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Two statements are given in the question below as Assertion (A) and Reasoning (R).

Read the statements and choose the appropriate option.

a. Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A
b. Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
c. A is true, R is false
d. A is false, R is true

1. Assertion (A): There may be many people who are academically talented
but are unsuccessful in their own lives.
Reason(R): The source of their difficulty is lack of emotional
2. Assertion (A): PASS processes operate on a knowledge base developed
either formally (through reading and writing and experimenting) or informally from
the environment. Reason
(R): The functioning of these processes are not interdependent on each other.
3. Assertion (A): A strong sense of self efficacy allows people to select,
influence and construct the circumstances of their own life.
Reason (R): People’s expectations of mastery or achievement and their
convictions about their own effectiveness determine the types of behaviors they
engage in.

4. Assertion (A): Neurotic people have control over their feelings.

Reason (R): Neurotic people are anxious, moody, touchy, restless and are quick to
lose control.

5. Assertion (A): A person who has strong aggressive tendencies may see
other people as being excessively aggressive towards him/her.
Reason (R): People adopt an ego defense mechanism called projection in which they
attribute their own traits to others.

6. Assertion (A): Behavioral ratings suffer from major limitations like

Reason (R): Raters have a tendency to place individuals in the middle of a scale by
avoiding extreme positions.

7. Assertion (A): Self-concept is the way we perceive ourselves and the

ideas we hold about our competencies and attributes.
Reasoning(R): Parents who make decisions for their children when they do not need
assistance often suffer from low self-esteem.

8. Assertion (A): Many of us drive ourselves ruthlessly towards achieving

unrealistic and high standards in achieving our goals. This is a source of
psychological stress.
Reason (R): Conflicts stem from beliefs based on expectations from inside us to

9. Assertion (A): People with high levels of stress but low levels of
illness share three characteristics, which are referred to as the personality
traits of hardiness.
Reason (R): Hardiness consists of ‘the three Cs’, i.e., commitment, control, and

10. Assertion (A): Overcoming unhelpful habits like procrastination is a

life skill that enables individuals to deal effectively with challenges of everyday
Reason (R): Factors that act as stress buffers and facilitate positive health are
diet, exercise, positive attitude & positive thinking.
11. Assertion (A) : Rogers emphasised the relationship between the real
and the ideal self"
Reason (R) : The congruence of these real and ideal selves makes a
person fully functioning.

12. Assertion (A) : Karen Horney argued that psychological disorders were
caused by disturbed interpersonal relationships during childhood.
Reason: The goals that provide us with security and help us in
Overcoming the feelings of inadequacy are important in our personality development.

13. Assertion (Psychodynamic theories face strong criticism from many

Reason (R) : The theories are largely based on case studies, Thus, they lack a
rigorous scientific basis

14. Assertion (A) : In psychological terms, personality refers to the physical or

external appearance of an individual for example, when we find Someone "good-
looking, we often assume that the person also has a charming personality.
Reason (R) : Personality refers to our characteristic ways of responding to
individuals and situations.

15. (A): an individual’s response to a stressful situation largely depends

upon the perceived events and how they are interpreted.
(R): Lazarus has distinguished between two types of appraisal I.e. Primary and

16. Assertion (A) : High stress too can produce unpleasant effect and cause
our performance to deteriorate.
(R): Eustress always turns into distress and also produces unpleasant effects.

17. Assertion (A)• Life skills are abilities for adaptive and positive
behaviour that enable individuals to deal effectively with the demands and
challenges of everyday life.
Reason (R) : To meet the challenges of life, a positive attitude, positive
thinking, social support, etc, are some factors that can be of help.

18. Assertion (A): Aptitude refers to an individual’s underlying potential

for acquiring skills.
Reason (R): Aptitude tests are used to predict what an individual will be able to
do if given the proper environment and training.
19. Assertion (A): The PASS processes operate on a knowledge base.
Reason (R): The knowledge base is developed by reading and writing alone.
20. Assertion (A): Some verbal tests require responses in written form.
Reason (R): Verbal tests can only be administered to literate people.

21. Assertion (A): A psychological test is an objective and standardized

measure of an individual’s mental or behavioral characteristics.
Reason (R): Psychological tests measure psychological attributes such as weight,
height, arm length, etc.

22. Assertion (A): Spatial intelligence is used while navigating in space,

forming, transforming, and using mental images.
Reason (R): Spatial intelligence is involved in perceiving the formation of images
in three dimensions.
23. Assertion (A): People with similar intelligence take a similar time to
acquire knowledge or skills.
Reason (R): With proper training, these abilities can be considerably enhanced.
24. Assertion (A): Deficits in adaptive behavior or the capacity to be
independent and deal effectively with one’s environment.
Reason (R): Deficits must be observed during the developmental period, i.e.,
between 0-18 years.
25. Assertion (A): Intelligence is a single entity.
Reason (R): Various types of intelligence exist independently of each other.
26. Assertion (A): The physical and psychological characteristics of
individuals are not the same.
Reason (R): Individuals differ in their ability to understand complex ideas, adapt
to the environment, learn from experience, engage in various forms of reasoning,
and overcome obstacles.

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