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1. How the idea of Pakistan came into being? Various explanations for the eventual
behemoth it became

Firstly , how in the beginning, the idea of Pakistan was very vague and how such a huge
mass put it's weight behind a vague idea.

The role of Deobandi ulamas in giving the theological base for Pakistan and thr Muslim
league giving the nationalistic contours and the osmosis of ideas between them

How Pakistan was seen as anti-thesis to Hindu dominated Hindustan

How Pakistan was meant to be a new medina , an utopia that would take the centre stage
after the gradual subduence of Turkey. Pakistan was meant to be the Allah's country that
followed the earliest version of Qur'an (and ulamas propaganda on the matter) . Pakistan
was meant to be the new Caliphate and the new Medina (it would open the gates of rule
over the subcontinent and extend the political supremacy of Islam)

The thesis that Hindus and muslims can't live together (they are essentially different
civilizations and can't stay together, propagated by debobandi ulema starting from dehalvi
and barelvi. Madani contested this idea JUH ulama contined to be against the separate
civilization theory and pushed the narrative of coexistence

The hostage theory birth , the role of ambedkar in further accentuating the demand for
Pakistan (through realistic discussions on what pak would look like , a idea so vague that
even Jinnah and ML didn't have something)

A view that Pakistan demand came into being as a result of Congress's Hindu nationalistic
aspirations, and the grave injustice they did to Muslims of UP( wardha scheme , vande
Matram controversy etc and 1937 elections)

The propaganda of what pakistan would look like (maps, natural resources, population,
regional , international aspirations etc) pushed in the public discourse.

The foremost role of UP Muslims in demand of Pakistan.

Chapter 1 nationalists , communalists and the 1937 provincial elections

Muslim separatism started from up, sir Syed Ahmed khan forerunner and his clique at
aligarh ( Khan was proponent of dehalvi and Barelvi school)

The goi act 1935 wielded the divide in Muslim political groups, landed political groups
supported the reforms, but Muslim politicians from minority provinces had reservations
about the act (had nationalistic priorities like Congress)

Aga Khan founded AIMC (friend of fazl-i-husain governor of punjab) for economic means
to help people , similar one founded by haji seth abdullah haroon in Sindh, similar cross-
communal parties emerged everywhere in north. Husain postponed the idea of putting up
new all india Muslim party (communal) AIML after the 1937 elections so as no to disturb
the harmony and balance in the existing cross communal parties
MUB 1933 , muslim politicans close links to congress , and JUH ulamas. Won 50% of
seats with cong in 1934 defeating Muslim league and NAP. JINNAH wanted ML to be the
vehicle driving nationalism in muslims , and affinities with cong , spoke against goi act
1935 and wanted cong's hand in the fight against Raj (along with Muslims) , allegiance
with MUB( for the time being but flexible enough to accomodate other views in the party.

1936 , UPMLPB formed members from botj MUB & NAP to have a central Muslim
authority to give tickets for the elections (earlier thr UPML leader wanted the arrangements
to be provincial along with other religion based parties)

Members included Liqayat ali , madani,Shaukat ali(khilafat movement) raja of

mehmudabad prominently

NAP vs MUB factions continuous fighting (ideological- nap wanted to make muslim
electorate homogeneous for their strength while mub was nationalist, non homogeneous,
non communal and progressive aspirations) liyaqat ali left ml due to differences, and
jinnah plan to create a unified musilm party in up failed. NAP took some hit , their ranks
joined UPML. Internal fueds in ml , raja of salempur vs khaliq. Shia group withdrew from ml
apprehension abkut their mis representation in favour of sunnisl

NAP took more hit, hindu mahsabha (pt madan mohan malviya) intent to woo nap hindu
landlordd backfired and he got ousted from his own party Raja rampal singh and jp
srivastav, nap had majority hindu leaders who didn't hide their hindu sympathies. Moreover
premiership of up fued btw chhatari and srivastav widened thr Hindu muslim gap in NAP it
divided into two wings - seperate for both of them led by srivastava and nawab
mohammad Yusuf nap had considerable govt support , govt wanted nap to win , it helped
in propaganda for nap and used power to cancel the candidature of congress candidates,
and setting straight elections b/w congress and nap

Pg 67,78,98

Season of local level alliances and seat sharing agreements - Congress with malviya's
congress national party malviya- rafi kidwai pact. Informal pact btw ml and cong vs nap.
Ulama supported ml-cong opposition nap-hindu sabha. Cong got 133/159 contested seats,
decimating nap and hindu sabhas claim on guardians of hindu interests
ML got 29/66 muslim seats in up. Haig calculations that cong attempts to woo Muslims to
render ml ineffective, and get attachments of muslims but that would be temporary. He was
right . Cong failed to include ml in a coalition ministry. What many say is the begining of
the partition

Shut out of power , and cong ambitious drive to add Muslims into their folds , ml began its
own mobilization , added lot more Muslims than cong - transformed from elite based to
mass based - gave itself a new constitution, more radical ideology and revamped
organisational structure. Staked claim to sole representative organisation of Indian
muslims after 1937 lko session. Huge support from deobandi ulama- Ashraf ali thanawi +
ml vs other deobandi madani + cong. Split in JUH 1945 , the premier organisation of the
Indian ulama, thanawi grp providing critical support to the ml in Pakistan campaigns. Cong
ministries resigned late in 1939

Nehru, chief election campainer, had strong opposition to the cong entering new
assemblies or taking office. Left wing ideology, which began to find its feet in cong. Nehru
feared that this would refine cong and lock it in a collaborative enterprise with the Raj
(accepting office). Nehru wanted direct confrontation outside legislatures with the Raj.
Muslims targeted for mass contact. 1937 made clear that it had little sway over the
community. Nehru had sunny optimism about their choosing of cong. Nehru argued that he
would approach muslims with the economic issue ( his thoughts that communal divide was
due to fight over limited economic resources btw both the communities) fundamental
problems were poverty and starvation faced by both.

