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Department of Emergency and KIS Edition: 1

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to the current exam in the discipline " ASSISTANCE IN EMERGENCY AND
(discipline code - B.19-OPChNS )
specialty 5 В 130100 "General Medicine".
Department: Emergency and emergency medical care
Course: V


20 * *
*! The main document of the ambulance team is:

* signal sheet
* + call card
* accompanying sheet
* outpatient card
* outpatient journal

*! MOST typical localization of pain in acute coronary syndrome

* in the epigastrium
* + behind the sternum
* in the right shoulder
* in the right hypochondrium
* in the area of the lower jaw

*! The drug of choice for the relief of pain in acute coronary syndrome

* tramadol
* xefocam
* + morphine
* promedol
* analgin

*! Emergency care for uncomplicated hypertensive crisis

* lasix
* alteplase
* + nifedipine
* enalaprilat

*! Determine the MOST probable rhythm disturbance on the presented ECG:
extraordinary, wide (> 0.12 s) and deformed QRS complex. The ST segment and T
wave are discordant to the QRS complex. The P wave is not associated with
extrasystoles or negative and follows the QRS complex. The interval between the
pre- and post-extrasystolic P waves is equal to twice the normal PP interval .

* paroxysmal atrial tachycardia

* + ventricular extrasystoles
* AV nodal extrasystoles
* pirouette

*! The drug used in patients with acute respiratory viral infections

* dibazole
* droperidol
* + paracetamol
* aminophylline
*acetylsalicylic acid

*! An emergency medicine for an attack of mild bronchial asthma

* trypsin
* Ambroxol
* epinephrine
* + salbutamol
* prednisone

*! Symptom of acute appendicitis

* Ortner
* + Sitkovsky
* Mayo-Robson
* Shchetkina-Blyumberga
* Obukhov hospital

*! Coughing up red blood in a large volume is the MOST probable symptom

* pneumonia
* hemoptysis
* + pulmonary hemorrhage
* internal bleeding
* gastric bleeding

*! For the relief of convulsive syndrome in children with O RVI, it is used

* diphenhydramine
* prednisone
* + diazepam
* dibazole
*! Antipyretic therapy for an initially healthy person is carried out at a body
temperature above

* 40 ° C
* 38 ° C
* 39.5 ° C
* 37.5 ° C
* + 38.5 ° C

*! Emergency care for hypoglycemic coma includes intravenous administration:

* + 40% glucose solution

* 0.9% sodium chloride solution
* 5% glucose solution
* naloxone

# 13
*! Symptom complex, the MOST allowing to establish the diagnosis of brain

* + focal
* meningeal
* cerebral
* intoxication
* dehydration

# 14
*! Multiple injury is traumatic injury

* in one anatomical area

* as a result of electric current
* + in one anatomical region two or more injuries
* in different anatomical areas two or more injuries
* with simultaneous exposure to two or more factors of different

*! Algover's shock index is a ratio

* heart rate to hemoglobin value

* hemoglobin and hematocrit values
* indicators of red blood cells to hemoglobin
* + heart rate to systolic pressure
* hematocrit to diastolic pressure

# 16
*! MOST characteristic sign of anaphylactic shock

* clear heart sounds

* muffled heart sounds
* expiratory dyspnea
* + low blood pressure
*high blood pressure

# 17
*! Lyell's syndrome is

* + toxic-allergic damage to the skin and mucous membranes

* polymorphic erythema
* fungal disease
* genetic disease

*! Antidote of narcotic analgesics

* + naloxone
* thiamine 5% solution
* dextrose 40% solution
* sodium chloride 0.9% solution

*! The main cause of death from electrical injury:
* fractures
* bleeding
* separation of limbs
* respiratory depression
* + ventricular fibrillation

*! Sign of external arterial bleeding, blood:

* + scarlet, spurts
* oozing from the surface of the wound
* scarlet color, flows slowly
* dark cherry color, spurts
* dark cherry color, flows slowly


*! The victim was taken to the emergency room by an ambulance after falling
froma height in a coma.
How long should the ambulance team stay in the emergency room:

* up to 30 minutes
* + no more than 10 minutes
* until a diagnosis is established.
* time is determined by the doctor on duty
* time is determined by the senior doctor

*! During the emergency call, the ambulance brigade stopped the police patrol to
assist the victim in a traffic accident. Define the tactics of a medical professional:

* drive past
* refuse assistance, motivating the urgency of the call
* examine the victim and recommend calling another team
* + provide assistance to the victim, inform the dispatcher, wait for his decision
* assist, recommend transportation by police
*! A 49-year-old patient suffering from varicose veins suddenly developed chest
pain, shortness of breath, wheezing in the lungs on the right, fever up to 38 ° C. on
MOST probable preliminary diagnosis:

* myocardial infarction
* asthmatic status
* lobar pneumonia
* lung atelectasis on the right
* + pulmonary embolism

*! A patient of 66 years old, with a history of angina pectoris, had chest pressure of
an oppressive nature three hours ago, which did not stop after taking nitroglycerin,
lost consciousness 2-3 minutes ago. When examined by an ambulance doctor,
consciousness, pulse on the carotid artery and breathing are absent.
MOST probable preliminary diagnosis:

* brain death
* agonal state
* biological death
* predagonal condition
* + sudden coronary death syndrome

*! A child is 6 months old. When examined by an ambulance doctor, consciousness,
pulse on the carotid artery and breathing are absent. According to the parents three
hours ago, the temperature rose, a cough appeared, and passed out 5 minutes ago.
MOST probable preliminary diagnosis:

* brain death
* agonal state
* biological death
* predagonal condition
* + sudden infant death

syndrome# 2 6
*! The girl is 19 years old. In public transport, suddenly appeared weakness,
dizziness, lost consciousness for 2-3 minutes. Objectively: a state of moderate
severity. Consciousness is clear. The skin is cold pale. In the lungs, vesicular
breathing, no wheezing. NPV 18 min Heart sounds are clear, rhythmic, heart rate of
100 per min. HELL 90/50 mm Hg (slave 100 \ 60 mmHg)
MOST probable preliminary diagnosis:

* + fainting
* hypoglycemia
*hypertensive crisis
* cerebrovascular accident

*! The patient abruptly got out of bed in the morning . There was a sharp weakness,
dizziness, lost consciousness. Anamnesis: often worried about heartburn, epigasiric
pain after eating, nausea. Consciousness is stunning. The skin is pale, dry. HELL
100/60 mm Hg heart sounds are muffled, rhythmic. There are no wheezing in the
lungs. The abdomen is soft and painful in the epigastrium. The liver is not enlarged,
Which of the following is the MOST likely cause of loss of consciousness?

* hypoglycemia
* hyperglycemia
* myocardial infarction
* + orthostatic collapse
* cerebrovascular accident

*! A 64-year-old woman with a history of coronary heart disease, during an
examination by an ambulance doctor, lost consciousness, developed cyanosis of the
skin, pupils dilated, pulse on the carotid artery and breathing absent.
MOST probable preliminary diagnosis:

* brain death
* + clinical death
* agonal state
* biological death
* predagonal condition
*! An elderly man after a car accident had a sharp compressive pain behind his
sternum, which did not pass after taking nitroglycerin, weakness, cold sweat.
Objectively: heart sounds are muffled, heart rate 112 per minute. Which of the
diagnoses is MOST correct?

* pneumonia
* intercostal neuralgia
* spontaneous pneumothorax
* + acute coronary syndrome
* angina pectoris. FC I

*! After a significant physical exertion, the young patient developed
weakness,severe pressing pains behind the sternum giving to the left shoulder. The
pain lasted about 40 minutes. On an ECG, sinus tachycardia 108 per minute, ST
segment elevation of more than 3 mm in leads I, II, avL, V1-V4.
MOST probable preliminary diagnosis:

* spontaneous angina
* progressive angina
* pulmonary embolism
* + acute coronary syndrome with ST segment elevation
* acute coronary syndrome without ST segment elevation

*! After significant physical exertion, the man developed weakness, severe pressing
pains behind the sternum giving to the left shoulder. The pain lasted about
40 minutes. On the ECG, sinus tachycardia 112 per minute, ST segment depression
of more than 3 mm in leads I, II, avL, V1-V4.
MOST probable preliminary diagnosis:

* spontaneous angina
* progressive angina
*pulmonary embolism
* acute coronary syndrome with ST segment elevation
* + acute coronary syndrome without ST segment elevation
*! A 78-year-old man complains of burning pains behind the sternum for more than
30 minutes, shortness of breath, fear of death, weakness, sweating. In the history of
coronary heart disease, suffered 2 myocardial infarction, hypertension, diabetes
mellitus. Objectively, the condition is severe, the skin is pale, moist. Heart
soundsare deaf rhythmic. HELL 70/45 mm Hg ECG heart rate-110 in min. The QS
complex in assignments I, II, AVL , V 1 - V 4.
The MOST probable diagnosis:

* rupture of an aortic aneurysm

* intense pneumothorax
*pulmonary embolism
* + acute myocardial infarction , cardiogenic shock
* acute myocardial infarction, acute left ventricular failure

*! The patient is 72 years old. Complaints of a feeling of lack of air, shortness of
breath, weakness, dizziness, nausea. Anamnesis: Arterial hypertension for morethan
20 years. Working HELL 160/100 mm Hg It takes caposide, diroton. The condition
worsened an hour ago . Objectively: Forced - orthopedic position. Foam of a pale
pink color stands out from the nose and mouth. In the lungs, harsh breathing, the
mass of moist medium- and large-caliber rales in all fields. NPV 28 min Heart
sounds are muffled, rhythmic. Heart rate 108 per minute. HELL 190/110 mm Hg
ECG: There are no negative dynamics in comparison with previous ECGs.
The MOST probable complication developed in the patient:

* + pulmonary edema
* myocardial infarction
* paroxysm of arrhythmia
* hypertronic crisis
* acute right ventricular

failure# 3 4
*! A 47-year-old man complains of constricting pain behind the sternum, shortness
of breath, weakness, and cold sweat. Pain for 2 hours. The condition is serious. The
skin is pale, cold, covered with cold, sticky sweat. Heart sounds are muffled
rhythmic, 110 per min. HELL 110/80 mm Hg In the lungs moist rales, NPV 26 per
min. What is the treatment of the anija H he most important to confirm the

* echocardiography
* glucometry
* spirography
* + electrocardiography
* pulse oximetry

*! A patient with arterial hypertension suddenly worsened, headache, dizziness,
flickering of “flies” in front of his eyes, feeling of heat, red spots on his face
intensified. HELL 220/110 mm Hg Art.
MOST probable emergency in a patient

* angina pectoris
* myocardial infarction
* + hypertensive crisis
* hypoglycemic coma

*! The patient is 58 years old. Complaints of headaches, dizziness, noise in the
head, sharp weakness in the left limbs. Objectively: Smoothness of the right
nasolabial fold, ptosis of the right upper eyelid. The strength of the muscles of the
left limbs is sharply reduced. Heart sounds are clear, loud, 2 tone accent above the
aorta. HELL 190/100 mm Hg In the lungs, hard breathing, no wheezing.
MOST probable preliminary diagnosis?

