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How to Teach Family and Friends

9:00-9:10 Introduction
9:10-9:55 Fluency Time! 2,
Lesson 2: CLIL
9:55-10:00 Break
10:00-10:50 Culture 6
10:50-11:00 Wrap up

Image Source: Tieng Anh 1 Family and Friends, National Edition, Oxford University Press

• Aims of today’s webinar

• Components
• Teacher resources for
planning your lessons

Image Source: Tieng Anh 1 Family and Friends, National Edition, Oxford University Press
Aims of today’s webinar

1. Demonstrate teaching Family and Friends,

National Edition
2. Share teaching ideas and resources
Teacher resources for
planning your lessons
• Teacher’s Guide (TG)
• Teacher’s Website resources
Image Source: Family and Friends Viet Nam Second Edition, National Grade 1, Oxford University Press
Image Source: Family and Friends Viet Nam Second Edition, National Grade 1, Oxford University Press
TG: Lesson notes
TG: Lesson notes
Activities and
Student CD Tracks
Book page

Objectives Activities for
and different levels
TG: Other resources
Teacher’s Website

✓ Posters
✓ Flashcards
✓ Audio
✓ Phonics cards
✓ Story Animations
✓ Answer Keys
✓ Tests
✓ 35-min Lesson
Teachers’ Website:
35-minute lesson plans
Teacher resources for
planning your lessons
• Teacher’s Guide (TG)

– Syllabus
– Lesson notes
• Objectives
• Resources and materials

• Teacher’s Website resources

– 35-minute lesson plan
– Extra flashcards
– Extra worksheets
– Extra objects

• Aims of today’s webinar

• Components

• Teacher resources for
✔planning your lessons

Image Source: Tieng Anh 1 Family and Friends, National Edition, Oxford University Press
How to Teach Family and Friends

9:00-9:10 Introduction
9:10-9:55 Fluency Time! 2,
Lesson 2: CLIL
9:55-10:00 Break
10:00-10:50 Culture 6
10:50-11:00 Wrap up

Image Source: Tieng Anh 1 Family and Friends, National Edition, Oxford University Press
Fluency Time! 2, Lesson 2: CLIL

1. Overview (5 mins)
2. Demonstration lesson (35 mins)
3. Q&A and reflection (5 mins)

Image Source: Tieng Anh 1 Family and Friends, National Edition, Oxford University Press
Overview: context within the course

Image Source: Tieng Anh 1 Family and Friends, National Edition, Oxford University Press

© Oxford University Press 2020

Image Source: Tieng Anh 1 Family and Friends, National Edition, Oxford University Press
Overview: What does Fluency
Time! Lesson 2 teach?

“The subject lessons focus on

teaching content through
English (CLIL). The lesson
introduces new language related
to the subject and reinforces it
with lots of speaking practice.”
Teacher’s Guide, p. 19
Overview: How the CLIL lesson works
Overview: 35-minute lesson plan
Overview: 35-minute lesson plan
How the lesson works – lesson plan
Fluency Time! 2, Lesson 2: CLIL

1. Overview (5 mins)
2. Demonstration lesson (35 mins)
3. Q&A and reflection (10 mins)

Image Source: Tieng Anh 1 Family and Friends, National Edition, Oxford University Press
Demonstration Lesson

As you watch the demonstration, please

think about these questions:

What different senses do students use

Q1 in the Warmer / Lead-in activity?

How would you use the worksheets?

Q2 In class? As homework?

Image Source: Tieng Anh 1 Family and Friends, National Edition, Oxford University Press
Start the lesson!

