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What is a Man?

Before we start to describe how to become a man, we ought first to define what a man is
supposed to be according to the scriptures:

I. Man is an __________ (Gen 1:26-27). Our image means that man was created in the
likeness of more than just ____. This means that every man is 3 parts. To be a real
man, he must develop himself in three areas of life. ______, _______, _______. This
is the personality of men.’
When Jesus was tempted in Chapter 4 of Matthew. He was tempted in 3 areas in
which He overcome all.

 Turn stones in to bread – physical

 Prove that He was the Son of God – Spiritual
 Be not hungry for Power – Mental

1 John 2:15-17 speaks also about the 3 parts of man. __________ (physical), ________
(Mental), and _________ (Spiritual).

1. James 1:14-16 speaks about the 3 steps of Sin. Sin begins in mind, carries over in the
body and cause spiritual death.
2. Man is a ________ (Gen 1:2). The only purpose, the only job that we have is to be His
tool. Therefore, we must desire to be the best possible tool for the use of the
3. Man is a ________ (Gen 2:7). Man has a never dying soul which must be spent in
eternity in heaven or in hell.
4. Man is a _____________. One of the most vital areas of developing yourself to be all
God wants you to be is learning to walk and to fellowship with Him, every day.
5. Man is to ________ (1 Corinthians 10:31). The purpose of man is to bring glory to
6. 6. Man is to be the ______________, and the provider (Colossians 3:18-19). God
wants man to be to the home as what He is to the church.

If man understand these 6 things that God has created him to be, he can better
improve himself to develop himself to glorify God in this life.

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