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Vishwakarma University, Pune Issue 01: Rev No. 01 : Dt.


Title: ESE Question Paper Form No: IQAC-701

University Grants Commission (UGC) Approved State Private University

End Semester Examination (ESE) Backlog

Academic Year 2022-2023 Pattern 2019
Faculty Law Course Name Interpretation of Statutes
Department Law Course Code LLB404
Programme LLB Semester IV
Maximum Marks 60 Total No. of Pages 2
Day and Date 30/12/2022, Friday Time 2:30 PM to 5:30 PM
Instructions to Candidates: -
1. All questions are compulsory.
2. Read the questions carefully before answering.
3. Quote relevant legislations, policies, and case laws.
4. Explain with relevant examples.
5. Write the answers in legible handwriting

Q. 1. Attempt the following. Marks CO BTL

a) Elaborate in detail the salient features of the General Clauses Act, 10 1 2

1897. 3
b) What is Morality and how is it related with statutes? Explain the 10 1 2
impact of morality on interpretation of statutes. 6 3

Q. 2. Attempt the following.

a) Explain with examples how parliamentary debates, statements of 10 2 2
objects and reason can aid the construction of statutes.
b) What are Internal Aids of Construction? Assess the importance of 10 2 2
the following aids for the construction of statutes: 3
a. Illustration,
b. Proviso,
c. Explanation.

Q. 3. Attempt the following.

a) What is the Mischief Rule of interpretation? Explain with relevant 10 3 3
examples/ case laws. 6 4
b) What is the principle of ‘ejusdem generis’? Give relevant 10 3 3
Vishwakarma University, Pune Issue 01: Rev No. 01 : Dt. 13/04/2022

examples. 6 4

Q. 4. Attempt the following.

a) Explain the presumption against retrospective operation of statute. 10 4 4
b) Why it is important to presume before interpretation of statutes, 10 4 4
that statutes legislature does not commit mistake?

Q.5. Attempt the following.

a) Elaborate the principles applied in interpretation of the 10 5 5
Constitutional Provisions. 6

Q.6. Short Notes – Attempt any 2 / 4

a) Difference between interpretation and construction. 5 1 2
b) Appraise ‘socio-economic developments’ as an aid to construction 5 2 2
of statutes.
c) Mandatory and directory provisions. 5 3 2
d) Rule of Strict Construction 5 5 2

*CO: Course Outcome, BTL: Bloom’s Taxonomy Level

---- End of Question Paper ----

Course Outcomes

CO No. Statement
1 To understand the meaning, making, operation and purpose of interpretation of the statutes

2 To get acquainted with aids for interpretation of terminologies used in legal provisions

3 To learn recognized rules of interpretations and demonstrate proper interpretation of legal


4 Developing insights into presumptions and considerations for interpretation of statutes in context
of various laws and case laws

5 Apply the principles of interpretation in interpretation of specific types of statutes and

constitutional provisions

6 Analyze the judicial interpretation, construction of words, phrases and expressions.

Bloom’s Taxonomy Level (BTL)

BTL No. BTL Statement

1 Remember Recall facts and basic concepts
Vishwakarma University, Pune Issue 01: Rev No. 01 : Dt. 13/04/2022

2 Understand Explain ideas or concepts

3 Apply Use information in new situations
4 Analyze Draw connections among ideas
5 Evaluate Justify a stand or decision
6 Create Produce new or original work

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