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Conductors, Inductors

and the Electric

Diadio, Ivanrey
Laña, Rod Christian
Sobrevega, Ian Spencer
Electrons in every conductor are loosely bound and can
migrate readily from atom to atom. Such electrons are often
called true charges.
The insulator are firmly held in a normal position that they
cannot be liberated by the application of ordinary fields.
Certain other materials with properties
intermediate between conductors and insulators are
called semiconductors.
Under some conditions, the substance may act as
an insulator but with the application of heat or
sufficient field may become a fair conductor.
Semiconductors, sometimes referred to as integrated circuits
(ICs) or microchips, are made from pure elements, typically silicon
or germanium, or compounds such as gallium arsenide. In a process
called doping, small amounts of impurities are added to these pure
elements, causing large changes in the conductivity of the
Due to their role in the fabrication of electronic devices,
semiconductors are an important part of our lives. Imagine life
without electronic devices. There would be no smartphones, radios,
TVs, computers, video games, or advanced medical diagnostic
The Electric Current
When an isolated conducting object is introduced into an electric field, charges
migrate (currents flow) until a surface charge distribution has been built up
that reduces the total field in the conductor to zero. If, however, the
conducting object is not isolated and the applied field is maintained, the
current will continue to flow in the conductor.
Sample Current Problem
1. A defibrillator sends a 6.00-A current through the chest of a
patient by applying a 10,000 V potential as in the figure below.
What is the resistance of the path?
2. (a) A defibrillator passes 12.0 A of current through the torso of a
person for 0.0100 secs. How much charge moves?
(b) How many electrons pass through the wires connected to the

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