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Rasmus Aabye Olsen Ørsted

Manager of HV Cable Specialists at Ørsted
København, Hovedstaden, Danmark Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
1 t følgere · 500+ forbindelser

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As a dedicated leader I am always looking for opportunities to expand my network and enhance my
competences within both leadership and management. I strive to be at the top of my profession and I
have, during my PhD, as chief engineer and team lead with Energinet and now as department manager
at Ørsted, been fortunate to work with highly skilled engineers, managers and leaders. My career path
has made me reach a position where I can now focus on setting directions, leading people and finding
business optimizations - enabling us achieving greater results for the company.

As a department manager I am the end responsible for the technical requirements for cable systems and
cable monitoring systems, which includes being responsible for the quality of these systems as well as
the interfaces of the scope. I encourage the team to always push the technical limits as well as project
processes in order to obtain the optimal solution for the company.

I thrive in the international setting that I am in, leading 27 highly skilled and motivated people across
three continents and 13 time zones. We have together created a high degree of team spirit where
support is close by and we always aim to create better projects tomorrow that we did yesterday. We
develop ourselves with the same attitude (being better specialists tomorrow than yesterday) and this
enables us being highly acknowledged for our solutions in the world wide cable community.

As a PhD student and M.Sc.EE, I have a strong background within power systems which is not easy to
forget and should not be neglected, however presently I see these qualifications more as valuables in the
backpack rather than key competences in my leadership position. What I therefore focus on now is
people motivation, people development, strategic initiatives, process development and staffing.

Specialties: Leading a team, setting strategic direction, process development, analyzing complex
situations, research and development (R&D) activities, transmission cable design and operation


We are increasing our efforts on the digital side of High

Voltage Cable engineering. Become part of a great team
spread across the world. You will…
Delt af Rasmus Aabye Olsen

Last chance to apply for this amazing position. Join our

department of almost 30 cable specialists, this position is
in Ørsted's Kuala Lumpur office.…
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Ready to start your next adventure? Let me be your tour

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Tilmeld dig for at se al aktivitet

Manager of HV Cable Specialists
mar. 2019 – nu · 3 år 9 måneder
Copenhagen Area, Denmark
In this position I lead one of the (if not the) top rated HV Cable Specialist departments in the
The position includes both people management - and more importantly leading - of 27
employees, process development and setting the strategic direction of the cable area.
The department is responsible for technical solutions of the cable system (onshore as well as
offshore) and cable monitoring systems.

In order to attract the right people to the team and keep the team on their toes we are
focusing significantly on development and making better projects tomorrow than we did
yesterday. Here my stake as leader has mostly been on emphasizing the importance of
development as well as people development ensuring that we are also all better specialists
tomorrow than we were yesterday.

I started up this department and has over the first couple of years developed it to have a
clear scope and target. Moreover; I have been able to attract a number of world leading
experts within cable technology to join our department enabling Ørsted to maintain the
position as world leader in offshore wind.
From starting the department where it was totally European based, we are now spread
across 3 continents and 13 time zones. It requires a certain management and leadership
attitude to make it work as effectively as our team it performing.

If you have read this far I can only encourage you to join our amazing team - look out for
openings at

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4 år 5 måneder

Chief Engineer
maj 2018 – feb. 2019 · 10 måneder
Ballerup, Region Hovedstaden, Danmark
In this job I provide technical assistance to cable projects within Energinet's project portfolio
ranging from 132-525 kV, AC and DC, underground and submarine. A key part of the job is to
ever keep improving the technical aspects of Energinet’s transmission grid projects in order for
Energinet to be able to maintain the highest level of security of electricity supply.

The main tasks of the job are:

Converting Energinet’s strategy to processes and technical requirements for transmission grid
Standardisation of technical requirements for HV/EHV cables, including definition of technical
requirements for new cable projects
Technical evaluation of underground and submarine cable tenders, ranging from 132 - 525 kV
Technical assistance to cable projects in progress, herunder:
- Technical assistance in case of errors or deviations Tilmeld dig nu Log ind
- Supervision of prequalification tests, type tests, factory acceptance tests and site acceptance
- Calculating: Ampacity and Temperature (Steady state and dynamic), induced voltages,
magnetic fields
Development and implementation of new methodologies and products within cable
technology, accessories, monitoring equipment (DTS, RTTR, DAS, etc) and installation

This job requires an in depth knowledge of transmission grid component technology,

manufacturing processes and installation. However while the main focus is on HV/EHV cables I
always look broader on optimisation opportunities within transmission grid development.

