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Loss of Consciousness and Seizure During

Normobaric Hypoxia Training
Natalie C. Moniaga and Cheryl A. Griswold

MONIAGA NC, GRISWOLD CA. Loss of consciousness and seizure have historically occurred because the ROBD provides
during normobaric hypoxia training. Aviat Space Environ Med 2009;
a normobaric exposure to a level of hypoxia equivalent
Loss of consciousness is a symptom with a broad differential diagno- to a selected altitude and, therefore, avoids the risk of
sis. Distinguishing between syncope and seizure in a patient with a his- barotraumas and decompression sickness associated with
tory of loss of consciousness can be equally difficult as their presentation hypobaric exposure. Each student is continuously moni-
can be very similar. We present the case of a naval electronic counter- tored for oxygen saturation and heart rate during the
measures officer who experienced a loss of consciousness while under-
going hypoxia training with the reduced oxygen breathing device ROBD session by their personal instructor, further decreas-
(ROBD). During the episode the patient experienced tonic-clonic con- ing risks. Here we present a case of hypoxia-induced
tractions with subsequent vertebral fractures, resulting by Ingentaloss
in a prolonged
Delivered of consciousness
to: Guest User (LOC) while undergoing routine
grounding period. The patient’s work-up focused on ruling out inherent
IP: On: Sun,hypoxia
26 Jun 2016 02:28:30
training on the ROBD.
cardiac and neurologic etiologies. After extensive examination
Copyright: and con-
Aerospace Medical Association
sultation with neurology, the patient was diagnosed with hypoxia-
induced seizure, but was not felt to have an underlying seizure disorder. CASE REPORT
After reviewing his case, the Naval Aerospace Medical Institute felt that
this incident represented a physiologic event and not a medical condi-
A 31-yr-old Caucasian male electronic countermea-
tion inherent to the aviator. It was, therefore, determined that this epi- sures officer presented to the emergency room after a
sode was not considered disqualifying and did not require a waiver for sudden episode of LOC and tonic-clonic contractions
return to duties involving flight. Our discussion details the appropriate while undergoing the second of two routine hypoxia
work-up for loss of consciousness, examines possible physiologic expla-
nations for this event, and describes aeromedical considerations. The
training sessions on the ROBD. The event was witnessed
authors include the patient’s physiology instructor, one of the primary by multiple staff members at the Aviation Survival
witnesses for the event, and the patient’s flight surgeon, who was exten- Training Center, including his training instructor, an
sively involved in his care. aerospace physiologist.
Keywords: mask-on hypoxia training, differential diagnosis of loss of
During his first training run (Table I), the patient de-
consciousness, oxygen paradox, risks of the reduced oxygen breathing
device. clared that he was feeling hypoxic and conducted his
aircraft-specific emergency procedures during the third
minute of the evolution and after 1 min at a simulated
altitude of 25,000 ft. At that time he was switched to
H YPOXIA TRAINING IS an important aspect of avi-
ation survival training for military aviators. Stu-
dents learn first hand, under controlled conditions, the
100% O2. The patient’s vital signs declined until reach-
ing an Spo2 of 69% and heart rate (HR) of 108. The
general effects of hypoxia and its insidious nature. Hy- patient continued receiving 100% O2 until his Spo2 was
poxia training allows students to experience the signs back up to his initial resting level and he reported feel-
and symptoms of hypoxia so that they can recognize an ing normal. The instructor debriefed the patient, who
extremis situation and conduct emergency procedures then expressed an interest in repeating the training, stat-
as appropriate. In 2004 the U.S. Navy began to institute ing that he thought he was “sensitive to hypoxia” and
normobaric or ground-level hypoxia training for tactical had recognized cabin pressurization problems in the air-
jet refresher students using the reduced oxygen breath- craft during squadron training flights several times be-
ing device (ROBD). The system works by delivering a fore any other members of the aircrew. The second run
controlled mixture of O2 and N2 to the aviator’s mask, was to be conducted with the patient stating how he felt
thereby producing hypoxia to altitude equivalents up to
34,000 ft. The instructor selects a standardized training From the Naval Hospital Oak Harbor, NAS Whidbey Island, and
profile with known ascent rates, altitudes, and descent the Aviation Survival Training Center, Whidbey Island, Oak Harbor,
rates (2). The ROBD demonstrates the effect of hypoxia WA.
This manuscript was received for review in July 2008. It was ac-
on the individual and provides training on emergency cepted for publication in January 2009.
procedures for loss of cabin pressurization, malfunction- Address reprint requests to: LT Natalie C. Moniaga, Aviation Medi-
ing oxygen equipment, and other emergencies that re- cine, 3475 N. Saratoga St., Bldg. 993, Oak Harbor, WA 98278; natalie.
quire supplemental or emergency oxygen (2).
Reprint & Copyright © by the Aerospace Medical Association, Alex-
The ROBD is considered low risk in comparison to the andria, VA.
low-pressure chamber where hypoxia demonstrations DOI: 10.3357/ASEM.2397.2009

Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine x Vol. 80, No. 5, Section I x May 2009 485

Lowest Values Seen After

Simulated Altitude Site Level 10 K’ at 2 min 25 K’ at 1 min Conducting EPs
%O2 delivered* 20.95% 14.08% 7.11% 100%
SpO2 98% 93% 92% 69%
HR 73 83 88 108

* Values courtesy of Environics, Tolland, CT.

and the instructor relaying the patient’s Spo2 and HR, On examination vital signs were normal, with an
so that he could compare his physical symptoms to his Spo2 99% on room air. The only significant findings
measured oxygen saturation. included tenderness to palpation over his thoracic spinous
On the second training run (Table II) the patient re- processes and over the right scapula. Examination of the
ported air hunger after 1 min at a simulated altitude of oral cavity and pharynx revealed no abnormalities. There
25,000 ft. After 3 min, the patient reported feeling sweaty was no obvious tongue injury noted. Cardiovascular and
and tingling and began executing aircraft-specific emer- neurologic examination, including cranial nerve testing,
gency procedures and was switched to 100% O2. A few strength testing, sensory testing, deep tendon reflexes,
moments later, he slumped forward in his seat, uncon- and rapid alternating movements, were normal. The pa-
scious and non-responsive to pain via sternal rub. He tient had a negative Babinski sign. Gait and balance were
was noted to have a fixed gaze and myclonic jerks fol- normal. Labs, including magnesium, thyroid stimulating
lowed by tonic spasm. The patient was kept on 100% O2 hormone, calcium, glucose, creatinine, and blood urea
and remained unconscious for approximately 4 min.
Delivered by Ingentanitrogen,
to: Guestwere
Usernormal. Complete blood count revealed
When he regained consciousnessIP:he185.101.71.15
was immediately an elevated
On: Sun, 26 Jun 2016 white blood cell count. Electrocardiogram
alert to person, place, and situation, but exhibitedAerospace
Copyright: slurred (EKG) demonstrated
Medical Association normal sinus rhythm. Computed
speech and complained of severe back pain. The patient tomography (CT) of the head was normal. Radiographs
arrived in the Emergency Department approximately 10 of the chest and thoracic spine showed compression frac-
min after the initiation of the incident and was alert and tures of the 6th, 7th, and 8th thoracic vertebral bodies
oriented to person, place, time, and situation. He stated likely secondary to his myoclonic jerks. CT of the tho-
that just prior to the LOC he felt extreme air hunger and racic spine demonstrated the same with no evidence of
lightheadedness. He denied headache or aura prior to cord impingement. Single photon emission computed
the incident. His first memory after the event was awak- tomography of the thoracic spine demonstrated marked
ening with tongue pain, back pain, and a feeling of heavi- tracer accumulation in the same vertebral bodies, which
ness in his head and extremities. He stated that he felt is most consistent with an acute traumatic event.
confused initially, but only briefly. After receiving pain control for his fractures he was
Past medical history was significant only for muscu- issued a grounding notice and discharged home. The
loskeletal injuries. The patient denied a past history of following day his only complaint was residual back pain.
seizure, intracranial infection, high fever, or symptoms He felt “100%” otherwise and stated that he was “ready
suggestive of brain tumor such as chronic headache or to get back to flying.” His white blood cell count by this
visual changes. He did have a remote history of mild time had normalized. Neurologic examination remained
concussion with LOC at age 5. The 72-h history revealed normal. Given the duration of his LOC and the severity
that the patient received only 4 h of sleep the night be- of his tetanic contractions, neurological consult was ob-
fore the event and averaged 4 h of sleep each night over tained. Electroencephalogram (EEG) was normal on
the last 72 h. He denied use of medications, supplements, two separate occasions. Magnetic resonance imaging
alcohol, or tobacco in the 72 h prior to the event. He (MRI) of the brain was also normal, demonstrating no
stated that his hydration status was normal and that masses and no vascular abnormalities. Given the pa-
urine output and concentration appeared normal over tient’s benign history, his negative diagnostic workup,
the last 72 h. Review of systems revealed severe back and the presence of a known precipitating factor, the
pain localized to the thoracic spine, lateral tongue pain, opinion of the neurologist was that his history was
and nausea. most consistent with seizure due to hypoxia and not a


Lowest Values Seen

Simulated Altitude Site Level 10 K’ at 2 min 25 K’ at 1 min 25 K’ at 2 min 25 K’ at 3 min After Conducting EPs

%O2 delivered* 20.95% 14.08% 7.11% 7.11% 7.11% 100%

SpO2 98% 93% 85% 80% 77% †
HR 71 79 90 93 97 †

* Values courtesy of Environics, Tolland, CT.

