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1.If p and q are two prime numbers , then what is their LCM ?

2.For some positive integers a and 3, there exist unique integers q and r such that a=3q+r,
where r must satisfy;
(a) 0 ≤ r <3 (b) 1< r <3 (c) 0 < r < 3 (d) 0 < r ≤ 3 .
3.If the product of two zeros of the polynomial f(x) = x 2 -4x + k is 3, find the value of k.
4.If one zero of the polynomial x 2 +x-2 is 1, find the other zero.
5.The value of k for which the system of equations x+ 2y -3 =0 and 5x + ky +7 =0 has no
solution, is
(a) 6 (b) 3 (c) 10 (d) 1
6.How many solutions of the following pair of linear equations has;
2x+7y=1 and 4x-14y = 2

7. ) If x = 23  3  52 , y = 22  32 ,then find HCF of xy

8.Find the value of k for which the equation 9x 2 -3kx+ k=0 has equal roots.
9 Prove that 5 is an irrational number.

10.The HCF of two numbers is 145 and their LCM is 2175. If one number is 725, find the
11.If one zero of the quadratic polynomial f(x)= 4x 2 -8kx-9 is negative of the other, find the
value of k.
12.Solve the following equations; 3x-5y-4=0 and 9x = 2y +7.

13.Points A and B are 90 km apart each other on a highway. A car starts from A and another
from B at the same time. If they go in the same direction they meet in 9 hours and if they go
in opposite direction they meet in 7 hours.Find their speeds.
1 1
14. If  ,  are zeroes of the polynomial f ( x ) = x − 3x + 2 , then find the value of  + 

15. Find a quadratic polynomial whose one of the zeroes is 15 and sum of the zeroes is 42.

16. For which value of k will the following pair of linear equations have no solution ?

3x+y=1 and (2k-1)x +(k-1)y =2k+1.

x y
17. Solve for x and y, + =2 and ax-by = a 2 -b 2 .
a b
18. If  and  are the zeroes of the polynomial x2- 6x + a then find the value of a if
3  +2  = 20

19. The sum of the digits of a two digit number is 15. The number obtained by
interchanging the two digits exceeds the given number by 9. Find thenumber.

20.The denominator of a fraction is 4 more than twice the numerator. When both the
numerator and denominator are decreased by 6 ,then the denominator becomes 12
times the numerator. Determine the fraction.

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