As the chief engineer within the transmission lines department I am mainly focussed on the
technical parts of cable projects, however I always keep in mind that innovative solutions,
novelties and solutions to problems, have to be practically implementable in the real world. I am
therefore dedicated to be involved in all parts of all the projects which I am a part of, such that
good ideas and know-how can be transferred and utilised across projects.

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Team Lead of Transmission Lines Specialists and Technology

nov. 2016 – feb. 2019 · 2 år 4 måneder
At this position I am leading Energinet's specialists within transmission lines, covering the three
areas of cables, overhead lines and optical fibre systems.
The dedicated specialists in the team takes care of all technical issues related to calculations,
tendering, negotiations, procurement, installation, commissioning and diagnostics within the
three technical areas.
With this position comes furthermore the responsibility of ever enhancing the technical
solutions adopted by Energinet.

The main responsibilities of this job are to:

- Ensure that the right ressources are available to the projects
- Ensure that the employees are developed wihtin their field of expertise, and maintain a high
level of knowledge
- Develop long term goals for the team, as well as closer milestones
- Assist the department manager in personel matters

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Senior Cable Specialist

okt. 2014 – apr. 2018 · 3 år 7 måneder
In this job I was one of two engineers providing technical assistance to cable projects within's project portfolio ranging from 132-525 kV, AC and DC, underground and

The main tasks of the job were:

Definition of technical requirements for cable tenders, provided to cable manufacturers and
civil contractors
Technical evaluation of underground and submarine cable tenders, ranging from 132 - 525 kV
Technical assistance to cable projects in progress, herunder:
- Technical assistance in case of errors or deviations
- Supervision of prequalification tests, type tests, factory acceptance tests and site acceptance
- Calculating: Ampacity and Temperature (Steady state and dynamic), induced voltages,
magnetic fields
Development and implementation of new methodologies and products within cable
technology, accessories, monitoring equipment (DTS, RTTR, DVS, etc) and installation

This job required an in depth knowledge of cable technology, manufacturing processes and
installation. In this job it was my task to obtain an optimised technical cable solution which was
fit for the purpose and suits the requirements all the while the solution maintains an acceptable
budget. I therefore suggests improvements to cable systems which enables cost reductions,
while maintaining the high security of supply that the Danish transmission system is known for.
As the senior cable specialist I am mainly focussed on the technical parts of cable projects,
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however I always keep in mind that innovative solutions, novelties and solutions to problems,
have to be practically implementable in the real world. I am therefore dedicated to be involved
in all parts of all the projects which I am a part of, such that good ideas and know-how can be
transferred and utilised across projects.

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Cable Specialist and Design Engineer

NKT Cables
sep. 2013 – sep. 2014 · 1 år 1 måned
Brøndby, Denmark
The tasks of this job cover all aspects of designing high voltage cable systems rated 33kV to
400kV, including:
- Assessment of the customers’ requirements and needs
- Technical design of power cables to suit the international and customer specific standards
- Assessing cable accessories’ compliance
- Documenting solution
These tasks require in-depth technical understanding of cable technology, materials,
production, installation and testing. The design of a cable system is a comprehensive job
where a lot of engineering skills are required.
First of all an in depth technical understanding of ampacity (also denoted current carrying
capacity) calculations, induced voltages, fault currents and magnetic fields is required.
Furthermore I have found that the best design of a high voltage power cable is found in
cooperation with the customer, and thus technical discussions and economical aspects are
inevitably co-dependent.

