Interim FMP Form LNO

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STUDENT NAME: Laura-Jayne Meades TUTOR NAME: Ady Evans 1. Title and Pitch A clear, brief title which can be modified at a later date if necessary but which gives clear idea of the nature of the project. 'Last Night Out'.

2. Pitch Sum up your idea in two lines. Include the genre, format, duration, usp (unique selling point) and intended audience.

A 7-10min dramatic photo film about a young man who has decided that this night will be his last one ever. Certificate 15 recommended due to explicit language, use of drugs and moderate references to sex and violence.

3. Rationale A brief description of the main issue/subject which your project will examine and the approach you intend to take.

'Last Night Out' tackles the issues of death and suicide. I intend to approach these subjects in a sensitive way however I am to briefly include humour to off-set some of the more dramatic moments. This will be achieved through the means of photos and narration. 'Last Night Out' explores the idea of what a person may do if they have previously decided that this night will be their last. I have looked at 'Leaving Las Vegas' and how this deals with the protagonist ending their life through drink as well as 'F.Stop' and 'Le Jette' for their cinematic style. My film combines the two ideas above and could be successful due to the fact that both ideas have been done separately but I haven't found them done together. My likely source of distribution for this piece will be a student film festival. 'F.Stop' and 'Le Jette' have become cult films and I feel my piece will follow in this vain so as well as the student film festival I think it would be beneficial if I also looked into more alternative festivals and possibly photography based festivals also.

4. Context What question/s does your PROJECT answer or what new idea does it offer? Where does your PROJECT fit in the current Media environment? Give evidence of the research and opinion that support your claims.

5. Distribution Where do you think your PROJECT is going to play/reach an audience? Show evidence of your research into LIKELY sources of distribution.

6. Budget and Skills Audit Give a realistic budget breakdown of your project and make sure you can afford to make it. Also explain here why you are the right person to be making this project what skills, knowledge and experience will you be capitalising on?

'Last Night Out' will not require a high budget due to it being a photo film. I currently have no expenses for actors as they are willing to work for free. My only possible expense would be club hire for some scenes which I also feel I could get for free if I offer the club to be in the credits. I think I am the best person for this project as I have attempted a photo film before and I know exactly how I want my piece to look in the end. The main skill I will be utilising is my experience with photography.

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