* facial neuritis
* discirculatory encephalopathy
* pulmonary embolism
* + arterial hypertension. crisis, stroke
* arterial hypertension crisis. acute hypertensive encephalopathy
*! A 67-year-old patient suffering from arterial hypertension for a long time, against
the background of an increase in blood pressure to 230/130 mm Hg intense
shortness of breath. Pulse 92 in min. During auscultation, moist, bilateral small
bubbling rales are heard, NPV 26 per min.
MOST probable preliminary diagnosis?

* bilateral pneumonia
* chronic obstructive bronchitis in the acute phase
* pulmonary embolism, acute respiratory failure
* bronchial asthma, infectious allergic form, asthma attack
+ Gypea rtonichesky crisis , acute left ventricular failure, pulmonary edema

*! A 57-year-old sick man suddenly lost consciousness during the examination,
short-term tonic-clonic convulsions, cyanosis of the skin appeared. On the ECG:
chaotic irregular rhythm, QRS complexes and T waves are absent.
MOST probable rhythm disturbance:


* pirouette
* + ventricular fibrillation
* accelerated idioventricular rhythm
* paroxysmal atrial tachycardia

*! A 62-year-old patient lost consciousness during the examination, developed
cyanosis of the skin, breathing, pulse on the carotid artery. On a heart monitor:
straight line.
According to which of the following mechanisms did circulatory arrest develop?
* + asystole
* atrial fibrillation
* ventricular fibrillation
* electromechanical dissociation
* paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia

*! A 73-year-old man complains of pain behind the sternum, more than 1 hour,
shortness of breath. During the examination, the skin is pale, moist. Heart
soundsare deaf. AD105 / 80 mm Hg, ECG - Heart rate of 108 per min., ST interval
increasein leads I, II, avL, V1-V4 by 5 mm, pathological Q wave in leads I, II, avL,
QRS complex 0.09 sec
MOST probable preliminary diagnosis:

* ACS without ST segment elevation

* progressive angina
* stratified aortic aneurysm
*pulmonary embolism
* + acute myocardial infarction of the anterior wall

*! The patient is 59 years old. Complaints of constricting pain in the heart, lasting
more than 40 minutes, shortness of breath of a mixed nature, fear of death, severe
weakness. The condition is extremely serious. Forced position with raised head end.
The skin is pale, moist. Heart rate of 120 rpm, blood pressure 90/70 mm Hg On the
ECG, an ST segment elevation in III, avF leads, a deep, wide Q wave in leads III,
Which of the following diagnoses is MOST correct?

* ACS without ST segment elevation

* stratified aortic aneurysm
*pulmonary embolism
* + AMI of the posterior wall of the left ventricle
* paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia

*! An elderly woman complaining of a severe headache, palpitations, chest pain,
weakness. Objectively: excited, pulse 113 bpm, blood pressure 195/110 mm Hg
Heart sounds are clear, loud, 2 tone accent above the aorta.
MOST probable emergency:

*pulmonary edema
* cardiogenic shock
* + hypertensive crisis
* acute coronary syndrome
*pulmonary embolism

*! A man of 79 years. Complaints of headaches in the occipital region , dizziness,
tinnitus, weakness. Within 10 years, blood pressure rises, worsening within a week.
Objectively: clear consciousness. Heart sounds are clear, emphasis II tone over the
aorta. Heart rate 90 per minute. HELL 170/100 mm RT. Art.
MOST probable preliminary diagnosis?

* CHD. progressive angina

* pheochromocytoma. hypertensive crisis
* arterial hypertension I Art. hypertensive crisis
* + arterial hypertension II Art. hypertensive crisis
* arterial hypertension III art. hypertensive crisis

*! The patient does not have P waves on the ECG, instead f waves of different
amplitudes and durations are better visible in leads II , III , avF , V 1- V 2.
Which rhythm disturbance is MOST likely?

* sinus arrhythmia
* atrial flutter
* + ciliary arrhythmia
* atrioventricular block I degree
* atrioventricular block II degree

*! A 32-year-old patient with pneumonia worsened, shortness of breath, stupor,
profuse sweat, cyanosis of the skin, and NPV 40 per minute worsened . with the
participation of auxiliary muscles, heart rate of 140 per min.
Which of the following complications is MOST true?

* infectious toxic shock
* lung abscess, empyema
* acute respiratory failure, II degree
* + acute respiratory failure of the III degree

*! A 50-year-old man complained of expiratory dyspnea of a paroxysmal nature, a
cough with sputum that is difficult to separate. Suffers from bronchial asthma.
Deterioration is associated with a transferred ARVI. The number of inhalations of
berodual independently increased up to 10 times a day. The last 2 days, the attack is
not completely stopped. The condition is serious. The skin is cyanotic, covered with
sweat. Orthopnea. NPV 36 min The skin is cyanotic, covered with sweat. Weakened
breathing, patches of the “silent” lung. Heart rate 120 per minute. HELL 100/60 mm
Which of the following diagnoses is MOST correct:

* severe attack
* + asthmatic status
* mild seizure
* moderate attack

*! Patient 63 g. Complaints about difficulty breathing. A history of asthma. The
state of moderate severity. Physical activity is limited. The skin is cyanotic. In the
breathing, auxiliary muscles are involved. During auscultation in the lungs, hard
breathing, dry wheezing. NPV 23 per min. Heart sounds are muffled, the rhythm is
correct. Heart rate 92 per minute. HELL 130/90 mm Hg
Which of the following preliminary diagnoses is MOST correct?

* chronic bronchitis in the acute stage

* chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, DN III
* + bronchial asthma, mild attack. Day I
* bronchial asthma, moderate seizure. NAM II
* bronchial asthma, a severe attack. DN III

*! A 30-year-old man was found on the street in the evening in serious condition.
Cannot present complaints in connection with the severity of the condition.
Objectively: pronounced pallor of the skin. No traces of violence were found. There
is a discharge from the mouth of red blood. Heart rate 120 beats per minute, blood
pressure 80/50 mmHg
Which of the following complications is MOST likely?

*pulmonary edema
* + pulmonary bleeding
gastrointestinal bleeding
* penetrating chest wound

*! A 20-year-old patient, became acutely ill: temperature up to 38.2º C, headache,
aching muscles and joints, sore throat when swallowing, nasal congestion, pain
in the eyes, lacrimation. The condition is satisfactory. The mucosa of the posterior
pharyngeal wall is covered with mucopurulent discharge. The conjunctiva of the
right eye is hyperemic, swollen. The submandibular, cervical lymph nodes are
enlarged to 1 cm in diameter.
Which of the following preliminary diagnoses is MOST correct?

* + ARVI
* yersiniosis
* viral hepatitis
* meningoencephalitis

*! The young man is 16 years old. Complaints of dry cough, shortness of breath,
chills, headache, weakness. Sick after suffering an acute respiratory viral infection.
Body temperature 38.7 C. NPV - 22 per minute. For auscultation of the lungs: dry
Which of the following preliminary diagnoses is MOST probable?

* acute pleurisy
* + acute bronchitis
*pulmonary tuberculosis
*bronchial asthma
* right-sided lower lobar pneumonia
*! A man ached sharply in the evening when there was a chill, headache,
temperature 39 C. By morning, coughing and pain in the right half of the
chest during breathing began to disturb. Before the disease suffered a significant
hypothermia. Objectively: Blush on the right cheek. BH 25 per minute. The
right half of the chest lags in the act of breathing. Percussion - shortening the
sound on the right in the subscapular region. Breath on the right is bronchial,
crepitus isheard.
Which of the following preliminary diagnoses is MOST correct?

*acute bronchitis
* acute respiratory viral infection
* exacerbation of chronic obstructive bronchitis
* Bronchial th asthma, severe persistiruyusch it for
* + community-acquired right-sided lower lobar pneumonia

*! A woman of 25 years. Complaints of cramping pain in the lower abdomen and
spotting spotting from the genital tract. From the anamnesis - a delay of
menstruation for a month. The first pregnancy at age 16 ended in interruption,
complicated by metroendometritis and adnexitis. Objectively: the general condition
is satisfactory. Pulse 88 in min. HELL 120/70 mm RT. Art. The abdomen is
symmetrical, slightly swollen, with palpation tenderness in the hypogastric region is
noted, more on the left. Symptoms of peritoneal irritation are weakly positive.
Which of the following diagnoses is MOST correct:

* tubo-ovarian education
* + ectopic pregnancy
* torsion of cyst legs
* ovarian apoplexy

*! A man of 36 years. Complaints of pain in the right half of the abdomen, radiating
to the groin and right lumbar region. He fell ill 2 hours ago. The pain was
accompanied by a single vomiting. The patient is anxious. Temperature 37.5 ° C.
The pulse is 100 beats per minute, the tongue is wet, coated with a white
coating.The abdomen in the right half is painful, Sitkovsky's symptom is positive.
Which of the following preliminary diagnoses is MOST correct?
* + acute appendicitis
* acute cholecystitis
* acute pancreatitis
* acute hepatitis
* acute gastritis

*! A man of 43 g. Complaints of intense pain in the upper abdomen. On day 3, the
temperature rose to 38.2 C, nausea and vomiting appeared. From the anamnesis:
peptic ulcer of the duodenum. Objectively: a serious condition. The skin and visible
mucous membranes are pale in color. Pulse 124 in a minute. HELL 90/60 mm Hg
The tongue is dry. The abdomen is swollen, does not participate in the act
of breathing, painful and tense in all departments during palpation . Positive
symptom Shchetkina - Blumberg. Percutaneous hepatic stupidity is absent,
Which of the following preliminary diagnoses is MOST correct?

* + perforated ulcer of the duodenum. Peritonitis.

* high small bowel obstruction
* acute small bowel obstruction
* exacerbation of a duodenal
ulcerperforated gastric ulcer

*! The young m The man 's in nezapno appeared vomiting coffee grounds, melena,
fatigue, nausea. Inspection data: severe pallor of the skin. HELL 110/70 mm RT.
Which of the following preliminary diagnoses is MOST correct?