Nehru set up separate dept to run thr Muslim mass contact program in prayagraj under his
communist lt. Kunwar Mohammed ashraf.he was meo from alwar..neither full hindu nor
muslim. ZA ahmed , sajjad zaheer and ashraf 3 Marxists studied in england returned to
india , joined cong socialist party and then cong, under nehru (cong chief 1936). Hindustan
weekly urdu was started to publicise the program MMCP. Idiom and lexicon used by cong
to woo muslims , ml fashioned its response in such a way that it ultimately destroyed
Congress initiative. ZA Ahmed conjured up this idea before anyone- marxist basis for his

Ahmed's argument that hindus spearheaded the revolution bcoz they formed a dominant
capitalist section in the community who got emboldened and wanted larger economic
concessions from the govt. This burgoise class was absent in muslims, majority rich were
zamindars who were collaborators of the British. Hindu capitalists collaborated with them
when they came to india which led to subjugation jn the first place for profits but they were
fighting them for thr same reason now. On the other hand , putative muslims like syed
ahmed khan didn't let Muslims to take to the political centrestage (as he was collaborator
of british , his biggest donors were muslim zamindars who wanted to rule with british on
the masses expenses, and perhaps they could have led them forward but they were
smaller in number in comparison to Muslim masses. Two reasons for failure of non
cooperation movement

1 leaders reformists with limited ambitions

2 mobilization on basis of ram raj or islam or khilafat in danger rather than real economic

ZA Ahmed's words are important to look at the leftist perspective which began to have a
dominant voice in the Cong, and ideological synergies with Nehru. KM ashraf extended
this argument (he was Nehru's lt for MMCP, very trusted by Nehru). He saw coming of
socialist state in india (due to faltering capitalism - the great depression). Muslims had to
be awkened before the final war , and they had to embrace their true qaum(along with
Hindus)- that of peasants of workers. Congress was to be harbinger of the socialist model
for the poor and peasants. He believed that ml was comprador of British, wanted to bring
civil war with hindus and gave false illusions of their nationalistic aspirations. Muslims
thought cong as a hindu body (and stayed away from politics after khilafat). Ashraf says
congress had hindu capitalist class with communal agenda , and it brought discredit to
cong of being a Hindu organization which was the case before 21 but not in 37 as it was
more diverse now. He wanted muslims (peasants and working class) to join cong and alter
the status quo of hindus right wing in cong as well as reactionary muslim leadership.
Pointed towards cong karachi declaration on fundamental rights. MMCP was the way to
change the face of cong into a new secular , socialist fold. And Muslims began to become
more class concious than qaum concious.
Muslims of mmcp opposed returning back to self appointed community leader politics by
Cong and taking office. Added 100k muslims in cong. Ashraf attacked right wing of cong
for being reform minded and not revolution minded and left for following old style politics
(hindu -muslim questions and acdepting demands of muslim minority). Claimed that there
was nothing like muslim culture (85% were converts) and muslim culture was the
microscopic minority who claimed descent from the Arabs. He claimed that the badhshah
muslim culture was diverse internally and drew its strength from it. However, muslim
culture of feudal elites under colonialism represented by syed ahmed khan was so feeble
and insecure, a stifling uniformity and rigidity. Mmcp henced popularized Hindustani- mix
of hindi and urdu. And spread composite culture. Dr zakir hussain at jamia accepted this
notion sbd and progressive writers association (PWA) started to produce literatures on that
notion- hunger poverty social backwardness and political subjugation.

Nehru blamed Jinnah and ml to be elitist and not focussed on common masses. After this
ml constituted new organisational blueprint by ismail khan to make it a radical politcal party
copying cong in structure. Membership fee 2 aana (cong- 4annas). Ml went rampage with
its enrolment prigram ideological response to MMCP most potent weapon for upml raja of
mahmudabad most prominent voice, created MUSLIM LEAGUE NATIONAL GUARD to
protect muslim lives and property besides countering the MMCP, Parton of
AIMSF( breakaway of AISF), quran is the answer for all modern problems , said that
muslims wanted social liberation both for the country and the community. As a counter to
mmcp full fledged socialist programme to the muslim masses, mahmudabad offered them
a VISION OF ISLAMIC SOCIALISM. ML's 1937 lko resolution, muhmudabad key Now ml
began to challenge the view that india constituted a single nation and laid claim of a
separate nationhood for Muslims. Lighting rod in this regard was wardha scheme of
education (1937 by gandhi) wanted religious instructions to be excluded from this
educational scheme. That can be done at home.task of framing policy headed by zakir
hussain , and other educationists , and gandhians , the committee expressed concerns
about whether the principle of self sustainability could be achieved in practice. Policy
endorsed by cong in haripura session , advocated establishment of All India education
board, est on 23 April 1938 as hindustani talimi sangh

Pirpur report

Heaviest criticism came from ML, committee set up to assess its implications for the
education of muslim boys and girls, report charged cong trying to convert muslim youth to
its own ideology and attempting to wipe out fhe distinct identity of indian muslims. Non-
violence to be made core agenda for this 'brainwashing' by cong , which is in principle
antagonistic to jihad, key part of islam, ans debated the essential unity of all religions
thesis of this scheme, saying some principles of islam are exclusive and can't be
harmonized. Religious education was important aspect of Muslims (in Hindus mostly
limited to Brahmans) which was not taken into account by the scheme, both aspect (ethical
and religious) were important which wasn't considered(govt ruling there after). Same ques
asked in 1916 and govt had to make provisions for religious institutions among muslims
through separate institutions. Also, the scheme gave heavy share to hindu beloved rulers
and other muslim heroes with islamic outlook ignored, glorified only hindu heroes,
undermined real significance of Islamic history, national movement history glorified cong
exclusively and ignored muslim leaders, focus on socialism as antithesis of capitalism, and
ignored Islamic socialism , evolution of the primitive man and sorroundings materialistic
pov but not from spiritual background.
Syllabus on sst deemed un-islamic, subordinating love for religion to the love for the
motherland , was against islamic tenets , expresed strong opposition against music and
dances in the syllabus, hindu holidays in serious conflict with the Islamic way of life,
charged that imputations calculated as inferiority complex among muslims in the report,
detrimental ti the progress of urdu lang and script, favoured hindustani, a non existent
lang. Scheme was trying to impose hindi on muslims, demanded imposition of urdu as
mother tongue of muslims in the country, create central muslom education board (along
with state) to have complete control over their education, funding from rich , contribution
from waqf.

Row over Hindustani

Middle ground of both hindi and urdu brought wrath from the both sides on Cong. Bengal
priemer wanted urdu to be the national lang( Bengali marginalized) and compulsory for
muslims. Haq (bengal premier) got support from nadwatul ulama of lko (maulana sayyid
sulaiman nadvi), having ml sympathies., Maulvi abdul haq supported this ulama view
(founder of Osmania univ in urdu), vivekanad, malviya and Gandhi blamed for imposing
hindi all over the country, haq proposed common national lang , made up of osmosised
words from persian , Arabic, hindi urdu and sankrit which all of them had adopted from
each other. Hindustani at best conversational lang. New dictionary made up of urdu and
Hindi to be brought up by bihar govt ( task given to haq) , one of the most ardent supporter
of urdu was atheist and constitutional lawyer Sir tej bahadur sapru . Abul kalam azad
( from cong) tried to clarify on the lang controversy. Said that focus was on hindustani, and
Hindi was popularised due to overwhelming use in some presidencies.

