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1. It is defined as the physiological [or physical] and emotional responses to a

significant or unexpected change or disruption in one’s life. Stress
2. This refers to the things that make a person stressed. Stressor
3. This refers to a negative reaction of the body towards a given stressor. Distress
4. This refers to a positive and healthy response of the body from a stressor. Eustress
5. What do you call the changes that occur from experiencing stress? General adaptation
6. In this stage is when a person slowly loses the energy to manage the stress. Exhaustion
7. It is the stage when the body has already responded to the stressor. Resistance Stage
8. This phase is when a person experiences the “flight to fight” feeling. Alarm stage
9. There are events or situations that make a person feel stress. Stressor
10. Among the choices, which situation shows a Positive Stress? Feeling of excitement
Tell whether the situation is under Eustress or Distress

11. Winning Lottery - Eustress

12. Death – Distress
13. Heartbreak - Distress
14. Accepted in work - Eustress
15. Scammed – Distress


1. What should the sick person do if he/she gets infected?
A. maintain personal hygiene
B. staying away from other people
C. taking the advice of the doctors
D. all of these
2. How long is the incubation period for mumps? 12 to 25 days
3. What is the other term for convalescence stage? Recovery Stage
4. What stage of infection shows the interval between the entrance of pathogen into the
body and appearance of first symptoms? Incubation
5. What type of diseases is caused by the direct and indirect spread of pathogens from
one person to another? communicable diseases
6. What can you do to prevent transmission of infectious diseases?
A. Maintaining good hygiene
B. Wearing face mask and face shield
C. Avoiding direct contact with infected people
D. all of the above
7. What are the diseases caused by organisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, or
parasites? infectious agent
8. How long is the incubation period for chickenpox? 2 to 3 weeks
9. What is the first stage of infection? Incubation
10. What is the third stage of infection which begins when more specific signs and
symptoms appear? Illness
11. In what stage of infection do acute symptoms of infection disappear?
12. Reservoirs can be a place such as bodies of water, animals, and humans.
13. Pathogens are disease causing organisms which can be viruses, bacteria, fungi,
among others
14. Transmission occurs when the pathogen leaves its reservoir or host through a
portal of exit.
15. What is the second stage of infection which starts from the onset of non-
specific signs and symptoms such as fever? Prodromal


1. What is the first thing to do in assessing an emergency situation? Call for help
2. Primary survey of the victim is used when the victim is unconscious and to find out
and immediately treat life-threatening conditions.
3. Secondary survey is used when the victim is conscious or has revived. It aims to
detect everything about the patient’s condition.
4. What sterile cloth is used to cover a wound? dressing
5. What is used to stop bleeding and provide support for immobilization of a fracture?
6. It is a break in the continuity of the tissue in the body? wound
7. These are sensations that the victim feels or experiences and may be able to
describe. Symptoms
8. These are details discovered by applying your senses – sight, touch, hearing and
smell during the course of the examination Sign
9. This bandage is made from cloth and can be used as cold compress, padding, support
for pressure, or support. Triangular
10. This bandage is used to support joints or hold dressings in place.Tubular
11. It is used for wounds on top and back of the head, chest, back, hand, and
foot, and as arm sling. Open Phase Bandaging
12. It is a cut caused by knife, broken glass or any sharp object. Incision
13. It is a is a piercing wound caused by nails, needles and other pointed object.
14. It is caused by rubbing or scraping the skin against a rough surface
15. It is a blunt breaking or tearing of soft tissues usually resulting from
mishandling tools and other accidents. Laceration
16. It is a forcible tearing or partial tearing away of tissues. Avulsion


1. What global health initiative strengthens health systems by designing and deploying
computer-based enabled solutions? Digital Health Initiative
2. What health initiative gives financial assistance to partner countries and agencies
in fighting tb, malaria and other epidemics? Accelerating the end of AIDS, TB,
Malaria as epidemics
3. What global health initiative finances and facilitates delivery platforms for
vaccines? Innovation for Uptake, Scale and Equity in Immunization
4. What global health initiative helps countries in achieving sustainable
development by eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions? Strategic Plan
anchored on SDG
5. What global health initiative protects present and future generations from
the devastating health, social, environmental, and economic consequences of
cigarette consumption? WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control
6. What global health initiative expands access to the most vulnerable children, and
integrates services in health and nutrition? Strengthening Health System
7. Which global health initiative encourages local governments to incorporate health
issues and health concerns into all aspects of public policy? Alliance for Healthy
8. Which global health initiative reduces harmful use of liquor by effective policy
measures and providing a relevant infrastructure? WHO's Global Strategy to Reduce
the Harmful Use of Alcohol