Moreover, it has been my task to define and create standardised working and calculation
procedures which e.g. has resulted in the development of a program which enables a
reduction, of the time spent by the engineering department in some projects, by more than

In summary this job has given me the following qualifications:

- Know-how within cable technology, materials, production, installation and testing
- In depth knowledge about cable standards (IEC, IEEE, British Standards (BS), National Grid
(NG), etc)
- Specialist in cable calculations: ampacity, fault currents, induced voltages, magnetic fields,
transient simulations, power loss evaluation
- The technical aspect of project definition and execution (both in the tendering and
execution process)

I have gained in-depth knowledge and hands on experience with the following tools:
- Cymcap
- Comsol Multiphysics
- VBA programming

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PhD Student
aug. 2010 – aug. 2013 · 3 år 1 måned

Erritsø, Fredericia
The work was dedicated to creating methods and models for optimising the ampacity of
transmission cables embedded in large cable based transmission grids.
The position was part of a larger collaboration between the Technical University of Denmark
and, with the goal of finding solutions to the problems arising when
undergrounding large parts of the transmission system.

This was a three years researching position, which was to contribute with new methods to
the researching community.
The job required dissimination in the form of teaching in advanced university courses,
supervision of student projects, writting of papers and articles and presentations at

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As part of the PhD project, I designed and operated different experimental setups, ranging
from small lab experiments to large scale real life experiments.

I was involved in different smaller projects in the company (, where my

experties within transmission cables was utilised. I was, throughout my employment,
involved in social and technical activities in the same way as any of my colleagues.

In this position I especially used the following software packages:

- DigSilent PowerFactory
- Comsol Multiphysics (Finite element method (FEM))
- Matlab

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Visiting Scientist
sep. 2012 – jan. 2013 · 5 måneder
Here I worked together with the worlds most leading expert within dimensioning of power
cables, George Anders, developing mathematical models for temperature simulations. In
addition I witnessed partial discharge (PD) tests on power cables in order to get acquainted
with this topic which receives a significantely growing interessed from the scientific

Board member
Technical University of Denmark
jan. 2009 – dec. 2010 · 2 år
As member of board of directors at the Technical University of Denmark, I was one of the ten
people responsible for the strategy and economy of the entire university.
As a representative of the student at the university, this was a position where I was elected
amongst the students for a two year period.

The board is concerned with ensuring that the strategy of the university is created and
renewed whenever it is necessary, as well as ensuring that the university is on the right

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Student Worker (Now: Global Lightning Protection Services A/S)
okt. 2009 – aug. 2010 · 11 måneder
Creation of test specifications for lightning protection og wind turbines.
High voltage testing of components.
High current testing of components.

The tasks included both creation of computer models and simulation by the Finite Element
Method in Comsol.
Furthermore, components were tested for high voltage and current (swithing and lightning)
transients. These test were performed with the company's own developed technology.

Manager for the PF-Café

jan. 2009 – maj 2010 · 1 år 5 måneder
In this job, I became responsible for purchasing and staffing in PF-Caféen, which is one of
the two branches of S-Huset (The Student House).

In the process I took on a larger responsibility for ensuring a healthier economy in PF-
Caféen. This resulted in the yearly economical result being changed from a deficit to a profit.

Furthermore, the job included the responsibility for the safety, food and health regulations.

PF - Polyteknisk Forening
1 år 1 måned
Board member
feb. 2007 – feb. 2008 · 1 år 1 måned Tilmeld dig nu Log ind
As board member for the student organisation "Polyteknisk Forening" I shared the resposible
with five others, for the strategy, the economy, the employees and the politics of the

This was a one year position where I was elected amongst the students at the Technical
University of Denmark (DTU). My special responsibility was being the president of S-huset (for
specifics see other position on my Linked in profile).

The board of PF handles day to day business, as well as…

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President for the Student House (S-Huset)

feb. 2007 – feb. 2008 · 1 år 1 måned
As president, I was head responsible for the large number of activities which are carried out in
"The Student House". Moreover I was partially responsible for the approximately 100
employees and the day to day business economy.

The tasks included ensuring a healthy working environment for the employees, both physically
and psychologically.
In relation to larger parties and concerts for up to 4000 guests I was responsible for ensuring
the safety as well as a smooth execution of the…

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Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) · Electrical Engineering - Dynamic Loadability of Cable Based
Transmission Grids
2010 – 2013

Technical University of Denmark

M.Sc. · Electrical Engeneering

2009 – 2010
Aktiviteter og foreninger:Hereunder is given a list of extracurriculum activities. Board
member of the student society Polyteknisk Forening, Bartender at the Students House,
Meeting Organiser for the General Assembly of Polyteknisk Forening, Member of the board
of studies at DTU-Nanotech, Member of the board of DTU.
Focus within power system and high voltage engineering.

