Reading Competiton For English

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1) Old man and the sea

An old Cuban fisherman, Santiago, returns from eighty-four
days of unsuccessful fishing empty-handed. Manolin, his
young apprentice, is forced to leave the old man to fish on a
richer boat by his parents. Santiago sails farther than normal
because he is determined to make the biggest catch of his
life. He sees what he thinks to be the biggest marlin he has
ever seen on the seventh day. The sharks keep eating the
fish after Santiago uses a harpoon thrust to kill the marlin.
Santiago criticizes himself for sacrificing his strong opponent
and goes too far. The massive marlin is mistaken for a shark
by tourists the following morning. After Manolin discovers
Santiago is safe, the two go fishing once more.
2)The call of the wild
A strong dog, Buck, is taken by a gardener and sold to Santa
Clara Valley dog dealers in California. He is transferred to the
Canadian Klondike region, where he encounters cruelty and
violence. Francois and Perrault, two mail carriers employed
by the Canadian government, come to own him. The lead
dog, Spitz, and Buck become deadly rivals, and Buck ends up
killing Spitz. The American gold hunters who purchase the
dogs are unskilled and unfit for the wilderness. As Buck's
love for Thornton deepens, he turns into a mythical
character who fathers a large number of pups and creates
terror in the Yeehats.
3) Of mice and men
Two migrant workers named Lennie and George are taken
off their farm in California and made to camp together. They
meet Candy, an elderly handyman, and Curley, the boss's
son, but their shared hope of purchasing property and
starting a farm is dashed. The expert mule driver Slim
remarks on how rare George and Lennie's friendship is. They
agree not to tell anyone else about their intentions to
purchase land. Most of the guys head to the brothel the
following night, leaving Lennie with Candy and Crooks.
Lennie accidentally kills his pup and Curley's wife when she
makes flirtatious comments to them. After Lennie runs to a
pool, George follows him and tells the story of their farm's
story before killing him with Slim's gun before Curley

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