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Seminarski rad
Predmet : Engleski jezik II

Tema : Business Communication Skills in English

Mentor: doc. dr Valentina Budinčić

Ime i prezime studenata: Imran Polutak 013/FT

Brčko, 2021
Importance and purpose....................................................................................4
Purpose of Communication...............................................................................4
Types of business communication skills...........................................................6
1. Collaboration skills..................................................................................6
2. Negotiation skills.....................................................................................6
3. Diplomacy skills.......................................................................................6
4. Written communication............................................................................6
5. Presentation skills.....................................................................................7
6. Public speaking skills...............................................................................7
7. Active listening........................................................................................7
8. Feedback and input..................................................................................8
9. Delegation skills.......................................................................................8
11. Conflict resolution................................................................................9
12. Decision-making skills..........................................................................9
Improving your communication skills..............................................................9

The English word ‘communication’ has been derived from the Latin word,
‘Communicare’ which means to impart or participate or to transmit. The word
‘Communicare’ is derived from the root ‘Communis’ which means to make common or to
Communication is one of the most important factors in any organization or
relationship. Without communication, things do not work properly and can be mixed up.
When you can communicate properly in a business then things run smoothly and there is no
confusion. Today, technology has allowed for many outlets and highways of communication
to take place through the use of cell phones, pagers, email, and even holding old fashioned
Regardless of industry, communication is essential in the workplace. Workers must
communicate with their coworkers, managers, customers and potential customers to assist the
business in performing its operations. While most people have at least some business
communication skills, it's important for job seekers to expand and improve these skills to
succeed in their respective career.
Business communication skills are skills that influence the way in which a worker
conveys information to another person associated with the business for which he or she
works. All businesses require their workers to communicate. Restaurant servers, for example,
must talk to patrons when describing the menu and taking orders, as well as ask back-of-
house chefs for updates. Hotel managers, on the other hand, frequently communicate with
both guests and workers to ensure that all guests needs are accommodated.

Importance and purpose
Just as communication is vital for our existence in civilized society, so also it is essential for
functioning of organization. So without communication there would be no organization.
Needless to say, communication is the ingredient that makes organization possible. It is the
vehicle through which the basic management functions are carried out. Managers direct
through communication; they coordinate through communication; and they staff, plan, and
control through communication. Virtually all actions taken in an organization are preceded by

Purpose of Communication

 For instruction: The instructive function unvarying and importantly deals with the
commanding nature. It is more or less of directive nature. Under this, the
communicator transmits with necessary directives and guidance to the next level, so
as to enable them to accomplish his particular tasks. In this, instructions basically
flow from top to the lower level.
 For integration: It is consolidated function under which integration of activities is
endeavoured. The integration function of communication mainly involves to bring
about inter-relationship among the various functions of the business organization. It
helps in the unification of different management functions.
 For information: The purposes or function of communication in an organization is to
inform the individual or group about the particular task or company policies and
proceduresetc. Top management informs policies to the lower level through the
middle level. In turn,the lower level informs the top level the reaction through the
middle level. Information canflow vertically, horizontally and diagonally across the
organization. Becoming informed or inform others is the main purpose of
 For evaluation: Examination of activities to form an idea or judgement of the worth
of task is achieved through communication. Communication is a tool to appraise the
individual or team, their contribution to the organization. Evaluating one’s own inputs
or other’s outputs or some ideological scheme demands an adequate and effective
communication process.
 For direction: Communication is necessary to issue directions by the top
management or manager to the lower level. Employee can perform better when he is
directed by his senior. Directing others may be communicated either orally or in
writing. An order may be common order, request order or implied order.
 For teaching: The importance of personal safety on the job has been greatly
recognized. Acomplete communication process is required to teach and educate
workers about personalsafety on the jobs. This communication helps the workers to
avoid accidents, risk, cost, procedures etc.

 For influencing: A complete communication process is necessary in influencing
others or being influenced. The individual having potential to influence others can
easily persuade others. It implies the provision of feedback which tells the effect of
 For image building: A business enterprise cannot isolate from the rest of the society.
There is interrelationship and interdependence between the society and an enterprise
operating in the society. Goodwill and confidence are necessarily created among the
public. It can be done by communication with different media, which has to project
the image of the firm in the society. Through an effective external communication
system, an enterprise has to inform the society about its goals, activities, progress and
social responsibility.
 For employees orientation: When a new employee enter into the organization at that
time he or she will be unknown to the organization programs, policies, culture etc.
Communication helps to make people acquainted with the co-employees, superior and
with the policies, objectives, rules and regulations of the organization.

