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Контрольна робота


Виконав: студентка гр. ПЕО-20д Cєдих А

Перевірив ст. викл. Авдєєва Світлана Олегівна

Севєродонецьк, 2024
a Circle the word that is different. Explain why.
1 beans grapes peach raspberry
The others are all fruit.
2 chicken duck lamb salmon
The others are all meat.
3 beetroot cabbage pear pepper
The others are all vegetables.
4 aubergine lemon mango melon
The others are all fruits.
5 crab mussels beef prawns
The others are all seafood
6 cabbage cherry courgette cucumber
The others are all berries
c Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
fresh frozen low-fat raw spicy takeaway tinned
1 I Tinned tomatoes usually last for about two years.
2 I don't feel like cooking. Let's get a takeaway for dinner.
3 Are there any frozen peas in the freezer?
4 I 'm not very keen on raw fish, so I never never eat sushi.
5 Hannah 's on a diet, so she bought some low-fat yoghurt to have for dessert.
6 They eat a lot of spicy food in Mexico.
7 We buy fresh bread the baker's every morning.
b Complete the crossword.
Fried boiled


roasted steamed


1. chicken, squid
2. beef, peach
3. crab, mango
4. carton, jar
5. chocolate, sausage
6. fork, prawns
7. cook, sugare
8. cucumber, tuna
c Write the words.
1 /'b;,1ld/ -boiled
2 /'kreb1dy' - cabbage
3 /'spa1si/ - spicy
4 /r'dust/ - roast
5 /gre1ps/ - grapes
6 /fru:t/ - fruit
7 /be1kt/ - baked
8 /'mel'dn/ - melon
9 /''dub'd3i:n/ - aubergine
3 GRAMMAR present simple/continuous, action and non-action verbs
a Are the highlighted phrases right (+) or wrong (-)? Correct the wrong phrases.
l Does your girlfriend like seafood? [+]
2 Lucy's in the kitchen. She makes a cup of tea. [-]
She's making
3 Are you eating out every weekend? [-]
Do you eat out
4 I don't know what to cook for dinner. [+]
5 Are you thinking the fish is cooked now? [-]
Do you think
6 We're having lunch with my parents every Sunday. [-]
We have lunch
7 My mother's in the garden. She's cutting the grass. [+]
8 I'm not wanting any potatoes with nly fish, thanks. [-]
I don’t want
9 Do you prefer steamed rice to fried rice? [+]
10 Jack's on the phone. He orders some pizzas. [-]
He is ordering
b Complete the sentences with the present simple or continuous forn1 of the verbs in
1 Our neighbours grow all of their own vegetables. (grow)
2 My mother DOES NOT usually COOK at the weekend.
3 Do you want to come for lunch on Sunday? We ARE COOKING roast lamb.
4 We ARE NOT GOING OUT tonight because there’s a football match on TV.
5 DO you usually SPEND your birthday with your family?
6 That restaurant SERVES delicious mussels at lunchtime.
7 How often DO you EAT OUT in a typical week?
8 I AM NOT HAVING a starter because I’m not hungry.
9 We DO NOT often BUY steak.
10 My boyfriend’s on a diet so he IS CUTTING DOWN on fried food.
The truth about healthy eating Food experts are always telling us what we should and
shouldn't eat, but they often give us different advice. Our food writer, Teresa Gold, has
had a look at all the information to work out what is fact and what is fiction .
A full-English breakfast will certainly stop you feeling hungry, but it's high in calories
which means that you'll put on weight if you have it regularly. A healthier option is to
have just the egg. Boil it instead of frying it, and eat it with a piece of toast made with
brown bread. Breakfast cereals are very high in sugar, so if you feel like cereal, have
muesli - with no added sugar. You can also get your first vitamins of the day by drinking
a glass of freshly-squeezed orange juice.
