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2024 March/April A2 Trial Exam Physics Paper 4 Mark Scheme Question newer Marks 110) _ | work done per unit mass 81 ‘work done maving mass rom nin he pong 8 1101) | aravtaonal force provides catiptl fxce a mI and v= 2x71 TOR mrad = GMini and = 28/7 ct rae P= 67x 10" 60x 1 (197 24 2000714 » torsade torm foo work done = GMm ir; —GMmi rz “ £66710" 360%60% 10" (64> 10°— 11243109) 1 =22%10"4 ™ renin [a= ome a (ato = rest ™ = 24x 108/64 1057 = 1400 Question ‘Answer ars 219) | pv=NaT ct Me (1.8% 109% 3.9% 109)/(1.98 105 310) = 143 10 ™ on N= (18109 3.9 10% 802 x 10)/(891 x31) = 1410" a 2b) [speed of molecule decreases on mpact with moving piston a rrean square sped (recy) proparionl fo (hemodynami) tempertie| a mean square speed sec) proprionalto Kinetic eneray of moles) Rac energy (ot motels) (ect) propriona to (hermadyrami) temperate Inte energy (of molecules) decreases (eo temperature decreases) a 2) [aU = a2 KATA om £241.38 10 «(208 ~ 310). 108 mens ™ 2) | decease in itera nergy sles than work done by gas wi (thermal enero) ansfred io he gas (dun he expansion) a Question ‘Answor Marks (0x0) | amplitude = 0.020" ™ sien) | T=0608 or feat a a 17H ani [a= (ore and [0 2sf oF ct ‘9 = (4/0605) «20 10 a =2ame* 30) [167 = (1725) «(24 x 10 p9.81)/029) ct Pet 1g me m 3) | wave starting witha peak at (06) Bt wave with same perod (or sgh areter) Bt ‘oak height decreasing successively et Que: ‘Answer Mar (2) | (eld ine nciates) recon of force Bt {orcs on a postive charge Bt “40,0 | one straight ne perpendicular to pats, starting on one pats and fishing on he other Bt {ive straight lines perpencicular to plates between the plates, uniformly spaced Bt ‘downwards arrows on ines Bt aon [E= vie ct = 240070.046| a = 52. 10NC* (60) | smoath curve in gion of fel and straight ine ouside fed _drection of deiecton shown 98 downwards in enon of fel “4(6)@) [helm pucous has double the charge but four tines the mass Bt ‘velocity paral plates seme and acceleration perpendicular to plates smal (for helium) Bt Bt ‘inal speed is lower for haar) Question Answer Marks Sta) | (energy stored =) area under ine oF % QV. en = ¥6x8.0% 12104 8x10") aL sexe | =) RC 1 (7) 220109 (1.2 « 108.0) = 3.38 a soy) [ex ve 1 (sotimeto) v3 1 ever Moavje%s en 3 t 6s a ‘5c) | (tota) capacitance is doubled mt time constants doubled A Question ‘Anewor Marks 610) | erection ofinduced emt mi such a o (produc effects that) oppose the change that caused it m woo [x =0854 a Y =25/0040 et = 160rads" a (010) | wo eyes af sinusodal cuve wih a period of 0.0408 Bt comet phase (i. Vimaximin at = 0, 0.02, 0.04, 0.06 and 0088, and Vs20r0 at = 0.01, 0.08, 0.0, 0.078) Bt ‘maximum minimum Vs shown (consistent at= 6.5 Bt Corti | (magnitude of Vs is proportonal orate of change of (magnetic) thx ‘+ Veis proportional to gradient oft curve + Vehas maximum magnitude when ft cue is steepest *Veis zero when =f curve is horizontal maximum oF minimum {Ve changes sign whan sign of gradient of curva changes Any two points, 1 mark each 82 Question ‘Answer Mars Teen) _|protoelecte eect Bt (27) | electron traction Bt oo ani ct #4108 1 10576210" ct (24a 109) 236691057415 10- a 610m (010) | ne wih negative gractent troushout et curve asymptotic to bath axes wih non-zero at v=62 x 107me Bt (©)__ | Brogie) wavelenathnegible compared with with of doorway Bt ‘Question newer Marks 0) | energy requiedto separate the nucleons nthe ales) mi woininty a @hajt) | cave staring cose to he og and foring a sale peak Bt ‘peak shown te of centre, wih step tne on LHS of peak and aallow ine on RHS of peak Bt 21,0 _| fasion Bt {@)t) | bath particles have low A values a Sth prices areal ethan end of graph He: has higher binging energy (pe nucleon) than H2 et [am =[f»20v4t02)@ore029 + ro08885)1u ct (0.008614) ee ane ot 0.00851» 1.68107" (800 1057 ot (252410) 7,00 mol of evterum forms 0800 mol of Reium-3 ct total energy = 0500 6.02» 105 «6.24% 10 Mt 2158 10" Question Answer Marks 9(2)0) | electrons are accelerated (by an applied po) Bt clectrons hit target Bt X-rays produced when electrons decelerate Bt 8(a)H) | images ofthe multiple sections are combined to create a 3D image Bt 900 |r hem ey en = Inexp (-089 56) a = 0.0068 Js SOM) [T= Toexp (24 « 3.4) « exp (-089% 32) en = 17x10 a 46) _| comparison of intensities or values in (b) leading to conclusion consistent with these values BI Answer Marks. {otal power of raciaton emitted (by the str) Bt F=Li aaa) en 9.86 10°74 x (8.14 10%] at 21.18 «107 War? nin, | L= anor 7 cn 9.86 108 = 4 x 8.67 x 10/2» 9890" rads = 1.22 «10m A (@) | wavelength of peak intensity determined (rom spectrum of star) Bt wavelength of peak intensity from object of known temperature determined et ‘Wien's displacement lw used et ‘Wavelength of paak intent inversely proportional to temperature

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