Master Thesis Title: Analysis of Load Conditions in Wind Turbine Components Including
Thermal Mechanical and Ambient Stresses

Technical University of Denmark

B.Sc. · Physics and Nanotechnology

2005 – 2009
Aktiviteter og foreninger:Hereunder is given a list of extracurriculum activities. Board
member of the student society Polyteknisk Forening, Bartender at the Students House,
Meeting Organiser for the General Assembly of Polyteknisk Forening, Member of the board
of studies at DTU-Nanotech, Member of the board of DTU.
Focus on nano scale materials and their properties.

Bachelor Thesis Title: Electron-Phonon Scattering in Silicon Nanowires

Pure Mathematical DLR Model for Implementation in Embedded IT Systems –
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Modelling Principles and Accuracy
JiCable 2019 · 23. juni 2019
The paper presents the Danish transmission system operator’s development of Dynamic Line Rating
algorithm which allows full integration with the SCADA system. When fully developed, the model can
be directly built into the SCADA system, thereby allowing SCADA-integration of the operational
criteria set out by the DLR. The DLR algorithm is based on a bilinear autoregressive moving average
(ARMA) model representing the dynamics of the cables. The model shows good accuracy compared
to the expected results obtained via IEC methods.

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Andre forfattere

Refurbishment of the Copenhagen Transmission Grid – Project Planning and Execution

JiCable 2019 · 23. juni 2019
This paper presents the planning and execution of a cable project in an urban environment where
tunnels are not deemed a viable option. Planning during different stages of the project is presented
and a number of different obstacles encountered are discussed. It is shown that there are several
important parameters which ensures a successful project. 1. Proper and thorough planning 2. Solid
cable and cable system design 3. Pragmatic approach to problem solving in the field 4. A good

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Andre forfattere

Large Scale Monitoring of Extruded Cables – Review of TSO’s Needs and Options
JiCable 2019 · 23. juni 2019
This paper is a review giving an overview of the different techniques available on the market for
online monitoring of extruded transmission cables. The purpose is to present the cost and benefits of
the different monitoring techniques, as seen from a Transmission System Operator’s (TSO’s) point of
view, and in this way to start a discussion in the cable community about defining standardised
approach for detecting when condition-based maintenance is needed. This leads to the definition of

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Fault Localisation with Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) Service Experience

JiCable 2019 · 23. juni 2019
Installing cables with direct cross-bonding, in ducts, without link box access, etc. it becomes difficult
to perform fault localisation with traditional methods. Therefore, other methods were investigated
for the Danish transmission grid. Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) was found to be a viable option
however limited experience worldwide is freely available. The paper presents the use of DAS for fault
localisation on three different cables where both successful and less successful cases are…

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Andre forfattere

Systematic Description of Dynamic Load for Cables for Off-shore Wind Farms. Method
and Experience
Conference - Cigré Session 2016 · 25. august 2016
This paper suggests a systematic method of describing the dynamic load from offshore wind farms
ending up with a “worst-case dynamic load profile” that with a simple step load curve together with
the thermal properties of the surroundings, provides an unambiguous design basis for cable
sizing/rating. This can be further used in simple dynamic Finite Element Method (FEM) models by
cable manufacturers or designers to model the cable installation conditions. The method is a
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development of the…

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Systematic Description of Dynamic Load for Cables for Offshore Wind Farms. Method
and Experience
Cigre Session · 21. august 2016
With the increasing size of offshore wind farms, the number of array and export cables are also
increasing. Since the cost of cables contribute significantly to the cost of offshore wind farms, there is
an increased focus on improving the transfer capability of each cable, thus reducing the cross section
or even the number of cables.
It has been seen from Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) measurements that cables installed for
offshore windfarms, designed for continuous load, rarely…

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Andre forfattere

Reliability of cable based transmission grids operated based on temperature limits

Conference - Jicable'15 · 23. juni 2015
Investigations have been conducted on the reliability of supply when utilising Electrothermal
Coordination (ETC) in cable based transmission grids. Increasing the loadability of cables with online
dynamic thermal rating calculations will increase the flexibility in the transmission system, and thus
also the reliability of supply. It is shown that a high reliability of supply can be maintained, even when
expecting a highly loaded transmission system in the coming hours.

