Kusum Kumari Halwai Final

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1.1 Background of the Study
Commercial banks are the main source which motivates people to save their earnings.
Bank deals in accepting the saving of people in the form of deposit collection and loan
mobilization it in the productive area. Banks give the loan to the people against real and
financial assets. They transfer monetary sources from savers to users. In other words,
banks are intermediate between lender and receiver of fund they mobilize the depositor
fund. Banks have played an important role in the economic development of a country.
Nowadays banks are important not just from the point of view of economic growth, but
also from financial stability. For the development of the economy and financial stability
there should be proper utilization of resources. In Nepalese financial condition,
commercial banks play very important role in mobilizing the resources (Catorelli, 2001).

Deposit is one of the important domestic capital formation factors that lead to increase in
the size of national output income and employment, solving the problem of inflation and
balance of payment and foreign debts. In the view of many economists, capital occupies
the central and strategic position in the process of economic development. In the view of
many economists, capital occupies the central and strategic position in the process of
economic development in an underdeveloped economy that lies in a rapid expansion of
the rate of its capital investment so that it attains a rate of growth of output which exceeds
the rate of growth of population by the significant margin (Khan and Jain, 2012).

Deposit collection is one of the importance functions of the commercial banks without
deposit the banks cannot smoothly. So, it clear that the growth and commercial of
commercial banks depends upon its deposit collection. Basically commercial banks
accept the deposit in the two forms such as no interest bearing and interest bearing
deposit. The bank most provide cash to the customer whenever funds are withdrawn is
not withdrawn banks will typically use the funds as investment or loans with drawl. So it
is clear that deposit collection is the primary function of financial institution (Robinson,

Deposit is important for Rastriya Banijya Bank Limited because deposits are the main
sources for the bank who brings in their profit. Deposits are a crucial and very cheap
source of funding for banks, which make money by lending to their customers at higher
rates than their cost of saving.

1.2 Profile of the Organization

Rastriya Banijya Bank Limited

Rastriya Banijya Bank is fully government owned, and the largest commercial bank in
Nepal. RBB was established on January 23, 1966 (2022 Magh 10) under the RBB Act.
RBB provides various banking services to a wide range of customers including banks,
insurance companies, industrial trading house, ariline, hotels and many other sectors.
RBB has Nepal’s most extensive banking network with 293 branches.

RBB is one of the pioneer banks in the country, with a history of nearly a half century.
Rastriya Banijya Bank Limited (RBBL) has a history of serving its customers far and
wide across the nation for more than half a century. The bank then fully owned by
Government of Nepal, was established on 10 Magh 2022 (23 January 1966) under the
special statue “Rastriya Banijya Bank Act, 2021” and had operated under “Commercial
Bank Act, 2031” until it was re-registered as public limited company on 6 Baishakh 2063
(19 may 2006). At present, the bank operates as “A” class financial institution licensed
by Nepal Rastra Bank and carries out commercial banking activities as per the provisions
of the “Bank and Financial Institutions Act 2073”, (2017)

RBBL endured many stressful years of business and faced existential questions at some
point of time in the past. But learning the lessons from the events and craving towards the
brighter future, the Bank Successfully implemented a restructuring plan; and now it
stands as one of the most preferred bank with the highest number of customers all 77
districts aand 7 Provinces of the country. The Bank has been able to imprint its presence
in national economy throughh efficient allocation of resources in all sectors of economy
thereby enhancing production and generating employment opporrtunities within the
country. The unflinching faith and goodwill bestowed by our customers countinued

support from the Government, well wishers and general public has been the reason for us
to stand as the most trusted bank in the country.

1.3 Statement of the Problem

The study focuses on investigating two main inquiries pertaining to Rastriya Banijya
Bank. Firstly, it aims to delineate the spectrum of deposit types provided by the bank.
Secondly, it seeks to analyze the correlation between these diverse deposit categories and
the overall deposit portfolio of Rastriya Banijya Bank Limited. This examination will
shed light on the bank's deposit offerings and their contribution to its total deposit
holdings, providing valuable insights for stakeholders and policymakers.

a. What is the various types of deposit provided by the Rastriya Banijya Bank?
b. What is the relation between various types of deposit with total deposit of the
Rastriya Banijya Bank Limited?

1.4 Objective of the Study

The major objective of this study is to examine the level of deposit analysis of the
Rastriya Banijya Bank Limited. The specific objectives of the study are as follows:

a. To examines the volume of various types of deposit collected by Rastriya Banijya

Bank Limited in different years.
b. To analyze the trend of various types of deposit of Rastriya Banijya Bank

1.5 Rationale of the Study

This research report is extremely important to multiple persons such as further researcher,
investor, and management and so on as it provides adequate insight about deposit. This
study will provide information to those who are wanted to know about deposit
mobilization of the bank. With the help of the report of this study, the management may
apply corrective measures for the improvement of the bank performance. After the

completion, this report will be kept in the library, which plays the role of reference to the
researchers making the similar study in future.

