A Review of The Methods To Incorporate The Geological and Geotechnical (Ripiabilidad)

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Engineering Geology 281 (2021) 105970

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A review of the methods to incorporate the geological and geotechnical

characteristics of rock masses in blastability assessments for selective
blast design
Ebrahim F. Salmi *, Ewan J. Sellers
Hard Rock Mining, CSIRO and Mining3, QCAT, Pullenvale, QLD 4069, Australia


Keywords: Rock fragmentation by blasting is still among the most challenging of problems in geomechanical engineering.
Blastability The intent of this work is not to develop a new overall blast fragmentation model as the existing models, like
Rock mass discontinuities Swebrec (KCO), the Fragmentation-Energy Fan, or the Distribution-Free models, have proven successful. The aim
In-situ block size distribution
of the study is, however, to review the approaches that have been developed for rock mass blastability assess­
Differential blasting
ment. The desire to identify the three-dimensional (3D) distribution of the blastability of a rock mass for selective
Grade engineering blast design inputs for Grade Engineering®, led to a review of blastability assessment approaches to determine
the opportunities for continuous and automated assessment. The comprehensive review of over thirty blastability
assessment approaches has shown how different geological and geotechnical parameters play various roles in the
blastability assessments. The blastability assessment approaches to fragmentation are categorised based on their
application (qualitative assessment, powder factor determination, or fragmentation prediction) or the source of
the significant parameters (small -scale tests, rock mass measurements, geotechnical ratings, pre-blast indirect
measurements, post-blast measurements, or multiple rock mass and blast measurements). Over twenty param­
eters were identified in the review, often with a high level of uncertainty associated with determining the
effective parameters. The authors then show that there are three key factors which impact on the mechanisms of
the dynamic breakage of rocks – the strength, density, and structure of the rock mass (discontinuities). The
quantification of the discontinuities is not always considered although they are vital because the intrinsic block
size distribution controls the fragmentation, governs the propagation and the attenuation of the stress waves in
the rock mass, and the extent of the damage zone. This study also reviews approaches to assess the three-
dimensional blastability distribution of rock masses linked to modern rock mass measurement and geophys­
ical surveys. A simple, rapid, and practical blastability assessment is key to advanced blast design.

1. Introduction removal of waste by sieving and sorting reduces unnecessary energy and
time-consuming mechanical comminution (Walters, 2017). For optimal
Selective or differential blasting is a recently developed technolog­ outcomes, the design of the hole spacing and explosives distribution
ical lever proposed by the Cooperative Research Centre for Optimising must be varied in three-dimensions to match the spatial variations of the
Resource Extraction, known as CRCORE, to efficiently separate ore from grade, and geotechnical, geological, and geo-metallurgical distribution
waste in Grade Engineering® (Carrasco et al., 2016; La Rosa, 2017). The in the rock mass (Sellers et al., 2019; Usami et al., 2019).
main goal of differential blasting is to blast the ore finely and the waste The experience of the authors has been that the proper characteri­
coarsely. Therefore, differential blasting is a combination of ‘mine to sation of rock masses before blasting is often difficult due to production
mill’ (M2M) (McKee, 2013; Scott et al., 2009; Scott et al., 2002) blasting, and data constraints. Data to characterise the rock mass is scarce. This
to maximise the ore fines with a limited top size, and the ‘less fines’ (LF) review arose from a search for the key geological and geotechnical pa­
approaches to quarrying (Moser, 2005, 2006) which are used to maxi­ rameters that can be identified in a fast and continuous manner for
mise diggable waste fragments above a threshold sieve size. Then, early differential blasting in large open-pit mines. The outcomes of this review

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: efathisalmi@mining3.com (E.F. Salmi), esellers@mining3.com (E.J. Sellers).

Received 13 June 2019; Received in revised form 7 December 2020; Accepted 10 December 2020
Available online 15 December 2020
0013-7952/© 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
E.F. Salmi and E.J. Sellers Engineering Geology 281 (2021) 105970

paper may help to produce updated definitions of the rock mass blast­
xp = (p − dependent rock factor)⋅ × (p − dependent geometry factor)
ability, to identify the parameters that have the first-order effects in the
assessment of the blastability of rock masses, and determine those that × ⋅(p − dependent explosives factor) (2)
can be modified to easily develop the three-dimensional (3D) distribu­ This means that the rock mass blastability quantifies the compound
tion of blastability. effect of the geological and geotechnical site factors on fragmentation,
The main aim of blast design is to use explosive energy to break rock either as a single representative value or as a whole size distribution. The
masses into sizes and shapes that can facilitate subsequent operations (e. role of the blast designer is to change the geometry and explosives fac­
g., excavation, loading, hauling, crushing, and milling). Correct frag­ tors to obtain their desired fragmentation outcome, given the rock factor
mentation reduces the overall costs and time of the extraction and of the blast block.
comminution of ores in both surface and underground mining opera­ The future of blasting will include automated loading systems (Lilly,
tions (Ouchterlony, 2003; Sanchidrián and Ouchterlony, 2017a). 2011; Lovitt and Wicks, 2017; Sellers et al., 2012b) and the ability to
Blasting has also conventionally been used to excavate civil structures in change the explosive density and energy along the hole (Halander et al.,
hard rocks, e.g., for road trenches, tunnels, and underground caverns 2015). Therefore, blast designs should now incorporate three-
(Jimeno et al., 1995; Ouchterlony et al., 2002). Undesirable technical dimensional (3D) distribution of the blastability of the rock mass even
and environmental issues such as excessive back-break and over-break, though estimating the spatial distribution might be very challenging in
overpressure, flyrock, and ground vibration arise from poor blast de­ practice (Rustan et al., 1983). From Eq. 1, if the blast geometry and
signs or conflicting requirements, such as high intensity blasting near a explosives factors can change across the blast block, this means that
pit wall (Müller, 1997; Müller et al., 2010a; Segarra et al., 2010). there is a need to identify how the blastability varies in 3D space.
The process of rock fragmentation during blasting is complex and In the present paper, the factors controlling the design of blasts are
involves several stages in the loading and deformation of rocks (Jimeno discussed first to identify the components and how the blastability as­
et al., 1995; Nielsen and Malvik, 1999). Around 20 % to 40 % of the blast sessments are used: qualitatively, to determine the powder factor and for
energy is normally consumed by the pulverizing and heavily crushing of fragmentation prediction models. The inputs into the blastability as­
the rocks surrounding the blast hole (Hamdi et al., 2001; Jimeno et al., sessments are then categorised based on the source of the parameters,
1995; Ouchterlony et al., 2004; Sanchidrian et al., 2007; Sanchidrián starting with laboratory tests (Section 3.1), average rock mass mea­
et al., 2018). Analytical models (Cunningham et al., 2007) and numer­ surements (Section 3.2), geotechnical ratings (Section 3.3), indirect pre-
ical simulations (Onederra et al., 2009; Sellers et al., 2012a) have shown blast (Section 3.4), and post-blast (Section 3.5) measurements, to more
that crushing depends on the non-elastic distortion characteristics of the complex methods based on large quantities of rock mass and blast data
rock during the blasthole expansion. As the explosive expands the (Section 3.6). The commonalities between the parameters are discussed
blasthole further, cracks appear within the rock and are driven by the in Section 4.1 and the methods are compared in Section 4.2. The
local stresses. Further from the blasthole, and in areas of limited expo­ incorporation of geological variability is covered in Section 4.3. Finally,
sure to increased stress after detonation, the rock separates on weaker in Sections 4.4, the options for the application of automated geological
discontinuities present in the rock mass, so the rock is liberated not logging, geostatistics, and geophysics to determine a 3D blastability
fractured (Chertkov, 1985, 1986). assessment across a mining block and orebody are considered. A simple
The design of the blast and the numerous in-situ characteristics of the comparison of the blastability assessment approaches for application to
rocks govern the mechanisms of the breakage and control the frag­ develop a three-dimensional blastability distribution is also provided in
mentation (Bohloli et al., 2001; Hamdi et al., 2007; Ouchterlony, 2003). the Appendix.
Multiple terms like blastability, crushability, breakability, fracturability,
explodability, explosibility, and fragmentability are used to refer to the 2. Overview of the application of rock mass blastability
geological and geotechnical characteristics of a rock mass influencing
blast outcomes (Da Gama, 1995; Jimeno et al., 1995; Kutuzov et al., This section presents an overview to identify consistent trends in the
1974; Michik and Dolgov, 1966; Rustan et al., 1983; Shapiro, 1988). The selection of the important input and output parameters in blast design,
rock mass blastability has historically been defined as a factor that and how these are related to the assessment of blastability.
shows the resistance of rocks to blast loads. There are, however, blast­
ability assessment approaches that involve the blast design parameters,
such as the characteristics of the explosive charges or the measurement 2.1. Factors controlling blast outcomes
of the outcomes. There is, therefore, no widely accepted technique
available to assess the blastability of rock masses and many efforts at The efficiency of a blasting operation is highly dependent on the
unification have been attempted (Dey and Sen, 2003; Scott, 1996; mechanical parameters of the rock mass that govern the responses to
Widzyk-Capehart and Lilly, 2002). blast waves, the geometrical parameters of the blast design that affect
The definition of the rock mass blastability proposed by Ouchterlony the distribution of the blast energy in space (e.g., borehole bottom and
(2003) can help to improve the conventional abstract definition of rock column energy) and the time factors (e.g., delays between holes/rows)
mass blastability and to eliminate the uncertainties associated with that control the release and transmission of explosive energy to the
identifying the parameters that should be considered. According to surrounding rock mass, in time and during the blasting (Hamdi and du
Ouchterlony (2003), blastability is applied to link the effects of the Mouza, 2000, 2005b). Similarly, Latham et al. (2006) grouped the
geological and geotechnical parameters of a rock or rock mass to the effective factors in rock blasting as follows:
outcomes of fragmentation prediction. For example, the average frag­ A – Factors that are dictated by the geological and geotechnical
ment size, x50, is defined as: characteristics of the blasting site:
x50 = constant (rock factor) × (geometry factor) × ⋅(explosives factor) (1)
- The mechanical and geometrical characteristics of discontinuities (e.
Here, the rock factor represents the blastability of the rock mass. A g., bedding, schistosity and foliation, faults). The spacing of discon­
general form of Eq. 1, has also recently been proposed by (Ouchterlony tinuities, orientation, and the cohesion of joints are typical examples
et al., 2017) and (Sanchidrián and Ouchterlony, 2017a) which can be of such parameters.
used to estimate the size of particles associated with each percentage - The strength and deformational properties of rocks (e.g., rock type,
passing (p) and may be written as: weathering status).
- The density, porosity, and permeability of rocks.
- The presence of water in blast holes or discontinuities.

E.F. Salmi and E.J. Sellers Engineering Geology 281 (2021) 105970

- The spatial variations of the geology and rock types. providing a finer fragmentation for a given specific charge or requiring a
smaller specific charge to obtain the desired fragmentation.
B – Factors that are associated with the blast design (this category Category II: Medium ease of blasting: medium size blocks with
does not depend on the inherent features and characteristics of the average discontinuity spacing around 0.5 m. This may also be inter­
blasting site): preted as providing a medium fragmentation for a given specific charge
or requiring a medium-specific charge to obtain the desired
- Blast design parameters (e.g., configuration and drilling pattern). fragmentation.
- Properties and detonation methods of charges and the application of Category III: Difficult blasting: Large blocks of rocks with average
timings to control the distribution of energy into the rock mass. discontinuity spacing over 0.5 m. This can also be considered as
resulting in a coarse fragmentation for a given specific charge or
Therefore, according to Latham et al. (2006), any blastability requiring a considerably large specific charge to obtain the desired
assessment approach shall quantify the effects of the geological and fragmentation.
geotechnical characteristics of rocks in the blast block (first category) so However, this qualitative classification suffers from a few draw­
that the blast design factors (second category) can be adjusted to achieve backs, e.g., soft sedimentary rocks, like potash without discontinuities or
the desired output, based on the purpose of the blast. This is consistent hard jointed igneous rocks may result in different fragmentation when
with the definition of the blastability proposed by Ouchterlony (2003) identical blast set up is used. The behaviour of rocks in blasting may not
(see the Introduction). simply be classified based on the spacing of discontinuities. The classi­
fication approach is also subjective to personal judgment and the
2.2. The applications of the assessments of blastability interpretation of the distance between discontinuities in a rock mass.
The joint network can form blocks with different sizes with a specific
The outcomes of the blastability assessment approaches can help to particle size distribution, (PSD), which is also known as the in-situ block
identify consistent trends in the selection of the governing geological size distribution (IBSD). Additionally, this approach is only applicable to
and geotechnical parameters in different blast designs. Such detailed areas where rock discontinues are visible. Differentiation between the
information can be used to design advanced differential or selective blast-induced cracks, caused by the firing of the previous rounds of
blasts to optimise the fragmentation of the rock based on the re­ blasting, and the natural discontinuities may also not be straightfor­
quirements of the downstream processes (e.g., loading, mechanical ward. In other words, the pre-conditioning of the rock mass by the
crushing, milling), to improve the efficiency of the fragmentation and to previous blast rounds should be identified and considered.
reduce the undesirable consequences of the blasting (e.g., ground vi­
bration, overbreak, underbreak, back break, and fly rock). 2.2.2. Quantification using powder factor and energy
Müller (1997), and Müller and Hohlfeld (1997) showed that char­ Sukhanov (1947) proposed using the powder factor, q (kg/m3), as a
acterising the rock masses for blasting and finding the matched explo­ qualitative characterisation of the blastability of a rock mass for frag­
sive and blast design not only helps to improve the fragmentation but mentation design and developed a series of standard test conditions for
can reduce the undesired consequences such as ground vibration, flyr­ this purpose (Sukhanov, 1947; Sukhanov and Kutuzov, 1967). Rocks
ock, and back break. Similarly, Ashby (1981) performed several field were divided into sixteen classes according to the powder factor, that is
test blasts in a copper and gold mine and stated that to reduce the blast- needed to achieve the desired fragmentation, and a few other blast
induced damage the first step is to improve the fragmentation by design factors. If the powder factor is high, the rock is more difficult to
applying proper rock mass characteristics, in the production zones. fragment, otherwise it is easy to blast. A series of correction factors were
These show that different objectives of the blast may not be indepen­ proposed to adjust the powder factor for non-standard conditions;
dent. The blastability can, therefore, be considered as a rock or rock however, these have proved cumbersome to use in practice. The clas­
mass property, which is linked to the fragmentation. The blastability sification also involves considerable levels of personal interpretation.
provides unique fragmentation results for each blast set up and does not Gokhale (2010) also reported on the work performed by researchers in
depend on the purpose of blasting. Fitting the fragmentation to that the Soviet Union, e.g., Kutuzov (1979), to improve these qualitative
purpose of blast design is, however, the role of the blast design param­ categorisation schemes by including factors like the intact rock strength,
eters, which was previously discussed in the second category of effective rock density, and average joint spacing, Sj-av in (m). Typical examples of
factors by Latham et al. (2006) (see Section 2.1). the powder factors needed to fragment the rocks for different rock types
From the historical thread of the literature, three principal ap­ have been tabulated in
proaches to the application of the assessment of blastability in blast Table 1. It is also noted that in this table we summarised the classi­
design have been identified and are discussed here: the qualitative fication based on Protodyakonov’s rock strength index for a rough
assessment, the prediction based on powder factor (mass of explosive comparison between the two different classifications schemes (see Sec­
per unit volume of rock), and the direct prediction of fragmentation tion 3.1.1).
distribution. Shapiro (1988) also used a similar approach though used the term
‘explodability’ to describe the blastability of a rock mass based on powder
2.2.1. Qualitative assessment factor, for underground excavation. The explodability (blastability) was
An early blastability classification was proposed by Aleksandrov assessed based on defining a reference powder factor (qref (kg/m3) and
et al. (1963) which was presented in Mosinets et al. (1967). This qual­ burden (Bref (cm)), associated with a specific (standard) condition. If the
itative assessment scheme was developed based on field inspections and rock mass needs a higher powder factor for fragmentation, then it has a
qualitative assessments of several blasting outcomes at the Kal’makyr higher blastability. Shapiro (1988) considered a 42 mm drill hole
mine, in the former Soviet Union. Kal’makyr mine is located in the east diameter, a hole filling coefficient, fc, of 0.75, an efficiency or utilisation
of Uzbekistan, in Tashkent Province, and is among the largest copper capacity of η = 0.9 for the holes in the cut, and ammonite, 6ZhV, with a
reserves in the world. The blasts, considered in the development of this density of 850 kg/m3 as the standard (reference) conditions for esti­
classification, aimed at obtaining good rock breaking to achieve mating the blastability of rocks (see Table 2).
continuous operation. Aleksandrov’s blastability classification is also The complexities of defining blastability in terms of a powder factor
known as the Central Research Institute’s (CRI) classification. According without understanding the fragmentation outcomes are indicated by the
to the CRI classification, rock masses may be classified into: very different suggested powder factors for the same compressive
Category I: Easily blasted: small blocks, strongly fractured, with strength between data for surface coal mines in Turkey (Muftuoglu et al.,
average discontinuity spacing around 0.15 m. This can be interpreted as 1991) and the powder factors predicted by Mohamed et al. (2015) (see

E.F. Salmi and E.J. Sellers Engineering Geology 281 (2021) 105970

Table 1 Table 2
Protodyakonov’s rock hardness index and Sukhanov’s blastability classification Classes of rock mass blastability based on powder factor for underground
schemes (adopted from Zou, 2017). excavation (Shapiro, 1988).
Protodyakonov’s Sukhanov’s classification Typical rocks Blastability Values of blastability Blastability Values of blastability
classification class parameters class parameters