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Electrothermal coordination in cable based transmission grids operated under market

based conditions
Conference - Jicable'15 · 22. juni 2015
Electrothermal coordination (ETC) is a fairly novel concept, where the temperature of all cables in the
transmission grid is monitored in real time and can be predicted on the basis of measured and
predicted load conditions. Until now ETC has been of mainly academic interest, but this paper
describes how ETC can be implemented in transmission systems as they look today, taking into
account both political decisions and market based conditions. The description of implementation
strategies is…

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Electrothermal Coordination in Cable Based Transmission Grids

Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on (Volume:28 , Issue: 4 ) · 27. august 2013
Electrothermal coordination (ETC) is introduced for cable based transmission grids. ETC is the term
covering operation and planning of transmission systems based on temperature, instead of current.
ETC consists of one part covering the load conditions of the system and one covering the thermal
behavior of the components. The dynamic temperature calculations of power cables are suggested
to be based on thermoelectric equivalents (TEEs). It is shown that the thermal behavior can be built
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Modelling of Dynamic Transmission Cable Temperature Considering Soil-Specific Heat,

Thermal Resistivity, and Precipitation
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery · 1. juli 2013
This paper presents an algorithm for the estimation of the time-dependent temperature evolution of
power cables, when real-time temperature measurements of the cable surface or a point within its
vicinity are available. The thermal resistivity and specific heat of the cable surroundings are varied as
functions of the moisture content which is known to vary with time. Furthermore, issues related to
the cooling effect during rainy weather are considered. The algorithm is based on the lumped…

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Dynamic temperature estimation and real time emergency rating of transmission

IEEE - PES General Meeting 2012 · jul. 2012
This paper is concerned with the development of a
fast computational methodology for dynamical estimation of the
temperature in transmission cables solely based on current
measurements and an enhanced version of the lumped
parameters model, also denoted thermo electric equivalents
(TEE). It is found that the calculated temperature estimations
are fairly accurate - within 1.5oC of the finite element method
(FEM) simulation to which it is compared - both when looking…

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Analysis of Load Conditions in Wind Turbine Components

Proceedings of EWEA Offshore 2011 · 29. november 2011
The present paper introduces a new methodology of characterising the electrical load conditions in
wind turbine components. It is the intention that the research is to contribute to giving possible
explanations to reduced lifetimes and even early breakdown of electrical components in wind
turbines such that these breakdowns ultimately can be prevented. In the paper are presented
electrical load conditions as divided into a static and a dynamic part. The static load conditions are
concerned with…

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Real Time Load Optimisation of Cable Based Transmission Grids

Real Time Load Optimisation of Cable Based Transmission Grids
Conference - Jicable11 · 21. juni 2011
Tilmeld dig nu Log ind has launched an investigation of dynamic current ratings of cable based transmission
grids, where both internal and external parameters are variables. The first topic was to investigate
state of the art within calculating the current carrying capacity (ampacity or loadability) of cables
embedded in larger cable systems. Some recently published research has been concerned with
dynamic loadability, but such researches are based on many assumptions. It is shown in the paper,
that only…

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Andre forfattere

Se udgivelse

Frequency Dependent Losses in Transmission Cable Conductors

NORD-IS · 2011

Andre forfattere

Advanced Engineering Mathematics 1

Advanced Engineering Mathematics 2


Analog Electronics

Analysis of Load Conditions in Wind Turbine Components Including Thermal

Mechanical and Ambient Stresses
Master Thesis

Analysis of the Electric and Climatic Environment in Wind Turbines

Special Course

Condensed Matter Physics and Nanoscale Materials Physics


Continuous Time Signals and Linear Systems


Electric Power Engineering, fundamentals


Electromagnetism for physicists


Electron-Phonon Scattering in Silicon Nanowires

Bachelor Thesis

Emerging Energy Technologies


Fundamental Chemistry
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High Voltage Engineering