* pulmonary hemorrhage
* intestinal bleeding
* Mallory-Weiss syndrome
* + gastric bleeding
* hemorrhoidal bleeding

*! A 30-year-old woman complains of heavy spotting from the genital tract for 10
days, weakness. Similar bleeding recurs in women periodically from 25 years.
Delivery - 2, abortion - 1. Objectively: the skin is pale, tachycardia, blood pressure
100/60 mm Hg The discharge is bloody, plentiful.
Which of the following preliminary diagnoses is MOST correct?

* + dysfunctional uterine bleeding

* ectopic pregnancy
* juvenile bleeding
* abortion on the move

*! A boy, 3 years old, complaints from the mother’s words about severe pains in the
pubic area , did not urinate for 12 hours . The duration of the disease is about
3 hours. On examination: spherical protrusion over the pubis, palpation of a dense-
elastic consistency, sharply painful.
The MOST probable diagnosis:

*strangulated hernia
*acute appendicitis
* + acute urinary retention
* acute renal colic
* bladder injury

*! The child is 9 years old. Complaints of weakness, cramping abdominal pain. Sick
the second day. Defecation up to 10-12 times a day. Liquid stool with an admixture
of mucus and blood. Body temperature 38.7 C. On palpation of the abdomen,
painin the left iliac region.
MOST probable preliminary diagnosis:

* acute gastritis
* acute pancreatitis
*acute appendicitis
* + acute enterocolitis
* acute gastroenteritis

*! Patient A., 14 l. Ill acutely, profuse watery stools, vomiting fountain, repeated. T

35.4 С, state of extreme severity, lethargic, dynamic, refuses to drink. The skin is
gray, dry, gathers in irreparable folds. Mucous dry. Pulse and blood pressure are not
determined. BH 28 per minute. The abdomen is retracted, with painless palpation,
rumbling along the intestine. Anuria
MOST probable preliminary diagnosis?

* tularemia
*cholera. Exicosis II Art.
* salmonellosis. Exicosis II Art.
* food toxicoinfection. Exicosis I Art.
* + OKI. Acute gastroenteritis. Exicosis III Art. Hypovolemic shock

*! The patient 2 hours after eating ice cream had cutting pains in the epigastrium,
nausea, repeated vomiting, weakness, dizziness.
MOST probable preliminary diagnosis?

* salmonellosis
* + foodborne toxicosis

*! A man with complaints of severe weakness, abdominal pain, double vision, single
vomiting. From the anamnesis it is known that the patient dined at a party in the
evening. Similar complaints are noted in several more people. In the morning there
were cramping abdominal pains, difficulty swallowing, dry mouth, hoarseness, fog
before the eyes. The patient's condition is severe, inhibited. HELL 110/70, pulse 90
min. The abdomen is soft, painless.
The MOST probable diagnosis:

* + botulism
* salmonellosis
* foodborne infection
* meningococcal meningitis

*! A 2-year-old girl, got sick the night before, when her body temperature rose to 38
0 С, conjunctiva and oropharynx hyperemia, runny nose appeared. By night, the
temperature rose to 40 C, the skin became pale, the distal parts of the arms and legs
are cold to the touch. The child was given paracetamol at a dose of 2.5 ml, but the
pace did not decrease.
Which of the following preliminary diagnoses is MOST correct?

* meningoencephalitis
* acute laryngotracheitis
* SARS, convulsive syndrome
* + SARS, hyperthermic syndrome

*! The child is 11 months old, sick on the first day: runny nose, fever up to 39.9C,
suddenly lost consciousness, turned blue, convulsive twitching in the whole body.
Objectively: it is inhibited, reacts passively to inspection. The pharynx is
hyperemic,there is no plaque. Rhinorrhea.
Which of the following diagnoses is MOST probable?

* acute laryngotracheitis, bronchitis

* meningococcal infection, meningoencephalitis
* acute respiratory disease, pneumonia
* acute respiratory viral infection, status epilepticus
* + acute respiratory viral infection, febrile seizures

*! The ambulance team arrived at the child of 3 years. According to the mother, the
child has an increase in body temperature to 39.5 ° C, a dry cough, runny nose, she
gave ibufen to drink, but the child suddenly lost consciousness, turned blue, there
were convulsive twitches throughout the body. It is inhibited, reacts passively to
inspection, partially executes commands, one-word speech. The pharynx is
hyperemic, there is no plaque. Rhinorrhea. Body temperature - 39.5 C. The skin is
clean, moist, no rashes.
Which of the following diagnoses is MOST probable?

* status epilepticus
* acute laryngotracheitis
* + febrile seizures
* meningococcal infection
*! A man asked for emergency medical care for 1 day of illness. He fell ill acutely, 6
hours after being away: epigastric pain, nausea, repeated vomiting, frequent loose
stools. Temperature 3 8 С, pale, eyes sunken. Soreness in the epigastrium. The
chair is plentiful, watery, green .
MOST probable preliminary diagnosis:

* acute gastritis
* acute pancreatitis
*acute appendicitis
* acute enterocolitis
* + acute gastroenteritis

*! A 2-year-old child, became ill sharply, his body temperature increased to 39 C,
anxiety, vomiting once, after 8 hours, my mother noticed a rash. Objectively: pallor
of the skin, hemorrhagic rash on the lower extremities, positive meningeal
symptoms (stiff neck, Brudzinsky muscle).
Which of the following diagnoses is MOST correct?

* + meningococcal infection, meningococcemia, meningitis

* enterovirus infection exanthema, meningitis
* meningococcal infection meningococcemia
* hemorrhagic vasculitis
* toxic flu

*! The patient is 20 years old. He became acutely ill: the temperature rose to 39 ,
there was a headache, muscle pain. On day 2, vomiting was added, not associated
with food intake, stiff neck appeared. Pulse 56 beats per minute, rhythmic. HELL
100/70 mm RT. Art.
Which of the following diagnoses is MOST correct?

* + meningitis
* meningococcemia
* hemorrhagic vasculitis

*! A child of 8 years had sudden weakness, a feeling of severe hunger, a cold sweat
appeared, tremor of limbs and tachycardia were noted at first, then the child became
drowsy, and convulsions developed.
MOST probable condition:

* febrile seizures
*anaphylactic shock
* + hypoglycemic coma
* hepatorenal insufficiency

*! A young man of 20 years unconscious on the street in an extremely serious
condition. Pupils D = S, narrowed "point", no photoreaction. No physical injuries
were observed. The skin with severe cyanosis, along the veins on the hands
are traces of injections. Rare, shallow breathing. Heart sounds are muffled, the
rhythmis correct, heart rate of 70 per minute, blood pressure 90/60 mm RT.
Which of the following preliminary diagnoses is MOST correct?

* alcoholic coma
* + narcotic coma
* apoplexy coma
* hypoglycemic coma
* acute heart failure

*! A 38-year-old woman with complaints of speech impairment, weakness in the
right limbs, headache, nausea, vomiting, increased blood pressure within 2 hours. In
the history of a long time used hormonal contraceptives. Objectively: consciousness
is light stunning, passive position. Strength and muscle tone in the right limbs are
moderately reduced. NPV - 17 per min. Heart sounds are clear, the rhythm is
correct, tachycardia. HELL - 140/70 mm. Hg. Art., heart rate - 94 per min.
The MOST probable diagnosis:

*pulmonary edema
* transient ischemic attack
* acute hypertensive encephalopathy
* + acute cerebrovascular accident

*! The patient is 58 years old. Complaints of headaches, dizziness, noise in the
head,weakness in the left limbs. Worsening over the course of a week. This morning
I got out of bed, fell. Objectively: clear consciousness. Smoothness of the nasolabial
fold, ptosis of the upper eyelid on the right. The strength of the muscles of the left
limbs is sharply reduced. Heart sounds are clear, loud, 2 tone accent above the
aorta.HELL 190/100 mm Hg (working 150/90).
Which of the following preliminary diagnoses is MOST correct?

* facial neuritis
* arterial hypertension, crisis
* arterial hypertension, pulmonary edema
* + arterial hypertension, crisis, stroke
* arterial hypertension, dyscirculatory encephalopathy

*! A man with a traumatic brain injury: does not open his eyes, speech - inarticulate
sounds, flexion of the limb to pain irritation.
What level of consciousness is MOST likely for the patient?

* + coma
* clear
* doubtfulness

*! In a car accident, the man standing on the bus fell, the muscles of the face, neck,
and limbs are randomly contracted, foamy liquid is released from the mouth. After
3-4 minutes, the cramps stopped, breathing became even, fell asleep. MOST
probable preliminary diagnosis:

* drug coma
* + epilepsy attack

*! The man of 50 years after a car aw and Ria. Complaints of headache, dizziness,
single vomiting. Neurological status: retrograde amnesia, anisocoria, nystagmus,
stiff neck 2 fingers.
MOST probable preliminary diagnosis?

* + SZHMT. Brain contusion
* ZHMT. Fracture of the base of the skull
* ZHMT. Brain compression
* ZHMT. Brain concussion

*! During a football match, the athlete received a kick in the stomach. Complaints
of severe abdominal pain. When viewed in the left hypochondrium , sharp pain is
determined, the symptom of Shchetkin- Blumberg is positive.
MOST probable preliminary diagnosis?

*acute appendicitis
* blunt abdominal trauma
* + blunt isolated abdominal injury
* penetrating wound of the abdominal cavity
* blunt combined abdominal injury

*! During a fight, a teenager was hit with a sharp object in the stomach. On
examination, there is a wound on the anterior abdominal wall 5 cm long, moderately
bleeding. A loop of the small intestine protrudes from the wound.
MOST probable preliminary diagnosis?

*acute appendicitis
* blunt abdominal trauma
* blunt isolated abdominal injury
* blunt combined abdominal injury
* + penetrating wound of the abdominal cavity
*! The bus driver chest hit the steering wheel in an accident. Respiration is often
superficial, pain in the chest during movement intensifies. Palpation-sharp local
painand crepitus in the projection of the III and IV ribs in the middle and rear
axillary line, there is also swelling, bruising.
Indicate the preliminary diagnosis.

* + fracture of ribs
* bruise of the sternum
* collarbone fracture
*intercostal neuralgia
* closed fracture of the humerus

*! A 3-year-old child accidentally received a thermal burn with boiling water of his
lower extremities . An ambulance doctor found a burn with an area of 10% of the
body surface. Against the background of hyperemia and edema, there are areas with
absent epidermis.
Determine the MOST probable degree of burn:

* + II
* IV

*! A young man of 20 years old was found near an electrical outlet unconscious. On
examination, convulsive muscle contraction is observed . There is a linear burn on
the skin of the right palm.
Which of the following preliminary diagnoses is MOST probable?