Class Hardness fp Blastability Class Powder q (kg/ B (cm) q (kg/ B (cm)

description factor m3) m3)
I 0.30 to 43.0 to VI 1.77 18.0 to
I Extremely 20 Most 1 8.3 Dense micro- 0.48 34.0 to2.23 16.0
sturdy difficult to crystalline Av = Av = Av =2.00 Av
blast quartzite 0.39 38.5 =17.0
2 6.7 Extremely II 0.48 to 34.0 to VII 2.23 to 16.0 to
durable 0.71 28.0 2.72 14.0
quartzite Av = Av = Av =2.48 Av
3 5.3 Very dense 0.60 31.0 =15.0
quartzite and III 0.71 to 28.0 to VIII 2.72 to 14.0 to
basalt 1.00 24.0 3.28 13.0
II Very sturdy 18 Very 4 4.2 Fine-grained Av = Av = Av =3.00 Av
difficult to andesite and 0.86 26.0 =13.5
blast diabase IV 1.00 to 24 to IX 3.28 to 13.0 to
15 5 3.8 Porphyritic 1.35 20.0 3.92 12.0
quartz Av = Av = Av =3.60 Av
12 6 3.0 Very fine- 1.18 22.0 =12.5
grained V 1.35 to 20.0 to X 3.92 to 12.0 to
siliceous 1.77 18.0 4.64 11.0
sandstone Av = Av = Av =4.28 Av
III Sturdy 10 Difficult to 7 2.4 Dense 1.56 19.0 =11.5
blast granite, and
hard iron ore
IIIa 8 8 2.0 Tough and rich cap rocks, in the area with a specific gravity of about 4.0 (tonne/
m3). The blastability index could also successfully classify the soft friable
shales with indices around 20 or less in the area (Lilly, 1986).
limestone Lilly’s blastability classification is similar to the traditional rock mass
IV Relatively 6 Relatively 9 1.5 Sandstone classification systems (e.g., RMR and Q-system) which are widely used
IVa sturdy 5 difficult to 10 1.25 Sandy shale in tunnelling and underground excavations (Barton, 1988; Bieniawski,
1979). The rock mass information (presented in Table 4) is used to rate
V Moderately 4 Moderate 11 1.0 Not very
sturdy resistance rough the rocks based on their integrity and structures (Lilly, 1986; Lilly, 1992;
to blast sandstone Widzyk-Capehart and Lilly, 2002). The BI is defined as:
limestone BI = 0.5 (RMD + JPS + JPO + RDI + Hr ) (4)
Va 3 12 0.8 Competent
and dense where RDI is the Rock Density Index and is related to ρr the rock mass
shales density (ton/m3) by (Lilly, 1986):
VI Fairly weak 2 Fairly easy 13 0.6 Soft shale
to blast RDI = 25ρr − 50 (5)
VIa 1.5 14 0.5 Anthracite
VII Weak 1.0 Easy to 15 0.4 Dense clay The hardness parameter, Hr, incorporates the effect of strength using
blast and soft coal (Lilly, 1992):
VIIa 0.8 16 0.3 Pumice and Hr = 0.05 × σc (6)
VIII Very loose 0.6 No blasting where σc is the uniaxial compressive strength of rocks (MPa).
soft rocks needed
It is also noteworthy that the BI factors are highly weighted towards
IX Soil 0.5
X Sand 0.3 the nature and orientation of the widely spaced joint planes. The index
attempts to account for the directional effects though the JPO factor,
though in highly jointed rock masses it can be challenging to determine
Fig. 1) and Table 3 (Gokhale, 2010). which joint set forms the major plane of weakness. A further compli­
To expand the range of parameters considered in estimating the cation is the large, discrete change in BI for a small change in the pa­
powder factor, Lilly (1986) proposed a linear relationship between the rameters of a rock mass. A typical example could be two separate jointed
powder factor needed to fragment iron ore rocks and a blastability index rock masses with identical strength and density. The joint spacing in the
(BI). The blastability index depends on the characteristics of the dis­ first one is 1.0 m while in the second it is 1.1 m. The parameter JPS
continuities in the rock mass, the strength, and the density of the intact changes sharply from 20 to 50 which consequently results in a signifi­
blocks of rocks. The powder factor, q, (kg/m3), can be estimated by: cant difference between the blastability of these two rock masses.
q = a1 × BI + b1 (3) Lilly (1992) also produced a series of design charts (e.g., see Fig. 2 an
example of these charts) for estimating the blast patterns (Burden ×
where a1 and b1 are empirical coefficients depending on the diameter of Spacing) and powder factors for various blasthole diameters. The design
the blast hole and the bench height. charts are for three different bench heights of 5 m, 8 m, and 10 m. The
Lilly’s blastability index was initially developed to classify all the blasthole diameters are also assumed to be 76 mm, 89 mm, 102 mm and
rock mass types present in the iron ore mines of the Pilbara area in 114 mm. It is also assumed that the fragmentation is predictable based
northwest Western Australia. The index has a maximum value of 100 on Kuz-Ram model (see Section 2.2.3 and Eq. 9) and %95 of materials
which reflects the characteristics of the heavily massive and hard, iron- shall pass an 800 mm grizzly. It is also assumed that blastholes are

E.F. Salmi and E.J. Sellers Engineering Geology 281 (2021) 105970

Fig. 1. Powder factor versus (a): rock compressive strength according to Muftuoglu et al.’s data, and (b): tensile strength reported by Muftuoglu et al. (1991).

Table 3
Powder factor estimation based on rock strength, rock density, and joint spacing
(Gokhale, 2010).
Powder factor (kg/m3) Sj-av (m) σc (MPa) ρr (kg/m3)
Range Average

0.12–0.18 0.150 <0.1 10–30 1400–1800

0.18–0.27 0.225 0.10–0.25 20–45 1750–2350
0.27–0.38 0.320 0.20–0.50 30–65 2250–2550
0.38–0.52 0.450 0.45–0.75 50–90 2500–2800
0.52–0.68 0.600 0.70–1.00 70–120 2750–2900
0.68–0.88 0.780 0.95–1.25 110–160 2850–3000
0.88–1.10 0.990 1.20–1.50 145–205 2950–3200
1.10–1.37 1.235 1.45–1.70 195–250 3150–3400
1.37–1.68 1.525 1.65–1.90 235–300 3350–3600
1.68–2.03 1.855 >1.85 >285 >3550

Table 4
Rating factors in Lilly’s blastability index (Lilly, 1986).
Parameter Rating

Rock mass description (RMD)

Powdery or friable 10
Blocky 20
Massive 50
Joint plane spacing (JPS)
Close (<0.1 m) 10
Intermediate (0.1 m to 1.0 m) 20
Wide (>1.0 m) 50
Joint plane orientation (JPO)
Horizontal 10
Dip out of face 20
Strike normal to face 30
Dip into face 40

Fig. 2. Estimating a: burden×spacing (S×B) based on blastability index (BI),

vertical, and blasts are drilled in a triangular pattern with (S = 1.16×B), and b: powder factor for a 10 m bench height (courtesy of Lilly, 1992).
sub-drilling is also assumed to be 8 times the blasthole diameter, and
stemming is set to burden size. Anfo was also considered as the charge terms of the acoustic impedance of the rocks, Ir (kg/m2sec), and this is
for the blastholes and it is expected that the initial sequence can provide compounded by the excessive volume of the blast generated gases (see
adequate burden relief and material movement. Figs. 13 and 4). Instead of the powder factor, an empirical parameter
Similarly, Fig. 3 also shows the application of Bickers et al. (2002) known as the specific blasting effect, Sg, which is linked to the impulse
modified BI (see Section 3.3.2 and Fig. 16) to predict the holes standoff per unit blast volume (Ns/m3) was proposed, which is defined as
and linear charge concentration kg/m in the wall to limit damage from (Hohlfeld and Muller, 1999):
trim blasts in an open-pit iron ore mine in Australia. √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
A proper characterisation of rock mass blastability is needed to use Sg =
Qe Rv Qeh ρe Ab Rf
the controllable factor in a way to minimise the undesirable conse­ Ir Ar Af tb
quences of blasting, such as the ground vibration due to blasting or fly
rock (Müller (1997). This means that achieving a good fragmentation where Qe is the total mass of the charge (kg), Rv is the ratio of the
and minimising the ground vibration and flyrock are not independent explosive volume to the borehole volume, Qeh is the heat of the explosion
objectives. High ground vibrations can be related to the blastability in (J/kg), ρe is the density of the explosive (kg/m3), Ab is the surface under

E.F. Salmi and E.J. Sellers Engineering Geology 281 (2021) 105970

Fig. 3. Design of trim blast based on blastability index, BI, (a): Stand-off distance, and (b): Buffer hole charge versus blastability index, BI (courtesy of Bickers
et al., 2002).

Protodyakonov in the former Soviet Union, over 100 years ago (1909 to
1926), to develop a quantitative approach to analyse the strengths of
rocks for different mining applications (Protodyakonov, 1962a, 1962b)
(See Section 3.1.1). Kutuzov et al. (1974) also reported on some of the
old research performed by Protodyakonov for estimating the powder
factor based on rock strength/hardness. Since Protodyakonov’s test es­
timates the amount of fines for a given impact, the approach was also
applied by Kuznetsov (1973) to estimate the mean size of the frag­
mentation generated by the firing of a blasthole. The mean fragment size
(cm) is linearly related to the rock factor, AK, and can be estimated as:
( )4/5
x m = AK Q1/6
e (8)

where AK is the rock mass blastability, Qe is the mass of the explosives

(kg), and V is the volume of the rock mass (m3). Fragmentation pre­
diction was developed further in the Kuz-Ram approach by including the
particle size distribution, Rx, in the form of an adapted Rosin-Rammler
(Rosin and Rammler, 1933) equation (Cunningham, 1983, 2005) so
Fig. 4. Relationship between specific blasting effect, Sg, fracture frequency, that:
loosening and fragmentation of rocks, and ground vibration (modified from ( )− 19/30 ( ( )n )
Müller, 1997). xm = AK− R q− 0.8
, Rx = exp − 0.693
115 xm
stress in the total blast installation (m2). Additionally, Rf denotes the
where AK-R is the Kuz-Ram rock factor, RWS is the relative weight
fragmentation ratio, and Ar is the remaining face surface of the total
strength of the explosive with respect to ANFO (in percent). Rx is the
blast installation (m2). Furthermore, Af shows the free surface of the
mass fraction retained on the screen opening x, xm was defined as the
total blast installation (m2), and tb indicates the delay time of the total
mean fragment size (cm) and n is the uniformity index (ranging between
blast installation (s).
0.7 and 2). Notably, the Rosin-Rammler uniformity coefficient, n, de­
The complete description of these parameters can be found in
pends on burden B (m), spacing S (m), bench height H (m), hole diam­
(Hohlfeld and Muller, 1999; Müller, 1997; Müller and Hohlfeld, 1997).
eter (mm), standard deviation of drilling precision W (m), charge length
The correlations between the specific charge effect, fracture frequency,
L (m), bottom (BCL) and column (CCL) charge lengths (m) and is inde­
loosening and fragmentation of rocks, and ground vibration are shown
pendent of the rock mass factor.
in Fig. 4.
Later, a modified version of Lilly’s blastability factor BI (see Eq. 4)
As can be seen in Fig. 4, low levels of loosening and fracturing often
was included by Cunningham (1987) to replace the Kuznetsov index AK
occur in smooth blasting which has a small specific blasting effect. By
so the Kuz-Ram rock factor AK-R is 0.12BI. The model has been updated
increasing the distribution of charge, the disintegration and fragmen­
and modified many times (e.g., by Cunningham (2005) and Gheibie
tation of the rock mass as well as the specific blasting effects increase. If
et al. (2009)). Reviews of these modifications can be found elsewhere
the specific blasting effects exceed a threshold, which is around 50 Ns/
(Ouchterlony and Sanchidrián, 2019; Sanchidrián and Ouchterlony,
m3, the risks of flyrock increase and must be considered in the blast
2017a). However, for this review, it is important to note that Cunning­
design. The interrelationships between blast design, site characteristics,
ham (2005) added a blastability calibration factor C(A) that varied be­
and the rock fragmentation, ground vibration, and flyrock could be very
tween 0.5 and 2.0. A variation between -50 % and +100 % implies that
complex. Interestingly enough, Müller (1997) mentioned that an in­
the index does not quantitatively predict the contribution of the rock
crease in the specific blast effect is associated with a decrease in ground
mass. Additionally, Cunningham (2005) modified the uniformity by a
vibration. He stated that overcharged blasts with Sg > 50 Ns/m3 yield a
factor to produce a more uniform fragmentation in harder rocks with AK-
smaller vibration effect but impose a much higher risk of flyrock
R > 6. Therefore, the rock factor and the uniformity index in the Kuz-
(Müller, 1997).
Ram model (see Eq. 9) were amended as:
2.2.3. Fragmentation size prediction A′K− = AK− R C(A), n′ = n(B, S, H, d, W, L, BCL, CCL)(AK− R /6)0.3 (10)
If it is possible to predict the fragmentation caused by a certain set of
controllable blast inputs as per Eq. 1, then an inversion will enable the where B, S, H, d, W, L, BCL, and CCL refer to burden (m), spacing (m),
designer to identify the correct design for the desired blast fragmenta­ bench height (m), hole diameter (mm), the standard deviation of drilling
tion size or distribution. Numerous investigations were undertaken by precision (-), charge length (m), bottom charge length (m), and column

E.F. Salmi and E.J. Sellers Engineering Geology 281 (2021) 105970

charge length (m), respectively. An alternative and convenient, blast­ field scales. Since the aim of the review is to identify the range and
ability index was developed for copper and gold mines and proved to be suitability of the different input factors, this section considers how the
valid for iron ores in Australia (Scott, 1996, 2017; Scott et al., 2006) various features have been helped to assess the blastability of rocks. This
using a multiplicative approach where the blastability is modified by a includes the laboratory testing of small-scale samples, rock mass mea­
series of factors. The equivalent Kuz-Ram rock factor, AK-R, can be surements, geotechnical ratings, pre-blast indirect measurements, post-
estimated (Scott and Onederra, 2015a) as: blast measurements, and the analysis of multiple blast outcomes.
AK− R = 11.5 × (Strength Factor × Structure Factor × Density Factor) − 1
(11) 3.1. Laboratory-scale testing

The strength factor, density factor, and structure factor are shown in Many approaches assess the blastability of rocks based solely on the
Fig. 5 and Eqs 16, 20, and 31. laboratory-scale parameters of rock specimens and they are briefly
Subsequently, a substantial number of similar models have been explained below.
presented in attempts to accurately predict the fragmentation of rocks
after blasting. In particular, Ouchterlony and his teams at the Lulea 3.1.1. Protodyakonov’s impact hardness/strength index
University of Technology in Sweden and the University of Leoben in Protodyakonov and his son (Protodyakonov, 1962a, 1962b) devel­
Austria; and Sanchidrián and co-workers at the Polytechnic University oped a blastability assessment known as the rock sturdiness or crushing
of Madrid, in Spain, have devoted considerable efforts to developing strength method, which is often referred to as Protodyakonov’s hardness
methods for the reliable estimation of blast-induced particle size dis­ or strength index f (which is shown by fp in this study) (Protodyakonov,
tributions. The development of the Swebrec model (also known as the 1981). The index is defined as the volume of -0.5 mm fines in a specific
KCO model) (Ouchterlony, 2005; Ouchterlony et al., 2006), the container produced by a given number of blows of a known weight and
fragmentation-energy fan, FEF, model (Ouchterlony et al., 2017; Segarra uses units of cm-3. The details of the experimental method can be found
et al., 2018), and the distribution-free, DF, (also known as xp-Frag) in the relevant literature (Brook and Misra, 1970; Protodyakonov,
model (Sanchidrián and Ouchterlony, 2017a, 2017b) are among the 1962b). Protodyakonov’s strength index has been widely used in rock
main achievements of these investigations. Further information on the mechanics and mining applications (Aldorf and Exner, 1986) and has
various fragmentation prediction models can also be found in relevant been applied to the assessment of the blastability of rock masses (Pro­
reviews (Ouchterlony and Sanchidrián, 2019; Sanchidrián et al., 2012; todyakonov, 1981; Zou, 2017).
Sanchidrián et al., 2014). Here, the scope of this study is not to review all The values of the blastability parameter AK-R vary, from 7 for rock of
the fragmentation prediction models but to identify the key geological medium hardness (fp = 8 to 10), though 10 for hard fissured rock (fp = 10
and geotechnical factors controlling the mechanisms of rock fragmen­ to 14), and up to 13 for hard and slightly fissured rock (fp = 12 to 16)
tation. The applicability of the existing blastability assessment ap­ (Faddeenkov, 1974; Kuznetsov, 1973). Although some efforts were
proaches, for the development of 3D distribution of blastability models made to explore the applications of Protodyakonov’s method during the
for differential blasting input to Grade Engineering, is also investigated. 1970s (Brook, 1977; Brook and Misra, 1970), the method was mainly
employed in Russia, Eastern Europe, and the countries that used to be a
3. Blastability input factors part of the Soviet Union. For example, Baron (1968) tried to relate the
size of the crater developed around a blast hole to fp. Additionally,
There are several different approaches for quantifying the rock mass Makhin and Karchevskii (1965) showed that the specific expenditure of
geological and geotechnical characteristics for the assessment of blast­ explosives, which is defined as the mass (kg) of explosives needed to
ability. It is complex to classify the assessment approaches by their in­ generate one square meter of the new fracture surface, is directly pro­
puts as many use multiple sources and tests, in both the laboratory and portional to the Protodyakonov’s rock strength index. Several revised

Fig. 5. Diagrams for iron ore mines of (a): strength factor, fs, (b): density factor, fd, and (c): structure factor, fst (see Eqs. 16, 20, and 31) (courtesy of Scott and
Onederra, 2015a, 2015b).

