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Lampiran A

Terms of Reference and Scope of Services

Social Safeguards Specialist WB - Indonesian Environment Fund
Mangrove for Coastal Resilience (M4CR) Project

A. Background and Context

Indonesia’s mangrove ecosystems are the largest and most productive in the world. Spanning around 3.4
million hectares (ha), Indonesia’s mangroves account for over 20 percent of the total global mangrove area
(MoEF, National Mangrove Map, 2021). Indonesia’s mangroves have high biodiversity importance.
Indonesia’s mangroves serve as crucial fisheries habitat (nursery, habitat, and source of food) and are
home to numerous endangered, threatened, and unique animal species such as birds, insects, mammals
and reptiles. Mangroves are the main habitat for the endangered Proboscis Monkey, found in Indonesia
and endemic to Borneo (Mangrove Action Project, 2015). In addition, mangroves stores significant amounts
of blue carbon and mitigate climate change. Overall, Indonesia’s mangroves store 3.1 billion tons of carbon
(Alongi et al., 2016) – equivalent to the greenhouse gas emissions produced by approximately 2.5 billion
vehicles driven for one year.

Despite their significant value, mangroves are threatened by deforestation and unsustainable use.
Conversion to aquaculture ponds accounts for almost 50 percent of the loss, followed more recently by the
development of oil palm plantations, which account for 16 percent of mangrove loss in Indonesia (Richards
and Friess 2016.). The degradation and loss of mangroves put coastal communities, which are heavily
dependent on these coastal resources, at risk.

Given the critical importance of mangroves for livelihoods, resilience and the climate, the Government of
Indonesia in 2020 announced the National Mangrove Rehabilitation Program, a presidential priority and
aims to rehabilitate 600,000 hectares of degraded mangroves by 2024. The program is conducted by
several ministries, led by the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Investment (MoMAI), Ministry of Environment
and Forestry (MoEF), Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF), and Peatland and Mangrove
Restoration Agencies (BRGM), with involvement from the private sector and civil society organizations. The
Program is supported by development partners, including the World Bank, through the forthcoming
Mangroves for Coastal Resilience (M4CR) project.

The M4CR project is expected to protect and restore critical mangrove ecosystems, enhance global public
goods (ecosystem services, carbon storage, habitat for species) and reduce disaster risk to coastal
communities in four provinces: Riau, South Sumatra, North Kalimantan and East Kalimantan. The project
will also contribute to the Government of Indonesia’s ambition of turning the land use sector into a carbon
sink by 2030.

Under the Project’s Agreement, the M4CR Project is managed by Indonesia’s Environment Fund (IEF), in
corporation with MOEF, BRGM, CMMAI and active participation of the subnational government. The main
components of the M4CR Project include:
▪ Component 1. Strengthening Policy and Institutions for Mangrove Management. Component
1 aims to strengthen enabling policies and institutions to improve the management and financing
of the mangrove ecosystem.

▪ Component 2. Rehabilitating and Promoting Sustainable Mangrove Landscape

Management. Component 2 aims to support the rehabilitation of 75,000 ha and sustainable
management including conservation efforts of mangroves in 4 large landscape areas of mangroves
in targeted areas.

▪ Component 3. Improving Livelihood Opportunities for Mangrove Communities. Component

3 supports the development of livelihoods and sustainable enterprises in target villages to reduce
the degradation pressure on mangrove forests and improve sustainable livelihood opportunities.

▪ Component 4. Project Management

In order to effectively operationalize the project, the M4CR project requires an Social Safeguards Specialist
to provide support to project operations by performing a variety of safeguard processes ensuring high
quality and accuracy of work. The Administrative Assistant promotes a client, quality and results-oriented

B. Scope of Work

Under the overall supervision and guidance of the Project Director and Project Leader, the Social
Safeguards Specialist is responsible to ensure that (i) all required project social instruments are included
under the project annual budget; (ii) To oversee the overall day-to-day E&S management implementation
done by MoEF and BRGM to be materially consistent with the World Bank Environmental and Social
Standards (ESSs). Based on the agreed institutional arrangement stipulated in the ESMF and Project
Operation Manual, the responsible parties who will implement the day-to-day operation are specialists at
MoEF and BRGM. Thus, social safeguard specialist at IEF is responsible to ensure that the E&S
management system at PMO/MOEF is established and functioning, (iii) the operation of the M4CR meets
with the Project Operation Manual (Chapter 7), Project’s EMSF and other environmental and social (E&S)
instruments, and (iv) To conduct and support capacity building for E&S specialists posted at the MoEF and