* intracranial hypertension
* traumatic brain injury
* + electrical injury

e# 8 0
+ 32 0
*! Mom took the 4-month-old baby for a walk ( t in the street ) in a woolen suit
and wrapped it in a light blanket. After 2 hours, the child's body temperature rose to
38 C, vomiting appeared. Upon examination, revealed - the skin is hyperemic, hot
to the touch. There are no catarrhal phenomena. Pu eril breath, no wheezing. NPV
25 per minute. Heart - clear, rhythmic tones, heart rate 140 per minute.
Which of the following was the cause of the increase in body temperature in a

* + overheating
*intestinal infection
* hypertensio
* respiratory viral infection

*! A man was found unconscious on the beach. On examination, the skin is
hyperemic, body temperature 40 , NPV 23 min, blood pressure 110 \ 70 mm. Hg.
Art. ECG: sinus tachycardia 110 per minute. EOS is normal. Without acute coronary
pathology. The blood glucose level is 3.6 mmol / L.
MOST probable preliminary diagnosis:

* + sunstroke
* alcohol poisoning
*anaphylactic shock
* hypoglycemic coma
* acute myocardial infarction

*! A 19-year-old patient has multiple rib fractures, acute respiratory failure. There
was an increase in cyanosis, a decrease in blood pressure, a one-sided bulging of the
chest on the right side, and an expansion of the intercostal spaces.
What is the MOST likely cause of ONE?

* severe bruising of the lungs

* rupture of the thoracic aorta
* + intense pneumothorax
* incorrect tracheal intubation
* aspiration of gastric contents

*! A 2-year-old child, during the game, a convulsive cough attack suddenly
developed against the background of full health, shortness of breath appeared,
increasing with anxiety and disappearing in sleep . One-sided emphysema was
revealed during radiography .
Which of the following preliminary diagnoses is MOST probable?

*acute bronchitis
* attack of false croup
* + foreign body of the respiratory tract
* an attack of bronchial asthma

*! A woman with complaints of skin rashes throughout the body, itching, nasal
congestion. Deterioration is associated with work in the country. On the skin of the
face, upper limbs, abdomen spotty-papular , vesicular eruptions in places of a
draining character, accompanied by itching.
Which of the following preliminary diagnoses is MOST correct?

* Quincke's edema
* + urticaria
* with Indre Lyell
* ana prophylactic shock

*! A man of 30 years. Complaints of dyspnea at rest, suffocation, rashes on the face,
itching. From the anamnesis: Deterioration arose after taking citrus fruits,
rashes and swelling on the face, shortness of breath, hoarseness, barking cough.
Objective: The condition is serious. Consciousness is clear. The face is puffy,
swelling of the eyelids, lips, ears, neck, rashes of a small-dot character in places
Which of the following preliminary diagnoses is MOST correct?

* + Quincke's edema
* croup syndrome
*anaphylactic shock
* allergic dermatitis
* COPD in the acute stage

*! We w omen 's in the dentist's office after the administration of lidocaine appeared
swelling of the lips, shortness of breath, weakness, pale skin. HELL 80/60 mm Hg
Which of the following preliminary diagnoses is MOST probable?

* hypoglycemic coma
* drug allergy, urticaria
* bronchial asthma, attack period
* drug allergy, Lyell's syndrome
* + drug allergy, anaphylactic shock

*! A man 15 minutes after intramuscular injection of penicillin appeared spotty-
papular rashes throughout the body, chest pain, dizziness, shortness of breath. On
examination: retardation of consciousness, pallor of the integument, heart rate
of120 per minute, blood pressure 60/0 mm RT. Art.
Which of the following preliminary diagnoses is MOST probable?

* hypoglycemic coma
* drug allergy, urticaria
* drug allergy, Lyell's syndrome
* bronchial asthma, the onset. NAM II
* + drug allergy, anaphylactic shock

*! A woman after a bee sting in her upper lip appeared swelling of the lips,
shortness of breath, weakness, pallor of the skin. HELL 70/4 0 mmHg
Which of the following preliminary diagnoses is MOST probable?

* hypoglycemic coma
* insect a and allergy, Quincke's edema
* bronchial asthma, attack period
* drug allergy, Lyell's syndrome
* + insect allergy, anaphylactic

shock# 8 9
*! A woman has complaints of shortness of breath at rest, suffocation, swelling of
the face, itching. From the anamnesis: the condition arose after a bee sting, swelling
on the face, shortness of breath, hoarseness of the voice appeared. Objective: The
condition is serious. Consciousness is clear. The face is puffy, swelling of theeyelids,
lips, auricles, neck.
Which of the following preliminary diagnoses is MOST correct?

* + Quincke's edema
* croup syndrome
*anaphylactic shock
* allergic dermatitis
* COPD in the acute stage

*! A child with localized Quincke edema on his face suddenly worsened. There was
a cough, hoarseness, choking, stridorous breathing.
MOST likely complication of this condition?

* bronchospasm
* + laryngeal edema
*pulmonary edema
* with Indre Lyell
*anaphylactic shock

*! A man complaining of nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain. From the anamnesis:
within 2 weeks he abused alcohol bought from his hands. Today, the condition has
worsened. Objective: The state of moderate severity. In the mind, excited. The
skinis pale, covered with profuse sweat, hand tremor. Pupils D = S, narrowed to 1-2
mm. The breath is noisy. NPV 26 min The lungs are wet and dry wheezing. HELL
110/70mm Hg Pulse 140 beats per min.
MOST probable preliminary diagnosis:

* acute myocardial infarction

* ethyl alcohol poisoning
* + alcohol substitution poisoning
* poisoning with chlorinated hydrocarbons
* poisoning with organophosphorus compounds
*! A 12-year-old boy drank 5 tablets of diphenhydramine. After some time, motor
and mental arousal, hyperthermia, thirst, hyperemia of the face and upper body
appeared. The skin is dry, pale, pupils dilated, horizontal nystagmus, cramps.
Which of the following preliminary diagnoses is MOST correct?

* antibiotic poisoning
* cardiac glycoside poisoning
* + antihistamine poisoning
* anticonvulsant poisoning
* anti poisoning in spalitelnymi drugs

*! A 34-year-old man working at a chemical fertilizer plant. Complaints of nausea,
vomiting, abdominal pain, agitation. Objectively: psychomotor agitation, the skin is
pale, cyanotic, the pupil is narrow, muscle twitching. In the lungs, a mass of
wetrales of various sizes. From the nasal passages, fluid is discharged. Heart sounds
are muffled.
Determine what is the MOST likely cause of poisoning?

*acetic acid
* ethyl alcohol
*caustic soda
* acetylsalicylic acid
* + organophosphorus compounds

*! A man of 28 years old, was in a room that was heated with solid fuel, was found
unconscious. Indoors, the smell of burning. Objectively: the skin is hyperemic,
acrocyanosis, mydriasis, sluggish photoreaction, tachypnea up to 25, blood pressure
100/70 mm Hg, heart rate 90 per min.
Which of the following preliminary diagnoses is MOST correct?

* + carbon monoxide poisoning

* natural gas poisoning
* methyl alcohol poisoning
* opium poisoning
* poisoning with psychotropic drugs
*! A young man is unconscious on the street in an extremely serious condition. No
physical injuries were observed. The skin with severe cyanosis, along the veins on
the hands are traces of injections. Rare, shallow breathing. Heart sounds are
muffled, the rhythm is correct, heart rate of 70 per minute, blood pressure 90/60 mm
Which of the following preliminary diagnoses is MOST correct?

* alcoholic coma
* + narcotic coma
* apoplexy coma
* hypoglycemic coma
* acute heart failure

*! A man was found on the street. Objectively: the smell of alcohol from the mouth,
pale wet skin, a decrease in body temperature of 3 to 5 degrees. Breathing is
significantly slowed, the pulse is weak, blood pressure is 100/60 mm. Hg. Art.
Which of the following preliminary diagnoses is MOST correct?

* + alcoholic coma
* drug coma
* apoplexy coma
* hypoglycemic coma
* acute heart failure

*! After the explosion, as a result of a terrorist act, a man's outerwear caught fire,
burns to his face, body, is inhibited, his pulse is frequent. HELL 75 \ 50 mmHg
The MOST probable cause of this condition is:

* face burn
* + burn shock
* traumatic shock

*! At the plant for the production of bleaching agents , a leak of harmful substances
has occurred. Workers experienced an asthma attack, a sharp cough, anxiety ,
muscle weakness, and tearing, which went away on their own after the
workers were withdrawn from the affected area. After a day, part of the workers
werehospitalized with a clinic for pulmonary edema.
Which of the following is MOST likely?

* + chlorine poisoning
* methane poisoning
* ammonia poisoning
* carbon monoxide poisoning
* hydrogen sulfide poisoning

*: When faced icy 4 car, causing hurt 10 people with various injuries were taken to
the hospital, 3 died there at the scene.
What category should this situation belong to?

*natural disaster
* + emergency
*technological disaster
* industrial accident
* traffic accident

# 10 0
*! In a devastating earthquake under the rubble of the house, a man was found
unconscious, a pulse of 116 beats per minute, threadlike, the skin of the right
legwas pale with a bluish tint, and blisters with a dull reddish content were visible.
MOST probable preliminary diagnosis:

* electrical injury
* subcooling
* thermal burn
* femoral fracture
* + prolonged compression syndrome

# 10 1
*! A man was found in the ruined building, whose lower extremities were
crushedby a stove. Unconscious, pulse 11 0 beats per minute, rhythmic, threadlike.
On the lower extremities, the skin is pale with a bluish tint, blisters with a dull red
MOST probable preliminary diagnosis:

* electrical injury
* subcooling
* thermal burn
* femoral fracture
* + prolonged compression syndrome

# 10 2
*! After eating unknown berries in a pioneer camp in 11 children, excitement, high
fever, photophobia, pupils are wide, dry skin.
Which substance is MOST likely to be found in berries ?

* + atropine
* relanium
* diphenhydramine
* adrenaline

# 10 3
*! A man of 40 years. Upon examination by an ambulance doctor is in extremely
serious condition. 12 hours ago there was vomiting with blood and melena.
Confused consciousness, blood pressure 60/40 mm RT. Art. Pulse 128 in min.
Which of the following complications is MOST true?