National flag and national song

ML opposed flying of tricolour by govt institutions and singing of bande mataram saying
they were hindu symbols alien to muslim culture. ML was unconvinced by cong
explanation. It had gone through a lot of symbolic changes by then. ML came out with new
flag for Muslims unrfuled in 1938 Bombay session., New song Tarana-i-League sung first
at patna ML session 1938 and jinnah given the title of Qaid-i-Azam (attempt to raise him
equal to mahatma). Thr ML's offensive against thr symbols of national unity promoted by
cong and its creation of alt symbols of muslim nationhood, were critical steps in the
process of constructing a Muslim politicsl community.

Maulana hussan ahmad madani was star campaigner for Congress in 1937. ML was
willing to purchase votes if necessary in Jhansi Bundelkhand rural muslim seat. ML slogan
for that election was a battle btw kafir and Islam. Fida sherwani brother of nisar sherwani
(cong candidate) after a emotional letter to nehru, wanted maulvis to campaign for him,
given the communal nature of politics played by ml there , nehru advised him to fight more
on economic lines, and aksed for quiet organisation and silent workers going to villagers
rather than wasting money on show off. Nehru borrowed 700 on his own surity (nisar was
broke after he lost earlier election) and summoned regional MLA amd also called kalam
azad and gaffar khan, Ashraf sent too (reluctant to go there as it may harm cong due to his
communist affinties). Many maulanas came in to support of Congress (for money).

ML war cry was islam in danger by shaukat ali and he talked about a possible civil war btw
hindus and muslims. ML criticised ulamas for betraying community by siding with Cong for
money but got support from anti cong ulamas. Foremost, ashraf Ali thanawi and his
proteges - zafar ahmad usmani and shabhir Ali thanawi. Ashraf thanawi very influential
cleric in subcontinent even after partition and he asked bundeli voters not to vote for cong.
ML won jhansi comfortably. Shaukat ali visited thanawi along with another deobandi ulama
maulana mazharuddin to thank him for his support. Cong came away with optimism - that
it won 2000/4700 votes , substantial no, did well in jhansi, orai but lost in hamirpur (the ml
candidate was a native of here), and cong did well in urban areas while ml won towns and
qasbahs . For ml success,nehru said they won by purchasing votes, Muslims were made
to oath to vote for ml and caste bias , biradari too. Jhansi result only reinforced Nehru's
belief that mmcp was working and cong was talking the lang of politics ans eco.

Bijnor and garhwal election

Hafiz Muhammad ibrahim , ml renegade resigned from the seat he won unopposed, was
protege of madani and crossed over to cong along with madani and got inducted as min in
the cong govt. Ml inducted sir sikandar hayat khan (punjab premier) and fazul haq(bengal
premier) into its fold. Gov Haig reported to linlithgow that jinnah had given muslims a very
strong and definite communal lead. Sir sikandar told his gov that 1937 ml conference had
created such enthusiasm and hostility against cong that if any congi came near the
conference he would certainly be lynched. Shaukat Ali give fiery communal speech as
chief electionner for ml. ML declared that a vote for Congress was a vote for kufr. Alleged
ibrahim to have gone to a temple and applied hindu marks and was going to close
mosques. Claimed that nehru was banning namaz and azaan and allaho akbar since he
was atheist and Muslims would be untouchables under cong Hindu raj. Despite communal
propaganda by ml , cong won (70% votes). ML candidate abdus samih that lost bijnor left
ml and joined cong. Following, moradabad, saharanpur and bulandshahr was won by ml in
by elections. Held in rural areas , momin (lower class) in majority were considered
sympathetic towards cong but it lost comprehensively. Cong understood that it had won
the rural areas. Poor didn't go against the wishes of zamindars who overwhelmingly voted
for ml. Two communal cartoons published showing the burning of muslim comg candidates
on piers carried by gandhi nehru and lighted by hafiz Ibrahim and kidwai

Saharanpur by election - ml and ulama nexus

Deoband in saharanpur, proxy battle btw madani (cong) and thanawi (ml). ML won 60%
despite the communal battle strategies of ml vs economic and progressive strategy by
cong. Ulamas played significant role

Ashraf ali thanawi

Began to rake greater interest in muslims politics and the ml after the cong min in
province. The subsequent split in JUH because of ideological divide(ml vs cong)

Pg 120-144 very important the rationale behind the ml is known here.

Pg 129 - Ulama said that separation of religion from politics is western model and quite
contrary to Islam where no such separation had ever existed, and religious and political
authority were usually fused in one personality. Counter example -mustafa kamal Ataturk

Thanawi- the main condition that needed to be fulfilled before Muslims could join any
organization was that the rule of islam had to be dominant within it.
Muttahida qaumiyat - composite nationalism by maulana hussai ahmad madani attacked
by thanawi

Thanawi expressed the separation of ulama from politics but they would be consulted in
those matters. MMCP closed in 1938, ml on rampage , cong begging for settlement with
ml , ml investigating charges of muslim atrocities by cong prov govt. By 1938 ml had 3 lac
while cong had 1 lac muslims under their party. ML wanted to be the sole representative of

Madhe sahaba agitation (start autumn of 1938, took huge strides in summer 1939) shia
Sunni riots in up. ML helpless here , khaskars of punjabs intervened (to get glory and
foothold in elections). Khaskars repressed by up govt and leader arrested. Cong ministries
resigned in 39 protesting India being dragged into WW2 without consent. ML got
tremendous blessings to assert itself. Cong wanted other parties support for this protest
hence a settlement with ml (and solving khaskar issue). Jinnah called Muslims to celebrate
22 dec 1939 as day of deliverance (in mosques with prayers)(cong resignation) to shock
nehru. ML leaders wrote to Jinnah saying it was huge success (other ml leaders not keep
to support this call). Nehru wrote to gandhi saying it was a failure. New gov of up sir
Maurice Hallett said that(to viceroy)it indeed was not a great success.

Greater consensus among historians that lahore resolution marks the official starting point
of the ml struggle for Pakistan.