1.6 Literature Review

Literature Review is the descriptive analysis of any specific topic, which is related only
to that topic and gives more essential information for preparing this project work report.
The researchers have the different books and ideas, which help to present clear objective
of the study.

Conceptual Review

Ross (2010) studied the deposit account is a current account at a banking institution that
allows money to be deposit and withdraw by an account holder with the transaction and
resulting balance being recorded on the bank’s book some banks charge a fee for this
service whole other may pay the customer interest on the fund deposited.

Sharp & Bailey (2011) examined the deposit may define as the surplus by individual
depositors of the bank that proportional to the risk assumed over some future deposit
period. A bank is an instruction where financial services are broadly offered and wide
ranges of financial are performed.

Review of previous works

This study is about the problems of developing a conclusive theory of deposit analysis
and designing empirical tests those are powerful enough to provide a basis for choosing
among the various theories is still unresolved. The review of previous works on deposit
analysis of the bank have produced mixed results are as presented.

Selvaraj & Kumar, (2015) examined the success of the banking greatly lies on the deposit
mobilization. Performances of the bank depend on deposits, as the deposits are normally
considered as a cost effective source of working fund. Mobilization of rural savings is
one of the important objectives of the Commercial Banks. It helps to expand banking
operations. The successful functioning of commercial banks depends on the extent of
funds mobilized. Deposits are the life blood of banking companies. Deposits constitute a

vital source of funds required for banking business. There are different types of deposits,
with different maturity pattern carrying different rates of interests. Deposit mobilization
is depending on the cost of deposits. Analysis of deposits for a bank is as essential as
oxygen for human being.

Chhetri (2016) studied the deposit collection of Rastriya Banijya Bank with the
objectives of identity the types of deposit of the Rastriya Banijya Bank limited, after
analysis the researcher reach in the conclusion that the interest bearing deposit of
Rastriya Banijya Bank Limited is in increasing trend.

Pradhan (2017) a study on deposit analysis of Bank of Kathmandu,with an objective of

identification of different types of deposit found positive correlation between deposit
amount profit.

Gyawali (2018) under the topic fixed deposit analysis of Nepal SBI Bank with an
objective of identification of different types of deposit there was positive correlation
between deposit and profits.

Pun (2019) in her report entitled on deposit analysis of Everest Bank Limited with the
objective to analyze the deposit analyze the factors of deposit policy and profitability of
the organization and identified that as deposit increases the profit of organization also

Bhattarai (2020) has study with topic An Analysis of Deposit Collection and its
utilization of Mega Bank Limited with the objective to deposit utilization practices and
its relationship of the bank. She found that there is highly positive relation with
correlation value 0.9964.

Ligal (2021) has study with topic “An analysis of deposit and loan of Civil Bank
Limited” with the objective to find out the various types of deposit collection and its
relationship between loan and deposit of the bank. She found that there is highly positive
relation with correlation value 0.91.

1.7 Methods
Research methodology is the research method used to test the hypothesis. It sequentially
refers to the various steps to be adopted by a researcher in studying a problem with
certain objectives in review. Generally, it refers to the numerous processes adopted by the
researchers during the research period. The purpose of the research methodology section
is to describe the nature of the research design, sampling, gathering and procedure and
data collection and analysis procedures. This section includes the following information.

1.7.1 Research Design

This research has followed the descriptive research design. Research design that is
developed with the aim of studying the subject of details and explain the facts and
characteristics related to research problem is known as descriptive design. The main goal
of this report is to describe the data and characteristics about what is being studied.

1.7.2 Population and Sample

The population refers to the industries of the same nature and its services and product in
general. Population is the entire collection of interest i.e People, Objects or events as
defines by the researcher and sample is the entire collection of all observations of the
interest for the researcher. Currently, there are 20 commercial banks in Nepal. Out of
total 20 commercial bank of Nepal, Rastriya Banijya Bank Limited are selected as a
sample for this study.

1.7.3 Data collection Procedure

While preparing the data, the data is collected from secondary sources. Secondary data
refers to data that was collected by someone other than the user. It is originally collected
from different sources. So, in the course of preparing this report the necessary data and
documents are collected only from secondary sources. The study was taken data from
fiscal year 2077/78 BS to 2079/80 BS.

1.7.4 Method of Data Collection

While preparing this report, data are collected from secondary sources. The researchers
have used quantitative data. The secondary data collection from annual reports, books,
websites and articles.

1.8 Limitation of the study

The main limitations of study are as follows:

a. The study is covered the period of three financial year starting from 2077/78 BS
to 2079/80 BS.
b. The information data and facts regarding the financial performance is based on
secondary data.
c. Financial and statistical tools will be used to analyzed and present the data.

2.1 Data Presentation
The data collected from the various sources are analyzed and findings its results. Data are
analyzed according to the research methodology as mentioned. In this chapter data has
been presented tabular form and bar diagram. To obtain best result, the data has been
analyzed according to the research methodology as mentioned earlier in previous chapter.
Various ratios have been calculated on the basis of the annual report of the organization.