*anaphylactic shock
* + hemorrhagic shock
* malignancy

# 10 4
*! A 37-year-old man complains of sharp pains in the right side of the pelvis after a
car accident . Consciousness did not lose. On examination: in the area of the wing of
the right ilium, an extensive subcutaneous hematoma, sharp pain on palpation of the
pubic and ischial bones, as well as in the area of the wing of the ilium on the right.
The right leg is bent at the knee and hip joints and somewhat rotated outwards.
MOST probable preliminary diagnosis?
* pelvic soft tissue hematoma
* hip fracture on the right
* hip fracture on the right
* + pelvic fracture
* pelvic bruise

# 10 5
*! The girl lost consciousness in a stuffy room for 1 min . Prior to this, general
weakness, dizziness, lethargy, darkening in the eyes were noted . From the
anamnesis: for 3 months, the 2nd attack.
MOST probable preliminary diagnosis:

* + fainting

# 10 6
*! When the bridge collapsed, a concrete slab fell on the builder. In the middle third
of the right thigh there is a laceration in which bone fragments and bleeding are
visible. The condition is extremely serious, inhibited, pallor of the skin, blood
pressure 70 \ 40 mm Hg, heart rate 125 in minutes y .
Indicate the MOST likely injury complication:

* + traumatic shock
* myocardial infarction

# 10 7
*! During a flood, an unconscious young man was taken out of the water, the skin
was cold, bluish, there was no consciousness, respiration and pulse on the main
vessels, water flows out of the mouth and nose, there is no reaction of the pupils to
the light, a “cat's eye” symptom.
Indicate the preliminary diagnosis.

* agony
* predagonia
* brain death
* clinical death
* + biological death

# 10 8
*! The patient lost consciousness during the examination, developed cyanosis of the
skin, breathing, pulse on the carotid artery. On a heart monitor: straight line.
In which of the following mechanisms did the development of circulatory arrest

* + asystole
* atrial fibrillation
* ventricular fibrillation
* electromechanical dissociation
* paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia

# 10 9
*! A patient with complaints of lack of air, pain in the right half of the chest.
Complaints appeared 1 hour ago after a car accident, was driving a car. Objectively:
the skin is pale, the right side of the chest lags behind in the act of breathing,
respiratory sounds are not determined. With percussion, a boxed sound, with
auscultation, breathing is not heard on the right.
MOST probable preliminary diagnosis?

* + pneumothorax
* pulmonary emphysema
* aortic aneurysm
* myocardial infarction

# 11 0
*! The victim was hit by a car. Complains of severe pain in the middle third of the
leg on the left. On examination : Region middle third of the left tibia edematous,
more leznenna palpation. Movement in goleno jog joint is limited and painful. The
victim cannot firmly step on her sore leg.
MOST probable preliminary diagnosis:

* soft tissue bruise in the left leg region

* closed fracture of the left thigh in the middle third
* sprained left goleno ligaments jog joint
* open fracture of the middle third of the lower leg bones
* + closed fracture of the middle third of the lower leg bones


90 * *
# 11 1
*! Due to the severity of the patient’s condition, the doctor of the linear ambulance
team found it necessary to call a specialized team.
Duties of the doctor who called the specialized team:

* have a conversation with the patient

* wait for the brigade outside the apartment
* fill out medical documentation
* + provide medical assistance before the arrival of the brigade
* prepare the necessary equipment for a specialized team

# 112
*! A man with a knife wound. When servicing the injured, an ambulance doctor
must inform:

* akimat of the district

* station head physician
* substation manager
* + call center of the city DVD
* chief physician of the district clinic

# 113
*! A 65-year-old patient lost consciousness during the examination, developed
cyanosis of the skin, breathing, pulse on the carotid artery. On a cardiomonitor:
chaotic irregular rhythm, QRS complexes and T waves are absent.
MOST priority emergency care?

* administration of amiodarone
* Triple Safar Reception
* pacemaker
* + electrical defibrillation
* mechanical ventilation

# 114
*! A girl of 18 years old in a stuffy room lost consciousness. Prior to this, a sense of
fear, general weakness, dizziness, lethargy, darkening in the eyes were noted. From
the anamnesis: in 3 months the second attack was repeated.
MOST effective emergency care:

* glucose 40% iv, sweet tea

* infusion of polyglucin, dopamine in / in
* lay with a raised head, furosemide v / m
* lay with raised legs, epinephrine v / m
* + lay with raised legs, inhaling ammonia vapor

# 115
*! A girl of 13 years after taking blood from a finger has a darkening in the eyes,
tinnitus, blanching of the skin, nausea, and a decrease in blood pressure.
The use of any drug is most advisable?

* + ammonia
* cordiamine
* mildronate
* diazepam
* midodri

n# 116
*! A 44-year-old patient suffering from diffuse toxic goiter when examined by a
dentist has weakness, flickering flies before his eyes, and loss of consciousness.
Heart sounds are muffled loud, the rhythm is correct. Heart rate 62 per
minute;Pulse - 60 per minute, rhythmic. HELL 80/60 mm Hg
MOST probable amount of assistance

* prednisone 60 mg iv
* iv dopamine infusion
* polyglucin infusion 400.0 iv
* injection of epinephrine v / m
* + inhalation of ammonia vapor

# 117
*! A young man during training developed pain in the heart, palpitations, severe
weakness. Objectively: the skin is pale, unconscious, there is no pulse on the carotid
artery, the pupils are moderately dilated, the reaction to light is sluggish.
MOST priority emergency care?

* electrical defibrillation of the heart

* lidocaine 100 mg intravenously per nat. solution
* Amiodarone 300 mg intravenously per nat. solution
* intravenous infusion of 4% sodium bicarbonate solution
* + indoor cardiac massage and mechanical ventilation in a ratio of 30: 2

# 118
*! A man of 39 liters, a sudden loss of consciousness, tonic-clonic convulsions,
pallor of the skin, pulse on the carotid artery, breathing are absent. On a heart
monitor - a straight line.
MOST priority emergency care?

* electrical defibrillation of the heart

* lidocaine 100 mg intravenously per nat. solution
* Amiodarone 300 mg intravenously per nat. solution
* intravenous infusion of 4% sodium bicarbonate solution
* + indoor cardiac massage and mechanical ventilation in a ratio of 30: 2

# 119
*! An elderly patient during the examination lost consciousness, developed cyanosis
of the skin, breathing, pulse on the carotid artery.
Which drug is most appropriate for use?

* amiodarone
* + epinephrine
*bicarbonate of soda

# 120
*! The patient is 43 years old. Complaints: compressive pain in the heart for more
than 40 minutes, shortness of breath, fear of death, weakness, sweating for the first
time after psycho-emotional stress. The condition is extremely serious. The skin is
pale, cold, covered with sweat. NPV 22 per min. Heart sounds are sharply muffled,
rhythmic. HELL 100/70 mm Hg Pulse 120 rpm, rhythmic, ECG: sinus tachycardia
120 rpm. In leads III, avF, the Q wave is deep, more than ½ of the R wave ,
wide,the ST segment rising 4 mm above the contour.

* analgin
* ketonal
* + morphine
* promedol
* fentanyl

# 121
*! The patient is 46 years old. Complaints of weakness, a sense of fear, constricting
pain in the heart. The attack arose for the first time after exercise 1 hour ago. Took
nitroglycerin 3-wait, the effect is short-lived. Pale, scared. In the lungs, vesicular
breathing, no wheezing, NPV 22 beats. in minutes Heart sounds are loud, rhythmic.
HELL 110/70 mm. Hg. Art. ECG sinus tachycardia 102 per min. Normal EOS.
Negative T in holes I , II , AVL .
Indicate groups of emergency care products:

* defoamers, diuretics, vasopressors

* + narcotic analgesics, antiplatelet agents, anticoagulants
* adrenergic agonists, glucocorticosteroids, antihistamines
* antiarrhythmic , cardiac glycosides, calcium antagonists
* non-narcotic analgesics, ACE inhibitors, respiratory analeptics
# 122
*! A 44-year-old patient, after considerable physical exertion, developed weakness,
severe pain behind the sternum, pressing to the left shoulder, short-term loss of
consciousness, shortness of breath. The pain lasted about 40 minutes. I applied for
LUTS one hour after the onset of pain of blood pressure 110/70 mm. Hg On an
ECG, sinus tachycardia 108 per minute, ST segment elevation of more than 3 mm.
In assignments I, II, avL, V1-V4. The patient will take more than 30 minutes to
The drug for fibrinolytic therapy:

* heparin
* dopamine
* + alteplase
* clopidogrel

# 123
*! A 78-year-old patient complains of pain behind the sternum of a compressive,
oppressive nature lasting more than 30 minutes, shortness of breath, fear of death,
weakness, sweating. In the history of coronary heart disease, suffered 2 myocardial
infarction, hypertension, diabetes mellitus. Objectively, the condition is severe, the
skin is pale, moist. Heart sounds are deaf rhythmic. HELL 70/45 mm Hg ECG heart
rate 110 in min. The QS complex in assignments I, II, AVL , V 1 - V 4.
MOST probable drug for stabilizing blood pressure

* mesatone
* + dopamine
* epinephrine
* prednisone

# 124
*! On the electrocardiogram of a patient with first-time complaints of severe
compressive pain behind the sternum, weakness and sweating, a complete blockade
of the left bundle branch block was found.
* tramadol
* promedol
* + morphine
* diclofenac

# 125
*! A 72-year-old patient complains of a feeling of lack of air, weakness, pressing
pains behind the sternum. Anamnesis: AH, coronary heart disease, angina pectoris
for many years. Deterioration within an hour. She took validol without effect.
Objectively, the condition is serious. The situation is forced orthopedic. The skin is
pale with a cyanotic hue. Heart rate 32 per minute. Heart sounds are deaf. HELL
170/100 mm. mmHg. In the lungs, the mass of wet large-caliber rales in all fields.
ECG sinus tachycardia 106 per min. 4 mm ST segment elevation in leads I, II, AVL
, V 1- V 4.
MOST probable emergency doctor tactics:

* leave home
* + hospitalize
* asset to the local doctor
* report to the senior doctor
* report to the head doctor

# 126
*! Patient 24 g. Complaints of shortness of breath with difficulty breathing, a feeling
of tightness in the chest, pink foam from the mouth. Anamnesis: rheumatism,
combined mitral heart disease with a predominance of stenosis. The condition is
serious, the position is orthopedic, diffuse cyanosis. Heart sounds are muffled, II
accent. Above the pulmonary artery, gross systolic murmur above the apex of the
heart. HELL 150/90 mm Hg Heart rate 120 per minute. In the lungs, the mass of wet
large-caliber rales in all fields. NPV 36 min
MOST probable emergency doctor tactics:

* leave home
* + hospitalize
* asset to the local doctor
* report to the senior doctor
* report to the head doctor
# 127
*! A 78-year-old patient complains of pain behind the sternum of a compressive,
oppressive nature lasting more than 30 minutes, shortness of breath, fear of death,
weakness, sweating. In the history of coronary heart disease, suffered 2 myocardial
infarction, hypertension, diabetes mellitus. Objectively, the condition is severe, the
skin is pale, moist. Heart sounds are deaf rhythmic. HELL 70/45 mm Hg ECG heart
rate 110 in min. The QS complex in assignments I, II, AVL , V 1 - V 4.
MOST probable drug for stabilizing blood pressure

* mesatone
* + dopamine
* epinephrine
* nitroglycerin

# 128
*! A 56-year-old patient suffering from arterial hypertension for a long time, against
the background of an increase in blood pressure to 230/130 mm Hg shortness of
breath occurred. During auscultation, moist finely bubbling rales are heard to the
upper edge of the scapula.
What drugs are MOST indicated for emergency care?