The debate on the Pakistan idea began to assume clarity substabce and popularity in the
public sphere, further accentuating the idea.
Thoughts on pak submitted as a report to the executive council of the independent labour
party in bombay in aug 1940 , produced within 4 months of the Lahore declaration. His
motive behind writing the book is debated. The aim is to explain and not to convert
ambedkar in the preface

Amb said that the demand for pak was raised by iqbal and supported by rehmat ali and
then jinnah. The demand was of sovereign state firstly pak then east wing for muslims of
bengal and assam..he focussed on the ques of whether or not pak was indeed a nation.
influenced by renan's idea of nation, he dismissed race, lang, and a common country qs
the basis of nationality.
For arguments for common country as the basis of nation, amb quoted renan and said it
was man who provides the soul; man is everything in the formation of that sacred thing
which is called a people. Nationality is subjective psychological feeling. Feeling of us and
them in a way. He aksed hindus to come to the fact that Muslims have developed a will to
live as a nation. He reminded Hindus about the successive attempts to merge Sindh and
Punjab this was admin base of pak.(the conquer of Balochistan and carving out of nwfp
from punjab only delayed it). If not for Bengal partition reversal after hindu nationalist
agitation, east bengal woild have been functioning muslim state for nearly 35 years by
then. Accepted thay British (un) knowingly laid foundations of pak due to alternation in
maps, but they had sound logics behind it. Attacked gandhi for introducing the concept of
linguistic provinces in india and reorganization of provincial cong committee on those lines
for winning popular support on the basis of loxal patriotism. Hence pak demand on those
lines was not outrageous but not completely equivalent to other partitions that time (bihar
from orissa , andhra from Madras, Karnataka from mh) muslim invasions had left bitter
taste among hindus and now they shared no common joy or sorrow historically. He
dismissed racial and cultural commonalities as basis of single nation attributing to
subjectiom of hindus nd Muslims to common env for centuries, incomplete conversion of
hindus to Muslims either due to inadequate methods of persuasion, insufficient priestly
stuff of the Muslims, fears of a larger hindu revolt or akbars effort of a single religion.
Rejected the Hindu party scientific border and loss of revenue thjng (india would be atleast
3 times richer than pak by his estimate)

From simon commission report on recruitment of soldiers, amb brought 2 things - indian
army was predominantly muslim from Punjab and nwfp (directly responsible for defending
india in event of foreign invasion from north west) and they were proud about it and they
will be loyal to muslims in case of a war against Muslims eg khilafat committee demand to
british for not deploying indian muslims against Muslim countries in any circumstances. If
partition didnt happen , they would want the status quo of numbers of Muslim soldiers in
Indian army

Hindus needed to consider whether it was better to have mosalmans 'without and against"
or if they should be within and against amb said. Indian defence a lot stronger after
partition, amb remarked. Attacked martial race theory.. he said that Indian army was
predominantly hindustani pre mutiny. After that Punjabis muslims for revenge and plunder
for having been subjugated by hindu afmy during Anglo sikh war and they helped crush the
mutiny and hence got the british favour. Martial race theory popular in muslim army too (1
muslim = 9 hindu) bravado. It was cardinal approach of British to not allow any hindustani
community to gain foothold in the army. Communal award 1932 , was unjust to hindu
minorities, gave statutory muslim majorities to Muslims where in majority and not a
minority status to Hindus when in minority. And Muslims got minority rights when in
minority something hindus didnt get. He cited speech by Maulana abul kalam azad from 27
calcutta ml session on the hostage population theory and Bengal premier fazal ul haq.Pg
164 he contended that if the pak scheme were to be based on the existing boundaries of
Punjab and Bengal, ir would still pit a minority against majority and the communal problem
would continue or assume a new malignity. He claimed that hindu minority will he left
without appeal in pak but similar thing won't happen to Muslims in India. He proposed
alteration of existing punjab and Bengal border to create homogeneous Muslims states to
exclude Hindus. For hindus scattered in Sindh and nwfp , he suggested total population
transfer. He said Hindustan won't be complete homogeneous as muslims are scattered
Everywhere. He said without pak the communal problem would he of 2 cr and with pak 6.5
cr. Pak won't free india from the communal problem gut it will reduce the turbulence issue.
Hindus ought to refuse ml demand about alternation of boundaries in their favour given the
centrality of population hostage theory in the ml discourse.

Amb emphasised on 3 features of agressive muslim mentality :-

1. Ever growing catalogue of demands (50% in everything) they wanted to reduce hindus
to minority in real terms and at the same time cut into political rights of other minorities.
Demand for making urdu national lang of india was extravagant. 28 mil imposing on 322
mil. He alluded to British falling to ever increasing muslim demands rather tyan resisting
them. Pg 170 imp

2. Desire to exploit hindu weakness. He noted that whenever hindus objected to anything,
Muslim policy qas to concede the point only if they received some additional concessions
in return from hindus. Eg insistence on cow slaughter and not allowing music before
mosque only in india just because Hindus claimed it as a right.
3. Gangster methods in politics of muslims. He warned Hindus that policy of appeasement
and concession would only exacerbate muslim aggressiveness for they would interpret it
as a sign of Hindu defeatism.
Only way to get rid of retrograde and anti modern politics represented by ml was by
partition. Muslims politics was essentially clerical and recognised only one difference -
hindu and Muslim.

Jinnah took 3 steps to convey party's msg:-

1. Started the Dawn from Delhi, to faithfully mirror the views of the ml and publicize its
political economic social and educational activities. Many other ml sympathetic papers
came up. The Deccan times imp for southern Muslims. ML functionaries began to publish
jinnahs public speeches , statements and his correspondence with Cong leaders , letters
with iqbal. But the most direct response to amb was in the propaganda material produced
under home study circle. A twin vol set consisting newspaper articles by a Punjabi
journalist mohammad sharif toosy - pakistan and Muslim india& nationalism in conflict in
india, are of particular importance. Jinnah himself wrote the foreword to these vols. To amb
questions of Pakistan's ability to survive, the two books by toost presented facts and
figures from various official reports to emphasize the nation's sovereign "geo-body".
Claiming it would be prosperous and powerful entity than india. Toosy claimed that the ml
was in favour of homogeneous territorial boundaries excluding Hindus. He pointed out how
pak would be economically independent and strong. He said that hindu baniyas for profit
would invest in pak but was wary of them . He said they would have Europe capital instead
of hindu capital and have european market.
On pak ability to defend itself, toosy said that the expenditure on wars with muslims would
not happen as it happens in british raj , pak would substitute imports and have indigenous
armament production but most important was martial muslim race to make it strong. Pan-
islam was important element in pak defence strategy pg 188 imp. Toosy wary of hindu
nationalism turning to imperialistic dreams. He was wary of demographic changes of
hindus from population surplus areas to the muslim areas with lesser population there. The
pattern of hindus migrating to other countries and causing demographics changes was a
threat to toosy. Hw wanted to reach out to Sikhs and intermingle them in pak saying in
India they will be helpless minority. Pg 190 imp .