Picture 1. : Importance of Communication in Business

Types of business communication skills
Business communication skills can encompass both hard and soft skills that help
professionals succeed in the workplace. The following examples include skills that are important for
effective communication in business:

1. Collaboration skills
Effective collaboration is necessary for working with colleagues and supporting the achievement
of your organization's goals. This aspect of your business communication skills requires asking
questions during team meetings, considering others' ideas and perspectives and encouraging your
team's contributions. With strong collaboration skills, professionals are able to develop successful
strategies that help their organizations achieve desired results.

2. Negotiation skills
Negotiation skills are important for evaluating alternative solutions, building rapport with other
professionals and seeking compromise. Business professionals rely on negotiation skills for many
activities, including making sales transactions, acquiring new partners and seeking investors.
Likewise, employees and employers may also rely on effective negotiation skills to establish salary
and pay.

3. Diplomacy skills
Diplomacy is a skill set that can enhance the way professionals build relationships with
colleagues, supervisors, clients and other professionals. Diplomacy requires tact and understanding
how to navigate stressful situations and challenges through communication. Additionally, your
diplomacy skills can support your persuasiveness and assertiveness during negotiations,
collaborative projects and other activities.

4. Written communication
Written communication is a primary form of communication that is necessary no matter your
career field. Communicating information in writing, drafting reports, sending messages and
reviewing written documents are common business tasks that rely on strong writing skills.
Additionally, writing skills also include the ability to review writing for errors and determine
revisions that can enhance written materials. Written communication for business should be brief
but informative, and helps an audience focus on only the most important points. Good written
communication also includes adequate follow-up, which closes the communication loop and
shows proactive activity towards goals.

5. Presentation skills
Another important skill set for effective business communication is the ability to develop
and deliver engaging presentations to diverse audiences. Presentation skills help professionals
organize the structure of a presentation, design the delivery method and communicate
information to teammates, business executives and other professionals. Another important
aspect of your presentation skills is the ability to convey information using a variety of
methods to engage with an audience, including oral speaking, visual representations and
nonverbal interactions.

6. Public speaking skills

Speaking in front of a variety of audiences is sometimes a requirement of various job roles.
Preparing a speech and engaging an audience can help businesses address network professionals,
potential investors and communities. Public speaking also requires the ability to connect with an
audience through telling a story, providing relevant information and creating awareness about
trending topics.

7. Active listening
The ability to listen to and incorporate other views in your communication. Listening
shows you value opinions outside of your own and are open to new concepts. As a result,
your audience views you as an equal partner and you can come to a solution that benefits the
greater good. An active listener will allow pauses for interjections, repeat other people’s
words and ask questions to affirm his or her engagement in a conversation. Additionally, active
listening skills require attention to detail to avoid miscommunications and recall specific details
during conversations, meetings and other office interactions.

Picture 2. : Ways to be an active and effective listener

8. Feedback and input
Effective business communication relies on regular feedback and input. Constructive feedback
encourages reflective thinking and improvement. Successful professionals apply feedback from their
superiors to improve performance and achieve objectives. Similarly, it's important to provide input
and advice in the workplace to share ideas and inspire others.

9. Delegation skills
Managers and leaders in the workplace rely on delegation skills to organize, direct and oversee
projects and tasks. Efficient delegation depends on your abilities to designate and organize the
workflow of important projects among your team members. Additionally, establishing expectations
and providing support and resources are also aspects of your delegation skills that are important for
business communication.

10. Nonverbal communication

Nonverbal communication skills refer to your ability to understand what others are conveying
through their body language. Eye contact, posture and even an individual's stance while standing in
the office can all help you understand what someone is feeling. Nonverbal communication is also
beneficial for interacting appropriately in different situations, such as maintaining professionalism
during company meetings.

Picture 3. : Areas of Nonverbal Communication to Pay Attention to

11. Conflict resolution
Working through challenges with others and finding creative solutions to solve problems
in the workplace are crucial for strong business communication skills. Successful conflict-
resolution skills help professionals discuss alternative approaches, evaluate strategies and
make compromises to ensure positive outcomes in stressful situations.

12. Decision-making skills

Analyzing factors that influence outcomes and evaluating alternative approaches to various actions
require solid decision-making skills. As you advance in your career, you may take on important
tasks that require you to consider difficult choices, assess your strategies for meeting objectives and
making meaningful decisions that support your organization's growth and development.

