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NAME: James Louise T.

Beronio 11-STEM


1.Give different real-life applications of derivatives and integrals (2 applications each).

Explain briefly how derivatives and integrals are being used in each application. Include
illustrations, diagrams and integrals.
 In monitoring temperatures:
Derivatives can help monitor temperatures by analyzing how temperature changes over time
and space. With time derivatives, we measure the rate of the temperature change, aiding
weather forecasting and controlling heating/ cooling systems Spatial derivatives helps
identify temperature gradients, useful in thermal imaging for detecting anomalies and
optimizing material designs for heat transfer.

 Derivatives in determining speed or distance covered:

Derivatives determine instantaneous speed by analyzing how position changes over time. By
calculating the rate of change of position with respect to time, derivatives provide valuable
insights into an objects velocity.
 Integrals in Fluid Dynamics:
Integrals are employed in fluid dynamics to calculate the fluid flow rates, pressure
distributions, and forces acting on submerged objects. For instance, in hydrodynamics
integrals are used to analyze the flow of water in rivers, channels, and pipelines by
integrating the velocity field over cross-sectional areas. This helps engineers design efficient
hydraulic systems, optimize water management strategies, and mitigate flood risk.
 Integral in Electricity consumption:
Integrals are used by utility companies to calculate electricity consumption and generate
bills for customers. By integrating the power consumption (measured in kilowatt-hours)
over time, the total energy usage during a billing period can be determined. This
information is crucial for accurately charging customers for the electricity they consume,
helping to manage energy resources effectively and ensure fair billing practices.

2.Give two problems (in any area) with its solution and specify the area of application of
derivatives and integrals
Problem 1:
Optimization Problem in Economics
Suppose a company wants to maximize its profit by determining the optimal production
quantity. The company's revenue function is given by R(x) = 5x - 0.01x^2, where x is the
production quantity, and the cost function is given by C(x) = 2x + 100, where x is the
production quantity.

To find the optimal production quantity, we need to maximize the profit function, which is
the difference between the revenue and the cost.

Profit function: P(x) = R(x) - C(x)

P(x) = (5x - 0.01x^2) - (2x + 100)
P(x) = 3x - 0.01x^2 - 100

To find the maximum profit, we need to find the critical point(s) of the profit function by
taking the derivative and setting it equal to zero.

Derivative of the profit function:

P'(x) = 3 - 0.02x

Setting the derivative equal to zero:

3 - 0.02x = 0
x = 150

To check if this is a maximum, we can take the second derivative:

P''(x) = -0.02

Since the second derivative is negative, the critical point at x = 150 is a maximum. Therefore,
the optimal production quantity is 150 units.

Area of application of derivatives:

Derivatives are used in optimization problems to find the maximum or minimum values of a

Problem 2:
Projectile Motion in Physics
A projectile is launched with an initial velocity of 50 m/s at an angle of 60 degrees above the
horizontal. Assuming no air resistance, find the maximum height reached by the projectile
and the time it takes to reach the maximum height.

To solve this problem, we can use the equations of motion for projectile motion.

Given information:
- Initial velocity (v₀) = 50 m/s
- Angle of launch (θ) = 60 degrees

Calculate the vertical and horizontal components of the initial velocity.

Vertical component: v₀y = v₀ sin(θ) = 50 sin(60°) = 43.30 m/s
Horizontal component: v₀x = v₀ cos(θ) = 50 cos(60°) = 25 m/s

Find the maximum height reached by the projectile.

The maximum height is reached when the vertical velocity becomes zero.
Using the equation: y = v₀y t - 1/2 gt^2, where g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s²).
Setting the vertical velocity to zero
0 = 43.30t - 4.9t^2
t = 0 or t = 8.82 s
The maximum height is given by:
y = v₀y t - 1/2 gt^2
y = 43.30 × 8.82 - 1/2 × 9.8 × (8.82)^2
y = 191.33 m

Therefore, the maximum height reached by the projectile is 191.33 meters.

Area of application of integrals:

Integrals are used to find the position, velocity, and other kinematic quantities in projectile
motion problems.

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