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Delicious 美味 Tasty 可口 Yummy 可口
Salty 咸 Sweet 甜 Sour 酸
Bitter 苦 Spicy 辣 Fresh 新鲜
Crispy 酥脆 Oily 油腻 Creamy 奶油
Smelly 难闻

Make the sentences by using adjectives.

1 The pizza is sweet.

The pizza is tasty.

The pizza is sweet and tasty.






Colour 颜色 Size 大小 Shape 形状
Green Big Diamond
Purple Small Round
Material 材料 Time 时间 Apperance 外形
Expensive New Beautiful
Cheap Old Thick
Make the sentences by using adjectives.
1 The dictionary is thick.

The dictionary is heavy.

The dictionary is thick and






Rewrite the sentences with correct adjective.

1. The elephant is small.

2. The lemon is very salt.

3. The ice-cream is very hot.

4. The rabbit is very fierce.

5. The boy is very pretty.

6. Ravi ran very slow to school yesterday.

7. The buildings are very short,

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