E.F. Salmi and E.J. Sellers Engineering Geology 281 (2021) 105970

applications of Protodyakonov’s rock strength index in blast design have existing discontinuities in the rock masses. Thum (1970) also pro­
also recently been proposed in (Eremenko, 2017; Zairov et al., 2018). posed a relatively similar approach, based on laboratory tests, to esti­
mate the blastability of rocks.
3.1.2. Specific surface energy index
Michik and Dolgov (1966) preferred the specific energy of rock 3.1.3. Compression strength, tensile strength, and Young’s modulus
samples after blasting, Es, as being better related to the amount of As a rough estimate, Protodyakonov’s strength index may be esti­
fracturing energy per unit area of newly formed surfaces. A calorimetric mated as (fp ~ 0.1σ c), where σ c is the compressive strength of the intact
technique was used to determine the surface energy, Es (kg.m), which rock specimens (MPa) (Aldorf and Exner, 1986; Zou, 2017). This rela­
was defined as (Michik and Dolgov, 1966): tionship was the basis for the update of the Kuz-Ram model described in
(Cunningham, 1983, 1987), who recognised that the strength, density,
Es = E b − E c (12)
and structure of the rock needed to be considered as well. The blast­
where Eb is the whole energy emitted during the blast, Ec is the pro­ ability assessment was based on the compressive strength divided by 5
portion of the explosive energy passing to the calorimeter in the form of for strong rocks (with Young’s modulus greater than 50 MPa) and
heat. It is also noted that, in these tests, Michik and Dolgov (1966) used Young’s modulus divided by 3 for weaker rocks (Cunningham, 2005).
spherical charges of PETN weighing 0.70 or 1.20 gr, and the heat The fragmentation was not necessarily linearly related to strength so
emission capacity of the PETN, was recorded to be around 6.276 MJ/kg. Scott and Onederra (2015a) proposed an approximately square root
The cylindrical rock samples prepared for the tests had 21 cm3 volume increase in the blastability with the strength factor, fs:
and a central hole was embedded in the middle of the samples for the fs = 0.0549 × σ 0.5315 (16)
insertion of charges.
The specific surface energy, SEs (kg.m/m2) is then defined as: where σc is the rock uniaxial compressive strength (MPa). This implies
/ that any increase in the mean fragment size reduces as the rock strength
SEs = Es Afr (13)
increases (see Eq. 11 and Fig. 5).
The surfaces area of the freshly created fragmented particles, Afr The compressive and tensile strengths of rocks are also used directly
(m2), can simply be estimated as: in blast design. For example, Mohamed et al. (2015) reported and
augmented some of the data from Dyno-Nobel (2010) (see Table 6) to
Afr = (14) show that the powder factor (kg/m3) for proper fragmentation depends
on the uniaxial compressive strength (UCS (MPa)) of the rock.
where Vfr is the volume of the broken rocks (m3) and xm is the mean size Da Gama (1996) also stated that the tensile strength is important in
of the rock fragments (m) (Michik and Dolgov, 1966). designing a rock blast, along with other parameters. A pair of these
The specific surface energy, SEs, can be used to approximate the parameters described the explosive (detonation pressure, Pd (MPa) and
charge, Qe, (in kg) to break up a rock to a specific fragment size. The charge radius, rc (m). Two parameters also represent the rock charac­
charge can be computed as (Michik and Dolgov, 1966): teristics (dynamic tensile strength, σ td (MPa), and the attenuation factor
of wave propagation, fa (-)). Da Gama (1977) also proposed values of fa
Qe =
SEs Afr
(15) = 1.4 to 2.0 for a few different rocks. These parameters are related to the
fb Eh geometry of the blast, which is represented by the burden, B (m). For
intact and massive rocks, the rock crater radius, CR (m), and maximum
where Eh is the heat generated from the firing of a charge (MJ/kg) and fb burden, Bm (m), can be estimated from (Da Gama, 1984, 1996):
is a coefficient dependent on the blasting operation conditions as well as ( )
the structural features of the rock (blasting efficiency). A few examples CR =
[ 2 ] rc Pd f1
3Bm − B2 and Bm = √̅̅̅ a (17)
of the measured specific energies (Michik and Dolgov, 1966) are shown 3 σtd
in Table 5.
Da Gama (1995) studies also revealed that the velocity of the seismic
The drawback of Michik and Dolgov’s assessment technique is that it
waves Cp (m/s) in the rock mass and the cohesion (MPa) can be linked to
requires several detailed laboratory tests, which are normally expensive
the blastability factor, Fr (kWh/tonne). The relationship between the
and time-consuming, and it does not account for the effect of pre-
cohesion of a rock mass (MPa), in particular, might be a good indicator
of the rocks’ resistance to the dynamic blast loads (see Fig. 6). The
Table 5
cohesion of a rock mass can be estimated based on traditional rock mass
Specific energy, Es, of different rock types (courtesy of Michik and Dolgov, classification systems. Further information related to De Gama’s blast­
1966). ability method is given in Section 3.5.3 of this article.
Kilic et al. (2009) also investigated the effects of the physical and
Type of rock fp Mean value Number of Actual values
of SEs experiments of SEs mechanical parameters of rocks on the efficiency of blast fragmentation
and showed that the blasting efficacy is well correlated with the internal
(–) (kg.m/m2) (–) (kg.m/m2)
friction angle and the Brazilian tensile strength of the intact rock
Marble 7 to 9 15.8 1 16.3
2 15.5
3 16.4
4 16.2 Table 6
5 13.9 Classification of rock masses based on compressive strength (Adopted and
6 16.8 modified from Mohamed et al. (2015)).
Diabase 8 to 25.2 1 29.7
No Rock type Compressive strength Powder factor (kg/
10 2 22.8
(MPa) m3)
3 25.3
4 22.8 1 Very low strength 1 to 5 0.15 to 0.25
Granite 10 to 38.5 1 41.7 2 Low strength 5 to 25 0.25 to 0.35
12 2 38.5 3 Medium strength 25 to 30 0.35 to 0.50
3 39.4 4 High strength 50 to 100 0.50 to 0.80
4 34.4 5 Very high strength 100 to 250 0.80 to 1.50
Ferruginous 14 to 52.8 1 45.0 6 Extremely high >250 1.50 to 2.00
quartzite 16 2 60.6 strength

E.F. Salmi and E.J. Sellers Engineering Geology 281 (2021) 105970

mass along with the network of the statistically distributed micro-and

macro-fractures, Mosinets et al. (1967) concluded that the wave prop­
agation velocity in rocks could be a good representation of the rock mass
characteristics and the ease of rock breakage by blasting (see Table 7).
Rakishev (1981) also stated that the critical fracture (crack) velocity
could be a good indicator of the blastability of a rock mass. If the fracture
velocity in a rock mass exceeds the critical fracture velocity, the rock
mass will be broken. The fracture velocity in a rock mass is controlled by
the mechanical parameters of the intact block of rocks, as well as the
characteristics of the pre-existing discontinuities. The first component of
fracture velocity, FV1 (m/sec), can be related to the limit strength of
intact rock, σ s (kN/m2), density, ρr (kg/m3), and the elastic modulus, E
(kN/m2), of the rock blocks by:
FV 1 = σ s E ρr (21)

Rakishev (1981), however, mentioned that the elastic modulus of

Fig. 6. Fragmentability versus cohesion in different rocks (adapted and
rocks can be estimated based on P-wave speed showing that Young’s
modified from Da Gama, 1995).
modulus in Eq. 21 refers to the dynamic elastic modulus of rocks. The
limit strength of the rocks, σ s, for analysing the dynamic rock breakage,
samples (Kilic et al., 2009). Goodman (1989) and Zhang (2010) showed
can be defined as (Rakishev, 1981):
that the strength and deformation modulus of a discontinuous rock mass
depends on the strength and Young’s modulus of the intact rock blocks σ s = 0.1σc + σ t (22)
as well as the jointing system of the rock mass.
The analysis of dynamic breakage of rocks by blasting using the where σc and σt are the uniaxial compressive strength (MPa) and tensile
energy theory of strength proposed by Griffith (1921) was adopted by strength (MPa) of rock blocks, respectively. Rakishev (1981) has not
Matorin et al. (1981) and Just (1984) to develop approaches for blast mentioned if the tensile strength is measured from direct tensile strength
design. According to this theory, a solid in the complex stressed state or indirect approaches like the Brazilian test. However, he reported the
will be broken if the strain energy (U = σε) exceeds a permitted value compressive and tensile strength for 19 cases (see Table 10). The ana­
which is known as the specific fracture energy, U* (U ≥ U*). If the ma­ lyses of these data show that the ratio of tensile strength to compressive
terial represents a linear elastic behaviour (σ = Eε), the strain energy per strength varies between 1/8 to 1/12 and with an average around 1/10
unit volume is defined as: which is well-matched with what has been reported in the relevant
literature (Cai, 2010; Zhang, 2016). The dynamic Young’s modulus of
Eε2 σ2
= (18) rocks, Ed (MPa), is also related to the density (kg/m3), dynamic Poisson’s
2 2E ratio, νd (-), and P-wave speed, cp (km/s), of the rock mass as:
The specific fracture energy of the rock, which is related to the
(1 + νd )(1 − 2νd ) 2
uniaxial compressive strength, σ c is defined as: Ed = ρr c p (23)
(1 − νd )
σ 2c Therefore, the fracture velocity is proportional to the ratio of the
U* = (19)
2E limit strength to the compression wave speed.
Porter and Fairhurst (1970), however, recommended using the ten­ The first term of the critical fracture velocity, FV1, (see Eqs. 21, and
sile strength of rocks for the estimation of the specific fracture energy 26) is widely used in rock blast engineering for analysing the effects of
when analysing the dynamic fragmentation of rocks. blast-induced vibration in rocks. This is, however, known as the critical
Most recently, in the distribution-free, DF, model (Sanchidrián and peak particle velocity, PPVc, in vibration engineering, and is defined as
Ouchterlony, 2017a) (see Section 3.6.4 and Eq. 80), the size dependence (Ouchterlony, 1997; Silva et al., 2018):
of the rock mass is recognised by normalising the strength using a
σt σt 0.1σc
power-law dependent on size. The numerous statistical analyses per­ PPV c = = c = cp (24)
ρr c p E p E
formed by Sanchidrián and Ouchterlony (2017a) on the fragmentation
data collected from over 160 blast cases showed that the specific frac­
where cp (m/sec) denotes the longitudinal P-wave velocity in the rock, E
ture energy is the best parameter that can be used to include the effect of
is the elastic modulus of rocks (MPa), and σt, and σc (both in MPa) are the
rock strength in the fragmentation prediction. Instead of selecting either
tensile and the compressive strength of rocks, respectively. Therefore,
the strength or the modulus, the blastability is linked to the strain energy
PPVc has a unit the same as Cp (m/sec).
at failure based on the models of the asteroid impact.
Rock masses are regularly jointed and consist of blocks of intact rock
in between the discontinuities with various dimensions and geometries.
3.1.4. Rock density
These blocks are bonded together by the natural infilling cement, inside
Some ores, like those found in iron ore mines in Australia, have a
the joints. Field investigations have shown that the larger blocks often
large range of densities due to their heavy ore content. Density should,
have wider and more open discontinuities while smaller blocks have
therefore, be included in the blastability assessment (Scott, 1996; Scott
narrower and more closed joints. Rakishev (1981) stated that the
et al., 2006). Their proposed density factor, fd (-) is a quadratic function
of density (see Fig. 5):
Table 7
fd = 0.0371 × ρ2r − 0.0512ρr + 0.9172 (20) Blastability assessment based on longitudinal wave speed (Mosinets et al.,
where ρr is the density of rock (tonne/m3). Description Category Range of longitudinal wave velocity (m/sec)

Easily blasted rocks I 900 to 1800

3.1.5. Seismic wave velocities Medium blasting rocks II 1800 to 2500
During the blasting process, as the shock waves fracture the rock Difficult to blast III >2500

E.F. Salmi and E.J. Sellers Engineering Geology 281 (2021) 105970

structural features of jointed rock masses can be characterised by the Table 9

mean dimension of the natural blocks as well as by a coefficient repre­ Blastability classification based on critical fracture velocity FVcr (courtesy of
senting the properties of the infilling materials in the joints. The Rakishev, 1981).
dimensional analyses performed by Rakishev (1981) showed that the Critical fracture velocity (m/sec) Blastability Class (BC)
effects of discontinuities on the fracture velocity can be formulated as: 3.6>FVcr EB (Easily Blasted)
√̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ 3.6<FVcr<4.5 MB (Moderately Easily Blasted)
FV 2 = kd g × MIBS (25) 4.5<FVcr<5.4 DB (Difficult to Blast)
5.4<FVcr<6.3 VDB (Very Difficult to Blast)
where g is the acceleration due to gravity (m/sec2), and MIBS is the mean 6.3<FVcr EDB (Exceptionally Difficult to Blast)
in-situ block size (m).
The breakage stress, which is the stress level needed to break the rock
mass, and the fracture velocity are both directly related to the natural Table 10
structures of a rock mass. Therefore, the overall critical fracture velocity, Rock mass blastability assessment based on critical fracture velocity FVcr
FVcr (m/s), of a rock mass is defined by: (courtesy of Rakishev, 1981).
(0.1σ c + σt ) √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ Rock type ρr Cp σc σt IBDm FVcr BC
FV cr = FV 1 + FV 2 = + kd g × IBDm (26)
ρr c p (kg/ (m/s) (MPa) (MPa) (m) (m/ (− )
m3 ) s)
Rakishev (1981) has not mentioned how the mean dimension of
Granodiorite 2720 5200 157.0 15.7 0.70 4.88 DB
natural blocks was computed. The prediction of the in-situ block size
distribution (IBSD) is, however, explained in Section 3.2.3. Additionally, without sign of
in Eq. 26, kd (-) is a coefficient measuring the joint opening and infilling silicification
materials with typical values shown in Table 8. Effusive 2770 5200 133.4 15.2 0.70 4.60 DB
The reason that the two components of the fracture velocity are porphyries, hard
Effusive 2740 4820 107.9 13.2 0.50 4.04 MD
additive (see Eqs. 21, 25, and 26) is that based on the theories of linear
elastic fracture mechanics, LEFM, the energy to break a cracked solid medium
depends on the size of the cracks (FV2) as well as the mechanical Granodiorite – 2760 4820 92.2 9.8 0.50 3.65 MD
properties of the solid (FV1) (Ouchterlony, 1982, 1983). porphyries,
The estimation of the dynamic elastic modulus is needed for the
prediction of the critical fracture velocity. Many relationships relate Ed Granodiorite – 2740 4550 71.6 8.3 0.32 3.00 EB
to the static Young’s modulus of rocks, Es (GPa) for specific rock types. porphyries,
For example, based on 152 measurements on samples of igneous and moderately
metamorphic rocks, collected from the Canadian shield, King (1983) silicified
Skarnized 2840 4250 209.9 19.6 0.66 5.52 VDB
found the following correlation between the static and dynamic elastic
modulus of rocks. Coarse grained 2820 4350 175.6 16.2 0.66 4.80 DB
Es = 1.263 × Ed − 29.5 R2 = 0.90 (27) Marmorised 2820 3830 158.9 12.3 0.50 4.48 MB
The critical fracture velocity (Rakishev, 1981) can be used to classify
Diorite-porphyries 2720 57200 107.9 10.3 0.32 3.13 EB
the rocks based on their blastability. Table 9 shows the blastability from Akzhal
classification based on the critical fracture velocity, FVcr, of a rock mass. Cherty sandstone 3060 4410 258.0 21.6 0.52 5.42 VDB
Table 10 also indicates the applications of the FVcr for a range of rocks Diorite-porphyrite 2900 4920 251.1 21.1 0.52 5.15 DB
from Sayak
across a range of blastability classes, though all would be classed as
Tuffaceous 2700 4640 243.3 20.6 0.52 5.50 VDB
“Difficult to Blast” in terms of Mosinets’ criteria in Table 7. This again sandstone
highlights that a qualitative blastability classification depends on the Diabase 2840 4210 235.4 17.7 0.52 5.36 DB
desired outcome and is of limited applicability. porphyrite
In this table, BC stands for “Blastability Class” (see Table 9). Garnet skarns 2900 5340 210.9 20.6 0.72 5.35 DB
Granodiorites 2730 4960 189.3 16.2 0.52 4.50 MD
Rakishev (1981) has not also explained how the outcomes of the
Pyroxene skarns 2900 5700 179.5 17.6 0.72 4.80 DB
blastability assessment based on the fracture velocity can be used to Mineralized skarn 3800 5900 172.6 16.7 0.72 4.17 MB
design the powder factor and to link the blastability to the fragmenta­ Massive limestone 2820 3860 145.2 12.7 0.72 4.77 DB
tion. However, it is stated that the classes of blastability are compatible White marble 2710 4800 66.7 5.9 1.10 5.54 VDB
with the standard classes proposed by (Kutuzov, 1973). The formula­
tions proposed by Kutuzov (1973) and Kutuzov et al. (1974), for
rock fragmentation by blasting. This factor shows the utilisation of the
computing the powder factor may, therefore, be used to link Rakishev
blasting energy that is used for the fracturing of the rock mass and is
(1981)’s blastability model to fragmentation (see Table 3 and Eq. 30).
linked to the rock mass properties as well as the charge characteristics.
Matorin et al. (1981) has also reported on an equation that was origi­
nally proposed by Rakishev (1979) to estimate the efficiency, η (-), of √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅(√̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅)
ρe 2
ρr c2p σ3c V − 8 ρr c2p σ 3c
8 d
η= (28)
ρe Qe
Table 8
Typical values of joint filling and opening factor, kd, in different rock masses
(Rakishev, 1981).
where ρr is the density of the rock being broken (kg/m3), cp, is the speed
of longitudinal waves in the rock (m/sec), Vd shows the velocity of
Rock type Mean joint opening, kd
detonation of the charge (m/sec), ρe, denotes the density of the charge
δ×10− 2 (m) (− )
(kg/m3), and Qe, is the specific potential energy that is released by firing
Limestones, sandstones, porphyrites, and 1.75 0.85 the explosive charge (the heat of the explosion) (J/kg).
Granodiorite-porphyries, secondary quartzites, 2.00 1.00
diorite-porphyrites 3.1.6. Anisotropic compression wave velocity
Marble 3.00 1.40 Zare (2007) and later Gokhale (2010) reported on a blastability