❑ Warmer / Lead-in
❑ Presentation
❑ Ex. 1
❑ Development

❑ Ex. 2
❑ Ex. 3
❑ Consolidation
❑ Ex. 4
Warmer: ‘Slow reveal’
❑ Warmer / Lead-in
❑ Presentation
❑ Ex. 1
❑ Development
❑ Ex. 2
❑ Ex. 3
❑ Consolidation
❑ Ex. 4

What different senses do students

Q1 use in this Warmer / Lead-in activity?
Lead-in: Teach the shapes
❑ Warmer / Lead-in

❑ Presentation
❑ Ex. 1
❑ Development
❑ Ex. 2
❑ Ex. 3
❑ Consolidation
❑ Ex. 4

What different senses do students

Q1 use in this Warmer / Lead-in activity?
Presentation: Ex. 1 + E XTRA ACTIVITY

✔Warmer / Lead-in

❑ Presentation
❑ Ex. 1

❑ Development
❑ Ex. 2
❑ Ex. 3
❑ Consolidation
❑ Ex. 4

‘Clever parrots’
Classroom Presentation Tool
✔Warmer / Lead-in

❑ Presentation
❑ Ex. 1

❑ Development
❑ Ex. 2
❑ Ex. 3
❑ Consolidation
❑ Ex. 4
Classroom Presentation Tool
✔Warmer / Lead-in

❑ Presentation
❑ Ex. 1

❑ Development
❑ Ex. 2
❑ Ex. 3
❑ Consolidation
❑ Ex. 4
Classroom Presentation Tool
✔Warmer / Lead-in

❑ Presentation
❑ Ex. 1

❑ Development
❑ Ex. 2
❑ Ex. 3
❑ Consolidation
❑ Ex. 4
Development: Ex. 2
✔Warmer / Lead-in

❑ Presentation
❑ Ex. 1

❑ Development
❑ Ex. 2

❑ Ex. 3
❑ Consolidation
❑ Ex. 4
‘Breathless sentences’ E

✔Warmer / Lead-in

❑ Presentation
❑ Ex. 1

❑ Development
❑ Ex. 2

❑ Ex. 3
❑ Consolidation
❑ Ex. 4

Image by tookapic from Pixabay

Development: Ex. 3
✔Warmer / Lead-in

❑ Presentation
❑ Ex. 1

❑ Development
❑ Ex. 2

❑ Ex. 3
❑ Consolidation
❑ Ex. 4
Development: Ex. 3
✔Warmer / Lead-in

❑ Presentation
❑ Ex. 1

❑ Development

✔Ex. 2

❑ Ex. 3
❑ Consolidation
❑ Ex. 4
Consolidation: Ex. 4
✔Warmer / Lead-in

❑ Presentation
❑ Ex. 1

❑ Development

✔Ex. 2

❑ Ex. 3

❑ Consolidation

❑ Ex. 4
Further practice: Workbook
✔Warmer / Lead-in

❑ Presentation
❑ Ex. 1

❑ Development

✔Ex. 2

❑ Ex. 3

❑ Consolidation

❑ Ex. 4
Further practice: worksheets
Further practice: worksheets

How would you use these worksheets?

Q2 In class? As homework?
‘What’s in the bag?’ E XTRA ACTIVITY

Sleep mask image source: Wikipedia Commons Sleep_mask.jpg

Bag image source: fajarbudi86 from Pixabay
Lesson over!

✔Warmer / Lead-in

❑ Presentation
❑ Ex. 1

❑ Development


✔Ex. 2

❑ Ex. 3

❑ Consolidation

❑ Ex. 4

Summative Test
End of Year Test
Fluency Time! 2, Lesson 2: CLIL

1. Overview (5 mins)
2. Demonstration lesson (35 mins)
3. Q&A and reflection (5 mins)

Image Source: Tieng Anh 1 Family and Friends, National Edition, Oxford University Press
Demonstration Lesson

As you watch the demonstration, please

think about these questions:

What different senses do students use

Q1 in the Warmer / Lead-in activity?

How would you use the worksheets?

Q2 In class? As homework?

