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Nivelamento Ingls 1

Nome: E-mail: Bairro: Telefone: Cidade:

Em cada questo h somente uma resposta certa. Escolha a opo correspondente:

1 - Where's your sister ? She's studying in _________ bedroom (a) his (b) her (c) their (d) these 2 - Where's your father ? (a) It's in the garage. 6__b (b) He's at work. (c) She's in the kitchen. (d) He's Brazilian. 3 - Who are they? (a) They're here. (b) They're working. (c) They're sick. 12__d (d) They're my cousins 4 - What time do you get up on weekdays ? (a) At six hours and a half. 14__b (b) At half past six. (c) At lunch. (d) At night. 5 - How many apples would you like ? (a) Five pairs (b) No, thanks. 19__c (c) Twelve. (d) Five dollars 6 - Where _____________ live ?

(a) (b)

do your brother

do your brothers (c) is he (d) are you 7 - I'm hungry. I need to eat something immediately. Don't worry : __________________ (a) It has a restaurant near her. (b) Has a restaurant near here 27__c (c) There's a restaurant near here (d) Exists a restaurant near here 8 - How often do you check your email ? (a) Tomorrow. 30__b (b) Twice a week. (c) At 3:00 p.m. (d) Some day. 9 - He is a very busy man. He is ________________ from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. every day. 33__a (a) at work (b) at the work (c) at job (d) at the job 10 - Where were your parents born ? (a) My uncle was born in Sydney and may aunt in New York. (b) My brother was born in Sydney as my sister in New York. (c) My mother was born in Sydney and my father in New York

(d) My son was born in Sydney and my daugther in New York 11 - John is still here. I ____________ him five minutes ago. 41__a (a) saw (b) see (c) am seeing (d) will see 12 - A - Can I use your car ? ( ) Fifteen euros B - When's your birthday ( ) No, sorry. I'm too tired. C - What would you like to eat ? ( ) No, sorry. I need it this afternoon. D - How much is that jacket ? ( ) In the south of the country. E - Where were you born ? ( ) Next week, on the 22nd. F - Let's go swimming. ( ) The soup, please.

(a) (b) (c)


/D/F/A/E/B/C (d) D/C/F/E/A/B 13 - My mother got married when she ____________ twenty-one. (a) had (b) having (c) is 52__d (d) was 14 - What were you doing when I ____________ ? 53__a (a) called (b) call (c) was calling (d) will call 15 - How much money do you need for the weekend ? (a) Just a few. 58__b (b) Just a little. (c) Many. (d) A lot of. 16 - She usually eats out but _______________. 61__a (a) she's eating at home today. (b) she doesn't eat out today. (c) she eats out every day. (d) she's eating out now. 17 - Mrs. Thompson has big plans for next year. (a) She buys a house and a car. (b) She bought a house and a car. (c) She can't buy a house and a car. 68__d (d) She's going to buy a house and a car 18 - When did you ___________ to the cinema ? Last night. I _________ a terrible film! (a) go/see 70__b (b) go/saw (c) went/saw (d) went/see 19 - Are there _____ cookies in the box ? No, there aren't ____ but there are _____ in the cupboard.

any; any; some (b) any; no; some (c) some; no; some (d) any; some; no 20 - I can't come to your party on Saturday. I _______ to study for the test this weekend. (a) will (b) was 79__c (c) am going (d) can Read the text and answer questions 21-25 Rolf is from Germany but now he lives in the United States. He is a doctor and works at a big hospital near his house. He has a nice car, but he goes to work on foot.He is very friendly, handsome and intelligent, but he doesn't have a wife or a girlfriend.He says he doesn't have time for that! He works very hard from Monday to Friday but, on weekends, he always goes to the cinema. He loves films. 21 - What nationality is Rolf ? (a) He's Germany. (b) He's American. He's German. (d) He's in the United States. 22 - What does he do ? 85__a (a) He's a doctor. (b) He's friendly. (c) He's intelligent. (d) He works very hard. 23 - How does he go to work ? (a) He goes by car. (b) He drives to work. (c) (d) He goes in his nice car.





He walks to work. 24 - Is he married ? (a) Yes, he is. 94__b (b) No, he isn't. (c) Yes, he has a wife (d) No, he doesn't.

25 - When does he go to the cinema ? (a) On Mondays and Wednesdays. (b) On Tuesdays and Thursdays. 99__c (c) On Saturdays and Sundays. (d) On Fridays and Mondays.

Teste de Ingls 1 2

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