E.F. Salmi and E.J. Sellers Engineering Geology 281 (2021) 105970

assessment approach, based on the laboratory testing of rock specimens Mouza, 2005b; Lu, 1997). This means that blastability assessment
by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), to cannot only be linked to laboratory test results. The main blastability
incorporate the effects of rock anisotropy into blast design. The blast­ approaches developed with a simple characterisation of rock masses are
ability index was defined as: briefly explained below.
( )/[( / )0.4 ( / )0.25 ]
SPR = 0.736 × AI 0.6 × ρ0.7
ce cp− av 1000 × Vd cp− av × ρ0.2
r 3.2.1. Average discontinuity spacing
(29) As discussed in Section 2.2.1, the CRI classification proposed by
Aleksandrov et al. (1963), and explained in (Mosinets et al., 1967),
where SPR is the NTNU rock blastability index and is defined as “the classified blastability into three categories based on average disconti­
amount of explosives (kg/m3) needed to break a rock mass to a certain nuities spacings of about 0.15m, about 0.5m, and greater than 0.5m.
degree of fragmentation, where 50% of the fragments in the muck pile However, the effects of the strength and density of the intact rock blocks
have size under 250 mm (x50 = 250 mm)”. Additionally, AI denotes the were not included in the blastability classification scheme. Gokhale
anisotropy index, cpy/cpz, in which cpy and cpz are the p-wave speed (in (2010) also reported on the work of researchers in the Soviet Union,
m/s) parallel and perpendicular to the foliation in the dry rock speci­ especially by Kutuzov (1979), to assess the blastability of rocks based on
mens, respectively. The average P-wave velocity (in m/s) is also defined the intact rock strength, rock density plus average joint spacing, Sj-av.
as: cp-av = (cpy + cpz)/2. Additionally, ρr (tonne/m3) is the dry density of Kutuzov et al. (1974) also proposed a semi-empirical equation for esti­
the rock, and ρce (tonne/m3) is the charging density of the explosive mating the powder factor to achieve a good fragmentation which de­
(which is defined as the amount of explosives per volume unit of pends on rock strength, rock density, and fracture frequency (see Eq.
blasthole), and Vd (m/sec) is the detonation velocity of explosive. It is 30).
noted that NTNU’s blastability index was originally developed based on An estimation of the in-situ block size distribution (IBSD) is needed
blasting experience in surface blast operations with bulk and cartridge to define the top size parameter, xmax, which is an important input
explosives and one-inch blasthole diameters (Zare, 2007). The approach parameter used in the Swebrec model (also known as the KCO model)
was also used by Olsen (2009) for quarrying in Norway. Johannessen proposed by Ouchterlony (2005). This model is widely used for pre­
(1991), and Zare (2007) have, however, adopted this model for the dicting the particle size distribution, (PSD) of fragments in a muck-pile
blastability assessment in underground excavations (e.g., tunnelling). (Ouchterlony, 2005; Ouchterlony et al., 2006). A simple approach for
Good, medium, and poor blastability are shown by index values of predicting the rock mass IBSD is explained in Section 3.2.3 (See Eq. 33).
BINTNU ≤ 0.38, 0.38< BINTNU <0.56, and BINTNU ≥0.56, respectively Chertkov (1985) also showed that the top size of rock fragments in a
(Gokhale, 2010; Zare, 2007) (see Table 11). muck pile is often a function of fracture frequency (which has often been
Zare (2007) also reported the results of numerous SPR value denoted as λ in the related literature but will be shown by ff in this
assessment for samples that were tested at NTNU (see Fig. 7). In the paper) (1/m), and may vary between (3/ff to 5/ff) where an average of
NTNU’s blastability assessment approach, testing is performed on small- 4/ff may provide a good estimate of this parameter.
scale rock samples to describe the blasting characteristics of massive
schistose and foliated igneous rocks. This might be acceptable when 3.2.2. Discontinuity frequency and shear strength
rocks are not jointed, like the massive granites that are often seen in Dimensional analyses by Kutuzov et al. (1974) showed that the rock
Scandinavia (Langefors and Kihlstrom, 1973; Olofsson, 1990). However, mass blastability is proportional to the specific weight of the rock, rock
small-scale laboratory testing will not be representative of a jointed and strength, and fracture frequency. When blasting forms a crater, the blast
heterogeneous rock mass. Additionally, the P-wave speed measurements loads need to overcome the gravitational forces associated with the total
require specific laboratory equipment and cannot be easily performed weight of the crater. The resistance to cratering depends on the density
on a blast site. of the rock, rock strength, and size of the fragments created by loosening
The other issue with the NTNU’s blastability model is that it involves the exiting blocks. Kutuzov stated that the effects of rock strength on the
the characteristics of explosives, (the velocity of detonation) in the powder factor needed for loosening and breakage of rocks is not as
assessment of blastability. However, as Ouchterlony (2003) showed the significant as the effects of density. This might, however, be different
rock mass blastability should not depend on the blast design and the when blasting is used for other applications, (e.g., ring blasting in
choice of explosive, but should only quantify the site characteristics of heavily confined underground mines) (Sellers and Salmi, 2020). Kutu­
rock masses. This shows why defining a general blastability assessment zov et al. (1974) also stated that the powder factor for the fragmentation
method is vital for rock blast engineering. of a rock mass to particles with a representative size xr, (mm) may be
computed as:
3.2. Typical or average rock mass measurements ( )
1 √ ̅̅̅̅( xr ) 2
q = 0.7148ρr 0.2 + 4
σt 5θ (30)
ff 500
The behaviour of rock masses is controlled by a combination of the
characteristics of their discontinuities (e.g., joints, beddings, faults, where ff is the fracture frequency of the rock mass (1/m), σ t shows the
schistosity, and foliation) and the intact portions in between (Zhang, tensile strength of the rock (MPa), θ is the conversion coefficient of
2010, 2016). Rock joints and fractures not only govern the stress wave explosives to ammonite 6ZhV; xr is the representative size of the parti­
propagation in a rock mass, but they also control the size distribution of cles in the muck pile (in mm) and is expected to be around the average
the fragmented particles (Hafsaoui and Talhi, 2009; Hamdi and du particle size, x50 (Kutuzov et al., 1974). Kutuzov’s relationship shows
that as the density and strength of the rocks increase, the powder factor
Table 11 to fragment the rock to a muck pile with an average size xr, increases. If
Blastability assessment based on NTNU blastability index (Zare, 2007). the intensity of jointing increases, a lower powder factor is needed to
Blastability SPR Examples break the rock mass.
class The rock mass parameters considered in Kutuzov’s blastability are
Good 0.38 Coarse-grained homogeneous granites, syenites, and the same as the one proposed by (Scott and Onederra, 2015a). However,
quartz diorites, like "Swedish granite" the contribution of the parameters to the blastability is different. The
Medium 0.47 Gneiss fracture frequency of a rock mass can be used to include the effects of
Poor 0.56 Metamorphic rocks with schistose structure, often with a
high content of mica and low compressive strength, like
discontinuities in blast design (Scott and Onederra, 2015a). The rock
mica schist in the Rana region in Norway structure factor, fst, proposed by Scott and Onederra (2015a) (see Fig. 5

E.F. Salmi and E.J. Sellers Engineering Geology 281 (2021) 105970

Fig. 7. NTNU blastability index for different rock types (Zare, 2007).

and Eq. 11) can be estimated as:

fst = − 0.064Ln(ff ) + 0.9819 (31)

where ff (1/m) is the fracture frequency in the rock mass.

Ashby (1981) also considered the fracture frequency, ff (1/m),
discontinuity shear strength, and the density of rock masses, ρr (tonnes/
m3), to develop an approach to blast design. Ashby’s study resulted in
the development of a chart to be used for a quick and rough estimation of
the powder factors, q (kg/m3), for different jointed rock masses (see
Fig. 8).
Ashby (2020, 1981) mentioned that the powder factor design dia­
gram and the empirical formula associated with the chart were devel­
oped based on the recording and optimisation of several hundred
production blast designs at Bougainville copper mine, in Papua New
Guinea (PNG), in 1974. Powder factor was used as the design basis for all
production blasts. Production blasting was carried out using ANFO
slurry in 242 mm diameter holes. The design powder factor was chosen
to achieve maximum throw and good fragmentation. Loading tables
were prepared for the various blasthole patterns and particular care was
used measuring the burden in loading front row holes (Ashby, 2020).
The design chart was originally published in an internal manual for
production blast by Bougainville Copper Ltd and later was adapted and
published by Hoek and Bray (1981) as a suggested approach to incor­ Fig. 8. Powder factor estimations based on the characteristics of a rock mass
porate the jointed rock mass properties in production blast design. The and its discontinuities (adopted and modified from Ashby, 1981).
fracture frequency, in the site, was computed as the average count along
the length of the diamond drill core. Fracturing varied from ~10 f/m in and evaluated in a wide range of geological and geotechnical conditions.
the andesite country rock to 100 f/m in the highly mineralised andesite Ashby (1981) stated that the natural fragmentation of rocks and the in-
near the porphyry contact to 1 to 5 f/m in the intrusives (Ashby, 2020). situ block sizes in the rock mass, as well as the surface characteristics of
Since the development, Ashby’s formula and chart have been used

E.F. Salmi and E.J. Sellers Engineering Geology 281 (2021) 105970

the blocks (the condition of rock joints), can significantly affect the It is noted that fracture frequency is direction-dependent
amount of explosive efforts needed to fragment a rock. These parameters (Palmström, 1995). If more than one joint set with different spacing,
shall be considered in a blastability assessment approach. Other joint persistence, and dip and dip direction exists, then the computation of the
parameters like the cohesion, friction angle, and aperture are seen as IBSD could be challenging. Sophisticated simulations, like discrete
being of lesser importance than the spacing (Reichholf and Moser, 2000; fracture network (DFN) modelling might be needed to compute the IBSD
Widzyk-Capehart and Lilly, 2002). in such jointed rock masses (Hamdi, 2003; Rasmussen, 2020; Wang
et al., 1991). More details are given in Section 3.2.4. For simpler cases,
3.2.3. Rock masses with multiple joint sets and in-situ block size there are theoretical alternatives to predict the IBSD. For instance,
distribution, IBSD Stavropoulou (2014) derived a closed-form solution that can be used to
Computing the fracture frequency for a rock mass containing mul­ predict the block volume distribution in a rock mass containing three
tiple joint sets might be challenging and was not discussed in (Ashby, joint sets with different spacings.
1981) or (Kutuzov et al., 1974). However, this subject was investigated Da Gama (1983) also combined the IBSD with the well-known
by the Soviet Union scholar Chertkov. Chertkov and Azovtsev (1987) Bond’s third comminution theory (Bond, 1952) to predict the frag­
and Chertkov (1987) stated that when blasting is performed in a rock mentation of jointed rock masses. The IBSD is estimated based on the
mass with multiple joint set, the sizes of the largest natural blocks may geometrical data of the discontinuities, e.g., the joint spacing, dip, and
mainly depends on the coarsest joint set spacing (the joint set that has strike (Da Gama, 1977).
the smallest fracture frequency). Considerable efforts have also been Research conducted by (Latham and Lu, 1999; Lu, 1997; Lu and
devoted by Palmstrom to developing approaches for the in-situ char­ Latham, 1996, 1998, 1999a, 1999b) led to an approach that considers
acterisation of jointed rock masses (Palmstrom, 2005; Palmström, blasting as a transformation, from an in-situ block size distribution to
2000). The volumetric joint count, Jv, developed by Palmstrom could be fragmented size distribution. The blastability is considered to be a
a good alternative to fracture frequency in rock masses with multiple characteristic of the rock mass which links the transformation to the
joint sets. Jv is defined as follow: explosive effort that is needed for fragmentation. This forms the main
framework of the energy-block-transaction (E-B-T) model (see Fig. 10).
1 1 1 1
Jv = + + … (32) The model involves the energy-block-transition coefficient Bi which re­
S1 S2 S3 Sn
flects the role of the blastability of a rock mass in fragmentation. The
where S1, S2, S3, ..., and Sn are the spacings associated with each joint set. explosive energy multiplied by Bi is given by the difference between the
Computing the in-situ block size distribution (IBSD) of jointed rock mean size of in-situ blocks, Xm, (m) and the corresponding parameter of
masses has been the topic of numerous studies in rock mechanics engi­ the blasted blocks, xm, (m) divided by an objective size, M, (m) char­
neering. For example, White (1977) stated that the percentage of blocks acterising the fineness of blocks associated with the overall trans­
smaller than a given size, x (by weight or volume) can be estimated as: formation process. Lu (1997) and Lu and Latham (1998) stated that the
[ ( 3 )] prediction of the rock fragmentation model through E-B-T model could
P(x) = 100 × 1 − ff 3 exp( − ffx)
x2 x
+ 2+ 3
(33) be much more accurate than the outcomes of Bond’s comminution
6 2ff ff ff theory for blasting (Bond and Whitney, 1959). Lu (1997) also developed
a blastability designation (BD) which aims at quantifying the effects of a
where x shows the three-dimensional block size (m) and ff is the fracture comprehensive range of intact rock and discontinuity properties on rock
frequency of the rock mass (1/m). White’s distribution function of blasting based on the rock engineering systems (RES) proposed by
natural blocks was originally developed for block cave mining applica­ (Hudson, 1992) (see Table 12 and
tions. Hardy (1993) and later Hardy et al. (1997) stated that White’s Latham and Lu (1999) assumed that Ef (kWh/tonne) is the frag­
equation generally results in acceptable outcomes when the rock quality mentation energy input per unit rock mass that is needed for trans­
designation, RQD, is less than 50 %. However, for rock masses with forming a rock mass with a given in-situ block size distribution into a
higher RQD values, block shapes tend to change based on size. There­ muck pile with the blasted block size distribution (BBSD). The energy
fore, the block size distribution achieved based on Eq. 33 might be that is needed for this transition is proportional to the area bounded by
somewhat limited. The application of this equation is also limited to the IBSD and BBSD curves (ΔA) (known as the transformation area) (see
rock masses that contain well developed joint networks, where core Fig. 10). Latham and Lu (1999) have shown that:
intercept length can be estimated using a negative exponential function,
like f(x) = 100exp(-ff×x). Fig. 9 shows the application of White’s model ∆A
Ef α √̅̅̅̅̅ (34)
for predicting the IBSD against the measured IBSD from literature (Wang M
et al., 2003).
where the transformation area is computed as (Lu and Latham, 1998):

Fig. 9. Predicting IBSD based on White’s semi-theoretical method (data

extracted from (Wang et al., 2003)). Fig. 10. Schematic view of the Energy-Block-Transition model.

E.F. Salmi and E.J. Sellers Engineering Geology 281 (2021) 105970

Table 12 based on a few case studies presented in (Latham and Lu, 1999). As can
The main contributing parameters in the blastability index (Latham and Lu, be seen, there is very little difference between the weighting factors,
1999; Lu, 1997). indicating a close correlation. Besides, it is of interest that the structural
P Parameter Representative factor Importance Weight discontinuity factors are perceived to be of lower importance than the
No. strength parameters.
P1 Strength Uniaxial compression 1 0.1475
strength σci(MPa) or point 3.2.4. Discrete fracture networks
load index PLI (MPa) Modern geomechanics approaches have applied the discrete fracture
P2 Resistance to Tensile strength σ(tiMPA) 2 0.1344
network in rock blast engineering (Hamdi, 2003, 2008; Lu and Latham,
P3 Sturdiness 3
Rock density ρr(t/m ) 4 0.1249 1999a; Rasmussen, 2020; Wang et al., 1992; Wang et al., 1991) to
P4 Elasticity Static Ei or dynamic 3 0.1273 quantify the rock mass. Table 13 shows a brief overview of the param­
EidYoung’s modulus (GPa) eters for the characterisation and classification of rock masses into
P5 Resistance to P-Wave velocity cp(m/s) 6 0.1208 discontinuity networks and rock matrixes for blasting (Hamdi and du
dynamic loading
P6 Hardness of rock Schmidt Hammer Rebound 5 0.1225
Mouza, 2005a; Hamdi and du Mouza, 2005b). In this, joint network
Value SHRV system, SS1 (m2/m3) represents the entire specific surface of all the pre-
P7 Deformability Poisson’s ratio υr – – existing discontinuities in one cubic meter of the rock mass, SS2 (m2/m3)
P8 Resistance to Fracture toughness KIC(MPa – – is the specific surface of the interconnected discontinuities forming
breaking m1/2)
blocks in the rock mass. The connectivity index, CIn, (%), represents the
P9 In-situ block size Mean block size MIBS (m) or 8 0.1095
distribution (IBSD) principal mean spacing fracture density as a percentage of the discontinuity surface area cor­
PMS (m) responding to the jointing network that generated the blocks in the rock
P10 The fragility of The fractal dimension of 7 0.1131 mass. High values of CIn indicate highly connected joints and numbers of
rock mass block size Df blocks. The CIn can also be extracted based on the ratio of the P-wave
P11 The integrity of The ratio of P-wave field/lab
velocity in the rock mass to laboratory samples. The parameters An and
– –
rock mass Rv or Rock Quality
Designation RQD AV also describe the anisotropy of the rock mass. Further details can be
P12 Discontinuity Joint cohesion cj(MPa) and – – found in the relevant literature (Hamdi and du Mouza, 2005a).
strength joint friction φj(degrees) Fig. 11 also shows a typical example of the discrete fracture network,
DFN, simulations performed by Hamdi to determine the IBSD of a
jointed rock mass, in a quarry (Hamdi, 2003). As can be seen, all visible
∆A α (Xm − xm ) (35)
fractures are included in the model. Then to determine the DFN, frac­
and tures that are not connected are removed. The simulation of a three-
dimensional DFN often involves complex stochastic modelling that
Xm + xm
(36) could be time-consuming and needs special software. This is perhaps one
2 of the main drawbacks of the method. Further information related to the
Therefore, Eq. 34 can be written as: algorithms needed for the simulation of DFN can be found elsewhere
(Aler et al., 1996; Hamdi, 2003).
Xm − xm
Ef = √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ (37) The studies by Du Mouza’s team showed that the efficiency of a blast
Bi Xm +x
operation depends on the reduction of the sizes of particles and can be

And, Bi can then be defined as:

Xm − x m Table 13
Bi = √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ (38) Parameters in the Hamdi and Du Mouza approach (Hamdi, 2003; Hamdi and du
Ef Xm +x
Mouza, 2005a).

Further details related to the E-B-T model can be found in the rele­ Rock mass Parameters Description
vant literature (Latham and Lu, 1999; Lu, 1997; Lu and Latham, 1998).
Lu and Latham’s studies indicated that the IBSD can be defined by Discontinuity SS1 (m2/ The specific surface of discontinuities forming
network m3) the Discrete fracture network, DFN, for:
the mean in-situ block size (MIBS) or the principal mean spacing (PMS),
SS2 (m2/
assuming that the rock mass and the blasted muck pile follows the m3) • All discontinuities in the rock mass and
Schuhmann (Schuhmann Jr., 1960) particle size distributions (Lu and • Well-connected discontinuities
Latham, 1996; Lu and Latham, 1999b). They also argued that the N1 Fractal dimensions corresponding to:
blastability can be related to the fractal dimension of the in-situ block N2
• all discontinuities in the structures and
size Df = 3 – nf, where nf is the Schuhmann uniformity factor. They also
• well connected discontinuities forming the
noted that for a given mean IBSD, rock strength, and blast design, a rock DFN
with a lower Df (i.e., is more uniform) is easier to fragment. The Kuz- (All calculated before and after connectivity
Ram rock mass parameter AK-R, (see Section 2.2.3 and Eq. 9) can also analysis.)
NCIn (%) Non-connectivity index of simulated
be related by the energy-block-transaction (E-B-T) model to the blast­
ability designation, BD, such that: xci (m) and Characteristic size and shape index of in-situ

n n rock mass
AK− R = 13 × BD with BD = w j Rj (39) An and AV Anisotropy parameter and the norm of
J=1 anisotropy vector
Rock matrix CIn (%) Continuity index extracted from the ultrasonic
where Rj is the jth rating value and is weighted by wj (Latham and Lu, test
ρr (kg/m3) Rock density
1999) and parameter Bi in the E-B-T model can be linked to the blast­ Erd (MPa) Rock dynamic Young’s modulus
ability designation as: (Bi = 10/BD). All of the parameters in this σc (MPa) Compressive strength of rocks
blastability assessment method are shown in Table 12, with their σt (kPa) Uniaxial tensile strength of rocks
determined importance and suggested weighting factors. Es (N/m) Specific fracture energy (estimated from the
wedge splitting test)
It is noted that the weightings, in Table 12, have been computed

E.F. Salmi and E.J. Sellers Engineering Geology 281 (2021) 105970

Alternatively, the fragmentation can be estimated based on image

analysis techniques (Kemeny et al., 1993; Sanchidrián et al., 2006) or
through a fragmentation prediction model, like Kuz-Ram (Cunningham,
2005), or Swebrec (Ouchterlony, 2005). Extra care should be taken
while applying image analysis as considerable errors may occur, espe­
cially in the prediction of fines (Sanchidrián et al., 2009).
Aler and Du Mouza (1996) also introduced a factor named ‘frag­
mentation index’, FI, to estimate the efficiency of rock fragmentation in
blasting, which is defined as:
FI = Xc /xc (40)

where Xc and xc show the characteristic sizes for the IBSD and the BBSD,
respectively in (mm) (Aler et al., 1996). FI accounts for the effects of
rock mass characteristics on the efficiency of rock fragmentation and
shows the reduction ratio applied on blocks by blasting. Aler et al.
(1996) showed that FI improves as the powder factor increase (see
Fig. 12). The fragmentation index, FI, can be used to compare the results
of different blasting operations. Such analyses may, however, be limited
to the interpretation of the role of blast parameters other than the in-situ
rock mass structures (Aler et al., 1996).
Muck piles with different BBSD curves may have similar character­
istic sizes, xc. Therefore, to differentiate between such cases and to
complement the fragmentation ratio, FI, Aler et al. (1996) proposed
another factor which is named ‘fragmentation quality factor, FQF’ and is
defined as:
FQF = ni /nb (41)
Fig. 11. Typical discrete fracture network modelling for the prediction of IBSD. where ni and nb are the shape indexes for the IBSD and BBSD curves
(Data related to Nordkalk Quarry, Bench 2, Reef Limestone) (Data collected
based on Roslin-Rammler distribution, respectively. An FQF smaller
from Hamdi (2003)).
than 1.0 shows a more efficient fragmentation of large blocks and a less
efficient fragmentation of small blocks. However, an FQF larger than 1.0
related to the transformation of the IBSD to the BBSD (Aler et al., 1996; may imply the opposite. If FQF is equal to 1.0, this means that all blocks
Hamdi et al., 2007). This is consistent with the blastability assessment in a rock mass experience a uniform fragmentation (Aler et al., 1996).
and the E-B-T model proposed by (Lu and Latham, 1998) (see Section Aler’s studies indicated that the fragmentation quality factor, FQF,
3.2.3 and Fig. 10). The most accurate approach for the estimation of the decrease for a specific rock mass as the powder factor increase. This
IBSD is to perform a three-dimensional (3D) simulation of the discrete shows that using a larger amount of explosives, to some extent, may help
fracture network, DFN. BBSD may also be measured by sieving. to effectively break the large blocks of rocks rather than the small

Fig. 12. FI versus Powder Factor at Reocin open-pit mine (Adapted and modified from Aler and Du Mouza, 1996).