He contended that once partition happens the bitterness fades away and the majorities in
the states would be satisfied while the minorities would strive to become model minority.
He emphasised that pak would act as a responsible stste actor and not unleash
indiscriminate punitive action against it's non muslim minorities in reaction to Muslims
being illtreated in hindustan. Pg 191 imp

Toosy repudiated the notion that sovereign states could not interfere in each other's
internal affairs as it was against the principles of international law . Pg 193 very very imp

Toosy wanted sikhs to be by their side to get Pakistan. Sikhs were 1% in undivided india
but would be 9% in pak and their 20% representation in the services and provincial
legislature would continue in the new state and guaranteed permanent seat in the central
cabinet and have equal no of ministers in the cabinet as Hindus (18% in north-western

Toosy had eyes on idea of independent sikh state consisting of 5 dist of Gurdaspur,
Amritsar, jalandhar, Ferozepur and ludhiana which has substantial Sikh presence.(45%
hardly a majority) . Moreover such demands would lead to more demands like moplah in
Malabar or the up muslims (14% of the province) leading to piecemeal division of India.
Hence sikh demand was not viable. Pg 194
East Bengal would have 30% hindus and a population transfer was possible. Toosy
wanted 13/15 dist of east Bengal barring jalpaiguri, Darjeeling, sylhet and goalpara, and
wanted calcutta jessore murshidabad and nadia and 24 parganas as it had muslim

Jinnah willing to sacrifice minority muslims for Pakistan, ready to have reciprocal
agreement with India for minority protection, confirmed hostage population theory, Hindus
safeguards and adequate representation assurances given, gave option for migrating even
after partition, population transfer to be considered, expressed hope to sing monroe
doctrine with india after settling differences, saw pan islamism as a way to counter hindu
nationalism, saw pak as key to the liberation of the entire islamic world. he set up a
committee to look for pak viability, resources and plans for development. Khaliquzzaman
and mahumadabad wanted British capital and brains to develop pak told to British in
private , he said thay hindus wants to be a brother to muslim only in the ballot box.
Commentators say that still keeping pak a vague idea was to have a maximum bargaining
chip against congress and british, dismissed the idea of loose federation. Jinnah rejected
the terms of agreement of the Gandhi jinnah talks 1944 sep, firstly, it said India to be
granted independence without name of pak and secondly, the interim govt which jinnah
said would have all the powers in the hands of hindus , thirdly the national govt dominated
by cong would draft treaty and agreements on matters of common interest which gandhi
maintained should be done in this way , raging jinnah which meant offering provincial
autonomy to the ml and complete negation of pak demand, fourth Gandhi wanted pak
areas to be demarcated dist wise (where muslims are in absolute majority) which would
mutilate the present boundaries and against Lahore declaration. he wanted division on the
basis of present boundaries. Jinnah was against plebiscite for division saying it was very
open to corruption and voters not that informed to make such important decisions, it will be
trial of propaganda skills of both the communities.

Gandhi and rajagopalachari objection to the lahore resolution were equally clear. Gandhi
was clear that interests such as defence, foreign affairs etc needed to be commonly
safeguarded and jinnah rejecting plebiscite angered him.

Before the Gandhi jinnah meeting, amb called on thr British parliament to pass an act
providing for a referendum among Muslims in pak area to determine whether they wanted
a severance from rest of India and non muslims in the Pak could participate in the
referendum to determine they preferred pak or india. If a majority decided not to remain in
pak, a boundary commission could be set up to delineate the district in which muslims had
a majority. Amb found faults in CR formula in the gandhi jinnah talks. He drew focus of
gandhi and Jinnah to the third party in thr dispute - the scheduled castes. He pointed out
that nowhere else in the world did minorities enjoy weightage as did the Muslims in India
and blamed them for rise of hindu communalism in India - ml and hindu sabha are actions
and counter actions, he concluded by saying that pak was unnecessary as muslims had
no fear of Hindus in majority states while it would leave the muslim minority more in
danger after partition. But he said that if Muslims were bent on pak they must be given. 2
reasons - concerns for India's defence in undivided muslim dominant army , and second
that muslim sentiments regarding pak was very high. India could not carry on with hindus
and Muslims scheming against one another seeking to conquer each other. He reiterated
his belief in partitioning provinces of Punjab and Bengal through the method of self
determination by people and transfer of population in order to resolve the issue of
minorities ( he believed that people love property more than Liberty and they would he
willing to endure tyranny than change their habitat)

Pakistan as a name first mentioned by anis al din rijvi in 1940 in Bareilly credited the idea
to md iqbal for his allahabad 1930 session in which he floated this idea( a part of indian
federation but anis understood it as sovereign state). Pak being sold as islamic state. He
rejected composite nationalism and territorial division for countries saying in islam division
is on the basis of faith - believers and non believers. Said Hinduism was ever changing
while islam remain fixed and unfickeling with set of core principles which csn never be
changed and an organised social system. said by anis and kalam azad pg 224 v imp,
religious freedom means the power to organise collective life according to islamic
principles (nehru said his desire was to see the organised religions of the world fading
away). Pak would be pan Islamist, the leader of ummah the new Caliph to see the glory
back of the islamic world centered around Pak and indian muslims had helped Muslims all
over the world for the past 35 years (said in 1940). He said hindus fear this pan islamism
saying it would lead to india being a Islamic state.( Hindu foreign policy attempt to counter
the muslim threat - hindu mahasabha saying Palestine belonged to jews). Said nehru
wanted to insert muslims into hindu caste hierarchy (varna system helped Hindus to
integrate huns and shakas , tried with Muslims but failed in bringing into the hierarchy so
hindus want to purify muslims). He wanted Muslims to establish 3 states in india - 1 pak
(sindh punjab kashmir nwfp Baluchistan) , meerut and rohilkhand , agra and Aligarh, as
they were centres of Islamic culture for the long time and other muslims to be added by
population transfer , 2 east bengal 3 Hyderabad including berar and parts of Karnataka.
He was optimistic that sikhs would opt for pak for greater representation. Kashmir to be
included and Maharaja to be compensated for the territories lost to pak. For Hyderabad
failing to invoke the majority nos , said it would be added on historical pretext, princely to
join india or pak or remain autonomous like in British paramountancy. Vieled reference to
hostage population theory to protect muslim minority in India or a total population transfer.
All these ideas seeped down to the grassroots in UP. Pg 228 imp