Fruit and vegetables contain the vitamins and minerals we need to stay healthy.
But five is actually a fictional number thought up by an American nutritionist. She
looked at what the average person ate and doubled it. According to more recent research,
the right number is actually eight. The research shows that people who have eight pieces
of fruit and vegetables a day are much less likely to suffer from heart disease than those
who eat three.
This particular fruit has had some bad publicity because dentists say it can harm
our teeth. While it's true that apples do contain a little sugar, they are also a source of
fibre. Nutritionists say that we need about 18g of fibre a day, and a medium apple - peel
included - contains about 3g. Some varieties contain more fibre than others, so you
should choose carefully.
The key to good health is a balanced diet which contains fats and carbohydrates
as well as proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Fats may be high in calories, but they also
contain vitamins. According to the World Cancer Research Fund, you should only have
about 500 g of red meat per week - a steak is about 100 g. One type of food on its own
won't kill or cure you, but eating the right amount of the right food will stop you getting
b Read the article again. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).
1 A fu ll-English breakfast every morning isn't good for you. T
2 The best breakfast is any type of cereal. F
3 An American nutritionist carefully calculated the amount of fruit and vegetables
we should eat. F
4 We shou Id ear more than five pieces of fruit and vegetables per day. T
5 Apples contain a lot of sugar. F
6 All apples have the same an1ount of fibre. F
7 Fats can be good for us. T
8 You can eat as much red meat as you want to. F
c Look at the highlighted words and phrases. What do you think they niean? Use
your dictionary to look up their meaning and pronunciation.
Fiction -художня література
freshly-squeezed - свіжовичавлений
disease - захворювання
harm - шкода
peel – шкіhка
cure - вилікувати
a Listen to a radio phone-in programme about the
article in exercise 4. Tick (.I) the caller(s) who completely
agree with it.
A williarn (-)
B Kate (-)
C Harry (+)
D Rosie(+)
b Listen again and answer the questions.
Which caller ... ?
1 thinks that some fruit and vegetables are unhealthy
2 says that most children prefer fast food
3 ears very little fruit
4 is very healthy because he/she eats a lot of
fruit and vegetables
Carbohydrares - вуглеводи
protein - білок
awake - прокинутися
oily - маслянистий
powerful - потужний
relaxed - розслаблений
sleepy - сонний
stressful - стресовий
violent - жорстокий
ready-made food - готова їжа
1 My brother hates his job. He's going to look for a new one.
he / look for (an intention)
2 Don't worry about the drinks. I 'II pay for them.
If pay (an offer)
3 Shall I make some more coffee?
If make (a n offer)
4 Do you think you'll ger married before you 're 30?
you / get married (a prediction)
5 We aren't going to my cousin's wedding. We'lI be on holiday.
we/not go (an arrangement)
6 A Are you ready to order?
B Yes, I'll have the steak.
I/ have (an instant decision)
7 I'll be 21 on my next birthday.
I/be (a fact)
8 Shall we invite your parents for a meal this weekend?
We/invite ( a suggestion )
9 I'm going to the shops. I won't be long.
I/not be ( a promise)
10 We're having a party for my grandmother's 80th birthday tomorrow.
we/have ( a arragement)
b Complete the dialogues with the correct future form of the verbs in brackets.
Are steing
Are having