E.F. Salmi and E.J. Sellers Engineering Geology 281 (2021) 105970

particles (Aler and Du Mouza, 1996; Aler et al., 1996). fragmentation of rock and to reduce the adverse consequences of the
Hamdi and du Mouza (2000) also proposed an approach to assess the blasting, such as ground vibration and fly rock (Müller, 1997). Müller’s
efficiency of a blast operation based on the Rosin-Rammler block size research resulted in the development of a blastability assessment tech­
distribution for the in-situ rock mass and the rock fragments in the muck nique based on the acoustic impedance of the rock masses and the in-situ
pile (see Fig. 10). The following expression was proposed to assess the block size distribution (IBSD) (Müller, 1997). According to this
efficiency of a blast (Hamdi and du Mouza, 2000): approach, rocks can be classified into ranges based on their blastability
[ ( )/ ( ) ] (see Fig. 14). Interestingly, this figure highlights that there is not
1 1
η = 1− χ Г Г (42) necessarily a monotonic relationship between the inputs and the out­
nb ni
comes of a rock’s blastability. Therefore, simple approaches, like Alek­
sandrov’s classification, which is purely based on the qualitative
where Г is the Gumma function and Xm, xm, ni, and nb are the charac­
description of rock structures, (see Section 2.2.1) may not be able to well
teristic sizes and the shape indexes of the in-situ block size distribution
classify the rock masses based on their blastability.
(IBSD) and the PSD of the muck pile (BBSD), respectively, and parameter
Müller (1997) also showed that the selection and adaptation of ex­
χ is defined as:
plosives for different rock blasting (e.g., production blasting, cast
xm ni
× (43) blasting, controlled blasting) can be done based on the acoustic
Xm nb impedance, the blast gas volume, and the heat of detonation. For
example, a more jointed rock mass has smaller in-situ blocks and has a
3.2.5. Acoustic impedance smaller acoustic impedance, and therefore requires explosives with a
The acoustic impedance of rocks is another useful parameter that large gas volume. Rocks that are not highly discontinuous absorb and
often is applied for analysing the blastability of rocks and is defined as dissipate much less energy from the blasting in comparison to heavily
(Telford et al., 1990): jointed and porous rocks. Porous and heterogeneous rock masses are
Ir = ρr C p (44) also very sensitive to blast-induced vibrations.
Khanukaev (1962) also performed numerous field tests in the former
where ρr (kg/m3) is the density of the rock and Cp (m/s) denotes the Soviet Union to develop an approach to assess the blastability of rock
speed of longitudinal waves, which is a useful parameter to approximate masses. These studies showed that the discontinuities in a rock mass play
the mechanical properties of the rock mass and to describe the nature of a dominant role in its blastability. Khanukaev stated that the wave
the elastic stress wave propagation in the medium. impedance of a rock, Ir, can reflect its integrity for blasting applications.
Mosinets et al. (1967) used the outcomes of real scale bench Khanukaev’s blastability classification is shown in Table 16. In this
instrumentation testing performed in a few mines to assess the proced­ table, Sj-av is the average spacing of the discontinuities, Aj is the joints
ure for rock breakage and to relate the proposed classification of rock area in 1 m3 of rock, fp is the Protodyakonov’s rock hardness index, ρr is
mass blastability to the mechanisms of wave propagation. The speed of the rock density, and IBS is the in-situ block size.
sound in a rock mass was found to depend on the silicification of the Rustan and co-workers also devoted considerable efforts to devel­
rocks. In particular, this is critical in rock masses with medium to large- oping practical and accurate approaches to estimating the blastability of
sized blocks. Acoustic logging in rocks may also be used to identify the rocks based on their acoustic impedance. Numerous model tests were
weak and fault zones and regions which are prone to instability, outline performed on laboratory-scale samples of Swedish and Indian hard rocks
the ore bodies in which the physical and mechanical properties of the and rock-like materials (e.g., concrete) (Kou and Rustan, 1993; Kou and
ore differ from the waste rock, and estimate the mechanical properties of Rustan, 1992; Rustan, 2010; Rustan and Kumar, 1999; Rustan and Nie,
the rock mass (Mosinets et al., 1967; Sassa, 1993). 1992; Rustan et al., 1983; Rustan, 1992) to identify the mechanisms of
Müller also adopted the acoustic impedance of rocks as a useful dynamic rock fragmentation during blasting. Relations were proposed
parameter for the classification of rocks and rock masses for several (Rustan et al., 2010), based on the outcomes of their model studies, to
different applications, in civil and mining engineering (Müller et al., relate the acoustic impedance of rock materials, Ir (kg/m2s), to the
2008; Müller et al., 2010b; Müller and Pipping, 2013). These studies critical burden, Bc, in (mm) (Eq. 45), the slope of the size distribution
indicated that a combination of the in-situ block size assessment, which curves (also known as the uniformity index in the Rosin-Rammler (RR)
is done based on the visual spacing of discontinuities, and the acoustic distribution) (n) (Rosin and Rammler, 1933) (see Eq. 46), the mean
impedance of rock samples can help to classify different rocks for fragment size, k50 (mm) (Eqs. 47 and 48) and the angle of breakage φ (o)
blasting and excavations. A summary of Müller’s works can be seen in (Eq. 49) as follows:
Tables 14, 15, and Fig. 13.
BC = 68.5 − 1.69 × 10− 6 × Ir (45)
Müller also performed numerous studies to improve the
( )
n = 0.54 × exp 33 × 10− 9 × Ir (46)
Table 14
Classification of rocks based on the frequency of discontinuities (Müller et al., 5.18 × 10− 3 × Ir0.588
k50 = (47)
Class Description of discontinuities Average joint spacing
( )0.5 ( )0.7 /
(m) S Lb ( 0.4 )
k50 = 0.01Ir0.6 B0.2 Vd q (48)
1 Vey massive and monolithic rock mass (not >20 B Lc
2 Almost massive rock mass 6.3 to 20 ( )
3 Relatively massive rock mass 2.0 to 6.3
ϕ = 131 + 6.98 × 10− 3 × Cp + 0.58 − 3 × 10− 4 × cp × B (49)
4 Jointed with a very low frequency of 0.63 to 2.0
discontinuities where Cp is the P-wave velocity in (m/s), and q is the specific charge
5 Jointed with a low frequency of discontinuities 0.2 to 0.63 (powder factor) in (kg/m3). Vd is the detonation velocity (m/sec), and Lb
6 Jointed with a moderate frequency of 0.063 to 0.2
and Lc are the blasthole and charge length in (m), respectively. Rustan’s
Start of transition to very loose rock mass
formulas were able to describe the blast fragmentation of blue-grey and
7 Fractured with a large frequency of cracks 0.02 to 0.063 steel-grey haematites quite well (e.g., R = 0.96 in predicting the critical
8 Fractured with a very large frequency of cracks 0.0063 to 0.02 burden). These rocks from the Bailadila Mine in India are apparently
Border of heavily loose rocks and soils among the most difficult rocks to blast in the world because these types

E.F. Salmi and E.J. Sellers Engineering Geology 281 (2021) 105970

Table 15
Classification of rocks based on acoustic impedance and strength (Müller and Pipping, 2013).
A quantitative description of strength Qualitative description of strength

Acoustic impedance Compressive strength Porosity Water absorption Crushing Sound

×106 (kg/m2sec) MPa (%) (%)

Extreme acoustically hard >15 Extreme strong >260 <0.38 <0.36 Very hard Very high
Very acoustically hard 12–15 Very strong 160 to 260 0.38 to 1.0 0.36 to 1.0 Hard Light to high
Acoustically hard 9–12 Strong 60 to 160 1.0 to 2.2 1.0 to 2.0 Moderate Deep to light
Moderately acoustically hard 6–9 With medium strength 30 to 60 2.2 to 5.0 2.0 to 5.0 Good Steamed to deep
Low acoustic hardness 3–6 With low strength 10 to 30 5.0 to 10.0 5.0 to 8.0 Light Dull to steamed
Very low acoustic hardness 2–3 With very low strength 1 to 10 10.0 to 11.6 8.0 to 10 Very easy Extremely dull
Extreme low acoustic hardness <2 With extreme low strength <1 >11.6 >10 Loose stone -

Fig. 13. Müller’s classification chart for rock excavation and blasting (adapted and modified from (Müller and Pipping, 2013)).

of rocks are very porous and absorb considerable energy before breakage
(Rustan and Kumar, 1999).

3.3. Geotechnical ratings

Rock mass classification systems are very mature and have widely
been used in the design of surface and underground structures in rocks.
The rock quality designation (RQD), rock mass rating (RMR), Q-system,
the geological strength index (GSI), and rock mass index, (RMi) are
perhaps the most well-known rock mass classification systems used in
everyday rock engineering designs (Barton et al., 1974; Bieniawski,
1989; Deere et al., 1969; Hoek, 2007; Palmström, 1995). Instead of
devising their approaches, others have modified the standard rock mass
classification systems for blasting purposes. A few of the main studies
Fig. 14. Rock mass blastability classification (modified from Müller, 1997). are briefly explained below.

3.3.1. Rock quality designation (RQD)

Jimeno et al. (1995) reported on the outcomes of research originally
performed by Borquez (1981) to relate the blastability of a rock mass to
the RQD (%), proposed by Deere et al. (1969). The RQD (%) was
modified to consider alteration effects as ERQD = CFjs × RQD where CFjs
is the joint strength correction factor and is a function of the joint

E.F. Salmi and E.J. Sellers Engineering Geology 281 (2021) 105970

Table 16
Khanukaev’s blastability classes (adopted and modified from Zou, 2017).
Fracturing Sj-av Hardness Aj fp ρr Ir IBS q Blastability

(–) (m) (–) (m2/ (–) (tonne/ (tonne/m3×km/ >0.30 >0.7m >1.0 (kg/m3) (–)
m3) m3) sec) m m

Extremely fissured <0.1 Weak 33 to 9 <8 <2.5 <5 <10 ≈0 0 <0.35 Easy
Very fissured 0.1 to Moderate 9 to 6 8 to 12 2.5 to 2.6 5 to 8 <70 <30 <5 0.35 to Moderate
0.5 sturdy 0.45
Moderate fissured 0.5 to Sturdy 6 to 2 12 to 2.6 to 2.7 8 to 12 <90 <70 <40 0.45 to Difficult
1.0 16 0.65
Slightly fissured 1.0 to Very sturdy 2 16 to 2.7 to 3.0 12 to 15 100 <90 <70 0.65 to Very difficult
1.5 18 0.90
Very slightly >1.5 Extremely ≥18 > 3.0 > 15 - - 100 ≥0.90 Extreme
fissured sturdy difficult

Fig. 15. Estimating Borquez blastability factor based on equivalent rock quality designation, ERQD.

tightness and infilling materials (Jimeno et al., 1995) (see Fig. 15). The And for cases where 6<ff<16 the correlation is linear:
Borquez blastability factor (BF) is estimated by:
RQD = 110.4 − 3.68 × ff (52)
BF = 1.96 + 0.27 × Ln(ERQD) (50)
Vali and Arpa (2013) have also proposed a linear relationship be­
where ERQD is the equivalent rock quality designation (see Table 17). tween the RQD and fracture frequency based on field investigations of
Borquez (1981) then used the theoretical model proposed by Pearse monzonite porphyry formations in Ok Tedi open-pit copper, gold, and
(1955) to define a critical burden based on the tensile strength of the silver mine, in Papua New Guinea. The relationship is valid for 2<ff<10.
rock, the explosive detonation pressure, the diameter of the charge, and RQD = 105.9 − 3.0845 × ff (53)
the blastability factor, BF. Further details related to the Pearse model
can be found in (Afrouz et al., 1988; Jimeno et al., 1995). Jimeno et al. (1995) also reported on the outcomes of a study that
Pells et al. (2017) showed that the application of RQD has significant related the powder factor, needed for achieving a good fragmentation in
limitations and it is preferable to use alternatives, such as fracture fre­ bench blasting, to the rock mass mechanical parameters and the blast
quency. The RQD and fracture frequency, ff, are related. For example, design using the rock geotechnical and design (RG&D) factor (Page,
Hudson and Priest (1979) suggested that: 1985) which was defined as:
√̅̅̅̅̅ /
RQD = 100(0.1 × ff + 1) × exp( − 0.1ff ) (51) RG&D Factor = ρr × tan(φ + i) × σ c × (Db /100)2 Jv where Jv
= (115 − RQD) 3.3 (54)

Table 17
Estimation of the joint strength correction factor. where ρr (tonne/m3) is the rock density, Db (mm) is the blasthole
diameter, φ is the internal friction angle of the joints, and i is the
Class Joint strength Correction factor
abrasiveness angle of the joints. Jv also denotes the volumetric joint
1 Strong 1.0 count (Palmström, 1995) (see Section 3.2.3) and can be computed based
2 Medium 0.9
on Eq. 32. Powder factor is linearly related to the RG&D factor. This
3 Weak 0.8
Very Weak 0.7 approach includes the effect of blasthole diameter (mm), which controls

E.F. Salmi and E.J. Sellers Engineering Geology 281 (2021) 105970

the spatial distribution of the explosives, in the prediction of the powder 3.4. Indirect, pre-blast measurements
factor. Similar to (Scott and Onederra, 2015a), blastability depends on
the square root of the rock strength, σc (MPa) (see Eqs. 11, 16, 20, and 31 Activities such as drilling that occurs before blasting can provide
and Fig. 5). useful input about the rock mass before the blast. If they are based on the
blast hole drill rig data, then the blasthole’s pattern has already been
3.3.2. Geological strength index (GSI) determined and there is limited scope to alter the fragmentation out­
Bickers et al. (2002) added the geological descriptive charts devel­ comes, except by varying the explosive type and density and, to some
oped for Hoek’s geological strength index (GSI) (Hoek et al., 1995; extent, the blast hole stemming. However, the information can help with
Marinos and Hoek, 2000) to Lilly’s blastability index (BI) (see Eq. 4) to predicting the effects of the fragmentation on the downstream processes,
improve the characterisation of the structures of rock masses. Lilly’s BI such as in crushing and milling. Some related approaches are summar­
was modified by combining the rock mass description and the joint ised below.
plane spacing parameters into a single rating. The selection of the rock
mass structure and the joint plane spacing in Fig. 16 leads to a modifi­ 3.4.1. Specific drilling energy
cation in the way the BI is calculated. The concept of specific drilling energy was primarily developed by
Another alternative for estimation of Lilly’s BI (see Eq. 4) for weak (Teale, 1965). For rotary drilling the drilling work is done by the thrust
and poor rocks, including disintegrated, laminated, and sheared rocks, is force, F, (in N) and torque, T, (N-m). Assuming that the rotation speed is
the blastability quality system (BQS). Rock formations with intermedi­ ω (round/min), and the area of the hole is, Ab (m2), the penetration rate
ate spacing (Chatziangelou and Christaras, 2015), wide spacing (Chat­ is PR (m/min), the specific energy, SDE, which is defined as the energy
ziangelou and Christaras, 2016), and close spacing (Chatziangelou and to drill 1m of the hole or 1m3 of the rock mass, is computed as (Teale,
Christaras, 2017) of discontinuities have been considered in the devel­ 1965):
opment of this system for geological engineers. The outcomes were ( ) ( ) ( )
F 2π ω×T
summarised as charts (see Fig. 17) which can be used for a quick SDE = + × (55)
Ab Ab PR
blastability assessment of a rock mass based on the GSI and RMR, the
strike, the surface conditions of the discontinuities, and the Mohr The penetration rate increases as the thrust load (weight) on the bit
hardness of the intact rock instead of the original factors in Eq. 4. The and the rotation speed increases. It also decreases with increasing rock
BQS has been developed for assessing the blastability of rock masses in mass strength. Since torque, T, is not always measured, Kelessidis (2011)
civil engineering tunnels and trenches, at shallow depths, in which the proposed the following relationship to estimate it based on the thrust
rock masses are normally heavily weathered and weak. In weak, foli­ force, F, the bit geometry (diameter, Dbi), and the friction coefficient, μ.
ated, and schistose rocks a concern is the effects of blasting on the sur­
rounding rocks (Sellers et al., 2018). The schistosity causes significant T= (56)
overbreak and is worsened by the need to supply additional blast energy
due to damping and absorption by the weak rocks. The performance of Several scholars have tried to use the drilling specific energy for blast
such blasting operations may not, therefore, be comparable with blast­ design (Segui and Higgins, 2002; Smith, 2002). For example, Ouch­
ing for hard rock mining. terlony (2003) reported on an approach that was originally proposed by
Christaras and Chatziangelou (2014) mentioned that the BQS clas­ Raina et al. (2003) to directly predict the Kuz-Ram rock factor, AK-R (see
sification system can be used for a quick assessment of the blastability of Section 2.2.3) based on the MWD data. According to this approach:
rocks (see Table 18). Since the BQS provides an alternative method to ( )
PR 2
estimate the blastability index, BI, then the Kuz-Ram rock factor can be DI = d (57)
Fω b
estimated as (AK-R = 0.12×BI) (Widzyk-Capehart and Lilly, 2002).
where PR is the drill bit penetration rate (m/h), F is the pull-down
pressure on a bit (klbf), ω is the rpm of the drill bit (rev/min), and db

Fig. 16. Estimation of blastability index, BI, based on the geological strength index (GSI)’s descriptive chart (adapted and modified from Bickers et al., 2002).