Values not recorded as pulse oximeter was knocked loose during convulsions.

486 Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine x Vol. 80, No. 5, Section I x May 2009

primary seizure disorder such as epilepsy. Of note, the to identify specific lesions such as dysplasia, infarct, and
patient reported receiving only 4 h of sleep each of the tumor. However, CT is suitable to exclude mass lesion,
3 nights prior to the event. Sleep deprivation is known hemorrhage, or large stroke in emergency situations (7).
to lower seizure threshold and was likely a contributing As in this case, complete blood count will often demon-
factor. However, he has a long history of intermittent strate an increase in white blood cell count in the acute
sleep deprivation due to operational and training de- setting after a seizure; thus abnormal tests detected im-
mands. This was his first episode of seizure, which mediately after the event should be repeated (7). Glucose,
would suggest that sleep deprivation alone was not a calcium, magnesium, renal function tests, thyroid-
sufficient precipitating factor and that the hypoxic envi- stimulating hormone, and toxicology should also be
ronment played a larger role in the event. done in the acute setting (7).
Other studies that should be considered in the work-
up of LOC include EKG to rule out ongoing arrhythmia
DISCUSSION as a cause of cerebral hypoperfusion. If arrhythmia is
Hypoxic hypoxia was the leading suspected cause for strongly suspected, continuous heart monitoring should
LOC and seizure in this electronic countermeasures offi- be performed in an attempt to record an infrequent ar-
cer with a benign history and an obvious provoking fac- rhythmia. Modalities to consider include the use of ex-
tor. However, in the general population LOC is a symptom ternal monitoring devices such as a 24-h Holter monitor,
often posing a diagnostic dilemma with a wide differen- which records a continuous EKG for 24 h, or an event
tial diagnosis to be considered. The differential diagnosis monitor, which records information only when prompted
should generally be focused on two main organ systems: by the patient and can be used for many weeks to months.
cardiovascular and neurologic. Syncope is a symptom If the arrhythmia is very infrequent an implantable loop
characterized by a transient, self-limited loss of con- recorder can be inserted and left in place for up to 14 mo.
sciousness with a relatively rapid onset Delivered by IngentaThis
and usually to: Guest
is the User
diagnostic test of choice to detect bradyar-
IP: On: Sun, 26 Jun 2016 02:28:30
leading to a fall. Subsequent recovery is spontaneous, rhythmias in
Copyright: Aerospace Medical Associationpatients with rare recurrent symptoms (6).
complete, and prompt. The underlying mechanism of Tilt-table testing and invasive electrophysiological stud-
syncope is transient global cerebral hypoperfusion (3). ies may also be helpful (4,6).
Seizure is the manifestation of a paroxysmal discharge of The most common etiologies of syncope include vaso-
abnormal rhythms in some part of the brain. Epilepsy is a vagal/situational syncope, cardiac arrhythmias, and
condition in which seizures recur, usually spontaneously orthostatic hypotension, though there is a wide range
(3). The patient in this case had been subjected to reduced of possible causes. In up to 39% of cases the cause is not
oxygen breathing, producing a hypoxic state similar to established (6). In this patient seizure was determined to
that experienced at altitude in an unpressurized environ- be the final diagnosis based on the clinical description of
ment. Hypoxia (and thus cerebral hypoperfusion) is a the event, which was well described by numerous wit-
known cause of syncope and non-epileptic seizure, and nesses, the presence of a known stimulus in conjunction
the two diagnoses are often difficult to distinguish. with a history of sleep deprivation, injury consisting of
In patients who are severely hypoxic, re-oxygenation vertebral compression fractures, a known presenting
does not immediately raise oxygen saturation, a phe- feature of seizure (1), and a history and work-up incon-
nomenon referred to as oxygen paradox (5). On this pa- sistent with cardiovascular syncope.
tient’s first run in the ROBD his Spo2 continued to decline Thoracic fractures are considered disqualifying for duty
after receiving 100% O2 and his HR continued to increase, involving flight. Waiver will be considered for ejection-
eventually reaching an Spo2 of 69% and HR of 108 before seat aircraft so long as the patient remains asymptomatic
subsequently improving. On his second run his LOC and there is no instability of the fractures (10). Multiple
and subsequent tetanic contractions resulted in inadver- compression fractures may increase the degree of post-
tent disconnection of his pulse oximeter, ergo we do not injury kyphosis, potentially limiting an aviator’s ability to
have Spo2 data after the initiation of 100% O2. However, function in the cockpit. Therefore, a cockpit functionality
if we assume a similar drop in his initial Spo2 with re- check is useful in evaluating an aviator’s ability to re-
oxygenation on his second run, this oxygen paradox turn to flight, which in this case demonstrated an aviator
could likely have contributed to prolonging his period able to function normally in the cockpit and to reach all
of hypoxia. pertinent control surfaces in no discomfort while wearing
As with all initial evaluations, neurologic work-up full flight gear.
should begin with a thorough history and physical ex- The risk of seizure in flight is obvious. Incapacitation
amination. If seizure is suspected based on the patient’s is in most cases sudden, unpredictable, unavoidable, pro-
history, the next step is to obtain an EEG, the essential longed, complete, and potentially more frequent in the
study in the diagnostic evaluation of seizure. If abnormal, stressful flying environment. This risk constitutes a di-
it may aid in confirming the diagnosis. Sleep depriva- rect threat to the health and safety of self, others, and the
tion, hyperventilation, and intermittent photic stimula- success of the mission (8,9). Given this aviator’s benign
tion increase yield. However, a normal EEG does not medical history and the presence of two precipitating
rule out seizure and many EEG abnormalities are non- factors, sleep deprivation and hypoxia, it was the opinion
specific (7). Neuroimaging should also be done to ex- of the neurologist that he does not have a primary seizure
clude structural abnormalities. MRI is preferred over CT disorder. After reviewing his case, the Naval Aerospace

Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine x Vol. 80, No. 5, Section I x May 2009 487

Medical Institute felt that this incident represented a Department of the Navy, Department of Defense, nor the U.S.
physiologic event and not a medical condition inherent Authors and affiliations: LT Natalie C. Moniaga, M.D., B.A., Electronic
to the aviator. They, therefore, determined that this epi- Attack Squadron One Two Nine, NAS Whidbey Island, WA, and LT
sode was not considered disqualifying and did not re- Cheryl A. Griswold, M.E.S.S., B.S., Aviation Survival Training Center
quire a waiver for return to duties involving flight. He Whidbey Island, Oak Harbor, WA.
has since repeated his ROBD training successfully and
without incident and has returned to unrestricted duties REFERENCES
1. Aboukasm AG, Smith BG. Nocturnal compression fracture. A
involving flight. presenting feature of unrecognized epileptic seizures. Arch
When evaluating an aviator with a history of seizure Fam Med 1997; 6:185–7.
there are several factors to consider in the determination 2. Artino AR, Jr, Folga R, Swan BD. Mask-on hypoxia training for
of aeromedical disposition, including: the likelihood of tactical jet aviators: evaluation of an alternate instructional
paradigm. Aviat Space Environ Med 2006; 77:857–63.
incapacitation during flight; the severity of such an epi- 3. Bergfeldt L. Differential diagnosis of cardiogenic syncope and
sode; the crewmember’s function in the aircraft; and the seizure disorders. Heart 2003; 89:353–8.
demands of the aviator’s particular type/model of air- 4. Boersma L, Mont L, Sionis A, Garcia E, Brugada J. Value of the
craft. A practitioner of aviation medicine must weigh implantable loop recorder for the management of patients with
unexplained syncope. Europace 2004; 6:70–6.
severity and risk in determining an aviator’s fitness for 5. Dehart R, Davis J. Fundamentals of aerospace medicine, 3rd ed.
return to duties involving flight. The patient in this case Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2002:37.
is an electronic countermeasures officer in a multi-seat 6. Kapoor WN. Current evaluation and management of syncope.
Circulation 2002; 106:1606–9.
aircraft and as such is not in control of the aircraft. These 7. Rowland L. Merrit’s neurology, 11th ed. Philadelphia, PA:
factors decrease the likelihood of severe outcome as Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2005:81.
could be the case for a pilot in a single-seat aircraft. This 8. U.S. Air Force. Waiver guide: seizures/epilepsy/abnormal EEG.
case, while severe, was felt to be physiologic in nature Retrieved 20 April 2008 from
with a low risk of recurrence. Delivered by Ingenta to: Guest User
dotmil/ 5waiverguideneurology
IP: On: Sun, 26 Jun &functionalArea
2016 02:28:30 5WaiverGuide&folder5Waiver1Guide1-1
Copyright: Aerospace Medical Neurology .
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 9. U.S. Air Force. Waiver guide: syncope. Retrieved 20 April 2008
The authors would like to thank Dr. Henry Porter, flight surgeon, from
neurologist, and Director of Neurology at the Naval Aerospace Medical queryText5waiverguideneurology&functionalArea5Waiver
Institute, and LCDR Rich Folga, CAsP, Director, Human Performance Guide&folder5Waiver1Guide1-1Neurology.
& Training Technology Naval Survival Training Institute, for review- 10. U.S. Navy. Naval Operational Medicine Institute’s aeromedical
ing this manuscript and offering their thoughtful criticisms. reference and waiver guide: spinal fractures. Retrieved 20
The views expressed in this article are those of the authors April 2008 from
and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the nami/waiverguidetopics.cfm.

488 Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine x Vol. 80, No. 5, Section I x May 2009

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