are order
`ll call
`ll have

are leaving
`m getting
`m giving

are doing
`m see
Are love

shall help
`ll wash
Won`t break

Rewrite the sentences with each other.
1 My brother shouts at my sister and she shouts at him.
My brother and sister yell at each other.
2 Rob doesn't know Alex and Alex doesn't know Rob.
Rob and Alex don't know each other
3 I don't talk to my sister and she doesn't talk to me.
My sister and I don't talk to each other
4 I don't understand you, and you don't understand me.
we don't understand each other
5 The coach respects the players and they respect him.
Coach and players respect each other
b Match the comments with the personality
adjectives in the box.
1 'When I want something, my parents
always give it to me.'
2 'I don't like my boyfriend talking to others
3 'I'm always there when my friends need
my help.'
4 'Those are my pens and you can't borrow
5 'I'm going to go to bed early so l can sleep
well before my exam tomorrow.'
6 'I'll hit you if you do that again!'
7 'I feel quite comfortable 'when l'm
speaking in public.'
8 'I'd like to be the manager of a big multinational company.'
9 'That's what I think and I'm not going to
change my mind.'
10 'I'd prefer to do this on my own, thanks.'
c Write the opposite adjectives. Use a negative prefix if necessary.
1 generous - mean
2 kind - unkind
3 lazy - hardworking
4 mature - immature
5 organized - disorganized
6 sensitive - insensitive
7 talkative - silent
8 tidy – untidy
VOCABULARY family, adjectives of personality
a Complete the sentences with a family word.
1 Your mother and father are your parents.
2 Your grandfather's father is your grear-grandfather
3 A child who has no brothers or sisters is an on, only child
4 Your brother's daughter is your niece
5 Your father's sister is your aunt
6 Your partner, your children, your parents, and your brothers
and sisters are your immediate family
7 Your father's new wife is yours stepmother
8 Your wife's or husband's father is yours father-in-law
9 Your aunts and uncles and your cousins are your extendet family
10 Your brother's or sister's son is your nephew
b Read the article again. Choose the correct answers according to the information
1 In the past, most families in Southern Europe and the Middle East were ...
a smaller. b closer. c richer.
2 There isn't much ... in a Bedouin tent.
a furniture b light c space
3 Bedouin .. . spend most of the day inside.
a men b women c children
4 Young Bedouins who live in the city ...
a hardly ever go home. b don't earn much money. c don't lose touch with their
5 Members of a Bedouin family help each other to ...
a survive. b get a job. c choose clothes.
c Look at the highlighted words and phrases. What do you think they mean? Use your
dictionary to look up their meaning and pronunciation.
Hosts - Господарі
Mattresses - Матраци
Shiny - Блискучий
Pull up - Задирати
Left alone - Залишений наодинці
Supports - Підтримує
a Listen to a couple, Terry and Jane, talking about going to live with the in-laws. What
do they decide at the end of the conversation?
They decide not to move in wish Terry's parents.
b Listen again and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).
1 Terry and Jane are both very tired. T
2 Terry is more optin1istic about the future than Jane. F
3 Terry's parents have suggested the family move in with them. T
4 Terry says that if they all lived together, his parents >vould babysit. T
5 Jane thinks that the new plan would mean less housework for her. F
6 Jane worries that the grandparents would spoil the children. T
boarding school – школа-інтернат
childhood- дитинство
gathering- збір
rivalry- суперництво
sick- хворий
fight- боротися
aware of - бути в курсі
no wonder- не дивно

2 believe
3 kidding
4 mind
5 Really
6 part
7 how
8 news
9 what

2 How do you see

3 Not really
4 Thar's because
5 How incredible
6 Go ahead
7 things like that
8 I mean

2 55 Bar
3 Barbes
4 Smalls
5 Cafe Carlyle
6 Smalls


1 My sister wastes a lot of money on clothes she

never wears. (wastes / saves)
2 I can't afford to buy a flat of
3 You'll have to save a lot of money if you want to travel around the world next year.
4 Kevin earns about € 1,000 a month in his new job.
5 That painting is worch a lot of money.
6 My uncle is doing a bike ride to raise money for charity.
7 We still owe the bank a lot of n1oney.
8 Mary inherited £5,000 fron1 her grandfather when he died.
9 The plumber charged me €100 for mending tny.
10 Can you lend me $200 until 1 get paid?
1 I'll pay for the n1eal if you get the drinks.
2 They charged us €5 for a bottle of water.
3 They got into debt when they bought their new house.
4 We've borrowed some money from my parents.
5 My grandparents always pay by cash.
6 l don't mind lending money to family.
7 They spent a lot of money on their son's education.
8 Can I pay by credit card?
9 If I lend you the money,when can you pay back me?
10 Phil invested all his money in his own company.
cash machine







