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English for Business Speaking

Trial Lesson 3
Talk about your job

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A. Warm up (4 mins)
B. Useful Tips (4 mins)
C. Practice (8 mins)
D. Role-play (5 mins)
E. Review (1 min)
A Warm up 3’ 仅供外教网1对1用户使用+31152

Have you ever talked about your
job with others?

• Who did you talk to?

• What aspects did you mention about
your job?
A Warm up 1’ 仅供外教网1对1用户使用+31152

In this lesson, you will learn:

➢ Four aspects to mention

when you talk about your
➢ Practical tips on how to
talk about your job;
➢ Situational dialogues
B Useful Tips 4’ 仅供外教网1对1用户使用+31152

Four aspects to mention when you talk about your job:

1 State your job title: “I am a …”, “I’m working as ...”

State your company: “I work for …”;

2 If you don’t work for a company, you can say “I am self-employed.” or
“I am a freelancer.”

Describe what you do in detail: “I’m responsible for ...”, “Most of my

3 time is spent …”
Avoid using technical terms unless you are talking to an expert.

Say how you feel about your job:

4 Say the positive aspects rather than the negative.
C Practice 1 2’ 仅供外教网1对1用户使用+31152

Match the questions with appropriate answers.

Q1 Q2 Q3
What do you do? Where do you work? How long have you been

A I started in May. B I’m currently unemployed.

C I’m a teaching assistant. D I work for a mobile phone company.

E I have been working here for 5 years.

C Key 仅供外教网1对1用户使用+31152

Match the questions with appropriate answers.

Q1 Q2 Q3
What do you do? Where do you work? How long have you been


A I started in May. B I’m currently unemployed.

C I’m a teaching assistant. D I work for a mobile phone company.

E I have been working here for 5 years.

C Practice 2 2’ 仅供外教网1对1用户使用+31152

Listen carefully to three dialogues in a career fair and answer the questions below.

Dialogue 1
A: What subject do you study at university?
B: Engineering.
A: Very important for Foodaid. My colleague, Hassan Sahin, for
example, is a mechanical engineer and he is responsible for
helping farmers in countries such as Chad or Pakistan where
we work as an NGO to drill water wells.
B: Er … an NGO?
A: Sorry, a Non-Governmental Organization.

What mistake does A make? Can you give a correct version?

TI: Listen to the audio and ask S the questions. Click to show the hint.
C Key 仅供外教网1对1用户使用+31152

Listen carefully to three dialogues in a career fair and answer the questions below.

Dialogue 1
A: What subject do you study at university?
B: Engineering.
A: Very important for Foodaid. My colleague, Hassan Sahin, for
example, is a mechanical engineer and he is responsible for
helping farmers in countries such as Chad or Pakistan where
we work as an NGO to drill water wells.
B: Er … an NGO?
A: Sorry, a Non-Governmental Organization.

What mistake does A make? Can you give a correct version?

Hint: Avoid using technical terms unless you are talking

to an expert.
C Practice 2 2’ 仅供外教网1对1用户使用+31152

Dialogue 2
A: A friend of mine is working in Somalia and she manages a
development budget of about two million dollars and she
supplies the whole of West Africa with trucks for
transporting food and equipment. It’s a very challenging job
and she’s only 23!
B: I see. But as it’s a charity, do you get paid for your work?
A: Yes, of course. You’ll never be rich working for Foodaid, but
you get paid. Very often people like you work with us for a
few years to gain experience and then they move on to other
jobs. Lots of companies like the fact that you’ve worked for a

What mistake does A make when she tells B about her friend’s job?

TI: Listen to the audio and ask S the questions. Click to show the hint.
C Key 仅供外教网1对1用户使用+31152

Dialogue 2
A: A friend of mine is working in Somalia and she manages a
development budget of about two million dollars and she
supplies the whole of West Africa with trucks for
transporting food and equipment. It’s a very challenging job
and she’s only 23!
B: I see. But as it’s a charity, do you get paid for your work?
A: Yes, of course. You’ll never be rich working for Foodaid, but
you get paid. Very often people like you work with us for a
few years to gain experience and then they move on to other
jobs. Lots of companies like the fact that you’ve worked for a

What mistake does A make when she tells B about her friend’s job?

Hint: State the job title briefly at first.

C Practice 2 2’ 仅供外教网1对1用户使用+31152

Dialogue 3
A: Hmm. So, what makes a job with Foodaid interesting,
B: It’s very rewarding. You feel you are doing something
useful with your skills, not just making some
company shareholders rich. And even if the work is
demanding, it’s never boring.
A: It sounds really interesting. Thanks for telling me
about it.

What adjectives does B use to describe her job? What other

adjectives can you use when describing your job?

TI: Listen to the audio and ask S the questions. Click to show the hint.
C Key 仅供外教网1对1用户使用+31152

Dialogue 3
A: Hmm. So, what makes a job with Foodaid interesting,
B: It’s very rewarding. You feel you are doing something
useful with your skills, not just making some
company shareholders rich. And even if the work is
demanding, it’s never boring.
A: It sounds really interesting. Thanks for telling me
about it.

What adjectives does B use to describe her job? What other

adjectives can you use when describing your job?

Hint: Say the positive aspects rather than the negative.

D Role-play 5’ 仅供外教网1对1用户使用+31152

Talk about your job with your tutor:

Tutor: What is your job?

Hints: I am a …; I’m working as ...
You: ______________________________________________
Tutor: What are your duties in your job?
Hints: I am responsible for …; Most of my time is spent ...
You: ______________________________________________
Tutor: How long have you been working there?
Hints: I have been working; I started in …
You: ______________________________________________
Tutor: Do you like working there?
Hints: rewarding; useful; not boring
You: ______________________________________________

TI: Give S useful advice after finishing.

E Review 1’ 仅供外教网1对1用户使用+31152

Trial Lesson 3 Talk about your job

In this class, you have learned:
✓ Four aspects to mention when you talk
about your job:
1. State your job title;
Avoid using technical terms unless
2. State your company; you are talking to an expert. Say
3. Describe what you do in detail; the positive aspects of how you
feel about your job rather than
4. Say how you feel about your job. the negative.

See you next class!

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