E.F. Salmi and E.J. Sellers Engineering Geology 281 (2021) 105970

Fig. 17. Contours of blastability index, BI, for weak rocks with closely spaced discontinuities (courtesy of Christaras and Chatziangelou, 2014).

Table 18 Table 19
Classes of rock blastability based on BQS. Blastability assessment based on specific drilling energy (adopted from Mosinets
Class Description BI range
et al., 1967).
Description Category SDE (kWh/
1 Very difficult to blast BI<8
2 Difficult to blast 8<BI<13
3 Moderate to blast 13<BI<20 Easily blasted rocks, small blocks, strongly fractured I <1.0
4 Easy blast 20<BI<40 Medium blasting rocks, average size blocks, moderately II 1.0 to 1.4
5 Very easy to blast BI>40 fractured
Difficult to blast, difficult to-crush, sparsely fractured III 1.4>
is the blasthole diameter (inch). The rock factor is computed as:

AK− R = 6.6942DI 0.4852 (58) as the strength and P-wave speed (see Fig. 18), and can be used for the
Significant efforts have also recently been made by Schunesson and assessment of the blastability of rocks (see Table 19). Mosinets et al.
his team at the Lulea University of Technology, in Sweden (Manzoor (1967) stated that cutter-type drills were used for these tests and the
et al., 2019, 2020; van Eldert et al., 2019), and by Sanchidrián and his specific drilling energy was computed with the aid of self-recording
team at Polytechnic University of Madrid, in Spain, (Navarro et al., current and voltage meters connected in the motor circuit. Unfortu­
2018; Navarro et al., 2019; Navarro Miguel, 2018) to put MWD data into nately, no information about the size of the drill bits was mentioned.
practice for rock mass characterisation for blast design, in both surface
and underground mining as well as civil engineering excavations. De­ 3.4.2. Rock quality index (RQI)
tails of the approaches used for rock mass characterisation based on Little (1976), and later Leighton (1982), developed the concept of a
MWD are, however, beyond the scope of this paper. rock quality index (RQI) to provide rock engineers with a blastability
Mosinets et al. (1967) also indicated that the specific drilling energy assessment approach and to estimate the powder factor for open-pit
can be correlated to some of the rock mass mechanical parameters, such mining based on the MWD in rotary drills. The RQI (kN-min/m) was
defined as:

Fig. 18. (a): Specific drilling energy, per 1 meter of borehole, versus wave speed, Cp, and (b): Specific drilling energy per 1 m3 of rock versus wave speed, Cp (adopted
from Mosinets et al., 1967).

E.F. Salmi and E.J. Sellers Engineering Geology 281 (2021) 105970

RQI = F/PR = Ft/d (59) 3.5. Post-blast measurements

where F is the applied weight (Thrust Force) on the bit (kN), PR is the Many researchers have suggested that blast test results in the labo­
penetration rate (m/min), t is drilling time (min), and d is hole depth ratory or field are a way of predicting outcomes and they are summar­
(m). Data collected at a range of mines (Le Bel, 1984; Leighton, 1982; ised in this section. Unfortunately, such approaches lack predictability
Muftuoglu et al., 1991) are plotted in Fig. 19 and they show that, and usefulness in mining applications because a series of field tests are
although relatively good correlations have been observed between the usually needed for calibrations which are often costly and time-
powder factor and the RQI for each site, it was not possible to fit a curve consuming to perform and process. Sometimes the tests are performed
on all of the series of data collected from the different sites. In other in much simpler geometries and smaller sizes. Extrapolating the out­
words, there is no unique relationship between the powder factor and comes of such tests to large scale blasting (e.g., in open-pit metal mining)
the RQI. that often is performed in heavily heterogeneous and anisotropic rock
masses might be questionable. Such simplified approaches may work in
3.4.3. Specific drilling a quarry environment with a consistent rock mass, though they would
Tamrock (1978) indicated that a precise blastability assessment require excessive pre-blast trials in an open-pit mine with multiple
should include the rock solidity, tenacity, and homogeneity, seismic blastability zones.
velocities, and the breaking characteristics of the rock mass. Solidity
shows the strength and integrity of a rock mass. It also considers the 3.5.1. Maximum burden
structure and texture of the rock mass. Tenacity, however, refers to a An early rock mass blastability factor, C, was proposed by Fraenkel
rock’s toughness and describes its response to breakage or deforma­ (1952) as:
tional loads. Breaking characteristics also refer to those mechanical
properties of rocks that are controlling the fracture propagation and C= (61)
L0.33 × L0.33 × D0.33
fragmentation. A blastability assessment based on the specific drilling b c b

(SD) was proposed by (Tamrock, 1978) in which the burden can be

where Lb and Lc are the length of the blasthole and charge, respectively.
directly related to the charge energy and, inversely, to the blastability of
Db denotes the diameter of the blasthole. This requires an estimate of
the rocks. SD (m/m3) is the drilled hole volume or drilled hole length per
Bmax. The rock constant expresses how much explosive is necessary to
volume unit of rock and is defined as (Jimeno et al., 1995):
detach a homogeneous rock. Extreme values of the rock constant are 0.2
+ Sd kg/m3 (easy blasted) and 1,0 kg/m3 (difficult to blast). The standard
SD = B
× S ×H value of this parameter is C = 0.40 (Rustan et al., 2010). As an alter­
native to measurements, Langefors and Kihlstrom (1973) proposed the

where H denotes the bench height (m), and Sd is the sub-drilling (m). S following relation to calculate the maximum burden for desirable
and B are also the spacing and burden in meters, respectively. Addi­ fragmentation:
tionally, β denotes the blasthole inclination in degrees (o). A few dia­ √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
ρe × Se
grams were developed by Tamrock Inc for convenient application by Bmax = 0.958Db (62)
Cb × CLK × BS
drill and blast engineers in sites, as shown in Fig. 20.
As can be seen the curves in Fig. 20 are almost parallel and can be
described by a mathematical relationship like (SD = c1 + c2×Db+ c3×D2b ) where Db is the blasthole diameter (m), ρe (kg/m3) and Se (-) are the
where c1, c2, and c3 are empirical coefficients and Db is the blasthole density and the weight strength of the charge, respectively. S (m) and B
diameter (mm). The analysis shows that coefficients c2 and c3 are con­ (m) denote the spacing and burden of the blast pattern, and Cb is a factor
stant and almost identical for all curves (see Fig. 20). The coefficient, c1 (-) indicating the constraining effect of the material surrounding an
depends on the rock mass blastability but not on the hole diameter, Db, explosive charge. The confinement of a charge depends on the strength
and it has the same units as SD. The rock mass blastability may, there­ and density of the surrounding material; the number, orientation, shape,
fore, be solely described based on the coefficient, c1. and other characteristics of the free faces to the gravity field; the dis­
tance from the charge to the free faces; the static or confining stress field
working on the material; the material properties surrounding the free
faces, (e.g. air, water or buffered rock); and the amount of rock being
broken by the blast. There is no general system for the quantification of
confinement (Rustan et al., 2010). CLK (kg/m3) is a rock constant known
as the Langefors and Kihlstrom’s blastability factor. When the Bmax is
between 1.4 and 15.0 m, the modified blastability factor is CLK_m = CLK
+0.05 and when the Bmax is less than 1.4 m, the modified blastability is
estimated as CLK_m = CLK +0.07/B. The Langford and Kihlström formula
can only be used for borehole diameters in the range ~30 to 75 mm in
diameter because for larger blasthole diameters the relationship be­
tween burden and blasthole diameter is non-linear (Rustan et al., 2010).
Analytical investigations performed by Kou and Rustan (1992) showed
that when blasting gelatin is used, the blastability factor, CLK, in Eq. 62
can be estimated as:

CLK = (63)
2Er × η × Qe

where Qe (kJ/kg) is the detonation heat of the explosive, and η (-) is the
energy transformation efficiency which can be defined as the ratio be­
tween the energy for the breakage plus the throw of the rock prism and
Fig. 19. Correlations between RQI and powder factor at Afton and Greenhills
the chemical energy of the explosive. Since σc and Er indicate the
Mines in Canada, and a few open cast coal mines in Turkey (data extracted from
Leighton, 1982; Le Bel, 1984; Muftuoglu et al., 1991). strength and Young’s modulus of rocks in (MPa), respectively (Kou and

E.F. Salmi and E.J. Sellers Engineering Geology 281 (2021) 105970

Fig. 20. Estimating rock mass blastability based on specific drilling and drill hole diameter (adopted and modified from Tamrock, 1978).

Rustan, 1992), this measure of rock strength is similar to the strain en­
ergy measure employed by Sanchidrián and Ouchterlony (2017a) in the
distribution-free (also known as Xp-Frag) model (see Section 3.6.4).

3.5.2. Cratering (chambering) ratio

Globa (1972) proposed the term ‘explosibility’ as a synonym of rock
mass blastability to assess the effects of the physical and mechanical
parameters of rock masses on the fragmentation outcomes in a few
potash mines in the former Soviet Union. Potash deposits often consist of
different ore types. However, most of them have low strength (fp less
than 5.0) and high plasticity index (PI up to 4.5). Globa (1972)’s
research was performed in working faces at Kaluga, Novo-Golynskii, and
Golynskii potash mines, and in a few different ore types, such as syl­
vinite, kyanite, kyanite-langbeinite, and argillaceous sylvinite. For each
test, a single blasthole, with 1.5 m depth, was drilled, loaded, and
detonated on the floor of the selected underground rooms. The weight of
Fig. 21. Cratering ratio, Rc, versus plasticity index, PI (adopted and modified
the charge was 0.6 kg and the length of the stemming and the charge
from Globa, 1972).
were identical and around 0.75 m. Additionally, AP-5ZhB ammonite was
used as the charge for the tests. A combination of sand and clay was also
Zou, 2017 also reported on a similar rock mass blastability classifi­
used as the stemming for the blastholes. To achieve a good estimation of
cation that was developed, in Sanchidrián and Ouchterlony, 2017a, at
the blastability of rocks, ten to fifteen single tests were conducted in
the Northeastern University, in China. The crater test was considered as
each ore type (Globa, 1972).
a criterion to explain the energy consumption in rock fragmentation. A
A cratering ratio, Rc, was defined as the ratio of the volume of the
considerable proportion of the explosive energy is absorbed by rocks and
crater generated by the firing of a blasthole to the initial volume of the
is consumed for the breakage of rocks. The acoustic impedance was also
blasthole (Globa, 1972). The blastability of the rock mass is defined
selected as a useful parameter to characterise the rocks because of the
based on the cratering ratio (see Table 20).
effect of discontinuities on the blast wave propagation. A combination of
For plastic rocks, such as Potash, Globa (1972) related the value of
cratering tests and acoustic impedance analyses was, therefore, pro­
the cratering ratio to the plasticity index (PI) (see Fig. 21) which is
posed for the assessment of rock blastability. The model was calibrated
estimated, based on a specifically designed penetration test, to account
based on the data collected from the site and laboratories for 63 different
for the loss of the explosion energy from the over-crushing of the rocks in
rocks in 13 mines. The index of rock blastability, N, was defined as:
the vicinity of the charge. Further details related to the test for esti­
( )
mating the PI of rocks can be found in (Shreiner et al., 1967). N = 67.22 − 38.44Ln(Vc ) + 2.03Ln ρr Cp + K (64)

where Vc is the volume of rock in blasting crater tests (m3), ρr is the

Table 20 density of the rock (tonne/m3), Cp is the speed of P-waves in (m/sec),
Rock mass blastability classification based on cratering ratio, Rc. and K is an index depending on the rock fragmentation results and is
Rock class/ Cratering Specific consumption of explosive (kg/ computed as:
category ratio tonne) ( )
K 7.42
I UP to 3.0 0.35 K = Ln 4.75 1 1.89 (65)
II 3.0 to 5.0 0.40 K2 × K3
III 5.0 to 7.0 0.45
IV Above 7.0 0.50 where K1 (%) is the proportion of large rock fragments (>300 mm), K2

E.F. Salmi and E.J. Sellers Engineering Geology 281 (2021) 105970

Table 21
Classes of rock blastability (Adopted and modified from Zou, 2017).
Class N Blastability Examples of rock types

1 1- <29 Very easy Phyllite, fractured sandstone, argillite, and

1 fractured dolomite
1- 29 to
2 38
2 2- 38 to Easy Breccia, green mudstone, and beige dolomite
1 46
2- 46 to
2 53
3 3- 53 to Moderate Actinolite quartzite, lamprophyre, marble,
1 60 and gray dolomite
3- 60 to
2 68
4 4- 68 to Difficult Magnetite quartzite, dark green amphibolite,
1 74 and gneiss
4- 74 to Fig. 22. Fragmentation energy versus fragmentation ratio (F0.5
r ) (adopted and
2 81 modified from Da Gama, 1996).
5 5- 81 Very Skarn, granite, and light-colored sandstone
1 to86 difficult
jointed rocks for Grade Engineering where the objective is to intensively
5- >86
2 blast the ore to generate fine particles while barren gangue materials are
just loosened enough for excavation (Usami et al., 2019). Fig. 22 shows
that there is no unique relationship between the fragmentation energy
(%) is the proportion of small rock fragments (<50 mm) and K3 (%) is and the De Gama’s fragmentability (blastability) factor across various
the average pass rate. Rocks are classified into five classes according to rock types.
their blastability index value, N. These classes are tabulated in Table 21.

3.5.3. Da Gama’s blastability/fragmentability factor 3.6. Multiple rock mass and blast measurements
Bond’s comminution theory (Bond and Wang, 1950) was applied to
blasting by Bond and Whitney (1959) to compute the amount of More blastability assessment methods are appearing that fit data
explosive needed to fragment a rock mass to a specific size. Da Gama from multiple measurements of both the properties of rock masses and
(1995) later combined Griffith (1924) crack theory and Bond’s their blasted muck piles. Typical examples of such approaches are
comminution law and proposed a new equation for assessing the blast­ explained in this section. These can be limited in scope to the data used
ability of a jointed rock mass: in the fits.
( )0.5
Xmax xmax 3.6.1. Data analytics
We = Const or Fr = (66)
xmax Xmax Data analytics is becoming popular though it requires a range of test
blasts to train the system or derive correlations. Qu et al. (2002)
where We is the explosive energy consumed per tonne of rocks (kWh/ developed an analytics approach to design the blast patterns for the
tonne), and Xmax and xmax are the largest particle sizes in the rock mass Shuichang surface mines in Bejing in China. It was assumed that the
(m) and the muck pile (m), respectively. Previously, in Section 3.2.3 it blasting design parameters (e.g., burden, B (m), spacing, S (m), blasthole
was shown that the IBSD can be estimated based on the fracture fre­ depth, Lb (m), and powder factor, q (kg/tonne)) all depend on the ex­
quency of the rock mass. The approaches proposed by White (1977), plosive’s detonation characteristics which are based on the detonation
Chertkov (1985), Stavropoulou (2014), and the modified Azarkovich velocity, Vd, (m/sec) and the density of the explosive charges, ρe, (tonne/
and Pokrovskii (1991)’s model that was explained in (Sellers and Salmi, m3) which define the explosive strength factor, fe, as well as the rock
2020) can be used for this purpose. Based on statistical analyses of mass blastability, fr. such that:
jointed rock masse, Chertkov (1985) proposed using (Xmax = 5/ff) as an ( ) ( )β
approach to provide an estimate of the sizes of large blocks. Interestingly fe = a1 ρe Vd2 and fr = a2 ρr σ αc Log a3 Sj− av (68)
enough, based on several field experiences, (Scott, 2017) and (Scott,
2018) suggested using the same value for predicting the x80, to calibrate where a1, a2, a3, α and β are constants which can be determined from
the Swebrec function. This parameter is indicative of the large natural regression analyses, σc is the compressive strength of rocks (kPa), and Sj-
particle sizes generated by the blasting of a jointed rock mass. av denotes the average joint spacing (cm) of the geological discontinu­
In Eq. 66, Fr is also known as the fragmentation ratio (Da Gama, ities (Qu et al., 2002). Therefore, the rock mass blastability is defined as
1995). Da Gama’s equation may, therefore, be written as (Da Gama, a function of the rock’s density, the strength of intact blocks, and the
1995): spacing of its natural discontinuities. The blast design parameters,
including the burden, B (m), spacing, S (m), blasthole length, Lb (m),
(67) specific charge, q (kg/tonne), and sub-drilling, Sd (m), can be estimated
(Fr )0.5 as follows (Qu et al., 2002), and which are then related to the blasthole
According to Da Gama (1995), the slopes of the lines (shown in crater surface area at the top of the bench, SAc:
Fig. 22) indicate the average values of CDG (Da Gama’s coefficient) for ( )
SAc = c1 fee1 × fre2 Deb3 (69)
different rock types including basalt, granite, and limestone (kWh/
tonne). B=
(SAc /Rs− B )
When Fr = 1, CDG equals We, so the CDG indicates the amount of
explosive energy that is needed to just loosen a jointed rock mass S = SAc /B (71)
without fracturing the intact blocks. This may be useful for situations
( )
where it is important not to break the remaining rock mass after blasting Sd = c2 SAc × fee1 × fre2 (72)
ie. to reduce overbreak. An application could be differential blasting in

E.F. Salmi and E.J. Sellers Engineering Geology 281 (2021) 105970

Lb = (Ht − Hb ) + SD (73)
( )
q = c3 fe × fre4 ρr (74)

where Db is the blasthole diameter (mm), Ht (m) is the top elevation

blasthole, Hb (m) is the desired elevation of the excavation after loading
based on the pit design, Sd (m) is the sub-drilling, ρr (tonne/m3) is the
rock density, RS-B is the ratio of the spacing to the burden (-) (suggested
to be around 1.15). Besides, e1, e2, e3, e4, c1, c2, and c3 are all constants
that can be determined from regression analysis (Qu et al., 2002). The
main challenge with this method is that the results are site-dependent,
and many blasts are needed for calibrations.