1. I've never owed any money to the bank in my life.
2. Rachel wants to buy a flat, but she hasn't saved enough money yet.
3. They've charged us too much for our meal last night.
4. Paul hasn't inherited anything from his grandmother when she died.
5. I can't pay you back. I haven't been to the cash machine yet.
6. I've never used contactless payment, but I'd like to try it.
7. How much did your TV cost?
8. I haven't had any coins, so I couldn't put any money in the parking meter.
9. I love your house - how long have you lived in it?
10. My girlfriend has a really well-paid job. She earned £45,000 last year.
1. A: When did your son buy his car? B: When he passed his driving test last month.
2. A: How much money did you borrow from your sister yesterday? B: About €100, but
I have already spent it all.
3. A: Have you found a new flat yet? B: Yes, and the bank just agreed to give me a
4. A: Have you ever lent any money to a friend? B: Only to my when he needed a new
5. A: Has your mother made an appointment with the doctor yet? B: Yes,
she called him yesterday and she's seeing him tomorrow.
3 In the countryside
1)b 2)c 3)a 4)c 5)b
Stock market
The stock market is where shares of publicly traded companies are bought and sold. It's a
key component of the global financial system, serving as a platform for investors to trade
securities. Stock prices are influenced by various factors such as company performance,
economic indicators, geopolitical events, and investor sentiment. The stock market can be
volatile, with prices fluctuating based on both short-term and long-term factors. Many
investors use the stock market as a way to grow their wealth over time, but it also carries
risks, and careful research and diversification are often recommended strategies for
mitigating those risks.
"Era" is a period of time, usually characterized by specific social, cultural, technological,
or other features that distinguish it from other periods. It can be an extended period
during which significant changes or developments occur in a particular area. For
example, the "industrial era" refers to the period of intensive industrial development in
human history. The term "era" can also be used in a narrower sense; for instance, the
"digital era" is a period in which digital technologies have become the primary driver of
societal and economic development.
Sell-by date
The "sell-by date" is a label found on perishable goods, indicating the last date that the
item should be sold by the retailer. It's primarily intended for the store's stock
management, ensuring that consumers purchase products within a timeframe when they
are expected to be fresh and of high quality. After the sell-by date has passed, the product
might still be safe to consume, but its quality may have deteriorated. It's worth noting that
the sell-by date is not an expiration date and doesn't necessarily mean that the product is
unsafe to eat after that date, especially if it has been stored properly.
To "discard" something means to get rid of it or throw it away because it is no longer
wanted, needed, or usable. This term is often used in the context of disposing of items
that are no longer useful, such as expired food, broken or old objects, or items that have
been replaced by newer ones. Discarding can involve placing items in the trash, recycling
them, or otherwise disposing of them in an appropriate manner.
retirement plans
"Streams" can refer to various things depending on the context:
1.Water Streams: In nature, streams are small bodies of flowing water, typically found in
rivers or creeks, characterized by a current and a channel.
2. Data Streams: In computing, streams refer to sequences of data elements made
available over time. This concept is commonly used in programming for tasks like
input/output operations or processing large amounts of data.
3. Live Streaming: This term has gained popularity with the rise of the internet. Live
streaming involves transmitting or receiving video and audio content over the internet in
real-time. It's commonly used for events, gaming, education, and various other purposes.
4. Social Media Streams: On social media platforms, the term "stream" often refers to the
continuous flow of posts, updates, or content displayed on a user's feed or timeline.
5.Streams of Thought: Metaphorically, "streams of thought" refer to the continuous flow
of ideas or consciousness in the mind, often used in literature or psychology.
Clean fresh water often comes from mountain streams.
It's important to have a pension plan when you get old.
The giant fish sculptures in Rio were made using plastic bottles.
The early nineteenth century was an important period for opera.
He has shares in some companies, so he's interested in what happens on the stock market.
You might get ill if you eat food after its expiry date.
Speaker 1-d
Speaker 2-a
Speaker 3-c
Speaker 4-b
B) 1.F 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.F 6.T 7. F 8.T
1.Cheques: Чеки
2. Contracts: Договори
3. Figures: "фігури"
4. Recession: Рецесія
5. Salesman: Продавець
6. Broke: "Зламаний"
for since
ages 2005

