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PerDev Finals

1. Human Growth and Development

2. Biological
3. Lifespan
4. Developmental Task
5. Areas of Development

Human Growth and Development

- Pattern of movement and change that begins in conception and continues through life
- Growth and Decline according to Santrock, 2002

Stages of Human Development

- Prenatal (Belly)
- Infancy (0-2)
- Early Childhood (3-5)
- Middle to Late Childhood (6-12)
- Adolescence (13-18)
- Early Adulthood (19-29)
- Middle Adulthood (30-60)
- Late Adulthood (61 and above)
- Old Age (80 and above)

Approaches in the Study of Human/Personal Development

● Biological Approach
- Infancy, Early Childhood, sleep, nutrition, language, growth, old age, brain development,
physical development.
● Lifespan Approach
- Development is lifelong, multidimensional, meaning it is the dynamic interactions of
physical, emotional and psychosocial development.
- Development is plastic; interpersonal variability, and contextual by socio-cultural
- Development is multidisciplinary.

● Developmental Tasks
- Psychoanalysis; the theory of the mind and its direct connection to personality and
● Made up of the unconscious, preconscious and the conscious.
● People act on 2 major drives or desires – Eros & Thanatos
● Psychosexual Theory of Development (oral, anal, phallic and genital)
● Libido and Fixations
● Id (unconscious), Ego (preconscious and the conscious) and
Super Ego (moral & social aspect)
- Carl Jung divided development into four broad stages: childhood, youth, middle life and
old age.
● Childhood lasts from birth until adolescence.
● Youth is the period from puberty until middle life.
● Middle life is a time from about 35 or 40 until old age when people should be
adopting an introverted attitude.
● Old age is a time for psychological rebirth, self-realization and preparation for
● Traversing through life is analogous to the sun’s journey through the sky, with its
brightness representing consciousness
● Persona (Latin for mask); different social masks are worn as a form of
● Anima/Animus; Feminine/Masculine, opposite gender qualities attributes of the
psyche represents ‘true self’. Combination = syzygy
● The Shadow; Dark side of the psyche, repressed, memories, ideas, weaknesses,
desires, instincts, represents wildness, chaos and the unknown.
● The Self; Unification of the conscious and unconscious, individuation and self-
actuation, contains all aspects of an individual.
- Erik Erikson described the impact of social experience across the whole lifespan. Social
interaction and relationship’s role in the development and growth of human beings.
● Trust vs Mistrust (Infancy, birth-18 months)
● Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt (Toddler, 18 months-3)
● Initiative vs Guilt (Preschool years, 3-5)
● Industry vs Inferiority (Middle school, 6-11)
● Identity vs Confusion (Teen, 12-18)
● Intimacy vs Isolation (Young adult, 18-40)
● Generativity vs Stagnation (Middle age, 40-65)
● Integrity vs Despair (Older adulthood, 65 to death)
- Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs; Abraham Maslow’s humanistic hierarchy of needs, for
example suggested that personality is the result of someone being able to meet basic
needs like safety, self-esteem and belongingness, and vice versa.

● Areas of Development
- Looks at Personal Development from the different aspects in a person’s life, such as:
Physical/Psycho-motor, Cognitive/Mental, Social/Relational, Emotional/Psychological,
- Connected to multiple intelligences by Howard Gardner, that proposes that human
intelligence is not a single ability, but a collection of different types of abilities.
- Linguistic-Verbal, Logical-Mathematical, Visual-Spatial, Bodily-Kinesthetic, Musical,
Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Naturalistic, Pedagogical

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