* dibazole, diazepam, oxygen

* clonidine, urapidil, nifedipine
* metoprolol, nitroglycerin, morphine
* + enalaprilat, lasix, oxygen through alcohol
* nitroglycerin, morphine, acetylsalicylic acid

# 129
*! A patient with grade I arterial hypertension with a sudden onset of deterioration:
headache, dizziness, "net" in front of the eyes, heart pain, feeling of heat, red
spotson the face intensified. Heart rate 98 per minute. HELL 190/100 mm RT. Art.
How the most effective way to reduce blood pressure:

* oral medication, fast at 45-50% of the initial within an hour

* oral medication, fast at 15-20% of the initial within an hour
* parenteral drugs, fast at 15-20% of the initial within an hour
* + by oral preparations, gradually by 15-25% of the initial within 12-24 hours
* parenteral preparations, gradually by 15-25% of the initial within 12-24 hours
# 130
*! Woman 36 years old. Complaints of severe headache, palpitations, pain behind
the sternum, weakness. Objectively: excited. Pulse 115 bpm Blood pressure 190/110
mm Hg Heart sounds are clear, loud, 2 tone accent above the aorta.
Which group of drugs is MOST appropriate?

* thiazide diuretics
* calcium antagonists
* + beta-blockers
* prolonged nitrates
* angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors

# 131
*! A man with complaints of severe weakness, dizziness, pressing pain behind the
sternum. A history of myocardial infarction. ECG: a gradual increasing lengthening
of the P - Q interval until the ventricular complex falls out, after a long pause.
Which drug is most appropriate for use?

* + atropine
* epinephrine
* amiodarone
* ketoprofen

# 132
*! Patient S., 40 l. Complaints of weakness, dizziness, short-term loss of
consciousness, cramps, involuntary urination. Attacks of bradycardia about a year
after myocarditis. Objectively: a state of moderate severity. Consciousness is clear.
Heart sounds are muffled, heart rate 26 per min. AD110 / 70 mm Hg ECG: atrial
contractions 80 rpm rhythmically, ventricles 26 rpm rhythmically. QRS 0, 14 sec.
MOST probable non-drug emergency care:

* defibrillation
* precardial stroke
* indirect heart massage
* + pacemaker
* mechanical ventilation
# 133
*! The patient lost consciousness during the examination, developed cyanosis of the
skin, breathing, pulse on the carotid artery. On a heart monitor: frequent irregular
random waves of various amplitudes and shapes .
MOST priority emergency care?

* oral toilet
* administration of amiodarone
* Triple Safar Reception
* + electrical defibrillation
* mechanical ventilation

# 134
*! A 69-year-old patient lost consciousness during the examination, developed
cyanosis of the skin, breathing, pulse on the carotid artery. On a cardiomonitor:
chaotic irregular rhythm, QRS complexes and T waves are absent.
It is most optimal to start defibrillation with a biphasic discharge, J:

* + 150
* 200
* 300
* 360

# 135
*! An elderly patient during the examination lost consciousness, developed
cyanosisof the skin, breathing, pulse on the carotid artery.
In the provision of emergency care, the administration of medicines is carried out:

* subcutaneously
* intradermally
* + intravenously
* intracardiac
* intramuscularly

# 136
*! A 28-year-old man with complaints of headache in the forehead and temples,
weakness, malaise, aching in the whole body, infrequent dry cough, nasal
congestion, fever up to 39.1ºС. Objectively: the face is somewhat puffy, hyperemic.
Marked scleritis, conjunctivitis. The mucous membrane of the oropharynx is
hyperemic, moderately swollen with fine granularity.
Which drug is most appropriate for use?

* berodual
* chloramphenicol
* + paracetamol
*acetylsalicylic acid

# 137
*! Woman of 42 years. Complaints of a feeling of lack of air, dry cough. From the
anamnesis: suffers from allergic rhinitis for many years. A sharp deterioration in
health after taking tablets of ascorbic acid. Objective: The condition is serious.
Excited. The skin is pale. The breath is noisy. Above the lungs, hard breathing,
throughout all pulmonary fields, a mass of dry wheezing. Respiratory rate 37 per
minute. Heart sounds are deaf, the rhythm is correct. Heart rate 127 per minute.
HELL 130/80 mm RT. Art.
Which drug is most appropriate for use?

* diphenhydramine
* furosemide
* + salbutamol
* prednisone
* norepinephrine

# 138
*! The child is 2 years old, got sick yesterday: weakness, hoarseness, barking cough,
decreased appetite. Tempera body travel 37.5 C. When viewed breath audible at a
distance, inspiratory dyspnea at rest. Excited, restless, sleep disturbed. The skin is
pale, perioral cyanosis, growing during an attack of cough, tachycardia. NPV 31 per
minute. In the lungs, harsh breathing, single dry rales.
The MOST expedient drug for emergency care:

* no-spa
* berotek
* analgin
* aminophylline
* + prednisone
# 139
*! The patient is 40 years old. Complaints about difficulty breathing, a feeling of
lack of air. Deterioration occurred 2 hours ago, took inhalation of berodual, without
effect. State of moderate severity, excited. The skin is cyanotic. In the breathing,
auxiliary muscles are involved. During auscultation in the lungs, hard breathing, dry
wheezing. NPV 24 min
The MOST probable cause of hospitalization for this patient is:

* age of the patient
* severity of the attack
* the presence of concomitant diseases
* + lack of effect of bronchodilator therapy

# 140
*! A 50-year-old man complained of expiratory dyspnea, a cough with difficult to
separate mucous sputum. Suffers from bronchial asthma. Deterioration is associated
with a transferred ARVI. The number of inhalations of berodual independently
increased up to 10 times a day. The last 2 days, the attack is not completely stopped.
The condition is serious. The skin is cyanotic, covered with sweat. Orthopnea. NPV
36 min The skin is cyanotic, covered with sweat. Weakened breathing, patches of
the “silent” lung. Heart rate 120 per minute. HELL 100/60 mm Hg
Which drug is MOST effective for the patient:

* intal
* alupent
* theophylline
* terbutaline
* + prednisone

# 141
*! A patient of 28 years has multiple rib fractures, acute respiratory failure. After
tracheal intubation and the transition to mechanical ventilation, an increase in
cyanosis and a decrease in blood pressure were noted.
Indicate the location of the pleural puncture:

* 4th intercostal space on the midclavicular line

* + 2nd intercostal space on the midclavicular line
* 7th intercostal space in the rear axillary line
* 5th intercostal space in the mid axillary line
* 7th intercostal space in the mid axillary line

# 142
*! A 43-year-old man choked and turned blue while eating. The breath is noisy,
stenotic. He began to lose consciousness.
MOST reasonable emergency care:

* + Heimlich's reception
* mechanical ventilation
* administration of respiratory analeptics
* administration of anticonvulsants
* urgent hospitalization without additional measures

# 143
*! A man choked on a piece of meat. I turned for help to the nearest ambulance
station. Reception of Heimlich is ineffective (the patient suffocates, turns blue).
MOST reasonable actions?

* start ventilation
* insert the nasal duct
* perform tracheal intubation
* + microconicotomy
* start external massage of the heart

# 144
*! In a 5-year-old child with ARVI against a background of high body temperature
(39.5 ° C), his condition sharply worsened, convulsions appeared.
The MOST expedient drug for emergency care:

* + diazepam
* chloral hydrate
*calcium gluconate
* sulfate magnesia

# 145
*! A woman of 30 years old, complaints of sharp pains in the lower abdomen that
appeared after exercise. History of a cyst of the right ovary. Objectively: a state of
moderate severity. HELL 130/85 mm RT. Art., pulse 85 beats per minute. The tongue
is wet, not coated. The abdomen is of the correct form, breathing spares the lower
half. In the right iliac region, mild symptoms of peritoneal irritation.
The MOST optimal tactics of an emergency doctor:

* leave at home
* send to the clinic
* + urgently hospitalize
* give recommendations for treatment
* transfer the asset to the local doctor

# 146
*! Woman, 28 years old, complaints of sharp pains in the lower abdomen, vomiting,
nausea. From the anamnesis - there is no menstrual dysfunction, an ovarian cyst.
Objectively: the general condition is serious. The skin and visible mucous
membranes are pale in color, cold, sticky sweat. HELL 120/80 mm RT. Art., pulse
90 min. The abdomen is sharply painful, a positive symptom of Shchetkin-
Which department requires hospitalization?

* + gynecological
* resuscitation
* therapeutic
* surgical
* infectious

# 147
*! A woman of 50 years, the third time in the last year an attack of acute
cholecystitis. The last time pain in the right hypochondrium appeared two days ago,
did not seek medical help , self-medicated. 3 hours before calling an ambulance pain
in his stomach began to have spilled in nature, more in the right, said hyperthermia
to 39 of the S.
Which department requires hospitalization?