six moths a fortnight

the last two Christmas


years and I was little


- Tuesday

- you last
2. My mum has been ill since last Friday.
3. We have known each other since we were at school.
4. He has worked for the same company for five years.
5. They have lived in Scotland since they got married.
6. My parents have gone away for the weekend.
7. I have wanted to go to Australia for a long time.
8. She hasn't spoken to me since last year.
A Have you heard Heather's new band?
B No. Have the)' been playing
together for a long time?
A How long was your flight?
B Twelve hours. we've been travelling
all day.
A My brother has a very good job in New York.
B Really? How long has he been working
A Diana's found a new flat, at last.
B Oh good! She's been looking for one for ages.
A Why does Liam's teacher want to see you?
B He hasn't been doing his homework lately.
A You're late.
B Yes, I know. Sorry. Have you been waiting
A You look exhausted.
B I 'vc been looking after the children all day!
1 I've been travelling all day .
2 How long have they been going out together?
3 She's been feeling ill since yesterday
4 They haven’t been living here for long.
5 We've been clining the house all morning
6 I haven’t been sleeping well lately.
1b 2a 3c
Which organization ... ?
1 takes people for a fortnight or a month B
2 encourages sightseeing C
3 offers acco1nmodation in tents A
4 says what volunteers should bring C
5 gives volunteers free afternoons A
6 lets volunteers stay with others in a hut B
7 arranges accommodation with local people C
8 only needs volunteers in the summer A
1. Disadvantaged: Менш обдарований або зазнаючий недоліків. Також можна
використовувати терміни "у невигідному стані" або "у невизначеному положенні".
2. Make a contribution: Зробити внесок або приносити вклад у щось. Це може бути
грошовий внесок, матеріальна допомога або інший вид підтримки.
3.The wild: Дикі місця або природне середовище, яке не було розроблене або
приручене людьми.
4. Shelters: Притулки - місця, призначені для захисту від небезпеки або погодних
умов. Вони можуть бути призначені для людей, тварин або навіть рослин.
5. Swing: Гойдалка або качеля, зазвичай встановлена на зовнішніх майданчиках або
в парках, де люди можуть качатися вперед і назад для розваги.
6. Lend a hand: Допомогти, надати підтримку або допомогу комусь у виконанні
певної роботи або завдання.
1 freezing
2 dessert
3 delighted
4 happe
5 enormous
6 film
1 A Are you sure the meeting is today?
B Yes, I'm absolutely positive
2 A Is your boyfriend's flat small?
B Yes, it's really tiny
3 A Were your parents angry about your exam results?
B Yes, they were furious
4 A Is your sister frightened of insects?
B Yes, she's absolutely terrified of them.
5 A Were you surprised when you passed your driving test?
B Yes, I was really amazed at
6 A Were the children hungry when they arrived?
B Yes, they were absolutely starving
1 Australia
3 China
5 India
6 Kenya
9 Russia
10 Rwanda
11 Thailand
12 Zanzibar
1 What did J.D.Lewis use to do?
He used to be an actor.
2 How old are the children?
14 and 9
3 How much is the trip going to cost?
300 000 dollar's
4 What's the name of this organization?
Twelve in Twelve
5 What did they do in Thailand?
They looked after elephants.
6 How did they help the children in Rwanda?
They taught them English.
7 Who did they help in Kenya?
Sick children
8 What does J.D.Lewis hope his organization will do in the future?
Encourage other families to do the same.

r a
c r i g e s
l c

o o

u n d e r g r o u n d

r t

o t o r w a y e

r r

c o a c h

1. Don't forget to put your seatbelt on.
2. You'll get a parking fine if you leave your car there.
3. Sorry we're late. There was a terrible traffic.
4. The journey took us twice as long because there were roadworks.
5. I wish cyclists would use the bike lane.
6. We need to fill up at the gas station.
7. The traffic is always worse during rush hour.
8. There wasn't anybody waiting at the taxi stand.
9. Slow down! There are speed bumps.
10. We had to stop at the traffic lights.
11. There's been a traffic jam in the city centre.


