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No one argues that in our world there are a plethora of issues and problems that desperately
need fixing, one of those issues and perhaps one of the most talked about and known is world
hunger. World hunger is a global issue in which hundreds of millions of people lack access to a
steady supply of nutritional food, obviously the majority of people who suffer from world hunger
originate from poor countries. Several countries from all around the world have contributed to
these impoverished countries to attempt to fight against world hunger, including the United
States who, on several occasions, has provided foreign aid and developed programs to fight this
issue. However, it isn't all bad news, significant improvements have been made regarding world
hunger throughout the years, in the year 2000 over 1 billion people suffered from world hunger,
nowadays the number is down to 690 million, however, issues like global warming, economic
downturn...etc in these countries makes the problem still be a very important issue to this day. I
personally believe that in the best case scenario this issue will be, for the most part, resolved in
about 30 years. The way we can achieve that is by directly giving money and resources to the
people who need them instead of giving it to the country's government. The reason is that many
of these places' governments are run by corrupt political heads who will simply take all the
money for themselves.

Here we can see a group of clearly famished kids asking for food. A truly heartbreaking foto.

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