First attempt to propagate the idea was by nawab ismail khan upml president in allahabad
ml session 1940 , said muslim majority states under the federation retaining their original
character and population without population transfer ( he was moderate and believed
hindu muslims could coexist, a different position from public demand of pak and would
welcome a settlement with cong where he would modify the demand for pak), raja of
mahamudabad preoccupied with shia issues (letter by his younger brother to Jinnah says
the troubles faces by shia as they couldn't express their sentiments due to electoral fears,
or they couldn't counter sunni sectarian propaganda, Sunnis trying to suppress shia beliefs
and deprive them of liberty to religious duties)

Mahmudabad demanded following:-

1. Shias to have voice in the elected bodies and govt institutions that may affect shia
justice and equity ( not based on rule of majority)
2. Religious observance and beliefs of shia to be guaranteed
3. Governors of provinces and India to be given specia powers to exercise in favour of
Shia in case of injustice done to them
4. Shia waqf board to be exclusively under Shia
5. If any law is passed in accordance with Muslim hanafi law, special principle of shia
shariat to be taken into consideration.

Jinnah rebuked mahmudabad for such thinking and said pak would protect each of its
Muslim regardless of sect and shias should join wholeheartedly. Jinnah appointed his this
"nephew" as chairman of the pak wafd(delegation) tasked with popularizing Pak and saw
him as his heir first (but appointed liqayat as his heir following gandhi appointing nehru as
his heir). In a Bombay ml session of 1940 , he declared the ideal of ml was to create
islamic state and not muslim state.( Like one created during prophet time and new one in
pak after 1300 years), he claimed that other minorities would equally benefitted by this
democratic theocratic state, lamented rulers of Muslim countries for not following prophets
msg and said indian rulers (Muslims) exploited islam for power

Mahmudabad said

Islam flourished in India due to preaching of saints and fakirs , said gandhi was indianised
version of tolstoy, wanted to create pak as new laboratory to have ideological experiments
in comparison with India. Went on to vaguely hint islamic democracy - rule of a single wise
pious all powerful caliph with sharia which to be replicated at level of provinces town and
localities (abu ala maudidi's ideas) which was Jinnah in his eyes, the idea seemed
dangerously close to dictatorship. Said not enough literature on islamic state and it was
first attempt to theorize it , second attempt in arab lands following failure of socialism, pan
arabism and secular nationalism in the arab world. Most worthwhile competitor to islam
was socialism for raja but he co opted it in islam saying prophet brought it first. Wanted
india not be denuded of muslims, instead to grow in partitioned India. Not in favour of
complete Muslim population transfer for this reason (one of)

Khaliqazumman said ml wanted the second pak in pak(first by prophet in arabia). Said
Hindus saw wataniyat as goddess needed to be worshipped which was abhorrent to a
muslim. A muslim is forst and last a muslim and if he has to choose watan and mazhab he
would choose mazhab. He was one of the first Muslim politician to think of alternatives to
the federal scheme introduced by British in 1935 goi act wanted 3 dominions - one in west
one in east with whole Bengal and assam (hindus will be forcefully converted to have
Muslim majority there ) and one for hindu india hinted to gov hallet about hostage
population theory. Hallet though the federal scheme , didn't discard this idea wanted
separate schools for hindu ans Muslims like in turkey for Armenians and Greeks. wanted
British captial and brains for rapid development tho initially being poor was worried about
loose wording of the lahore resolution, 1941 census data showed muslim majority in
Chittagong dacca and rajshahi but hindu majority in burdwan and presidency (calcutta). If
the wordings of the resolution was to followed, muslims would have to cede burdwan and
presidency but could get sylhet division from assam. It would be disadvantageous to
muslims as eastern Bengal didn't have expansion chance due to ganga brahmputra, no
resources and no industries but only agricultural base. in contrast hindu Bengal was
developed had railways and industries. In west ambala division ,would come to India (80%
hindu), area btw ambala and lahore had hindu and sikh majority. He didn't want territorial
readjustments based on majority, but wanted whole of Bengal and Punjab, since it would
cut off line with hindu india and kashmir hence hindus in these areas would beg pak for
transit and in return pak would ask for Hyderabad right of transit with Pak. Said complete
segregation of Hindus and muslims impossible but there may time where it would be
possible but territorial readjustments would lead to population burden on pak due to less
territory and population exchange, hinted again to the hostage population theory, said that
readjustments would lead to diminishing cultural influences of the minority provinces of
non pak zone on the pak zone. Said up was heart of Muslim india and urdu spread was
necessary to have common national lang for pak(Punjabi slowly being replaced by urdu)
but east Bengal didn't have much exposure to Urdu hence whole bengal and Punjab
should be with pak to keep cultural inflows and outflows intact (from bengal to east
Bengal). He said that the cripps mission plan that offered common Direct plebiscite of
Muslims and non-Muslims on question of accesion or non accession without intervention
of the vote of assemblies was more advantageous for Muslims than to get truncated pak
by muslim plebiscite alone and said that the units in the resolution referred to thr whole
provinces. By invoking sind premiere suggestion to have linguistic divisions of the units
and right to decide their future, khaliq said that whole of Bengal and Punjab would be in
pak by the same logic.

ML passed Lahore resolution on 23 march 1940 (celebrated as pakistan day). Liqayat said
territorial readjustment didn't mean surrendering any portion of Punjab or bengal but laying
claim to Delhi and aligarh too(Muslim culture centre). Bombay resolution of ml (response
to the Congress quit india movement). Jinnah wanted whole of Punjab, bengal , Sindh
Baluchistan nwfp, assam and a corridor from UP linking east and west pak before settling
for truncated pak in 1947. Liyaqat in shahjahanpur 1940 said they wanted 6 provinces, no
forced migration of muslim from minority to majority areas, and hostage population theory.