To oversee the overall day-to-day E&S management implementation done by MOEF and BRGM to be
materially consistent with the World Bank Environmental and Social Standards (ESSs). Based on the
agreed institutional arrangement stipulated in the ESMF and Project Operation Manual, the responsible
parties who will implement the day-to-day operation are specialists at MOEF and BRGM. Thus, Social
safeguard specialist at IEF is responsible to ensure that the E&S Having said that, IEF responsibility would
be much on providing support for capacity building of the implementing agencies, and overseeing/
monitoring, or QA, functions. please make sure that the Scope of Work at IEF does not redundant with ones
at MOEF and BRGM

During the project operation, the Social Safeguards Specialist will work closely with the Environmental
Safeguards Specialist and Monitoring and Evaluation Officer on related aspects of the project, including
reporting, monitoring, evaluation, and communication. In addition, s/he will report to the Project Director
and Project Leader at IEF as well as coordinate with the Social Safeguards Specialists assigned for the
MoEF and BRGM.

Specific Tasks

The Social Safeguards Specialist is responsible for the following duties by collaborating with the
Environmental Safeguards Specialist, the Project Director, Project Leader, and other PMU members to
prepare and implement the following tasks:

▪ Work in collaboration with the Project Director, Project Leader, Environmental Safeguards
Specialists, and other PMU members to prepare and implement the aforementioned scope of work.

▪ Oversee, coordinate and work closely with the Environmental and Social Safeguards Specialists
assigned for the MoEF and BRGM to ensure the project implementation is consistent with the
Project’s ESMF and Project Operation Manual.

▪ Monitor and evaluate the performance of the Environmental and Social Safeguards Specialists
assigned for the MoEF and BRGM throughout project implementation.

▪ Verify and carry out QA/QCs of the project annual budget plan to ensure all the E&S risk
classification, assessment, mitigation measures and all appropriate instruments for overall activities
submitted by the Project Implementation Unit are consistent with the World Bank’s Environmental
and Social Standards (ESSs), Project’s EMSF, and Project Operation Manual;

▪ Monitor compliance of project-financed operational activities with the World Bank Environmental
and Social Standards (ESSs), Project’s EMSF, and Project Operation Manual.

▪ To ensure that the project-related grievances regarding environmental and social issues are
managed effectively and transparently under the MoEF, BRGM and project level through
monitoring and evaluation activities.

▪ Deliver E&S induction/workshop/training for all relevant project stakeholders in particular to MoEF
and BRGM Environmental and Social Safeguards Specialists and staffs as the day-to-day
operation’s responsible parties.

▪ Participate in public consultations during project implementation.

▪ In managing the project, the Social Safeguard Specialist for M4CR at IEF adheres to IEF's business
processes and policies;

▪ Other tasks are deemed necessary to assist IEF in environmental safeguards implementation for
the project operation.

C. Contract Duration

The Social Safeguards Specialist will be positioned in the IEF office located in Jakarta, Indonesia with an
initial contracted period of 24 months.
Occasional travel may be required. Travel and other related expenses would be covered by the IEF. The
Consultant will physically present in the IEF offices and work towards the project’s work plan, liaising closely
with the supervisor and the wider IEF team.

D. Qualifications and Professional Experience


▪ A Master’s Degree in Anthropology, Sociology, Applied Social Science, Development Studies,

Public Policy, Human Geography, Natural Resources Management or other related fields combined
with specialized experience in similar organization/s.

▪ At least 7 years of experience in conducting social risk, social impact assessment and management
or natural resource management with reference to national laws and regulations (i.e., AMDAL,
UKL-UPL, Technical Approval/persetujuan teknis), and the World Bank Environmental and Social
Framework (ESF).

▪ Experience working in both government and donor-funded projects and institutions would be an
advantage, including the understanding of the project cycle and delivery of large and complex
forestry projects;

▪ Having experience in working with multilateral/international lenders;

▪ Having experience in preparing UKL-UPL, ESMP, ESAP or any relevant social documents;

▪ Having a certificate of completion of the World Bank’s ESF training would be an advantage.

▪ Excellent communications, report writing, and analytical skills.

▪ Strong organizational, analytical, and research skills.

▪ Excellent computer skills.

▪ Excellent oral and written communication skills in English and Bahasa Indonesia.

Penanggung Jawab Kegiatan/
Project Manager M4CR

Ditandatangani secara elektronik

Eko Prasondita
NIP 197909062005011003

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