derived the formulation
In conclusion, it can be expressed that the EC models can be
based on a solution of Onsager’s continuity equation or by
treated so that their ability to represent experimental data is
considering the movement of ions and ionic cloud in a viscous
enhanced up to very high concentrations at the expense of fitting
parameters. The literature has primarily used three fitting
It appears that DHOSiS has been derived based on the
parameters, even for nonprimitive models,92 including ECID,
formulation of DHOEE, which is indeed an improvement
association constant, and a size parameter. However, the
compared to DHOLL, simply by dividing the formulation for
employment of fitting parameters should be theoretically
equivalent conductivity by 1 + κa. However, the derivation justified. Therefore, a physically sound methodology is required
procedure of DHOEE includes considering the movement of that considers not only the accuracy of the predictions but the
ions under the external electric field in a viscous medium and acceptable range of the fitted parameters. This methodology
considering the hindering effect of relaxation term by solving the should consider a concentration-dependent static permittivity,
Onsager’s continuity equation (see refs 37 and 41 as well as the viscosity, and ionic radius as well as ion−ion association with the
Supporting Information). After eliminating the higher-order help of a reliable EC model, which is the objective of our
terms of κ in the relaxation and electrophoretic terms, DHOEE subsequent study.
can be derived. As a result, if the same procedure is used without
assuming the same ion size, a new formulation could be derived
that improves DHOEE from RPM to UPM. However, it is 5. CONCLUSIONS
unclear that DHOSiS, which explicitly has the ion-specific size In this paper, six conductivity models have been analyzed with
parameter, is derived in this way. the help of an extensive experimental database. The predictive
Besides the derivation procedure, the following remarks can ability of these models is examined for different types of
be said about the DHOSiS model. First, the results show that the electrolytes over a wide range of concentrations and temper-
DHOSiS model is unreliable at MC and HC because of a atures. Graphical insight, error analysis, and term-by-term
nonphysical behavior. Second, this behavior results from a examination have been utilized to evaluate them in terms of
nonphysical prediction of the radius of the ionic atmosphere accuracy, reliability, model dependency, and model implemen-
around the s-ion (Figure 3 in ref 34). Fraenkel mentioned that tation.
“the minimum in the “DH-SiS, s-ion” curve is unphysical, but it From the accuracy point of view, it can be concluded that the
is beyond the c limit of the DHO (and DHOSiS) model.” The predictions of MSA-Simple, MSA, and DHOEE are more
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Table A1. Nomenclaturea

dim(Q) = LaMbTcIdθeNfJg
quantity name a b c d e f g SI
a distance of closest approach 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 m
A surface area 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 m3
b+, b co-ion distances of closest approach 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 m
ci concentration −3 0 0 0 0 1 0 mol/m3
d, di ionic diameter 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 m
Di, D0i diffusion coefficient 2 0 −1 0 0 0 0 m2/s
e elementary charge 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 sA
F Faraday constant 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 sA
G electrical conductance −2 −1 3 2 0 0 0 s3 A2/(m2 kg)
I ionic strength, I = 1/2∑Ni ciZ2i −3 0 0 0 0 1 0 mol/m3
kB Boltzmann constant 2 1 −2 0 −1 0 0 m2 kg/(s2 K)
KA association constant 3 0 0 0 0 −1 0 m3/mol
l length 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 m
NA Avogadro number 0 0 0 0 0 −1 0 mol−1
ri ionic radius 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 m
T temperature 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 K
t0+, t0− transference number, ti0 = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
λ−0 + λ+0

Zi ionic valence 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Γ MSA screening parameter −1 0 0 0 0 0 0 m−1
ε0 vacuum permittivity −3 −1 4 2 0 0 0 s4 A2/(m3 kg)
εr relative permittivity 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
η viscosity −1 1 −1 0 0 0 0 kg/(m s)
κ 2
Debye length, κ = ε0εrkBT
∑k ρk Zk2 −1 0 0 0 0 0 0 m−1
κq −1 0 0 0 0 0 0 m−1
λi, λ0i ionic molar conductivity 0 −1 3 2 0 -1 0 s3 A2/(kg·mol)
Λ, Λ0 molar conductivity 0 −1 3 2 0 -1 0 s3 A2/(kg.mol)
ρi number density of ions −3 0 0 0 0 0 0 m−3
σ specific conductivity −3 −1 3 2 0 0 0 s3 A2/(m3 kg)
υi stoichiometric coefficient 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
L, length; M, mass; T, time; I, electric current; θ, absolute temperature; N, amount of substance; J, luminous intensity.

accurate than those of the other models. However, at lower

concentrations, the DHOSiS model reveals more precise
For definitions of quantity terms, see Table A1.

predictions compared to the experimental data. Likewise,
MSA-Simple and DHOEE are more reliable than other models.
There are two reasons for this. First, their error increases less
rapidly than for other models with the concentration. Second, *
sı Supporting Information

we have never observed any nonphysical behavior in their The Supporting Information is available free of charge at
predictions. In addition, MSA-Simple provides more acceptable
predictions of the equivalent conductivity at lower temperatures
compared to the other models. Parameters needed for the EC models; average error of
The predictions of the DHOSiS in medium to high equivalent conductivity models, regressed curves of ICID
versus the lumped expression for Cl−, K+, (SO4)2−, La3+,
concentrations display a minimum that cannot be physically
Z2+, Ba2+, H+, and (NO3)− ions; molar conductivity of
or theoretically justified. Moreover, term-by-term analysis
Ca3(Fe(CN)6)2, La2(SO4)3, Ca2Fe(CN)6, and K4Fe-
indicates that the minimum stems from a specific behavior of (CN)6 versus square root of ionic strength predicted by
the size of ionic cloud around the cation (the smaller ion), which EC models and compared with experimental data; term-
leads to an unphysical estimation of the relaxation and by-term analysis KCl, Li2SO4, Cu(NO3)2, ZnSO4, and
electrophoretic terms. In addition, the property or parameter LaCl3; term-by-term analysis of K3Fe(CN)6, Ca3(Fe-
dependency of almost all EC models is the same. They all require (CN)6)2, La2(SO4)3, Ca2Fe(CN)6, and K4Fe(CN)6;
molar conductivity at infinite dilution, solvent viscosity, solvent comparison of three formulations of MSA models
relative permittivity, and ionic radius. (simple, full, and modified); AAD% evolution of
Finally, the possible improvement for the EC models may be DHOLL, DHOEE, DHOSiS, MSA, MSA-Simple, and
adopting a semitheoretical approach. It includes but is not QV models versus square root of ionic strength; number
limited to using the ionic radius as an adjustable parameter, of references for each electrolyte; validation of static
considering ion−ion association, and employing a concen- permittivity and viscosity correlations of pure water;
tration-dependent static permittivity. complete mathematical formulation of MSA and QV

Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2022, 61, 3168−3185
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

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Universal Curves of Limiting Conductances and Walden Products of

Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2022, 61, 3168−3185

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