Soon after lahore resolution, ismail khan convened a conference of ulama and intellectuals
to draf islamic constitution for pak at nadwatul ulama masjid lko


Nawab ismail khan, khaliqazumman , Syed Sulaiman nadwi(student of shibli nomani, close
associate of Ashraf ali thanawi and Maulana azad) as chairperson, syed abul ala mawdudi,
azad shubhanj, abdul majid daryabadi (wrote biography of his pir ashraf Ali thanawi).
Nadwi completed 6 vol biography of prophet titled seerat un nabi started by shibli nomani .
First draft prepared by muhamamd ishaq sandelvi (nadwatul lko Alim) but never discussed
as the committee never convened. Daryabadi sent his copy to someone to publish but was
lost but the copy he sent to nadwi was traced back in 1957 and published by darul
musannifin (est by nomani in 1914) in azamgarh. After partition, nadwi was invited by
khawaja shahbuddin (governor gen after jinnah) to give advice to the constituent assembly
for preparing islamic constitution for pak. The doc prepared by sandelvi became primary
source of recommendations made by the committee to pak constituent assembly. Sandelvi
had 2 objectives:-

1. To demonstrate that world's political problems could be solved by islam( hint to west)
2. To provide a constitutional draft to islamic societies to help in forming their political

Claimed that political system of islam was Caliphate. Said that god gave two primary
sources for law - quran and sunnah. Ijma (consensus), qiyas(analogical reasoning) were
subsidiaries sources of law. Caliph to be elected by body of ulamas and not by masses but
not against their wishes.( Hadith sahih bukhari said women can't become caliph as they
dont have necessary intelligence also said in sharia). Caliph obliged to control 3 aspects of
human life - thoughts values and deeds, for which he would have 3 categories of duty -
correction, supervision and training. Appoint a vazir and a war dept and military to defend
islamic state and women could join too. Offences by caliph - apostasy, immorality or
cruelty and he could ve opposed if he went against sharia.

Hadith says that a Muslim who abandons islam should be killed , marrying a non Muslim is
haram, consuming liquor, gambling or allowing publication of writings against islamic moral
standards all haram. A sharia council to limit caliph power. It could appoint or remove him ,
he can't limit their powers and he would have to formulate laws in accordance with sharia
consulting this council. Non Muslims, shias and qadiyanas not allowed in this council. Only
non religious field members of the council to be elected by Muslims only of normal
intellect. Legislation in islamic state was to be based on strength of argument and not on
strength of number. Qazi (judiciary) independent of Caliph influence. Court independent
but caliph superior. Non muslims cant participate in military police or civil services job but
they would enjoy civil and religious rights ij the Islamic state , had to pay jaziya if they
didn't not join army. Their property rights protected at par with Muslims and right to appoint
their religious leaders. Not more than 6 taxes (that stood since earlier) could be imposed.
Pg 263-267 imp

Pak ulama accepted sandelvi notions in their 22 point declaration in 1951.

Musavvir ali khan (badayun) and anis ahmad rivzi (Bareilly) held rallies in may 1940 to
clear lahore declaration stand. Khan declared that large scale migration of muslims and
shrinking into any one single territory was against the spirit of islam whose universal msg
and expanding mission required their widest spread around the world.
4 conclusions from Khan's oration :-

1. UP to be left behind with hindu India

2. Pak would be sovereign independent
3. Pak would be Islamic utopia
4. UP muslims would give sacrifices to make pak come to life.
Again pointed towards hostage population theory and complete population transfer.

Sir shahnawaz khan mamdot , Punjab ml president gave address in lko in nov 1941, imp
because how he defined pak territoriality. In public he wanted ambala(hindu majority) in
punjab but in private with liyaqat he could let ambala go. Said dividing line btw india and
pak to be yamuna but didn't include east pak ,bcoz beyond yamuna the muslims were
converted. Said india was occupied land and the ancestors continued in indian even after
muslims lost power here. Said muslims in minority provinces were in better situation than
muslims in majority provinces. Muslim leaders of ml said muslims in india were akin to
jews in Germany, mufti fakhrul islam wanted Pak to extract revenge from hindu minorities
for what they had done to Muslims. Pak day celebration in allahabad for 1941 and 42
Jinnah star, full of communal addresses.

ML biggest opponent was JUH and Azad muslim conference (sympathetic to cong) held
rally in delhi 1 month after lahore and allah baksh Sindh premier was leading light. he
contended on various pak sustainability issues and said ulamas should be part of
constituent assembly and their decision should be binding. Other groups against pak in up
were hindu sabha, arya samaj and RSS, and sikh groups in punjab . Anti pak day
celebrated in late april 1940 in half of up dist attended by arya samajis , sikh participation
prominent in kanpur, tara Singh declared up Sikh conference in April 1940 at lko saying for
pak they would have go to through blood of every sikh, conversions of hindus to sikh seen,
( the conference was massive hindu sabha leaders raised money for it for conference at
aligarh in June 1940) 23k conversions from Hinduism to Sikhism. Muslims scared seeing
this many sikhs with kirpans. Swami kaljiganand wanted portion of india as acchutistan for
depressed classes. CPI supported ML in pak demand even participated in pak day
celebration on party circular.

Critique of Pakistan
Maulana syed Muhammad sajjad , born in nalanda Bihar in landowning family and
member of JUH wrote an essay on Hindu India and Muslim india on 14 apr, 1940 , a
critique to Lahore declaration much before amb. Ran away from home at 15 to kanpur
enrolled in madarsa for 3 yrs then moved to Deoband got into a fight with Tibetan student
and expelled from darul uloom, moved to allahabad and graduated in 1905, opened
madarsa in gaya. Pol career started from gaya during khilafat. Founded imarat i shariah in
1921 which had influence on Azad's amir i hind scheme, his party muslim independent
party mip floated in sept 1936 won a majority of muslim seats in bihar legislative assembly
in 1937 elections and formed interim govt in bihar with ML and resigned when cong agreed
to take power. Crictised cong for mmcp.

His moral critique of idea of pak on 3 points:-

1. It was impossible to establish an islamic state in pak

2. Hostage population theory for being violent rhetoric
3. Rhetoric of sacrifice of Muslims in minority provinces for majority provinces

Said ml cried over hypothetical atrocities committed on Muslims of up , bihar and cp by

cong govt instead of providing solutions to them, and never did muslims of majority
provinces complained about any such wrongs which were happy with defective provincial
autonomy, while the minority ones complained.

Sajjad said Islamic state in pak would be on 2 conditions fulfilled

1 complete homogeneous population which meant transfer of about half of the hindu /sikh
population but jinnah was against it
2. No representation to hindu minorities but jinnah promised otherwise

On idea of hostage population theory

1. Pak would take revenge from Hindus in pak if muslims in india were oppressed, to
which he said that it was against sharia as a Muslim ruler is expected to treat non Muslims
without bias, and no such historical precedent existed, eg turkey didnt retaliate against
2. Pak would go to war with India to protect muslims there, again no historical precedent,
eg turkey , albania annexation by Italy or palestine

On up muslims sacrifice to get pak

Instead of 20 mil muslims sacrificing themselves for 60 mil , 80 mil should rally behind
hindu cong to throw out British since that would liberate 250 mil from british ..said that the
pak idea was present in 1922 in gaya cong khilafat session, wasn't paid attention to, iqbal
gave it in 1930 but neither jinnah nor Iqbal presented it in round table conference.