Improving your communication skills

Learning effective communication skills is a straightforward process that allows
you to express yourself and improve both your personal and professional relationships.
Knowing how to listen well and communicate clearly will help you express yourself in job
interviews, business meetings, and in your personal life as well. Here are some of the
approches to improve your buisness communication skills:

 Learn to listen actively

Develop your active listening skills and ensure you understand information you receive from
others in the workplace. For instance, avoid miscommunications by clarifying things you don't
understand right away. During meetings or team collaborations, encourage others to give input, ask
questions, listen to others' ideas and take notes to keep track of key topics. Effective
communicators are always good listeners. Active listening means engaging with what
people say by giving affirmative replies and asking followup questions to show that you
are paying attention.

 Use collaboration tools

Take advantage of digital resources that can help you stay in touch with coworkers, team
leaders and other staff members. For instance, online communication platforms allow you to
collaborate effectively with your team while avoiding interruptions. These types of resources can
help you communicate quickly and clearly with others and streamline communications throughout
the workplace.

 Improve writing skills
Practice your writing skills and how you communicate information in writing. Several
excellent approaches to developing your writing skills include recording key notes during team
collaborations, organizing project materials and writing instructional resources. Learn when it's
necessary to maintain professionalism in your writing and when you can use more informal
language to convey your messages.

 Focus on nonverbal communication

Mastering nonverbal cues and nonverbal signals can help prevent
miscommunication and signal interest to those around you. Pay attention to your facial
expressions and body language when you are speaking with someone in a professional
setting. Your nonverbal cues affect the first impression you make on someone.
Maintaining eye contact, limiting hand gestures, and having good posture go a long way
when meeting someone for the first time.

 Manage your own emotions

For the sake of clear communication and your own personal wellbeing, it’s
important to manage your emotions and express them appropriately in context. Allowing
strong emotions to unnecessarily creep into a professional setting can lead to poor
communication and conflict.

 Motivate others in the workplace

Use positive communication techniques to help motivate your team. Connect with others in the
workplace through mutual interests, collaborative efforts and encouraging creativity. Open
communication also fosters community and trust, which are both important aspects of creating a
positive work environment.

 Practice public speaking

Public speaking may sound daunting, but there’s no better way to develop good
communication skills than by seeking out public speaking opportunities. Great
communicators are able to clearly articulate their feelings, whether they’re speaking to a
large group or talking face-to-face to one other person. Regularly speaking in front of a
group will magnify your strengths and weaknesses and force you to develop great
communication habits.

 Develop a filter
Effective communicators generally have highly developed social skills and are able
to modulate how they express their thoughts and feelings to those around them. Know
what’s appropriate to express in different interpersonal contexts. Developing a filter will
help supplement other communication techniques and ensure that you maintain a certain
level of decorum and avoid conflict in the workplace.

 Ask for feedback
Get feedback from your coworkers and supervisors about your business communication. For
example, apply suggestions to strengthen areas like public speaking, delegation and giving
presentations as you develop on the job. Additionally, observe effective business communicators at
work to gain insight into how to enhance different aspects of your skills that you feel need
improvement. There’s no shame in asking for honest feedback on your communication
skills from colleagues. Asking your peers or subordinates for their advice on improving
your communication skills can help you better understand how you are coming across in
your work environment. Cultivate a willingness to seek out other points of view and forge
better relationships with your coworkers.

Picture 4. : Improving communication skills


Good communication skills are essential to allow others and yourself to understand
information more accurately and quickly. In contrast, poor communication skills lead to
frequent misunderstanding and frustration. Good communicators are vital to a business' profit
margin and reputation. Employees who communicate well and understand the company's vision help
make the company successful. Using effective communication skills can benefit a business and its
employees in a variety of ways. Effective communication builds a positive atmosphere where teams
can flourish. When communication is positive and encouraging, team members become stronger and
work better together. Those who practice good communication skills make working beside them
easier and less stressful.
With all of this in mind, we can say that communication should be prioritized as a skill to be
learned by everyone who wants to accomplish something in the world of buisness. With this paper I
hope I gave some instructions on how to become a better communicator which can be helpful in
buiseness as well as in every day life.

 10 Must-Have Communication Skills for Business Success - Salesforce
Canada Blog
 5 Critical Business Communication Skills | Jefferson Online
 9 Most Important Business Communication Skills
 Paper_21.pdf (
 Business Communication Semester I notes.pdf (
 Business Communication Skills| Innovative Future Steps
 Essential Business Communication Skills: Definitions and Examples |
 Effective Communication: 6 Ways to Improve Communication Skills -
2021 - MasterClass


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