Image Source: Tieng Anh 1 Family and Friends, National Edition, Oxford University Press
Lead-in: Teach the shapes
❑ Warmer / Lead-in

❑ Presentation
❑ Ex. 1
❑ Development
❑ Ex. 2
❑ Ex. 3
❑ Consolidation
❑ Ex. 4

What different senses do students

Q1 use in this Warmer / Lead-in activity?
Catering to different learning styles

Family and Friends National Edition recognizes that

children have different learning styles and the
teaching notes provide a range of suggestions for
addressing these differences. Some learn better by
seeing (visual learners), some by listening
(auditory learners), some by reading and writing,
and some with movement (kinesthetic learners).
The teaching notes use all these approaches to help
every child realize his or her potential.”
Teacher’s Guide, p. 4
Further practice: worksheets

How would you use these worksheets?

Q2 In class? As homework?
Demonstration Lesson

As you watch the demonstration, please

think about these questions:

What different senses do students use

Q1 in the Warmer / Lead-in activity?

How would you use the worksheets?

Q2 In class? As homework?

Image Source: Tieng Anh 1 Family and Friends, National Edition, Oxford University Press
How to Teach Family and Friends

9:00-9:10 Introduction
9:10-9:55 Fluency Time! 2,
Lesson 2: CLIL
9:55-10:00 Break
10:00-10:50 Culture 6
10:50-11:00 Wrap up

Image Source: Tieng Anh 1 Family and Friends, National Edition, Oxford University Press
How to Teach Family and Friends

9:00-9:10 Introduction
9:10-9:55 Fluency Time! 2,
Lesson 2: CLIL
9:55-10:00 Break
10:00-10:50 Culture 6
10:50-11:00 Wrap up

Image Source: Tieng Anh 1 Family and Friends, National Edition, Oxford University Press
Culture 6

1. Overview (5 mins)
2. Demonstration lesson (35 mins)
3. Q&A and reflection (10 mins)

Image Source: Tieng Anh 1 Family and Friends, National Edition, Oxford University Press
Image Source: Tieng Anh 1 Family and Friends, National Edition, Oxford University Press

Image Source: Tieng Anh 1 Family and Friends, National Edition, Oxford University Press
Culture: part of Family and Friends’
Whole Child Approach

21st Century
Language Skills

The Whole

Values Culture

Culture lessons
develop knowledge and
understanding of culture
from Viet Nam and other
countries e.g.
• Sports
• Traditions
• Special festivals

Image Source: Tieng Anh 1 Family and Friends, National Edition,

Oxford University Press
Overview: What do the Culture
lessons teach?
The Culture lessons focus on
developing knowledge and
understanding of other cultures
by learning about sports,
traditions, and special festivals.
The lessons introduce new
language and provide reading
and speaking practice.”
Teacher’s Guide, p. 20
Overview: How a Culture lesson works
Overview: context within the course

Image Source: Tieng Anh 1 Family and Friends, National Edition, Oxford University Press
How the lesson works – lesson plan
Overview: 35-minute lesson plan
How the lesson works – lesson plan
Culture 6

1. Overview (5 mins)
2. Demonstration lesson (35 mins)
3. Q&A and reflection (10 mins)

Image Source: Tieng Anh 1 Family and Friends, National Edition, Oxford University Press
Demonstration Lesson

As you watch the demonstration, please

think about these questions:

How can we personalize vocabulary

Q1 learning?

How can we keep students engaged

Q2 while reading a short text?

Image Source: Tieng Anh 1 Family and Friends, National Edition, Oxford University Press
Start the lesson!

❑ Warmer
❑ Lead-in
❑ Presentation
❑ Ex. 1

❑ Development
❑ Ex. 2
❑ Consolidation
❑ Ex. 3

❑ Warmer
❑ Lead-in
❑ Presentation
❑ Ex. 1
❑ Development
❑ Ex. 2
❑ Consolidation
❑ Ex. 3

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels


❑ Lead-in
❑ Presentation
❑ Ex. 1
❑ Development
❑ Ex. 2
❑ Consolidation
❑ Ex. 3

❑ Lead-in
❑ Presentation
❑ Ex. 1
❑ Development
❑ Ex. 2
❑ Consolidation
❑ Ex. 3

Photo by Pok Rie from Pexels



❑ Lead-in
❑ Presentation
1 2
❑ Ex. 1
❑ Development
❑ Ex. 2
❑ Consolidation
❑ Ex. 3 ✔ ✔
3 4

✔ ✔

How can we personalize vocabulary

Q1 learning?