Maulana tufail ahmad manglori and a critique of pak from the minority provinces

Belonged to earliest batch of mohammaden anglo oriental clg at aligarh. Born in

saharanpur in 1868, founding member of azad Muslim conference , brought madani grp
and other muslims together against ml pak demand. Discarded the hostage population
theory and critiqued on the minority Muslims if pak was to happen, his remedy was
restoration of joint electorates in minority provinces. Said communal harassment was
Muslim political leaders wanted to end separate electorates by 1927 but with max
concessions from cong, sind separated from Bombay and given separate province status,
a council instituted in nwfp, while in the central assembly the muslims secured a good
proportion of seats besides a good % of jobs in the civil services and they demanded legal
protection for their religion , lang culture and personal laws. 1919 reforms made muslim
members in up council the swing vote, they sides with British on some matter and with
Hindus on other to get proposals passed leaving them without fixed policy. Said muslims of
minority provinces could be made stronger by returning to joint electorate and said that
majority ones can create pak for themselves.

Maulana hafizur rehman seoharvi comprehensive moral and pragmatic critique of pak

Senior cleric and nazim of JUH in Delhi , born in seohara Bijnor in 1901, joined darul
uloom and specialised in hadith, his teachers were Anwar Shah kashmiri and shabbir
Ahmad usmani. Part of MLPB set up by Jinnah for 1937 elections (17 ulamas), after that
he along with madani left ml and got towards cong. Said pak idea emanated from London ,
Iqbal brought it after visiting london in 1930, khaliquzamman in 1940, and syed Ahmad
Khan started it who was British loyalist. Said that with India's partition Islam would become
synonymous with the Muslim nation of Pakistan which happened. It would make Islam
form an ethical cultural and ideological program to a mere geographical programme and it
would weaken Urdu cause.

1945 JUH proposals (India as single federal centre, with huge autonomy to provinces)

1. 45% seats each for Hindus and Muslims in the federal assembly and 10% to other
2. If any bill at centre was rejected by 2/3 of Muslims in the centre , that bill shall not pass
3. Supreme court to have equal no of Hindu and Muslim judges

Muslim soldiers in army to be increased (from present no)

Break in JUH and formation of JUI jamiatul ulama i Islam on the eve of 1945 election,
vocal support for ml founded by Maulana Hussain shabbir usmani (Calcutta 1945). Said
there existed only 2 paths one of Islam (JUI) and other of kufr (JUH). Usmani was
pragmatist contrary to juh who supported literal reading of Qur'an. He too supported
population hostage theory. said pak won't oppress it's non muslims nobody would dare to
molest Muslims in India once pak came into being , usmani pointed out to the strategic
position of pak and it's leverage

21 aug 1945, viceroy lord warell announced elections for the central and provincial
assemblies in order to elect representatives to the constituent assembly to be held later
that year that would be tasked with framing a new constitution for British India . ML said it
was referendum on pak.

Cong determined to win even the Muslim seats , ml suffering schism - one of deoband and
other of aligarh students , Jinnah said aligarh was arsenal of Muslim India. Divisions in ml
started in 1944 municipal board election, ml won 44 of them and 82% of nearly 900 muslim
seats, conflict btw old guard and new guard. Rizwanullah who was accused of
embezzlement, took control of parliamentary board kicking out old guard.
Pg 430-34
ML created a committee of writers in 1945 to write pamphlets on various issues of pak
questions including geography, economics, education, theology etc etc , members from
amu and other higher educational institutions.
Pg 447 imp amu role in pak movement.

Two groups - one under a a b hameel (vice chancellor of amu) and other under
jamiluddin(Jinnah close and English prof) + manzar I Alam led many amu students for
convassing for ml candidates for the central assembly election which tilted the balance in
favour of ML. Urdu poetry too became very famous in articulation of the demand. Resorted
to donation and innovative money collection drives from the poor muslims for the
elections . ML got support of CPI and Shias ews nambooripad openly supported it however
ml wary of communists

Maulana Husain Ahmad madani , successor of mahamudul hasan , gave theory of

muttihada qaumiyat criticised by iqbal , maududi , thanawi,said that the fundamental
institution of contemporary political life was territorial nation state and said Jinnah declared
that pak would neither be a theocratic state nor have anything to do with pan Islamism and
similar to a socialist State. His lt , hifzur Rahman seoharvi said that pak would be politically
dependent on British and economically bankrupt the juh ulamas were assisted by
khaskar(Punjab) ahrars and khudai khidmatgars from nwfp.

Nehru started the mmcp again , said small nations would have no existence due to atom
bomb, and small nations would have to join big confederations otherwise they would have
no future, called for federation fo India iran iraq Afghanistan, Burma and Siam, his lt Rafi
ahma kidwai said Congress intended to implement abolition of zamindari, employment
opportunities to its ooelle and full wages to workers once assuming power.

Results of elections

First round of elections in Central assembly saw ML score 6/6 muslim seats in up (based
on highly restricted franchise)
Second round - 65% of popular Muslim votes won by ml in up , 14% to cong and 14% to
pro cong nationalist muslims

Qamaruddin Khan , lecturer at amu said 50 million muslims left behind would Live here as
a great and formidable nation as their national resources, educational advancement and
cultural supremacy could give them an honorable status in Hindustan. Said they should
leave special minority rights and live as other minorities in India and contribute towards
nation building, muslims should convert Hindus to Islam and concentrate in pockets in
Hindustan (in west up and purnia in Bihar) as to enable them to secede.

3 June declaration or Mountbatten plan

Communal tensions in Calcutta , noakhali, Bihar , garhmukteshwar (hapur), muslims

heavily killed, in July riots in aligarh, bulandshahr, badayun, kanpur pilibhit mathura and
gurgaon, rss gate 36649 volunteers , ml ng -24134, cong seva dal -29203, many Hindus
converted to sikhism as they were allowed to keep arms (kirpan), gb pant premier of up ,
was under heavy pressure, muslim ics officers wanted to go to pak, pressure to reduce
muslim lower ranks in police from 50% (as sind govt decide to lower hindu no) , up
advocate gen Mohammad Waseem appeared as counsel for pak before the boundary
commission, pant abolished weightage of Muslims in provincial

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