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MGT 200 – Group Report Guidelines

Fall 2024
Group Report– 30%

I. Group Report Brief:

A major challenge that all businesses face is related to sustainability, namely the depletion of resources
coupled with changes in consumers’ tastes and severe competition. As such, the group report aims to
tackle how organizations today apply the four basic managerial functions, starting from planning to
organizing, leading, and controlling, in an attempt to enhance sustainability. Students are expected to
work in groups of three members.
Literature review research based on reviewing previous literature and implementing findings into real-
life applications using in-text citation and APA referencing, and, identifying areas of controversy and
contested claims should be implemented.

Project Outline:
1. Abstract – Summary of the report with special focus on purpose and approach.
2. Introduction – Highlighting the main theme of the group report.
3. Literature review
o Characterizations and explanations of the four management functions
o Linkage between sustainability and the management functions
4. Application of the concepts in businesses setting
5. Conclusion – A summary of how theory and practice are related together
6. List of References

Project Documentation
1. Word Count – 3000 words
2. Similarity – 20% max.
3. Minimum number of references – 15 academic articles / research papers not earlier than 2013

II. Project Marking Scheme

Item Allocated Marks

1. Abstract 2
2. Introduction 2
3. Literature Review 8
5. Conclusion 3
6. In-text Citations and APA References 5
7. Similarity 5
8. Presentation 5

III. Presentation Rubric

Project Total Grade / 10

Subject Knowledge and

Presentation Grade / 3
Communication with
inclusivity / 1 mark

audiences / 1 mark
creativity / 1 mark
Organization and

Group students names Student I.D


General comments
* Individual grade is based on the below criteria: presentation skills - Dress code - Overall quality of English

IV. Project Rubric

Criterion Needs improvement (1) Marginal (2) Meets Expectations (3) Score
The purpose statement demonstrates some cohesiveness of The purpose statement is clear and aligns with all other
There is no purpose statement. Does not tie the content with the abstract. The abstract provides a content within the abstract. The abstract provides a
1. Abstract – 2 marks
together information in a cohesive manner. logical discussion, with adequate details, supporting the logical discussion, with substantial details, supporting the
overall topic. overall topic.
A copied not organized introduction that
A comprehensive introduction that not only introduces
doesn’t clearly introduce the product that the Well written introduction (not copied) with good
2. Introduction – 2 marks the company under investigation but also explains the
project is focusing on, or missing an in-text organization and clear explanation of the selected product.
benefit of doing a marketing analysis
3. Literature Review – 8 marks
Comprehensive statement describing the different
Definition of Concepts – 4 marks Wrong/unclear description of the core concepts A Clear identification of the of the core concepts
Linkage between strategic
Poor / limited research on the relationship Good research (with reference) and analysis on the Comprehensive research and analysis on the relationship
management and sustainability – 4
between the two concepts relationship between the two concepts between the two concepts
Wrong or missing application of the different Correct application of the different concepts in a business Detailed and creative application of the application of the
4. Application – 5 marks
concepts in a business context context different concepts in a business context
Wrong identification of the type of consumer Right identification and creative comprehensive
5. Conclusion – 3 marks Right identification of the type of consumer products
products explanation and justification of the selected type
6. References No evidence of using or very few references Use exceptional number of references and accurately
Use references but with misuse of the APA style
(APA Style) – 5 marks and /or improper use of APA follow the APA style
Reflective piece of work that shows students’ grasp of
7. Similarity – 5 marks Similarity is beyond the acceptable range Similarity at the acceptable range
their work

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