9. What global health initiative supports primary health care especially at the
community level? Strengthening Health System
10. Which global health initiative accelerates structural transformations for ‘
sustainable development and building resilience to crises and shocks? Strategic Plan
anchored on SDG
11. It is a partnership designed to accelerate the end of AIDS, Tuberculosis, and
Malaria as epidemics. It is a financing mechanism rather than an implementing
agency.Global Fund
12. It is a United Nations’ agency responsible for providing humanitarian and
developmental aid to children worldwide. UNICEF
13. It advocates for change and connects countries to knowledge, experience, and
resources to help people build a better life for themselves. UNDP
14. It is designated to serve as the lead agency tasked to direct and coordinate
with all member nations regarding leadership, supervision, technical support, and
education on matters about health. WHO
15. a global Vaccine Alliance, bringing together public and private sectors with
the shared goal of creating equal access to new and underused vaccines for children
living in the world’s poorest countries. GAVI


16. It is defined as the physiological [or physical] and emotional responses to a
significant or unexpected change or disruption in one’s life.
a. Problems b. Eustress c. Stress d. Stressor
17. This refers to the things that make a person stressed.
a. Problems b. Eustress c. Stress d. Stressor
18. This refers to a negative reaction of the body towards a given stressor.
a. Distress b. Eustress c. Stress d. Stressor
19. This refers to a positive and healthy response of the body from a stressor.
a. Distress b. Eustress c. Stress d. Stressor
20. What do you call the changes that occur from experiencing stress?
a. General adaptation syndrome
b. General adapting syndrome
c. Gender adaptation syndrome
d. Gender adapting syndrome
21. In this stage is when a person slowly loses the energy to manage the stress.
a. Alarm stage b. Resistance Stage c. Exhaustion Stage d. Problematic Stage
22. It is the stage when the body has already responded to the stressor.
a. Alarm stage b. Resistance Stage c. Exhaustion Stage d. Problematic Stage
23. This phase is when a person experiences the “flight to fight” feeling.
a. Alarm stage b. Resistance Stage c. Exhaustion Stage d. Problematic Stage
24. There are events or situations that make a person feel stress.
a. Problems b. Eustress c. Stress d. Stressor
25. Among the choices, which situation shows a Positive Stress?
a. Feeling of excitement
b. It feels unpleasant
c. Loss of money
d. Improvement of performance
Tell whether the situation is under Eustress or Distress

26. Winning Lottery - Eustress

27. Death – Distress
28. Heartbreak - Distress
29. Accepted in work - Eustress
30. Scammed – Distress


16. What should the sick person do if he/she gets infected?
A. maintain personal hygiene
B. staying away from other people
C. taking the advice of the doctors
D. all of these
17. How long is the incubation period for mumps?
A. 1 to 2 days B. 1 to 3 days C. 12 to 25 days D. 2 to 3 weeks
18. What is the other term for convalescence stage?
A. Illness Period B. Incubation Stage C. Prodromal Stage D. Recovery Stage
19. What stage of infection shows the interval between the entrance of pathogen
into the body and appearance of first symptoms?
A. Convalescence B. Illness or Clinical stage C. Incubation D. Prodromal
20. What type of diseases is caused by the direct and indirect spread of pathogens
from one person to another? A. lifestyle related diseases B. hereditary diseases C.
communicable diseases D. non-communicable diseases
21. What can you do to prevent transmission of infectious diseases?
A. Maintaining good hygiene
B. Wearing face mask and face shield
C. Avoiding direct contact with infected people
D. all of the above
22. What are the diseases caused by organisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, or
A. allergy B. cancer C. infectious agent D. non-infectious agent

23. How long is the incubation period for chickenpox?

A. 1 to 2 days B. 1 to 3 days C. 12 to 25 days D. 2 to 3 weeks
24. What do you call the invasion and multiplication of microorganisms such as
bacteria, viruses and parasites that are not normally present within the body?
A. Diseases B. Infections C. Stages D. All of these
25. Pathogens are disease causing organisms which can be viruses, bacteria, fungi,
among others a. reservoirs b. pathogens c. susceptible host d.
infectious agent
26. What is the first stage of infection?
A. Convalescence B. Illness C. Incubation D. Prodromal
27. What is the third stage of infection which begins when more specific signs and
symptoms appear?
A. Convalescence B. Illness C. Incubation D. Prodromal
28. In what stage of infection do acute symptoms of infection disappear?
A. Convalescence B. Illness C. Incubation D. Prodromal
29. Reservoirs can be a place such as bodies of water, animals, and humans.
a. reservoirs b. pathogen c. susceptible host d. infectious agent
15. What is the second stage of infection which starts from the onset of non-specific
signs and symptoms such as fever?
A. Convalescence B. Illness C. Incubation D. Prodromal