3.6.2. Three-in-one classification

Lin (1996), and later Zou (2017), described a rock mass classification Fig. 23. Schematic view of the fragmentation–energy fan model (Ouchterlony
system which is known as the ‘three-in-one comprehensive classification et al., 2017).
system, as it can be separately used for the assessment of rock’s stability,
drillability, and blastability. This method involves three main families of
(m or mm), q is the specific charge or powder factor (kg/m3), αp shows
rock parameters. The first group of parameters contains the strength of
the P-dependent exponent of q in the energy-fan equation. Furthermore,
the rock and may include parameters like the point load strength or rock
Ouchterlony et al. (2017) mentioned that A is a numerical prefactor and
uniaxial compressive strength. The second category of parameters in­
should be a rock mass factor, like the one in Kuz-Ram model (AK-R) (see
cludes the rock’s structures, represented by the sonic velocity of the rock
Section 2.2.3 and Eq. 9). The analyses performed by Ouchterlony and co-
mass and the average spacing of its joint sets. The final class of param­
workers, however, show that this parameter is not constant for all per­
eters contains stress factors such as the unit weight, depth, and stress
centage passing and might be better to be replaced by Ap which shows
ratio. The classification method uses an index which is defined as
the P-dependency of the rock factor.
The energy-fan equation may also be generalised as (Ouchterlony
S = 135.6 + 10.2Is(50) + 3.3a + 21.5Cp (75) et al., 2017):
xp Ap
where Is(50) shows the point load strength of the rock in (MPa), Cp is the = (78)
B qαp
P-wave velocity in (km/s), and a is the impact penetrant-specific work
(IPSW) (J/cm3) and is defined as: where
a = Wt /V (76) A
Ap = (79)
(Bβ )αp
where Wt is the total impact work of 480 freely falling of the drill
hammer, and V is the rock volume to be broken after 480 impacts (cm3) where B is the burden (m, or mm) and β is a coefficient. Then A is ex­
(Zou (2017). Data collected from different working sites were processed pected to be a rock mass constant and may be considered as a parameter
through data analysis, clustering, and statistical analyses. The S index representing the blastability of the rock mass.
(shown in Eq. 75), in conjunction with Table 22, are used to analyse the
blastability of rocks. 3.6.4. The distribution-free (xp-Frag) blast model
The distribution-free (DF) blast model proposed by Sanchidrián and
3.6.3. The fragmentation -energy fan model Ouchterlony (2017a, 2017b) (also known as xp-Frag) is one of the most
The fragmentation-energy fan (FEF) model identifies that the loga­ recent fragmentation prediction models developed which is based on
rithm of percentile fragment sizes, xP, for any percent passing P, plotted comprehensive research and data collection. The model proposes an
as a function of the logarithm of the specific charge q (i.e., the powder efficient semi-analytical approach to quantifying the effects of the
factor in kg/m3) forms a set of straight lines on an xP) versus log(q) geotechnical parameters and structures of rock masses on their frag­
diagram that tends to converge at a common focal point (xo,qo) (Ouch­ mentation. The distribution-free model may be considered as a com­
terlony et al., 2017; Segarra et al., 2018) (see Fig. 23). For a single rock plement to the energy-fan to allow users to estimate the input
mass i.e. independent of blastability, the fragmentation energy fan can parameters for the implementation of the model.
be fitted to blast results and used to accurately predict the fragmentation The dimensional analysis from asteroid impact models was used to
outcomes (Segarra et al., 2018). develop a prediction equation for the fragment size, xp, for an arbitrary
The mathematical form of the energy-fan model can be written as: percentage value, p, which is defined (Sanchidrián and Ouchterlony,
2017a) as:
xp = (77) ( )κ ( )λκ
qαp xp [ [( / ) ] ] σ R
= k min sj Lj , as + ao jo k2h ft (Π t ) (80)
Lc qe Lc
where xp is percentile or size value for which P percent of material passes

where q (kg/m3) is the powder factor, Lc (m) is the characteristic size of

Table 22 the blast, R (m) is the characteristic size of the rock mass (usually
Three-in-one comprehensive classification of the rock mass. R = 1),k is a fragment shape factor, k2 is a bench shape factor, ft(Π t) is a
Class Index S Stability Drillability Blastability function for the effects of delay timing, and h, κ, and λ are constants
found by fitting to multiple test data. The strength of the rock mass is
I > 550 Very stable Most difficult Most difficult
II 550 to 450 Stable Difficult Difficult represented by the limiting strain energy density:
III 450 to 350 Moderately stable Moderate Moderate /
IV 350 to 250 Unstable Easy Easy σ = σ2c (2Er ) (81)
V < 250 Very unstable Very easy Very easy

E.F. Salmi and E.J. Sellers Engineering Geology 281 (2021) 105970

where σ c and Er are the uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) in (MPa) of parameters representing the strength of the rock mass (solid box) and
and Young’s modulus of the rock (GPa), respectively. The influence of a second representing the rock’s structure (dashed box). Notably, the
the discontinuities is incorporated by introducing a spacing term, Js, and fractal dimension of the in-situ blocks, Df, and the rock quality desig­
an orientation term, Jo, which are added to form a joint correction nation (RQD) are each correlated with both strength and structure
factor, JF: (dotted box).
( / ) Whilst the magnitude of the correlations may be specific to the rock
JF = Js + Jo = min sj Lj , as + ao jo (82) used, it is well known that the Young’s modulus of rocks is around 300 to
500 times the compressive strength, which itself is 8 to 15 times the
where Js is a non-dimensional ratio defined as (sj /Lj), in which sj (m) is tensile strength (Deere and Millar, 1966; Hoek and Diederichs, 2006;
the mean discontinuity spacing and Lj (m) is a characteristic length, Zhang, 2016). These relations may not be linear giving rise to asym­
capped by a limiting value as (m) for large joint spacings. Additionally, metry in the correlation matrix. In many of the blastability approaches
Jo is the normalised Lilly (1986)’s joint orientation index weighted by considered in Section 3, the acoustic impedance of the rocks was shown
the fitted parameter ao. The model is calibrated by nonlinear fitting to to be a useful parameter for quantifying the blastability of rock masses.
169 bench blasts in 14 different sites for which the blast design data and Bearing in mind that acoustic impedance is defined as Irm = ρr×Cp, and
the size distributions of the muck pile (obtained by sieving) were Cp ≈ sqrt (Em/ρr), then Irm ≈ sqrt (Em×ρr). If the density is approximately
available. The error of prediction was below 25 % at any percentile, i.e., constant, as it is in a quarry, then Irm and Cp will provide the same
half to one-third of the errors expected with previous models blastability relationship, however, in a copper or iron ore mine with a
(Sanchidrián and Ouchterlony, 2017a). wide range of densities (Scott and Onederra, 2015b; Scott et al., 2006),
there will be a different relationship.
4. Analyses, comparisons, and discussion These correlations indicate that some measure of strength, density,
and structure of rock masses are the key factors controlling the blast­
4.1. Common factors in blastability assessment ability. As shown in Section 3, these require laboratory testing and field
observations and a 3D blastability assessment method could be simpler
The definition of the blastability is a means to quantify the site and easier to use in practice by removing multiple, correlated parame­
characteristics, including the geological and geotechnical properties of ters. For example, Jackson and Sellers (2017) considered that if a rock’s
rocks (Ouchterlony, 2003). Most of the blastability assessment ap­ structure and strength are independent then the blast design should be
proaches reviewed in Section 3 are based on the geotechnical testing of a tailored to the downstream requirements depending on the combination
rock mass (e.g., dynamic/static compressive and tensile strength, dy­ of the relative strength, structure, and consistency. Furthermore, they
namic/static deformation modulus, and fracture toughness) with some suggested that a relative blastability between the rock inside and outside
measure of the quantification of structural discontinuity (e.g., spacing, a blast area should be considered for the prediction of over and under
fracture frequency, and block size). A qualitative comparison of blast­ breaks.
ability assessments has been prepared in the Appendix.
To quantify the correlations between the blastability parameters, the
rock engineering system (RES) was used by (Latham and Lu, 1999). 4.2. Comparisons
Table 23 shows their correlations, highlighted to identify highly
correlated parameters. Two main clusters appear, one indicating a range To better comprehend the performance of different blastability
assessment approaches, a few of the main blastability assessments

Table 23
The rock engineering system interaction matrix for blastability assessment (high correlations have been coloured green and low are red) (data from Lu and
Latham, 1999a).

σci σti ρr Ei cp SHRV υr KIC MIBS Df RQD (cj , φj)

σci 1 0.65 0.7 0.85 0.65 0.55 0.4 0.75 0.5 0.55 0.3 0.4

σti 0.75 1 0.4 0.45 0.65 0.5 0.4 0.65 0.6 0.45 0.5 0.5

ρr 0.9 0.75 1 0.8 0.7 0.8 0.45 0.5 0.25 0.25 0.2 0.2

Ei 0.8 0.5 0.7 1 0.6 0.6 0.55 0.25 0.25 0.3 0.45 0.15

cp 0.45 0.65 0.7 0.45 1 0.5 0.25 0.45 0.45 0.4 0.25 0.45

SHRV 0.7 0.5 0.75 0.4 0.5 1 0.25 0.45 0.35 0.35 0.45 0.4

υr 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.65 0.25 0.45 1 0.5 0.2 0.25 0.25 0.15

KIC 0.5 0.7 0.2 0.2 0.15 0.5 0.35 1 0.4 0.25 0.2 0.3

MIBS 0.25 0.3 0.25 0.5 0.35 0.25 0.3 0.4 1 0.8 0.65 0.45

Df 0.65 0.6 0.3 0.35 0.25 0.35 0.4 0.55 0.65 1 0.8 0.2

RQD 0.45 0.45 0.2 0.6 0.6 0.45 0.2 0.15 0.5 0.55 1 0.25

(cj , φj) 0.25 0.65 0.1 0.3 0.45 0.25 0.15 0.5 0.55 0.25 0.3 1

E.F. Salmi and E.J. Sellers Engineering Geology 281 (2021) 105970

100 MPa (Brent et al., 2002). To account for the effects of uncertainties
in rock strength on the outcomes of fragmentation, the authors have
performed a Monte Carlo simulation. The outcomes of the analyses are
shown in Fig. 25. This figure indicates the frequency of the mean frag­
ment size (xm, or k50) for 5000 random simulations achieved from the
above-mentioned models.
As can be seen in Fig. 25, the mean/median fragment size, xm, or k50,
has a normal distribution with a mean around 162 to 164 mm for
Rustan’s approaches (see Eqs. 47 and 48), about 201 mm for the inte­
grated Swebrec and Scott’s model, and approximately around 123 mm
for the DF model. Both Rustan’s approach and the distribution-free (DF)
model underestimate the mean particle size which is close to 200 mm
(see the curve of the measured data in Fig. 24). However, the integrated
KCO and Scott’s approach has provided a very good estimation of this
parameter (xm = 201 mm).
Fig. 24. Particle size distribution estimated based on the integrated KCO and
Scott’s approach, Rustan’s approach, and the distribution-free model against
4.3. Incorporation of geological variabilities
the measured data.

Rock masses are inherently heterogeneous (Jimeno et al., 1995),

explained in the paper are used on data from a published case study. The
often bedded, jointed, or schistose and foliated (Hohlfeld and Muller,
geotechnical properties of the rocks and the blast design parameters
1999) which leads to anisotropic behaviors (Ghosh and Daemen, 1993;
were extracted from the relevant studies (Brent et al., 2002; Kanchibotla
Hohlfeld and Muller, 1999). These result in micro-and macro-scale
et al., 1998). The same data are directly fed into each approach or,
heterogeneities in rocks (Hohlfeld and Muller, 1999), especially in
where needed, used to estimate the required input parameters. Fig. 24
mines where mineralisation and alterations vary considerably (Yildirim
compares the prediction of the particle size distribution of rock frag­
et al., 2014). Other factors such as the water content can affect the blast
ments (BBSD) achieved from the blastability assessments used in
outcomes, though they are seldom considered (Bohloli and Hovén,
Rustan’s approach (see Section 3.2.5), the integrated KCO, and Scott’s
blastability model (see Eqs. 11, 16, 20, and 31 and Fig. 5), and the
Most blastability models provide only a minimal explanation of how
distribution-free model (see Section 3.6.4), against the measured frag­
the structural discontinuities should be quantified, and this can lead to
mentation data at the Kalgoorlie Consolidated Gold Mine Pty Ltd
differences in interpretation (Scott et al., 2006, 2009). Ambiguous
(KCGM) Fimiston Mine. It is also noted that the predictions are different
phrases such as the ‘spacing’ or ‘orientation’ of ‘principal discontinu­
and depend on the quality of the data used in the calculations and
ities’, ‘principal planes of weakness’, and ‘fracture frequency’ are
seldom clarified in the blastability assessment approaches (Ashby, 1981;
The geotechnical studies in the KCGM mine site showed that the rock
Lilly, 1986). For example, in geological logging (e.g., (Palmstrom,
strength varies between (50 MPa to 150 MPa) with a mean of around
1996)) ‘discontinuities’ can be natural or induced, and yet ‘spacing’ only

Fig. 25. Outcomes of Monte Carlo simulation for the prediction of the mean particle size (Cases A, and B: Rustan’s formulations, Case C: Integrated KCO and Scott’s
approach, and Case D: the distribution-free model).

E.F. Salmi and E.J. Sellers Engineering Geology 281 (2021) 105970

refers to the perpendicular distance between the natural joints. The 2014). Similarly, blastability assessment measures need to evolve from
‘principal joint’ will depend on the blast design and will be difficult to using point samples from laboratory or field tests. To apply a 3D blast­
identify in highly structured rock masses. The term ‘fracture frequency’ ability approach, the dynamic spatial distribution of energy and stress
(e.g., Scott et al., 2006) implies the spacing between the induced dis­ waves needs to be considered before the blast design (Kleine, 1991), and
continuities, though it probably includes any discontinuity and will also the mine needs to be flexible enough to modify the blast design pa­
depend on the drill hole direction. The move to quantification using the rameters or explosive properties between, or even along, the blast holes.
in-situ block size distribution (IBSD) better expresses the potential for
the rock mass to break into parts already created by geological factors 4.4.1. Geostatistical methods
and previously induced blast damage. The second aim of this literature review was to identify options for
Further confusion can arise as a ‘discontinuous joint’ is defined to be the 3D distribution of blastability to help blast engineers to improve the
not continuous through the rock mass (e.g., (Palmstrom, 1996)), and it rock fragmentation, based on the constraints dictated by the down­
lacks persistence. Persistence is not included in any of the blastability stream processes. Incorporating a 3D distribution of blastability has
models, except those that involved sophisticated discrete fracture previously been proposed. For example, Scott et al. (2006) suggested the
network modellings (e.g., (Hamdi, 2003)) and would be best repre­ use of geotechnical or blastability domains to define regions of similar
sented as an equivalent rock mass strength (Zhang, 2010). The first blast design. To derive a finer resolution, Jackson et al. (2014) prepared
linkage of strength to scale in blastability was suggested by (Sanchidrián a block model of blastability for a gold mine (see Fig. 27 and Table 24).
and Ouchterlony, 2017a, 2017b). Further consideration of the strength Seven lithology zones were used to domain the rock strength, the
scale and variability is needed for differential blasting approaches in number of fractures per drill run of the exploration drill hole was con­
mines with rapidly varying lithology and alteration (e.g., (Walters, verted to fractures per meter, and 66,000 density measurements were
2017)). allocated by lithology. The drill hole data was interpolated to each block
To highlight the need to consider the variability of strength within by the inverse weighted distance (IWD) method. ‘Mine to Mill’ blast
blastability, Fig. 26 shows the box and jitter chart for a copper-gold design changes to bench geometry, blast patterns, timing, and quality
mine, fourteen quarries with sieved fragmentation data (Sanchidrián control, guided by the blastability distribution, led to a 46 % improve­
and Ouchterlony, 2017a, 2017b), and a single rock type from an anon­ ment above the design mill capacity on average for hard ores (Gaunt
ymous, multi-metal underground mine. The data shows the significant et al., 2015). In a separate study, geostatistical sequential indicator
variability within a mine, between operations, and even within a single simulation has also been used to predict the spatial variability of Lilly’s
rock type. The high percentage of low strength values in the charts of the blastability index (Shim et al., 2009).
two mine data sets relates to premature test failures on pre-existing The review has shown that there are many correlated parameters and
joints or discontinuities. Geotechnical design approaches select that these parameters are being averaged in complex blastability index
average values or uses probabilistic methods (Young, 1984; Young and formulae. As Cunningham (2005) noted, the fragmentation prediction,
Hoerger, 1988) because a lower strength reduces risk. In blastability based on the conventional Kuz-Ram model (see Eq. 9 and Section 2.2.3),
assessments, if only point or average values are used, it may be prudent still requires a large calibration factor of between -50% and 100%.
to select higher values as being more representative of the rock being Integrating the Swebrec fragmentation model (Ouchterlony, 2005) with
broken at small time scales and close to the blasthole, as mentioned in the blastability assessment proposed by Scott and Onederra (2015a),
the introduction. utilising the fragmentation energy-fan (Ouchterlony et al., 2017) or the
distribution-free model (Sanchidrián and Ouchterlony, 2017a) are,
therefore, recommended as they can provide much better predictions of
4.4. Towards a 3-dimensional, distributed blastability
the fragmentation (see Sections 3.6.3 and 3.6.4). Perhaps it would be
best practice to calibrate the blastability directly from the geological
To advance blasting design, blastability measures need to be devel­
databases or large-scale geophysical surveys? Options for these ap­
oped that are continuous and represent the three-dimensional spatial
proaches are considered in the following sections.
distribution of the rock mass and any variations in the rock mass me­
chanical parameters. Ores, in particular, have chaotic and random
4.4.2. Observational methods
spatial distributions, in the rock masses, that are usually averaged using
Numerous studies have recently been undertaken in engineering
geostatistical methods (Isaaks and Srivastava, 1989). Geo-metallurgy
geology to find methods for the automated characterisation of rock
has evolved to take the available data from the geological database to
masses based on different remote sensing methods. Buyer et al. (2020),
predict process plant throughput and the variabilities (Yildirim et al.,

Fig. 26. Uniaxial compressive strength from A: data from quarries (Sanchidrián and Ouchterlony, 2017a, 2017b), B: a single rock type in an underground multi­
metallic mine (Jackson and Sellers, 2017), and C: an anonymous copper-gold mine.