❑ Lead-in
❑ Presentation
❑ Ex. 1
❑ Development
❑ Ex. 2
❑ Consolidation
❑ Ex. 3
Presentation: Ex. 1

❑ Lead-in
❑ Presentation

❑ Ex. 1
❑ Development
❑ Ex. 2
❑ Consolidation
❑ Ex. 3
Classroom Presentation Tool

❑ Lead-in
❑ Presentation

❑ Ex. 1
❑ Development
❑ Ex. 2
❑ Consolidation
❑ Ex. 3
Classroom Presentation Tool

❑ Lead-in
❑ Presentation

❑ Ex. 1
❑ Development
❑ Ex. 2
❑ Consolidation
❑ Ex. 3
Development: Ex. 2 + E XTRA ACTIVITY


❑ Lead-in
❑ Presentation

❑ Ex. 1
❑ Development

❑ Ex. 2
❑ Consolidation
❑ Ex. 3

How can we keep students engaged

Q2 while reading a short text?
For ‘Culture’ lessons in
higher levels
• Find out what students know
about a country before and
after they read the article.
• Compare aspects of another
country to Viet Nam.
• Explore students’ attitudes
about other countries.
Development: Ex. 3

❑ Lead-in
❑ Presentation

❑ Ex. 1
❑ Development

❑ Ex. 2
❑ Consolidation

❑ Ex. 3
Further practice

❑ Lead-in
❑ Presentation

❑ Ex. 1
❑ Development

❑ Ex. 2
❑ Consolidation

❑ Ex. 3
Lesson over!


❑ Lead-in
❑ Presentation

❑ Ex. 1

❑ Development

❑ Ex. 2
❑ Consolidation

❑ Ex. 3

Culture 6

1. Overview (5 mins)
2. Demonstration lesson (35 mins)
3. Q&A and reflection (10 mins)

Image Source: Tieng Anh 1 Family and Friends, National Edition, Oxford University Press
Demonstration Lesson

As you watch the demonstration, please

think about these questions:

How can we personalize vocabulary

Q1 learning?

How can we keep students engaged

Q2 while reading a short text?

Image Source: Tieng Anh 1 Family and Friends, National Edition, Oxford University Press


❑ Lead-in
❑ Presentation
1 2
❑ Ex. 1
❑ Development
❑ Ex. 2
❑ Consolidation
❑ Ex. 3

3 4

How can we personalize vocabulary

Q1 learning?
Development: Ex. 2 + E XTRA ACTIVITY


❑ Lead-in
❑ Presentation

❑ Ex. 1
❑ Development

❑ Ex. 2
❑ Consolidation
❑ Ex. 3

How can we keep students engaged

Q2 while reading a short text?
Demonstration Lesson

As you watch the demonstration, please

think about these questions:

How can we personalize vocabulary

Q1 learning?

How can we keep students engaged

Q2 while reading a short text?

Image Source: Tieng Anh 1 Family and Friends, National Edition, Oxford University Press
Why have Culture lessons?

Why should
children learn about

Image Source: Tieng Anh 1 Family and Friends, National Edition, Oxford University Press
Why have Culture lessons?

• Good communication
requires language skills
and cultural awareness.
• To help students enrich
their knowledge of other
countries and their values.
• To help students better
appreciate the value of
their own culture.
Image Source: Tieng Anh 1 Family and Friends, National Edition, Oxford University Press
How to Teach Family and Friends

9:00-9:10 Introduction
9:10-9:55 Fluency Time! 2,
Lesson 2: CLIL
9:55-10:00 Break
10:00-10:50 Culture 6
10:50-11:00 Wrap up

Image Source: Tieng Anh 1 Family and Friends, National Edition, Oxford University Press
Wrap up
Any more questions?

Thank you and goodbye!

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