Science Fair Packet

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Sukainah High School

ESE – C3

Science Fair Packet

Dear Students,

Welcome to the Sukainah Science Fair! This packet contains all the information
you'll need to participate and excel in this exciting event. We encourage your
curiosity, creativity, and scientific exploration as you embark on this journey of

Key Dates:

• Registration Deadline: January 4, 2024

• Project Proposal Submission Deadline: January 11, 2024
• Final Project Submission Deadline: January 25, 2024
• Science Fair Event: January 29-31, 2024

Rules and Guidelines:

Eligibility: This event is open to all students of grades 11 and 12 in Sukainah High

Project Categories: [List of categories e.g., Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Environmental

Science, etc.]

Project Requirements:
• Projects should follow the scientific method.
• Must be original work.
• Safety guidelines must be followed. (lab coats, goggles if needed, safety
procedures, …)
• Display boards or presentation materials should be neatly prepared.

Presentation Guidelines:
• Presentations should be clear, concise, and engaging.
• Visual aids (charts, graphs, models) are encouraged.
• Prepare a brief explanation of your project for visitors and judges.

Team Projects: Teams of 5 or 6 members are allowed, but each member's contribution
must be clearly outlined.

Plagiarism: Plagiarism or dishonesty will result in disqualification.

Judging Criteria: [List criteria such as creativity, scientific method, presentation, etc.]
Science Project steps:
Choose a topic. Be sure it interests you. Don’t pick one because you think it will be easy.
Talk it over with your parents and when you have decided, inform your teacher, and do
not ask to change your topic later. Get your Registration form for your teacher signed by
your parent and turn it in.

A. Registration Process:

1. Complete the registration form provided.

2. Submit the form by January 4, 2024.

B. Project Proposal Submission:

1. Prepare a project proposal including:

• Title of the project
• Brief description
• Materials required
• Hypothesis (if applicable)
2. Submit the proposal by January 11. 2024

C. Final Project Submission:

1. Complete your project and prepare the display or presentation materials.

2. Ensure all safety measures are in place.
3. Submit the final project by January 25, 2024

Check-List Project Poster Board:

Project Rubric: This rubric is based on several criteria including scientific
method, creativity, presentation, and adherence to guidelines:
Criteria Excellent (5) Good (4) Fair (3) (2) Inadequate (1)
Some aspects of Few steps of the
the scientific scientific
The project clearly Most steps of method are method are
follows all steps of the scientific evident. The apparent. The
the scientific method are hypothesis might hypothesis,
method. The followed. The be unclear or testing, or The scientific
hypothesis is well- hypothesis is weakly tested. conclusions are method is not
defined, tested, and tested, but may Conclusions may vague or followed or not
Scientific conclusions are lack some clarity lack support from unsupported by evident in the
Method supported by data. or data support. data. data. project.
The project
demonstrates The project Little evidence of
exceptional creativity shows creativity creativity in the
in the choice of in either the There are some project. It may
topic, topic choice, attempts at follow a
experimentation, or experimentation, creativity in the conventional
presentation. or presentation. project, but they approach
Innovative Some unique may not be fully without any Lack of creativity or
approaches are elements are developed or unique originality in the
Creativity clear. present. impactful. elements. project.
The presentation The presentation
The is generally clear lacks clarity or The presentation is
The presentation is presentation is but may lack organization. unclear,
exceptionally clear, clear and mostly some Visual aids, if disorganized, or
engaging, and well- well-organized. organization. used, don’t difficult to follow.
organized. Visual Visual aids are Visual aids are significantly Visual aids, if used,
aids effectively used adequately used but could be contribute to hinder rather than
enhance to support the improved for understanding. enhance
understanding. content. better clarity. Communication understanding.
Communication is Communication Communication is needs Communication is
Presentation excellent. is good. acceptable. improvement. poor.
Most guidelines Some guidelines Few guidelines
The project strictly and and requirements or requirements The project deviates
adheres to all requirements are not fully are followed. significantly from
guidelines and are followed. followed. Safety Safety measures guidelines and
Adherence requirements. Safety Safety measures measures might are not requirements.
to measures are well- are adequately be partially appropriately Safety measures are
Guidelines implemented. implemented. implemented. implemented. ignored.

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