E.F. Salmi and E.J. Sellers Engineering Geology 281 (2021) 105970

Fig. 27. A section of a blastability block model, BI, and the associated powder factor, pF, for a gold mine (Jackson et al., 2014).

mentioned data analytics and remote sensing methods with geophysical

Table 24
techniques to provide a direct, three-dimensional, view of the rock mass.
Main data types within the drilling database for blastability assessment (Jackson
The fusion and integration of data that is coming from different sources
et al., 2014).
of information with different dimensions is a challenging task (Green­
Data table Key data types
wood et al., 2017). Methods such as self-organizing maps (SOMs) (Fraser
Collars Easting, northing, relative level, length et al., 2012) can be used to identify the best correlations of inputs for the
Survey Depth, azimuth, dip reconstruction of the pseudo-lithological classifications of 3D geophys­
Lithology Lithology, weathering, texture, and deformation
ical data, and are options for building 3D blastability measures. Details
Alteration Supergene type, mode, intensity, alteration type, mode, and
intensity related to the applications of machine learning, ML, techniques for the
Assays Au, Ag, Zn with selected intervals assayed for a wide range of assessment of blastability are, however, out of the scope of this study
multi elements and can be found elsewhere (Azimi et al., 2010; Feng, 1995; Jose Martin
Point load Core-size, calliper, IS(50) (MPa) failure on new or pre-existing
Gonzalez, 2007).
structure, fracture type, estimated uniaxial compressive strength
(UCS) The application of different geophysical techniques for the charac­
Geotechnical Rock quality designation (RQD), number of joint sets, strength, terisation of rock masses, such as ground-penetrating radar (GPR),
data and fracture frequency borehole micro-seismic surveys (BMS), and electrical resistivity to­
Structure Structural types, orientation, and roughness mography (ERT), are explained in the relevant literature (Busato et al.,
Veining Type and intensity
2016; Chen et al., 2018). Geophysical techniques have previously been
Mineralisation Oxide and sulfide minerals and quality
used to characterise rock masses before the design of rock blasts
(Budetta et al., 2001), and measuring damage after the blast (Singer
for example, utilised digital surface mapping techniques (e.g., photo­ et al., 2010). While the strength of a rock is correlated to the P-wave
grammetry) to characterize rock masses and to identify the natural block speed in the rock mass (Zhang, 2016), the seismic parameters like the S-
sizes and shapes in a quarry in Styria, Austria. Li et al. (2019) recently wave speed or seismic Q may be the key to providing useful information
showed that employing non-contact measuring techniques such as related to the integrity of a rock mass by the quantification of the rock
photogrammetry and light detection and ranging (LiDAR) for the auto­ structures (Barton, 2007; Sassa, 1993). The combined attenuation and
mated characterisation of discontinuous rock masses can replace tradi­ velocity data from seismic spectroscopy can also be used for character­
tional mapping techniques for identifying the discontinuity parameters ising the condition of a rock mass (Young et al. (1985); Young et al.
in a drill and blast tunnel. Other automated characterisations of the (1979). Cross-hole acoustic measurement of the wave propagation ve­
discontinuity properties of rock masses (e.g., joint persistence, trace locities and seismic Q, which represent attenuation in the rock mass,
length, orientation, spacing) have also been reported recently (Bolkas have already been used to improve the blast design (McKenzie et al.,
et al., 2018; Riquelme et al., 2015; Vöge et al., 2013; Zhang et al., 2018; 1983; McKenzie et al., 1982). However, to the best of the authors’
Zhang et al., 2019). However, they cannot solely be used for the knowledge, none of these previous studies have directly linked the
assessment of distributed rock mass blastability because of the time and outcomes of geophysical tests to the blastability of rock masses.
expense required to obtain and analyse data and the limited exposure of
the subsequent benches in a working mine (Shang et al., 2018). In other 5. Conclusion
words, the above-mentioned approaches could be disruptive for large
scale mining operations and the surface observations are not enough to This study has provided a comprehensive review of the majority of
characterise the blastability of the whole bench volume. the existing blastability assessment techniques. The main geological and
geotechnical parameters considered in each method have been dis­
4.4.3. Geophysical methods cussed and summarised. More than 30 blastability assessment methods
An alternative approach is to fuse the data obtained from the above- were also grouped based on their input parameters.

E.F. Salmi and E.J. Sellers Engineering Geology 281 (2021) 105970

The review found over 20 parameters that can be included in blast­ assessment approach can provide a simple method for the prediction of
ability. The most common geotechnical parameters contributing to the rock fragmentation with only three parameters. Currently, the choice of
mechanisms of fragmentation included laboratory test data such as the model defines the blastability assessment.
Young’s modulus, density, compressional wave velocity, tensile and It is strongly suggested that future assessments predict the 3D dis­
compressive strength, as well as the rock mass parameters like the tribution of blastability across a mine using geostatistics or geophysics
number, frequency, and mechanical characteristics of the joints or instead of applying the conventional point estimation approaches. A
blocks. It is suggested that it is neither simple nor practical to include all summary table on the applicability of different blastability assessment
of the effective intact rock and rock mass parameters in a blastability approaches for the development of three-dimensional blastability as an
model and that many of these are correlated. Values in the laboratory input to differential blasting was also completed (see the Appendix).
may not represent field values and must be calibrated or extrapolated to This ranking assessment showed that combined approaches are the way
field conditions. forward for the design of differential blasting in heavily heterogeneous
The outcomes of the study showed that the strength and density of ores. Finally, it is important to identify the design that minimises the
the rock mass, and a statistical measure of the in-situ block distribution, differences between the desired and predicted blast outcomes. Regions
are the three factors controlling the behaviour of the rock masses in that can be blasted using simple changes to blasting parameters, such as
blasting. Therefore, a blastability assessment technique should contain a the burden, spacing, and explosive type, should be addressed first. Then,
representation of the highest strength of the intact blocks of rock, the by exception, change the blasting processes to more complicated options
density of the rock, and the spatial distribution of the potential block available to blasting engineers (blast design details are out of the scope
volumes. of this study). The authors have identified the potential for newer ap­
Finally, the question arises as to how to use all of this information? proaches like the energy-fan model and the distribution-free model to be
From a research perspective, there is a need to identify the strength and adapted for the design of selective fragmentation for Grade Engineering.
structural characteristics of a rock mass that are measurable using
simplified geophysics procedures to provide a three-dimensional rock
mass block model. From the blaster’s perspective, an outcomes Declaration of Competing Interest
approach to design is needed, firstly to identify the desired fragmenta­
tion distribution and the geotechnical parameters that will maximise the None
downstream value. The distribution will differ based on the blasting
objective, for example: to maximise the fines in the ‘Mine to Mill’ Acknowledgments
concept; to minimise the fines for quarry blasting; to increase the lump
to fine ratio in iron ores; to generate a maximum yield of large fragments The financial support provided by CSIRO, and Mining3 during this
for Armour and Riprap production; to remove overburden for strip study is highly appreciated. We greatly acknowledge CRCORE for
mining, and to maximise the difference in fragmentation distributions funding projects where the findings of this study could be applied and
between ore and waste in differential blasting. This may not be possible tested. The authors would also like to thank Doctor Andrew Scott,
without significant blast changes and other mining options such as former Director of JKMRC, Professor Gideon Chitombo, from the Sus­
blending. tainable Minerals Institute of the University of Queensland and Mining3,
The question then becomes to select the latest, and simplest, frag­ and Doctor Andrew Kettle from CSIRO and Mining3 for their kind
mentation prediction models, and these are mentioned though detailed technical advice. The invaluable critical comments and suggestions of
elsewhere (Ouchterlony and Sanchidrián, 2019). For example, the anonymous reviewers and the editor of this paper are also greatly
combining the Swebrec size distribution with Scott’s blastability appreciated.

Appendix A. Ranking of the assessments for Suitability for the development of 3D blastiability distribution

Approach Provides a Criteria Ranking Reference

Accounts Considers the Incorporates Can be Easy to Penitential for Sum (No=1,
estimation of
for the effect of the role of used apply and integration Partially=2,
effect of structures on rock density before does not with modern Yes=3)
rock fragmentation in blasting the blast need geophysical
strength (directly/ design special and geological
(directly or indirectly) equipment technologies

Tamrock’s No Partially No No No No No 8 (Tamrock, 1978)

The specific Partially Yes No No Yes No No 12 (Michik and
surface energy Dolgov, 1966)
The central No No Partially No Yes Yes No 12 (Aleksandrov
research et al., 1963)
institute’s (CRI)
Langefors and Partially Yes No No Yes No No 12 (Langefors and
Kihlstrom’s rock Kihlstrom, 1973)
Rock quality index Partially Partially Partially No Partially Partially No 12 (Little, 1976)
Sukhanov’s Partially Partially No No Yes Yes No 13 (Sukhanov and
classification Kutuzov, 1967)
No Yes Partially Yes Partially No No 13 (Zou, 2017)
(continued on next page)

E.F. Salmi and E.J. Sellers Engineering Geology 281 (2021) 105970

(continued )
Approach Provides a Criteria Ranking Reference
Accounts Considers the Incorporates Can be Easy to Penitential for Sum (No=1,
estimation of
for the effect of the role of used apply and integration Partially=2,
effect of structures on rock density before does not with modern Yes=3)
rock fragmentation in blasting the blast need geophysical
strength (directly/ design special and geological
(directly or indirectly) equipment technologies

Chinese cratering
Chinese three in No Yes Partially No Yes No Partially 13 (Zou, 2017)
one model
Blastability No Partially Partially No Yes Yes No 13 (Christaras and
quality system Chatziangelou,
(BQS) 2014)
Powder factor Partially Yes No No Yes Yes No 14 (Shapiro, 1988)
estimation for
Protodyakonov’s Partially Yes No No Yes Yes No 14 (Protodyakonov,
strength index 1962a, 1962b)
Cratering test Partially Yes Yes Yes No No No 14 (Globa, 1972)
NTNU’s Partially Yes No Yes Yes No No 14 (Zare, 2007)
Kuz-Ram model Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No 15 (Cunningham,
1983; Kuznetsov,
Rock compressive Partially Yes No No Yes Yes Partially 15 (Mohamed et al.,
and tensile 2015)
Rock quality Partially Partially Yes No Yes Yes No 15 (Borquez, 1981)
Combined Lilly’s Partially Yes Yes No Yes Partially No 15 (Page, 1985)
index and GSI
Acoustic No Yes Partially Yes Yes No Partially 15 (Müller and
impedance Pipping, 2013)
Lu and Latham’s Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Partially 16 (Latham and Lu,
blastability 1999; Lu, 1997)
Da Gama’s Index Yes Partially Yes No Yes Yes No 16 (Da Gama, 1995)
Critical fracture Partially Yes Yes Yes Yes No Partially 17 (Rakishev, 1981)
velocity index
Qu’s blastability Partially Yes Yes Yes No Partially Yes 17 (Qu et al., 2002)
Mosinets’ No Yes Yes Yes Yes Partially Partially 17 (Mosinets et al.,
blastability and 1967)
Ashby’s design Partially No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 18 (Ashby, 1981)
Khanukaev’s Partially Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No 18 (Khanukaev,
classification 1962)
Hamdi’s Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Partially 18 (Hamdi, 2003;
Classification Hamdi and du
System Mouza, 2005a,
Rustan’s model Yes Yes Partially Yes Yes No Yes 18 (Rustan et al.,
Lilly’s blastability Partially Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Partially 19 (Lilly, 1986)
Distribution-free Yes Yes Yes Partially Yes Yes Yes 20 (Sanchidrian and
model Ouchterlony,
Fragmentation Yes Yes Yes Yes Partially Partially Yes 19 (Ouchterlony
energy-fan et al., 2017)
Kutuzov’s model Partially Yes Yes Yes Yes Partially Partially 18 (Kutuzov et al.,
Scott’s blastability Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 21 (Scott and
approach Onederra, 2015a,

A.1. List of parameters and symbols used in the review paper

E.F. Salmi and E.J. Sellers Engineering Geology 281 (2021) 105970

Parameter Description Unit

a impact penetrant-specific work J/cm3

A Kuz-Ram rock type factor in the FEF model (–)
Ab Area of the hole m2
Afr Area of fractures m2
AI Anisotropy index (–)
Aj Joints area in 1 m3 of rock m2/m3
AK-R Kuz-Ram rock factor (–)
An& Av Anisotropy parameters in Hamdi’s model (–)
Ap P-dependent rock factor (–)
Ar Face surface of the total blast installation m2
B Burden m
Bc Critical burden m
BBSD Blasted block size distribution (–)
BCL Bottom charge length m
BD Lu and Latham’s blastability designation (–)
BI Lilly’s blastability index (–)
Bi Lu and Latham’s blastability index linked to the E-B-C model (–)
Bm The maximum burden in De Gama’s model m
Bmax Maximum burden m
BQS blastability quality system (–)
C Rock cohesion MPa
Cb Constraint factor (–)
CCL Column charge length m
CDG De Gama’s Fragmentation factor kwh/kg
CF Fraenkel’s rock factor (–)
CIn Connectivity index %
cis Site constants in Qu’s blastability approach (–)
CLK Langefors and Kihlstrom’s rock factor (–)
CLK_m Langefors and Kihlstrom’s modified rock factor (–)
cp P-wave velocity km/Sec or m/Sec
Cp-av Average P-wave speed in anisotropic rocks m/Sec
Cpy P-wave speed parallel to foliation m/sec
Cpz P-wave speed perpendicular to foliation m/sec
CR Crater radius mm
Db Drill bit diameter m
Df The fractal dimension of IBSD (–)
DFN Discrete fracture network (–)
Eb Entire blast energy kg.m/m2
Ec Blast energy absorbed by the calorimeter kg.m/m2
Ed The dynamic Young’s modulus of rocks MPa
Ef Fragmentation energy in Lu and Latham’s model Kwh/tonne
eis Site constants in Qu’s blastability approach (–)
ERQD Equivalent rock quality designation (–)
Es Surface energy of rock fractures kg.m/m2
Es Static Young’s modulus of rocks MPa
F Thrust force N
fa Attenuation factor (–)
fd The density factor is Scott’s blastability model (–)
fe Explosive factor in Qu’s approach (–)
ff Fracture frequency 1/m
FI Fragmentation index’ (–)
fp Protodyakonov’s strength index (–)
FQF Fragmentation quality factor (–)
Fr De Gama’s fragmantability index kWh/tonne
Fr De-Gama’s fragmentability factor (–)
fr Rock factor in Qu’s approach (–)
fst Scott’s structure factor (–)
ft(Π t) Delay time function in the DF model (–)
FV1 The first term of the critical fracture velocity associated with solids m/sec
FV2 The second term of the critical fracture velocity associated with fractures m/sec
g Acceleration due to gravity m/sec2
H $ Hb Bench height m
h, κ, and λ P-dependent factors in the DF model (–)
Hr Hardness parameter in Lilly’s approach (–)
i The roughness of joint surfaces Degree
IBSD In-situ block size distribution m
Ir Acoustic impedance of rocks kg/(Sec.m2)
Is(50)&PLSI Point load strength index MPa
Jo Joint orientation factor in the DF model (–)
JPO Joint plane orientation in Lilly’s model (–)
JPS Joint plane spacing in Lilly’s model (–)
Js Joint spacing factor in the DF model (–)
Jv Volumetric joint count 1/m3
K Chinese fragmentation index (–)
k Fragmentation shape factor (–)
K1 The fraction of fragments larger than 300 mm %
(continued on next page)

E.F. Salmi and E.J. Sellers Engineering Geology 281 (2021) 105970

(continued )
Parameter Description Unit

K2 The fraction of fragments smaller than 50 mm %

k50 Mean/average fragment size cm
kd Joint opening and filling empirical coefficient (–)
KIC Fracture toughness MPa m1/2
L & Lc Charge length m
Lb Blasthole length m
LC Characteristic size in the DF model m
M Average of xm and Xm m
MIBS mean in-situ block dimension m
n Uniformity index in the Rosin-Rammler type distributions (–)
N Chinese blastability number (–)
NCIn Non-connectivity index (%)
nf Uniformity factor in Schuhmann distibution (–)
P(x)IBSD The PSD of in-situ blocks %
Pd detonation pressure MPa
PPVc Critical peak particle velocity mm/Sec
PR Penetration rate m/min
q Powder factor kg/m3
Qe Total mass of charge per blasthole Kg
Qeh The heat generated by the firing of a charge (Specific potential energy of charge) MJ/kg
R The characteristic size of a rock mass m
rc Charge radius mm
RDI Rock density index in Lilly’s model (–)
Rf Fragmentation ratio (–)
RG&D Rock geotechnical and design factor (–)
Rj Ratings based on rock engineering system,RES, in Lu and Latham’s model (–)
RMD Rock mass description (–)
RMi Rock mass index (–)
RMR Rock mass rating (–)
RQD Rock quality designation (–)
Rv The ratio of the explosive volume to the borehole volume (–)
RWS Relative weight strength (–)
S Spacing m
SD Specific drilling m/m3
Sd Sub-drilling m
SDE specific drilling energy N/m2
Se Weight strength of the charge (–)
SEs Specific surface energy kg.m/m2
Sg Specific blasting effect Ns/m3
SHRV Schmidt Hammer Rebound Value (–)
Si The spacing of different joint sets m
Sj-av Average joint spacing m
SPR NTNU Rock blastability index (kg/m3)
SS1 The specific surface of pre-existing discontinuities m2
SS2 The specific surface of interconnected discontinuities m2/m3
T Drilling torque N-m
t Drilling time min
tb Delay time Sec
U Strain energy MPa
U* Specific fracture energy MPa
UCS Uniaxial Compressive Strength MPa
V Rock volume to be broken after 480 impacts for drilling cm3
Vc The volume of fragmented rock in blasting crater m3
Vd Detonation velocity m/sec
Vfr The volume of fragmented rock m3
We Work index of rocks in Bond’s theory kWh/tonne
wj The weighting of different parameters in Lu and Latham’s model (–)
Wt Total impact work of 480 freely falling of the drill hammer J
xm mean fragment size cm
Xm Mean block size of IBSD m
xm Mean fragment size of BBSD m
Xmax Top fragment size in the IBSD m
xmax Top fragment size in the BBSD m
xp Percentile or size value for which P percent of material passes m or mm
xr The representative particle size of the muck pile mm
αp The P-dependent exponent of q in the FEF model (–)
β Blasthole inclination degrees
ΔA The transformation area in Lu and Latham’s model (–)
ε Strain m/m
η The efficiency of blast fragmentation (–)
μ Friction coefficient (–)
νd Dynamic Poisson’s ratio (–)
ρce Charging density of explosive tonne/m3
ρe Density of explosives Kg/m3
ρr Rock density tonne/m3
σci& σc & UCS Compressive strength of rock specimens MPa
(continued on next page)

E.F. Salmi and E.J. Sellers Engineering Geology 281 (2021) 105970

(continued )
Parameter Description Unit

σs The limit strength of rocks MPa

σt Rock tensile strength MPa
σtd Dynamic tensile strength MPa
ϕ Friction angle of discontinuities Degree
ϕb Burden angle of breakage Degree
ω Rotation speed in drilling round/min
Г Gumma function (–)

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