1. Gas isn’t as expensive in the US… as it is in the UK.

2. My father drives more slowly … than my mother.
3. They said that today was… the hottest day of the year.
4. Let's go by train. It's …more comfortable than the bus.
5. This is the … worst flight I've ever been on. I'll never fly with this airline again.
6. I think trains are … less dangerous than cars. There are fewer accidents.
7. It's …faster to go by subway than by bus. Buses are much slower..
8. The M25 is the…most busy nlotorway in the UK.
9. You're at the Sheraton? We're staying at the same hotel…as you.
10. Why don't we ride our bikes? It's the …least expensive way to travel


2) Cancun is the most crowded of the three destinations

3) Copenhagen is easier to get to. than Sydney
4)Sydney is less exciting than Cancun
5)Sydney is more hotter than Copenhagen
6) Copenhagen is the most relaxing of the 3 destinations
Cancun isn't as expensive as Copenhagen.
This math problem isn't as difficult as that one.
Watching paint dry isn't as exciting as skydiving.
The weather in Los Angeles isn't as cold as in Moscow.
1 The most relaxing way to travel is by train.
2 The seven hours in the airport was the least enjoyable part of the holiday.
3 The most interesting place to visit is the museum.
4 Flying is a lot more expensive than going by coach.
5 They should have the party at their house. It's much bigger than ours.
6 Scooters aren't - as expensive as motorbikes.
1 F 5F
2 T 6T
3 T 7T
4 F 8F
1. Tracks: Шляхи або траси. Це може бути шляхи для поїздів, автомобілів або
навіть стежки в природі.
2. Reach a speed: Досягти швидкості. Це означає розганятися до певної швидкості,
чи то пішки, чи то на транспорті.
3. Have been around: Бути наявним або існувати впродовж певного часу. Це може
означати досвід або присутність у певних сферах.
4. As well as: Підібрано, крім того. Використовується для вказівки на додаткові
обставини або предмети.
5. Is a must: Є обов'язковим. Це означає, що щось необхідно або обов'язково
потрібно зробити.
6. Packed: Наповнений або завантажений. Це може стосуватися навіть людей,
речей або подій, які зібралися разом у великій кількості.
7. Jump on and off: Пристроїтися і зіскочити. Це означає швидко приєднатися до
чогось або відірватися від нього.
8. Unique: Унікальний або неповторний. Це означає, що щось єдине у своєму роді
або неповторне.
9. Bumpy: Нерівний або хвилястий. Це може описувати дорогу або поверхню, яка
має багато виїмок або нерівностей.
Speaker 1-e
Speaker 2-b
Speaker 3-d
Speaker 4-a
Speaker 5-c
l What did Speaker l's car crash into?
2 How far had Speaker 2 driven past Exeter before she
realized her mistake? 30 kilometers away
3 Where did Speaker 3 end up? In the middle of field.
4 Who did Speaker 4 nearly hit? Small boy
S What colour Were the traffic lights when the accident
happened to Speaker 5? green

1. Adjust (satnav): Налаштувати (навігаційну систему). Це означає змінити

налаштування або параметри навігаційної системи, щоб вона працювала
2. Reach: Досягнути. Це означає досягнути місця або стану, який був планований
або поставлений перед собою.
3. Be ahead of: Бути впереду. Це означає бути в переді чогось або мати перевагу у
порівнянні з іншими.
4. Crash (into): Зіткнутися (з). Це означає врізатися або столкнутися з чимось або
кимось, зазвичай автомобілем.
5. Get stuck (in a traffic jam): Застрягнути (у заторі). Це означає опинитися в
ситуації, коли рух є обмеженим або зупиненим через надмірний трафік або інші
6. Get worse: Погіршуватися. Це означає, що стан або ситуація стає менш
задовільною або більш проблематичною з часом.
7. Turn red: Почервоніти. Це може стосуватися кольору або світла, яке стає
червоним, або людини, яка починає червоніти через емоції або сором.
8. Turn round: Обертатися навколо. Це означає повернутися або обернутися
навколо, зазвичай у просторі або на дорозі.
9. Do your hair: Зробити зачіску. Це означає доглядати за власним волоссям або
створювати певний стиль за допомогою зачіски.
10. Put on make-up: Нанести макіяж. Це означає нанести косметику на обличчя або
інші частини тіла, щоб покращити зовнішній вигляд.

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