17. What is the first thing to do in assessing an emergency situation?
A. Call for help B. Survey if the scene is safe
C. Do a head-to-toe examination D. Check the vital signs of the victim
18. When is primary survey of the victim done?
A. When the victim is conscious
B. During the survey of the scene
C. When the victim is unconscious
D. After the victim has regained consciousness
19. When is secondary survey of the victim done?
A. When the victim is conscious
B. During the survey of the scene
C. When the victim is unconscious
D. After the victim has regained consciousness
20. What sterile cloth is used to cover a wound?
A. bandage B. dressing C. cold compress D. hot compress
21. What is used to stop bleeding and provide support for immobilization of a
fracture? A. bandage C. dressing B. cold compress D. hot compress
22. Which is a break in the continuity of the tissue in the body?
A. fracture C. sprain B. laceration D. wound
23. These are sensations that the victim feels or experiences and may be able to
A. fracture C. receipt B. Sign D. Symptoms
24. These are details discovered by applying your senses – sight, touch, hearing
and smell during the course of the examination
A. fracture C. receipt B. Sign D. Symptoms
25. This bandage is made from cloth and can be used as cold compress, padding,
support for pressure, or support.
A. Ace bandage B. Triangular Bandage C. Tubular Bandage D. Cravat Bandage
26. This bandage is used to support joints or hold dressings in place.
A. Ace bandage B. Triangular Bandage C. Tubular Bandage D. Cravat Bandage
27. It is used for wounds on top and back of the head, chest, back, hand, and
foot, and as arm sling.
28. Open Phase Bandaging B. Cravat Phase Bandaging
29. Close Phase Bandaging D. Tubular Phase Bandaging
30. It is a cut caused by knife, broken glass or any sharp object.
A. Puncture B. Abrasion C. Laceration D. Incision
31. It is a is a piercing wound caused by nails, needles and other pointed object.
A. Puncture B. Abrasion C. Laceration D. Incision
32. It is caused by rubbing or scraping the skin against a rough surface
A. Puncture B. Abrasion C. Laceration D. Incision
33. It is a blunt breaking or tearing of soft tissues usually resulting from
mishandling tools and other accidents.
A. Puncture B. Abrasion C. Laceration D. Avulsion
34. It is a forcible tearing or partial tearing away of tissues
A. Puncture B. Abrasion C. Laceration D. Avulsion


16. Which global health initiative strengthens health systems by designing and
deploying computer-based enabled solutions?
a. UNDP Strategic Plan
b. Digital Health Initiative
c. WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control
d. WHO's Global Strategy to Reduce the Harmful Use of Alcohol
17. Which health initiative gives financial assistance to partner countries and
agencies in fighting tb, malaria and other epidemics?
a. Alliance for Healthy Cities
b. Accelerating the end of AIDS, TB, Malaria as epidemics
c. Innovation for Uptake, Scale and Equity in Immunization
d. WHO's Global Strategy to Reduce the Harmful Use of Alcohol
18. Which global health initiative finances and facilitates delivery platforms for
a. Alliance for Healthy Cities
b. Strategic Plan anchored on SDG
c. Innovation for Uptake, Scale and Equity in Immunization
d. WHO's Global Strategy to Reduce the Harmful Use of Alcohol
19. Which global health initiative helps countries in achieving sustainable
development by eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions?
a. Digital Health Initiative
b. Strategic Plan anchored on SDG
c. WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control
d. WHO's Global Strategy to Reduce the Harmful Use of Alcohol
20. Which global health initiative protects present and future generations from
the devastating health, social, environmental, and economic consequences of
cigarette consumption?
a. Digital Health Initiative
b. Strengthening Health System
c. WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control
d. WHO's Global Strategy to Reduce the Harmful Use of Alcohol
21. Which global health initiative expands access to the most vulnerable children,
and integrates services in health and nutrition?
a. UNDP Strategic Plan
b. Alliance for Healthy Cities
c. Strengthening Health System
d. WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control
22. Which global health initiative encourages local governments to incorporate
health issues and health concerns into all aspects of public policy?
a. Alliance for Healthy Cities
b. Accelerating the end of AIDS, TB, Malaria as epidemics
c. Innovation for Uptake, Scale and Equity in Immunization
d. WHO's Global Strategy to Reduce the Harmful Use of Alcohol
23. Which global health initiative reduces harmful use of liquor by effective
policy measures and providing a relevant infrastructure?
a. Digital Health Initiative
b. Strengthening Health System
c. WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control
d. WHO's Global Strategy to Reduce the Harmful Use of Alcohol

24. Which global health initiative supports primary health care especially at the
community level?
a. Digital Health Initiative
b. Strengthening Health System
c. WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control
d. WHO's Global Strategy to Reduce the Harmful Use of Alcohol
25. Which global health initiative accelerates structural transformations for ‘
sustainable development and building resilience to crises and shocks?
a. Alliance for Healthy Cities
b. Strategic Plan anchored on SDG
c. Strengthening Health System
d. WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control
26. It is a partnership designed to accelerate the end of AIDS, Tuberculosis, and
Malaria as epidemics. It is a financing mechanism rather than an implementing
b. Global Fund
c. WHO
27. It is a United Nations’ agency responsible for providing humanitarian and
developmental aid to children worldwide.
b. Global Fund
28. It advocates for change and connects countries to knowledge, experience, and
resources to help people build a better life for themselves.
b. Global Fund
29. It is designated to serve as the lead agency tasked to direct and coordinate
with all member nations regarding leadership, supervision, technical support, and
education on matters about health.
b. Global Fund
c. WHO
30. a global Vaccine Alliance, bringing together public and private sectors with
the shared goal of creating equal access to new and underused vaccines for children
living in the world’s poorest countries.
b. Global Fund
c. WHO

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