* + surgical
* infectious
* therapeutic
* resuscitation
* gastroenterological

# 148
*! A 28-year-old patient with a gestational age of 15 weeks, complaints of spotting
from the genital tract, for no apparent reason. Objectively: the condition is
satisfactory. HELL 100/70 mm Hg The uterus is not excitable.
What is the tactics of the emergency doctor MOST true:

*ambulatory treatment
* asset to the local doctor
* send to the clinic
* + hospitalization in hospital
* give recommendations for treatment and leave at home

# 149
*! The patient is 26 years old, unconscious. According to relatives, she had the flu 6
days ago, complained of a headache, dizziness, swelling on her legs. In the morning
there were cramps. Consists of "D" registration for pregnancy 32 weeks.
Objectively: a serious condition. HELL 190/100 mm Hg The uterus is not excitable.
The position of the fetus is longitudinal, the presentation of the head. The fetal
heartbeat is clear, rhythmic, up to 140 beats. per minute.
MOST correct position for transporting the patient:

* sitting
*on the back
* on the stomach
* on the right side
* + on the left side

# 150
*! A 65-year-old man, complaints of coughing with scarlet blood, aggravated by
movements. History: observed at the place of residence with lung disease, recently
underwent lung surgery. Suffers from a heart disease about which he is taking
aspirin. Objectively: low nutrition, sharp pallor of the skin, heart rate of 100
permin., Blood pressure of 100-60 mm Hg
Which group drug is most appropriate in helping?

* sedatives
* bronchodilators
* cardiac glycosides
* + hemostatic
* respiratory analeptics

# 151
*! Child is 8 years old. From the anamnesis it is known that this morning I ate
a cake in the school cafeteria. In the evening I felt nausea, headache, vomiting was
noted three times, loose stools 5-6 times, body temperature 38.4 ° C.
Which of the following is MOST appropriate for emergency care?

* diuretics
* antibiotics
* glucocorticoids
* infusion therapy
* + gastric lavage

# 152
*! A 5-year-old child 2 hours after eating the cake had cutting pains in the
epigastrium, nausea, repeated vomiting, weakness, dizziness.
The total volume of fluid for gastric lavage, liters:


# 153
*! The child is 5 years old, is sick on the 6th day. Worse general condition, fever up
to 37.2 ° C, an itchy rash. Objectively: on the scalp, on the face, body, limbs,
polymorphic rashes are noted in the form of roseola, papules, vesicles, single
pustules, crusts, superficial sores. Palms and feet free of rashes.
MOST likely treatment recommendations?

* drink less
* bathe a child
* send to the clinic
* desensitizing drugs
* + process the appearing elements with a diamond of green greens
# 154
*! A 4-year-old child fell ill sharply, his body temperature increased to 38 ° C, single
vomiting. Towards evening, a rash appeared. On examination, the state of moderate
severity, complaints of headache, sore throat. On the skin of the face and body there
is an abundant small-pointed rash, a pale nasolabial triangle. In the oropharynx,
bright hyperemia of the tonsils and arches. Purulent deposits in the gaps of the right
MOST probable emergency doctor tactics:

* send to the clinic

* report to the senior doctor
* hospitalize in an infectious diseases hospital
* hospitalize in the intensive care unit
* + give recommendations for treatment and leave at home

# 155
*! The patient came from Southeast Asia. Ill acutely with multiple profuse watery
stools and profuse watery vomiting. Body temperature 35.1 С. The skin is dry, skin
turgor is reduced . Visible mucous membranes are dry. Facial features are pointed.
HELL 70/40 mm RT. Art. Heart rate 1 15 beats per min. Heart sounds are deaf. The
voice is hoarse. I did not urinate.
MOST optimal emergency care includes:

* diuretics
* antibiotics
* antiemetic drugs
* + glucose-salt solutions intravenously
* non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

# 156
*! The child is 2.5 years old with complaints of shortness of breath during crying,
sore throat, cough, hoarseness, fever up to 38.5C.
MOST expedient emergency care includes?

* oxygen
* amyphyllin
* glucocorticoids
* + alkaline inhalation
* intubation of the trachea and mechanical ventilation

# 157
*! A 9-year-old boy fell ill acutely. Complaints of fever up to 39.3C, headache,
vomiting that does not bring relief, weakness. Objectively: adynamic, weak,
lethargic. The skin is pale, on the skin of the gluteal region a single hemorrhagic
stellate rash. Meningeal symptoms are negative. T 39.7 ºС.
What antibacterial drug is most suitable for emergency care?

* ampicillin
* ceftriaxone
* benzylpenicillin
* + chloramphenicol (chloramphenicol)

# 158
*! A 4-year-old child with complaints of severe headache, weakness, skin rash. Sick
the second day. Today the condition worsened: headache intensified, the
temperature rose to 40 ° C. Objectively: the condition is serious, inhibited.
Acrocyanosis. On the skin of the trunk, lower and upper extremities, an abundant
hemorrhagic rash of irregular shape 2-3 mm in diameter, in the center of necrosis.
Heart sounds are deaf, the rhythm is correct. Pulse 140 in min., Weak filling and
tension. HELL 55/30 mm RT. Art.
Infusion of which group of drugs is most appropriate:

* emulsions
* blood substitutes
* blood products
* protein preparations
* + colloids and crystalloids

# 159
*! The patient is 45 l unconscious, does not respond to external stimuli.
Accordingto relatives, she suffers from diabetes, on the eve of the introduction of
a doubledose of insulin. The skin is pale, moist. HELL 90/40 mm. Hg. Art., heart
rate 110per minute.
The MOST expedient drug for emergency care:

* naloxone
* thiamine 5% solution
* + dextrose 40% solution
* sodium chloride 0.9% solution

# 160
*! A young man of 27 years in a coma. In two months he complained of significant
weakness, thirst, lost 8 kg. A sharp deterioration notes for two days. Objectively: the
skin is dry, pale, turgor is reduced, areflexia. Kussmaul's breath, the smell of
acetonefrom the mouth. HELL 90/60 mm. Hg. Art., pulse 92, soft, small filling. On
palpation of the abdomen - bloating, the abdominal wall is tense.
The introduction of a solution of the above are the most priority?

* + sodium chloride 0.9%

* reopoliglyukin
* polyglucin
* dextrose 5%
* Reformed

# 161
*! A young man is unconscious on the street in an extremely serious condition. No
physical injuries were observed. The skin with severe cyanosis, along the veins on
the hands are traces of injections. Rare, shallow breathing. Heart sounds are
muffled, the rhythm is correct, heart rate of 70 per min, blood pressure 90/60 mm.
Hg. Art.
The MOST expedient drug for emergency care:

* + naloxone
* thiamine 5% solution
* dextrose 40% solution
* sodium chloride 0.9% solution

# 162
*! The patient is 55 l unconscious, does not respond to external stimuli.
According to relatives, he suffers from diabetes. The skin is pale, moist. HELL
100/50 mm. Hg.Art., heart rate 110 per minute. Blood glucose 1.4 mmol / liter.
The MOST expedient drug for emergency care:
* naloxone
* thiamine 5% solution
* + dextrose 40% solution
* sodium chloride 0.9% solution

# 163
*! A patient 68 years after the administration of insulin has a sudden loss of
consciousness, rare shallow breathing, cold sweat.
The MOST expedient drug for emergency care:

* naloxone
* thiamine 5% solution
* + dextrose 40% solution
* sodium chloride 0.9% solution

# 164
*! A young man in a coma. In two months he complained of significant weakness,
thirst, lost 8 kg. A sharp deterioration notes for two days. Objectively: the skin is
dry, pale, turgor is reduced, areflexia. Kussmaul's breath, the smell of acetone from
the mouth. HELL 90/60 mm. Hg. Art., pulse 92, soft, small filling. On palpation of
the abdomen - bloating, the abdominal wall is tense.
The introduction of a solution of the above are the most priority?

* + sodium chloride 0.9%

* reopoliglyukin
* polyglucin
* dextrose 5%
* Reformed

# 165
*! A young man in a coma. In two months he complained of significant weakness,
thirst, lost 8 kg. A sharp deterioration notes for two days. Objectively: the skin is
dry, pale, turgor is reduced, areflexia. Kussmaul's breath, the smell of acetone from
the mouth. HELL 90/60 mm. Hg. Art., pulse 92, soft, small filling. On palpation of
the abdomen - bloating, the abdominal wall is tense. The most appropriate tactics of
the ambulance doctor:
* asset to the local doctor
* send to the clinic
* hospitalize in the endocrinology department
* give recommendations for treatment and leave at home
* + hospitalize in the intensive care unit

# 166
*! Male 7 4 years old. He felt sorry for headache, numbness and weakness of the
upper left limb, and slurred speech. Sick in the morning. Objectively: a state of
moderate severity. The smoothness of the nasolabial folds on the left, the
symptomis sail a, the deviation of the tongue a to the right . Speech is blurry. Left-
side hemiparesis is moderate. After two hours of observation and treatment, positive
dynamics were noted, the smoothness of the nasolabial fold on the left, the effects
ofhemiparesis disappeared, speech became clear , the general condition improved.
THE MOST OPTIMAL transport method in position:

* Trendelenburg
* sitting on a stretcher
* sitting, with fixation, in a wheelchair
* + horizontal, with elevated headboard
* horizontal, with elevated foot end

# 167
*! The man, defending himself from the blow, grabbed the knife with his right hand
by the blade. As a result, a wound formed on the palmar surface of the right hand.
When viewed on the palmar surface of the transverse incised wound 4 cm long with
smooth edges and slight bleeding.
Which solution is the most optimal to treat the edges of the wound?

* furatsillin
* + alcohol 70% solution
* betadine 0.1% solution
* sodium chloride 0.9% solution
* hydrogen peroxide 3% solution

# 168
*! The man, defending himself from the blow, grabbed the knife with his right hand
by the blade. As a result, a wound formed on the palmar surface of the right hand.
When viewed on the palmar surface of the transverse incised wound 4 cm long with
smooth edges and slight bleeding.
Which solution is the most optimal to treat the wound inside?

* iodine 5% solution
* alcohol 70% solution
* alcohol 90% solution
* hydrogen peroxide 6% solution
* + hydrogen peroxide 3% solution

# 169
*! A man of 80 years old, stumbled on the street and fell on his left side. There were
severe pain in the inguinal region. On examination by an ambulance doctor : the
right leg is rotated outwards. He cannot stand upright on his own. Trying to do this
with the help of others leads to severe pain in the hip joint, "symptom" at Lipsheim
heel. " Tapping the heel and the greater trochanter is painful.

* ketonal
* analgin
* + promedol
* diclofenac

# 170
*! A 45-year-old woman, while cooking, knocked over a pot of boiling water over
her feet. Complaints of burning pain in both feet. On examination: both legs and
feetare hyperemic, swollen, multiple blisters with serous contents on the skin.
MOST priority actions?

