Learning English

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Learning English

In my opinion learn English is very difficult, because in the English the words often spelled the
same way but are said differently and have different meanings, also in the English the people
native speak English too fast and is difficult to understand.
One of the most form of learning English, my favorite is watch videos or movies on English
because I because I listen to and read the subtitles of the words in English. I would have liked
to, make this form of learn English, it is the best form for my. This course I help me to learn, the
grammatical of English, this one is my big failed learning English because before did not know
how to do this. What I know is the much’s forms the learn English and you can use the formula
that you like or that you find most useful to learn English.
according much people or teacher’s the English you can learn English without use the
grammatical, I mi opinion is a big mistake because before the course I used this form and the
truth don’t learn too much, learned just words without learning how to make sentences and the
different meanings according to the context of each word
I think the best way to learn English is to learn vocabulary of words with many meanings and
the many meanings of the words according to each context also you have to learn the
grammatical rules of each verb tense to learn to speak and make sentences in past, present and

The truth is that I am very grateful with the course and the teacher Pancho, the teacher Pancho
pointed out many of my faults and the truth is that I am very grateful to him because he always
gave me a second chance. The teacher helped me to learn English in a way that I didn't know,
and I was able to strength my weak points, which were grammatical
I am grateful to all the course and my classmates and the truth is that this year was a difficult
year in which I had many things to do and I had to leave the course aside, but in spite of that I
made an effort to learn English and improve, I have dedication and discipline.

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