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YEMEN  Aden was ruled directly

 British influence was exercised through local leaders in

the tribal areas
 Aden Trade Union Congress (ATUC) – sent students to
 MAY 22, 1990 – unification of North Yemen or Yemen
Britain; drawn from an urban proletariat
Arab Republic (YAR) and South Yemen or People’s
 National Liberation Front (NLF) – formed in Feb 1963
Democratic Republic of Yemen (PDRY)
 Prime movers are from Sh’bi clan of Lahaj
 Became Republic of Yemen
 Led by Qahtan al-Sha’biSha’bi and his cousin
 Rivalry culminated in 1994 with an armed
Faysal al-Sha’biSha’bi
secessionist uprising in the south led by
 Core was made up of adherents of the Yemeni
former leaders of the PDRY
branch of the Arab Nationalists’ movement
The Land and People (ANM), a Marxist-leaning pan-Arab group
 Advocated armed struggle against the British
 5 geographical areas  Supported by Egypt
 Tihama – major city is the country’s major  By 1965, they succeeded in wresting control of
port of Hudayda most of the unions from ATUC
 Northern highlands – home to the largest  Front for the Liberation of Occupied South Yemen –
confederatiom; majort city: Sa’da created by ATUC leaders; NLF rival group
 Aden and San’a  Feb 1966 – announced the withdrawal of British troops
 Jawf  1968 – termination of treaties of protection with the
 Wadi Hadramawt local states
 Ethnic identity based on tribal roots: below are the two  NLF became the unquestioned leader of the
ancestors independent movement
 Adnan – peninsula Arabs  Nov 30 1967 – British forces evacuated Aden, ending
 Qahtan – Yemenis the 128 years of rule
 NLF formed the first government of the newly
Modern Political History
declared People’s Republic of South Yemen
 1839 – British Indian government captured Aden  Qahtan al-Sha’biSha’bi became both
 1849 – Ottoman reasserted power in San’a chairmain of the presidential council and
prime minister
North Yemen
The Two Yemeni States
 Ottoman ruled
 Hamid al-Din dynasty assumed the Imamate  North Yemen has the biggest population – 4x greater
 1911 – Imam Yahya ended the revolt against the than the south
Ottoman in the Treaty of Da’an  During the late 1960s and the 1970s, the two states
 Imamate was perceived by most Shafi’is as sectarian both experienced violent political factionalism
rather than a national institution  Republican conservatives defeated the leftists, ending
 Muhammad al-Badr – succeeded his father, Imam the chances of N Yemen following the ideological path
Ahmad of S Yemen
 Had a progressive reputation largely because  Colonel Ali Abdallah Salih – leader of N Yemen since
he had encouraged his father to ally with 1978
Gamal Abd al-Nasser’s Egypt in the efforts to  National Democratic Front – Salih’s
assert its claims in South Yemen opposition; supported by S Yemen
 1962 coup – 9/26/62; led by Colonel Abdallah al-Sallal;  People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen – S Yemen’s
became the president of the new Yemen Arab Republic new name; 1970
 The republican regime relied on Egyptian military  1st President of PDRY: Salim Rubayya’Ali
support to maintain itself in power  Unification – March 1979; signed by Ali Abdallah Salih
 3 factions supported the coup and Abd al-Fattah Ismail in Kuwait
 The army
Political Environment of the United Yemeni State
 Disaffected Shafi’is
 A collection or tribal leaders who had  Dichotiomies: Zaydi vs Shafi’i, republican vs royalist,
split from Imam Ahmad tribe vs state, north vs south
 Common Yemeni identity is strong, made stronger by
South Yemen
the country’s bordering on Saudi Arabia to the north
 Hadramawt – one area historically distinct  Signed treaty with Saudi in June 2000
from the rest reaffirming the 1934 boundary
 Small but growing middle class – bureaucrats and  In the mid-1990s, Yemen’s claim to Hanish Islands in
traders the Red Sea was contested by the newly independent
 Major agricultural crop: qat state of Eritrea on the opposite shore
 In 1984, Hunt Oil Company announced the discovery of  Bombing USS Cole in Yemen (Oct 2000) killed 17
oil in Marib American sailors (by Al-Qaeda in the Arab Peninsula)

Political Structure

 May 1990 – governed by presidential council of 5

members (later changed to a single president in 2012
 Ali Abdallah Salih – became the head of the
Presidential Council then the President in
 Ali Salim al-Baydh – VP
 Shariah Law is the source of law
 (Refer to Yemen report outline for updated
political structure)

Political Dynamics

 Oil – bilateral issue that brought the two together

 The 1994 Civil War – brought about by the subsequent
challenges to centralized authority

Foreign Policy

 North Yemen had joined with Iraq (and Egypt and

Jordan) in the Arab Cooperation Council at its founding
in 1989
 The united Yemeni state assumed its
 N Yemen supported Iraq during Iraq-Iran War un 1980-
1988, and relations were very close
 Saudi Arabia and San’a relations were strained
by what San’a considered Saudi insensitivity
toward Yemeni sovereign interests
 Yemenis working in Saudi were a Saudi major
source of Yemeni foreign exchange were
certain to be jeopardize of San’a did not
unequivocally condemn Iraqi invasion
 Yemen held the Arab seat un UNSC during the
crisis, magnifying the international visibility of
its positions
 Yemen took what is considered to be
pragmatic and evenhanded stand in
the crisis, opposing the Iraqi invasion
of Kuwait also opposing the dispatch
of foreign forces to Saudi Arabia to
resist the invasion
 Resented by Saudi Arabia,
Kuwait, and USA
 Yemen lost a territory (Najran) to Saudi Arabia in 1934
during the Saudi-Yemeni War

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