MAIR21 - Assignment Problems - 23

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I B.

Tech Mechanical Engineering ( Section-B)

MAIR 21 - Complex Analysis and Differential Equations
List of Problems for Assignment

1. Determine all points (if any) at which the C-R equations are satisfied and determine all
points at which the following functions are differentiable:

2 −y 2 )
(a) z(Im z) (b) e(x (cos 2xy + i sin 2xy).

2. Prove that the following functions are nowhere differentiable.

(a) f (z) = z − z. (b) f (z) = 2x + ixy 2

3. Evaluate f (z)dz where f (z) = y − x − i3x2 and C is the line segment from z = 0 to
z = 1 + i.
4. Evaluate the following integrals using Cauchy’s integral formula:
H ez
(a) z 2 +4
dz, where C is |z − i| = 2 (c) cos z
z(z 2 +8)
dz, where C is the square with
H vertices at ±2 ± 2i.
(b) z
(9−z 2 )(z+1)
dz, where C is |z| = 2

5. Evaluate the following integrals:

H H e2z
(a) sin 2z
(z− πi )4
dz, where C is |z| = 1 (b) (z+1)4
dz, where C is |z| = 2.
C 4 C

6. Write the Taylor’s series expansion of the following functions about the given points and
determine the region of convergence in each case.

(a) f (z) = cos z about z = π2 , z = π

4 (b) f (z) = ze2z about z = −1

7. For the following functions, write the Laurent’s series expansion.

(a) f (z) = z
(z−1)(2−z) valid in (i) 1 < |z| < 2, (ii) |z − 1| > 1.
(b) f (z) = 1
z(1−z) valid in (i) 1 < |z + 1| < 2, (ii) |z + 1| > 2.
8. Find the order of each pole and find the residue at the poles for each of the following

z 2 −2z 1 zez
(a) (z+1)2 (z 2 +9)
(b) z(ez −1) (c) (z−1)3

9. Evaluate the following integrals using Cauchy’s Residue theorem.

H e2z
3 dz, where C is |z| = 2 .
(a) (z+1)
H 3z 2 +z−1
(b) (z 2 −1)(z−3)
dz, where C is |z| = 2.

cos 3θ
10. Evaluate the integral by using contour integration, 5+4 cos θ dθ.

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