* limb immobilization
* ointment dressing
* aseptic dressing
* + narcotic analgesic analgesia

# 171
*! A man of 80 years old, stumbled on the street and fell on his left side. There were
severe pain in the inguinal region. On examination by an ambulance doctor : the
right leg is rotated outwards. He cannot stand upright on his own. Trying to do this
with the help of others leads to severe pain in the hip joint, "symptom" at Lipsheim
heel. " Tapping the heel and the greater trochanter is painful.
Effective transport immobilization requires fixation of the joints:

* + Hip, knee and ankle

* ankle and knee
* hip, knee
* ankle
* knee

# 172
*! An elderly patient slipped and fell, leaning on the palm of an outstretched right
hand. There were severe pains in the wrist joint. I called an ambulance .
Objectively: the right wrist joint is edematous, movements in it are very painful and
limited. The “bayonet-like” deformation of the joint is determined (the distal
fragment along with the hand is shifted to the rear). Palpation of the back of
thejoint is painful.

* + anesthesia
* surgical treatment
* limb immobilization
* cast of gypsum string

# 173
*! The teenager fell off the swing and hit outdoor temp right shoulder joint
Noi When examined by an ambulance doctor : deformation of the right clavicle is
noted, the right shoulder girdle is shortened and lowered. The area of the right
clavicle is swollen.
Which of the following is the MOST (priority) ?

* + anesthesia
* surgical treatment
* limb immobilization
* cast of gypsum string
# 174
*! A man in a fight received a stab wound in the outer surface of his left
forearm. On examination: a transverse incised wound 5 cm long with smooth
edges andslight bleeding.
Which solution is the most optimal to treat the edges of the wound?

* furatsillin
* + alcohol 70% solution
* betadine 0.1% solution
* sodium chloride 0.9% solution
* hydrogen peroxide 3% solution

# 175
*! The man, defending himself from the blow, grabbed the knife with his right hand
by the blade. As a result, a wound formed on the palmar surface of the right hand.
When viewed on the palmar surface of the transverse incised wound 5 cm long with
smooth edges and slight bleeding.
Which solution is the most optimal to treat the wound inside?

* iodine 5% solution
* alcohol 70% solution
* alcohol 90% solution
* hydrogen peroxide 6% solution
* + hydrogen peroxide 3% solution

# 176
*! A 2-year-old child developed maculopapular eruptions. He ate an orange the day
Which group of drugs is the MOST priority in helping?

* anticholinergics
* antienzyme
* adrenomimetics
* + antihistamines
* glucocorticosteroids

# 177
*! The child is 9 years old. Complaints of swelling of the eyelids, lips. Deterioration
occurred after eating nuts.

* clemastine
* epinephrine
* salbutamol
* + prednisone
* chloropyramine

# 178
*! The boy has 1 year 2 months., 15 minutes after the vaccine against measles,
rubella, and mumps is noted, difficulty speaking, severe swelling of the tongue,
hoarseness and a barking cough. Hemodynamics is stable.
MOST priority group of emergency drugs:

* sorbents
* adrenomimetics
* antihistamines
* anti-inflammatory
* + glucocorticosteroids

# 17 9
*! Woman 36 years old. Complaints of inspiratory dyspnea, choking, dry
coughafter applying a new perfume. The condition is serious. Excited. The skin is
pale, moist. In the lungs, vesicular breathing. Deafness heart sounds, heart rate 54
per minute, pulse weak filling, AD 80/ 4 0 mmHg
The drug of choice for emergency care:

* clemastine
* + epinephrine
* prednisone
* norepinephrine
* calcium chloride

# 180
*! The child has 13 liters. at the injection site of baralgin, after 15 minutes, itching,
urticaria, numbness of fingers, nausea appeared. A clinical examination determines
a frequent filiform pulse, blood pressure 80/60 mm Hg, deaf heart sounds.
The drug of choice for emergency care:
* dexamethasone
* polyglucin
* + epinephrine
* suprastin
* ventalin

# 181
*! The patient with complaints of marked weakness, dizziness, palpitations, feeling
short of breath. Symptoms appeared when 5% glucose was administered in a drop.
Objectively: the skin is pale, moist. In the lungs, vesicular breathing, no wheezing.
NPV 22 per min. Heart tones are clear, rhythmic. Heart rate 90 per minute. HELL
80/60 mm Hg
MOST priority actions?

* + stop administration of the drug

* give a tablet of suprastin
* introduce prednisone
* apply cold
* apply a tourniquet

# 182
*! A woman in the dentist’s office after the administration of lidocaine developed
edema of the lips, shortness of breath, weakness, and pallor of the skin. HELL 80/60
mm Hg
MOST correct patient position for emergency care?

* hospitalize
* introduce prednisone
* + raise the foot end
* raise the head end
* send to the clinic

# 1 83
*! A 2-year-old child accidentally drank vinegar essence.
The solution for gastric lavage in acute poisoning with acetic acid:

* potassium permanganate solution

* 1% sodium bicarbonate solution
* citric acid solution
* + pure water
* 3% sodium chloride solution

# 184
*! A suicidal patient drank about 5 tablets of phenobarbital.MOST

* deliver to the drug dispensary
* detoxification therapy
* have a cleansing enema
* + gastric lavage through a probe

# 185
*! A person with hypersalivation, bronchorrhea, agitation, myosis.The
antidote most shown to the patient?

* thiamine
* + atropine
* proserin
* amyphyllin
* naloxone

# 186
*! A young man in a coma. In two months complained significantly th weakness,
thirst, lost 10 kg. A sharp deterioration notes for two days. Objectively: the skin is
dry, pale, turgor is reduced, areflexia. Kussmaul's breath, the smell of acetone from
the mouth. HELL 90/60 mm. Hg. Art., pulse 92, soft, small filling. On palpation of
the abdomen - bloating, the abdominal wall is tense. The MOST expedient drug for
emergency care:

* naloxone
* thiamine 5% solution
* dextrose 40% solution
* + sodium chloride 0.9% solution

# 187
*! A middle-aged man was found on the street. Objectively: the smell of alcohol
from the mouth, pale wet skin, a decrease in body temperature to 35 degrees.
Respiration is significantly slowed, the pulse is weak, blood pressure is lowered to
100/60 mm. Hg. Art.
The most appropriate drug for the prevention of acute alcoholic encephalopathy:

* naloxone
* + thiamine 5% solution
* dextrose 40% solution
* sodium chloride 0.9% solution

# 188
*! An elderly man suddenly fell over on the left side during breakfast, couldn’t
speak, didn’t answer questions, there was no movement in the left
extremities,smoothness of the nasolabial folds appeared on the right, they called an
ambulance right away , by the time the brigade arrived, the condition had improved
significantly, he came to his senses . The consciousness is clear, the position is
active. There are no paresis and paralysis. The speech is correct, intelligible.
Answers questions correctly, executes commands.
THE MOST OPTIMAL transport method in position:

* Trendelenburg
* sitting on a stretcher
* sitting, with fixation, in a wheelchair
* + horizontal, with elevated headboard
* horizontal, with elevated foot end

# 189
*! A woman has clonicotonic convulsions, with loss of consciousness for 2 minutes,
with a history of epilepsy.
Which drug is most appropriate for use?

* diphenhydramine
* prednisone
* + diazepam
* dibazol

e# 190
*! When a bridge collapsed, a man fell under a concrete beam, received a blunt
abdominal injury. Concerned about abdominal pain. The condition is
extremelyserious, inhibited, pallor of the skin, blood pressure 70 \ 40 mm Hg, heart
rate 125 per minute.
Infusion of which group of drugs is most appropriate:

* emulsions
* blood substitutes
* blood products
* protein preparations
* + colloids and crystalloids

*! At the crash site, 47 living victims were found who received various injuries.
Which group of victims is the MOST important to provide medical care and

* + with impaired vital functions of the body

* with incompatible damage to life
* with slight damage
* foreigners and VIP guests
* aircraft crew

# 192
*! 17 people were injured in a traffic accident.
Who should organize the medical care of the victims?

* + ambulance crew arriving at the scene

* medical staff of the nearest clinic
*Research Institute
* Department of Health
*People around

# 193
*! As a result of a fire in a residential building, a person received a burn of the head,
front surface of the trunk and upper limbs. The patient is extremely agitated,
thereare opened bubbles on the face, a dense dark crust on the front surface of the
chest, and opened bubbles in the abdomen. It is slowed down, the pulse is frequent.
HELL 75 \ 50 mmHg
For pain relief, the following drug is indicated MOST:

* morphine
* ketoprofen (ketonal)
* + trimeperidine (promedol)
* metamizole sodium (analgin)
* acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin)

# 194
*! As a result of a fire in a residential building, a person received a burn of the head,
front surface of the trunk and upper limbs. The patient is excited, there are opened
bubbles on the face, a dense dark crust on the front surface of the chest, opened
bubbles in the abdomen. It is slowed down, the pulse is frequent. HELL 75 \ 50
Infusion of which group of drugs is most appropriate:

* emulsions
* blood substitutes
* blood products
* protein preparations
* + colloids and crystalloids

*! During a devastating earthquake under the rubble 5 fasting posts were discovered
Which of the victims should be given first aid first?

* traumatic brain injury, concussion

* elderly patient
* + hip fracture with bleeding
* hypertensive crisis
* without signs of life

*! After eating unknown berries in a pioneer camp in 11 children, excitement, high
fever, photophobia, pupils are wide, dry skin.
Which antidote is MOST shown?

* unitiol
* naloxone
* + proserin
* ethyl alcohol

# 197
*! A young man after a traffic accident with complaints of pain throughout the
abdomen, more in the left hypochondrium, weakness. Confused Consciousness. The
skin is pale, pulse of 122 per min, weak filling, blood pressure 80/40 mm Hg. Art.
Set a hospital profile to hospitalize the victim.

* neurosurgical
* nephrological
* + surgical

# 198
*! The patient, after contact with the high voltage electric wire, is conscious,
excited, pulse 180 per minute, arrhythmic.
The MOST diagnostic method is shown:

* determination of blood glucose

* + electrocardiography
* pulse oximetry
* spirometry

# 199
*! The patient, after contact with a high-voltage electric wire, is conscious, excited,
pulse 180 per minute, arrhythmic.
The MOST diagnostic method is shown:

* determination of blood glucose

* + electrocardiography
* pulse oximetry
* spirometry
# 200
*! The victim with a traumatic brain injury, unconscious, HELL 190/110, period of
urge to vomit.
Method of transportation in an ambulance :

* sitting
* + lying on its side
* lying on your back
* lying on his stomach
* lying on the back with a raised head end

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