High power elektronics


Integration of wind power in the power system


Introduction to Biophysics

Introduction to Complex Systems and Chaos


Introduction to Programming in Labview


Introduction to Statistics

Introductory Programming with Matlab


Linear Control Design 1


Materials Science

Mechanics and Physical Modeling


Micro 1: Solid-state Electronics & Microtechnology


10034, Physics Project

Physics and Nanotechnology


Power Electronics 1

Power System Operation


Quantum Mechanics

Stability and Control in Electric Power Systems


Technology, economics, management and organisation


Theory of science in engineering


Thermodynamics and statistical physics

Thermodynamics and statistical physics
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Transients in power systems


Komplet professionel færdighed

Modersmåls- eller tosprogsfærdighed

Flere aktiviteter af Rasmus Aabye I am already part of this, are

you? If not then now is the time to join our vision to create
a world that runs entirely on…
Delt af Rasmus Aabye Olsen

Samme brønd to dage senere! 😳😳 Efter en 3D scanning

af brønden er der produceret en ny bund og sider som vi
har installeret på to dage. Alle…
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Every Russian citizen should have seen the speech of the

president of Ukraine and is entitled to know the truth! This
needs to stop!!!! #Ukraine…
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LinkedIn DELETED this post and photo from last week.

Remember the First Amendment? Freedom of Speech 💯
My post was not hostile, abusive or…
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I am recruiting in Malaysia to support Ørsted's offshore

wind portfolio and global growth. So if you are a
mechanical engineer, eligible to working…
Delt af Rasmus Aabye Olsen

What a way to kick off the weekend! We’ve just been told
by the State of Maryland, US, that we’ve been selected to
build a 846 MW offshore wind farm…
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I have opened a Student Assistant position. So If you have

a couple of years' left of your engineering studies this is an
interesting position for…
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Nyt Job fra 1/11 👍👍 Jeg har altid villet Energinet, og

heldigvis virker det til at være gensidigt, nu hvor jeg pr. 1.
november er blevet udnævnt…
Rasmus Aabye Olsen synes godt om dette

I am hiring for my fantastic team of 18 specialist dealing

with HV cables for Ørsted's offshore windfarms. This time I
am hiring for three quite…
Delt af Rasmus Aabye Olsen

"I am back in my office after a much needed week of rest

and recovery. You are likely wondering why I look so
different, “Did she color her hair? Is…
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Kære netværk I dag er det 3 uger siden at vi kom retur til

DK efter 16 fantastiske måneder i Grønland. Det har været
en kæmpe oplevelse både fagligt…
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A good reminder 👇 "Just an FYI. You can do what you love

and still be tired. You can do what you love and still
become burnt out. You can do what…
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How a Gas Turbine works. #gasnatural #gasturbines

#siemens #powerplant #gasindustry #gasprocessing
#generator #steamturbine
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”Når et bredt flertal i Folketinget erklærer, at

universiteterne skal skærpe opsynet med vores forskeres
videnskabelige praksis, rokker de ved en…
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Folk kiggede også på

Georgios Cheimonas
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Cable Specialist at Ørsted


Lukas Domurath
Cable Monitoring Specialist at Ørsted

Thomas Kvarts
Senior Lead, Principal HV Cable Specialist at Ørsted Wind Power

Mikkel Stæhr
Head of Power Generation SCADA at Ørsted

Lukasz Brewka
Head of Department - OT Communication Systems at Ørsted

Søren Hindbo
Vice Precident at Ørsted
Syddanmark, Danmark

Morten Terkelsen
Director - Head of HV Cables
Syddanmark, Danmark

James Pilgrim
Senior Lead Cable Specialist at Ørsted

Andrew Foster
Technical Manager
London og omegn, Storbritannien

Ahmad Aizat Ahmad Zaki

HV Mechanical Cable Specialist at Orsted
Selangor, Malaysia

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Daily Habits to Live Sustainably

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Rasmus Aabyes offentligt profilbadge

Inkluder denne LinkedIn-profil på andre websteder

Rasmus Aabye Olsen

Manager of HV Cable Specialists at Ørsted

Manager of HV Cable Specialists hos Ørsted

Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

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