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Your Name: Donald Harris

Agency Name/Address/Phone/Website:
Kenosha Housing Authority
625 52nd St. Room 98
Kenosha, WI 53140
Phone #: (262) 653.4120
Website: Housing Authority - City of Kenosha

Client Population(s) Served by the Agency:

Homeless, at risk of homelessness, fleeing, or attempting to flee, domestic
violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, or human trafficking, or recently
homeless men, women, and children.

Agency Programs and Services:

The KCHA offers the following programs:

• No interest Housing Rehabilitation Loan Program to for homeowners and

rental-unit property owners.
• No Interest Homestead Opportunity Loan Program to renters to assist with
the purchase of a home.
• Emergency Housing Vouchers and Section 8

Type of Agency (Public/Private Sector and Non-Profit/For-Profit):

Public Sector/Non-Profit Agency

Funding Source of Agency:

The KCHA has secured funding and continues to seek out new funding from a
variety of Federal and State sources.

Source of Information:
LYN ELVETICI – Executive Director, and the website

Internet Search:
According to the Wisconsin Balance of State Continuum of Care 2020 Report, 18,883 people
experience homelessness in Wisconsin and Kenosha County represents 4% of Wisconsin’s
homeless population.
Overall Impressions:
The Kenosha Housing Authority is a much-needed resource in a community effected by
homelessness and a gross disparity in homeownership for minorities. This agency has programs
to aid people with transitional housing as well as helping individuals become homeowners
through affordable loans and assistance. They have a good history of being responsive to
people’s needs and very communicable and client oriented.

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