D11 D12 MEA2006 Foundation To Robotics

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Reg. No.

Name :

TERM END EXAMINATIONS (TEE) – December 2023 – January 2024

Programme : B.Tech. Semester : Interim 2023-24
Course Title : FOUNDATION TO ROBOTICS Course Code : MEA2006
Faculty Name : Dr. Karthik Rao M C Slot : D11+D12
Time : 1½ hours Max. Marks : 50

Answer ALL the Questions

Q. No. Question Description Marks

PART - A ( 30 Marks)
1 (a) With a suitable sketch explain the types of End-effectors. 10
(b) Determine the missing elements of following frame represented if the frame is attached 10
to an object in space. Also show orientation and position of frame F with respect to
? 0 −4 1
? 0 0 4
[ ]
? −2 0 3
0 0 0 2

2 (a) Elaborate Joint and Link parameters with a suitable sketch. 10

(b) The concept of roll, pitch and yaw angles has been used to represent the rotation of a 10
frame (Body) with respect to the reference frame (universal), that is 𝐵𝑅 . The above is
expressed by a 3x3 rotation matrix as given below.
Determine the angles of rolling, pitching and yawing.
−0.750 −0.866 −0.500
[−0.750 −0.250 −0.866]
−0.500 0.433 0.000

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3 (a) Assuming a robotic arm with an end-effector as a milling tool, follow the path (start 10
point-P1-P2-P3-P4-P5-P6-P1) and write the offline program for the same as shown
below in Figure No.1.
Billet size is 60x40x10mm & Tool diameter is 10mm.

Figure No.1
(b) Assuming a robotic arm with an end-effector as a taper turning tool, Establish the offline 10
program for the same as shown in Figure No.2 below. Billet size is ⌀23x60mm.

Figure No.2
PART - B (20 Marks)
4 Surveyor’s measuring rods in 3 or 5 m length are marked in red with 200 mm 10
graduations. There is a choice of two push buttons to start the forward movement of
measuring rods via cylinder, which has the exhaust air throttled. The idle stroke, also
started by a push button, can only take place when the double acting cylinder has reached
its forward end position.
Draw a Manual pneumatic circuit for the above problem statement as shown in the
Figure No.3. (Explanation not required)

Figure No.3

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5 With a proper example, explain Absolute (point to point) and Incremental (Continuous) 10
coordinate system. Also elaborate the working of LVDT and Optical type encoder.

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