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QP Code: - Set 1

Tata Institute of Social Sciences

School of Vocational Education

Programme : B. Voc for All Verticals

Subject Name & Code : Basics of Legal and HR Policies; GE 3.3
Date: 23/2/2023 Venue: TISS-SVE
Time: 10 am to 1 pm Session: Morning
Total Marks: 100 Marks Duration: 03.00 Hours

Instructions: Write concise, to the point answers. Longer is not always better. Rambling answers that do
not convey understanding of the subject will be penalized by lower marks. As far as possible, bullet point
your answers. Please write neatly, someone will have to read your handwriting. Clearly mark question
numbers so the evaluator knows which question you are answering.

Section - A
Q.1 Multiple Choice Questions (1 Mark Each)
1. ______________ is included in variable salary.
a) performance-based incentive b) sale-based incentive
b) profit based bonus d) all of these
2. The aim for all employees at all levels is to have _______________.
a) more allowances b) less tax c) more take-home salary d) all of these
3. CTC stands for_____________.
a) Cost to Customer b) Cost to Conveyance c) Cost to Company d) Cost to Consumer
4. The decision to pursue a job with a bond should be taken based on ____________.
a) the time of the bond b) salary c) reputation of the employer d) all of these
5. ADR stands for ___________.
a) appropriate dispute resolution b) allowed dispute resolution
c) alternate dispute resolution d) alternate dispute rule
6. Normally probation is for a period of ____________.
a) 1 month b) 3 months c) 6 months d) 12 months
7. __________ in the constitution means free to follow internal and external policies.
a) Sovereign b) Socialist c) Secular d) None of these

8. Human Rights" means the rights relating to ____________.

a) Life b) liberty c) dignity of individual d) all of these
9. The notice period is generally between __________.
a) 1 to 2 week b) less than 1 month c) 1 to 2 months d) 2 to 4 months
10. PF is typically ________ of basic salary.
a) 8% b) 12 % c) 16 % d) 20%

Q.2 Fill in the Blanks (2 Marks Each)

1. _____________ gets the work done and motivates others to do the same.
2. ________________ is the key ingredient that is different between someone who is
successful and someone who is not.
3. Based on ________ are the year-end bonuses and increments are decided.
4. _________ is very effective in settlement of money claims.
5. __________ means no room for hereditary ruler or monarch.
6. ____________ scheme has been launched to offer a means of saving to the girl child in
every family.
7. __________act prohibits the giving or taking of dowry at or before or any time after the
marriage from women.
8. ______________ is a breaking of law or rule.
9. _______________ is the time period served in the company after resigning from the job.
10. Part-time work provides employees with greater _________.

Q.3 Identify True or False. If False write correct statement (2 Marks Each)
1. Part-time employment is employment in which a person works a minimum number of
hours defined as such by his/her employer.
2. Employers value employees who exhibit professional behavior at all times.
3. Working as a group is the same thing as working as a team.
4. Interpreting non-verbal communication is simple.
5. It is a good idea to consult a senior with any questions about an offer letter.
6. Reimbursement includes reimbursement of conveyance, medical, telephone, etc.
7. Candidates need to be very careful before signing any bond or commitment.
8. Cases that are pending in regular courts can be transferred to district courts.
9. Minimum Wages Act (1948) allows discrimination between male and female workers or
different minimum wages for them.
10. Democratic means rule by elected representative of the People of India.

Q.4 Give one Word For: (2 Marks Each)

1. A type of communication that includes facial expressions, the tone and pitch of the voice,
gestures displayed through body language (kinesics) and the physical distance between
the communicators.
2. The most important component of salary that generally comprises 35-50 % of total salary.
3. A type of allowance paid by the company towards cost of travel from home to work and
back and is exempt from Income tax.
4. A kind of village court, with the aim to solve petty disputes in an informal manner in the
rural areas.
5. A part of the constitution’s preamble that signifies that power is ultimately vested in the
hands of the People of India.
Section - B

Q.5 Write Short Notes (Any 4 out of 6) (5 Marks Each)

1. Essentials of Effective Communication
2. Advantages of Employee Health Insurance Policies
3. Right to Information Act 2005
4. Features of Social Security
5. Public Provident Fund
6. Job specification and its purpose

Q.6 Explain (Any 4 out of 6) (5 Marks Each)

1. Describe the contents of an offer letter.
2. Who are the people in need for Legal Aid?
3. List the fundamental duties listed under Indian Constitution.
4. List the essential elements of a valid contract.
5. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of employment in private sector.
6. State the example of compoundable offences


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