Total Deposit of Rastriya Banijya Bank Limited

Deposit trend helps to analysis the bank’s performance in term of deposit collection.
Deposit trend also help to depict the efficiency of bank and customer faith towards the
bank. RBBL bank provides six types of deposit schemes to its account holders.

Table 2.1
Deposit of Rastriya Banijya Bank Limited (In Millions)
Fiscal year 2077/78 2078/79 2079/80

Term deposit 48,908 62,399 113,950

Call Deposit 15,241 14,758 13,231

Current Deposit 67,457 64,087 59,032

Saving Deposit 130,643 115,687 133,566

other Deposit 621 247 924

Total 262,870 256,895 320,703

Note: Annual Report of RBBL

Table 2.2 shows that the deposit of Rastriya Banijya Bank Limited in the three fiscal year
period from 2075/76 BS to 2079/80 BS. The deposit provided by the RBBL are term

deposit, call deposit, current deposit, saving deposit and other deposit. The higher deposit
comes from the saving deposit and term deposit whereas lowest comes from the call
deposit and other deposit. The total deposit of the RBBL are Rs 262,870 million, Rs
256,895 million and Rs 320,703 million in the three fiscal year period.









2077/78 2078/79 2079/80

Current Deposit Term Deposit Saving Deposit Call Deposit Other Deposit

Figure 2.1: Total Deposit Composition of Rastriya Banijya Bank Limited

Figure 2.1 shows that the deposit of Rastriya Banijya Bank Limited in the three fiscal
year period from 2077/78 BS to 2079/80 BS. Within the spectrum of deposit offerings,
the RBBL provides a diverse array of options to its customers, including term deposit,
call deposit, current deposit, saving deposit, and other deposit alternatives. Over the
course of three fiscal years, the distribution of deposits across these categories reveals
intriguing patterns. Notably, the saving deposit and term deposit consistently emerge as
the primary contributors to the total deposit pool, reflecting a strong inclination among
customers towards these long-term and interest-bearing deposit options. Conversely, the
contribution from call deposit and other deposit categories remains comparatively
modest, indicating either lower demand or less emphasis on these deposit types.

Examining the total deposit amounts over the observed period further elucidates the
bank's deposit dynamics. The total deposit figures for RBBL stand at Rs 262,870 million,
Rs 256,895 million, and Rs 320,703 million, respectively, for the three fiscal years under

Term Deposit to Total Deposit Ratio

The term deposit to total deposit ratio is a key indicator used by banks and financial
institutions to evaluate the balance between term deposits and total deposits. This ratio
provides a snapshot of the extent to which term deposits contribute to the overall deposit
base. A higher ratio indicates a greater reliance on term deposits, which typically offer
more stable funding, compared to demand deposits. Conversely, a lower ratio suggests a
higher proportion of demand deposits or other short-term deposits

Table 2.2
Term Deposit to Total Deposit
Fiscal Year Term Deposit Total Deposit Ratio

2077/78 48,908 262,870 18.61

2078/79 62,399 256,895 24.29

2079/80 113,950 320,703 35.53

Note: Annual Report of RBBL

Table 2.2 shows that the term deposit to total deposit ratio of the Rastriya Banijya Bank
Limited in the three fiscal year period from 2077/78 BS to 2079/80 BS. The term deposit
to total deposit ratio of the RBBL are 18.61 percent, 24.29 percent and 35.53 percent in
the three fiscal year period. The higher term deposit to total deposit ratio of the RBBL is
35.53 percent which is in the fiscal year 2079/80 BS and lower ratio is 18.61 percent
which is in the fiscal year 2077/78 BS. The term deposit to total deposit ratio of the
RBBL is in increasing trend in the three fiscal year period.


Ratio in Percentage 30





2077/78 2078/79 2079/80
Fiscal Year

Figure 2.2: Trend Line of Term Deposit to Total Deposit

Figure 2.2 shows that the trend line of term deposit to total deposit of the Rastriya
Banijya Bank Limited in the three fiscal year period from 2077/78 BS to 2079/80 BS.
Over the span of three fiscal years, the RBBL's term deposit to total deposit ratio exhibits
a fluctuating trend. Across the observed period, the ratios stand at 18.61 percent, 24.29
percent, and 35.53 percent, respectively. Notably, The higher term deposit to total deposit
ratio of the RBBL is 35.53 percent which is in the fiscal year 2079/80 BS and lower ratio
is 18.61 percent which is in the fiscal year 2077/78 BS. The term deposit to total deposit
ratio of the RBBL is in increasing trend in the three fiscal year period.

Call Deposit to Total Deposit

The call deposit to total deposit ratio is a financial metric utilized by banks and financial
institutions to assess the proportion of call deposits relative to the total deposit base. Call
deposits are typically short-term, high-interest accounts primarily utilized by corporate
entities. This ratio offers insights into the reliance of the institution on call deposits for
funding, with a higher ratio indicating a greater dependency on these short-term funds.

Table 2.3
Call Deposit to Total Deposit
Fiscal Year Call Deposit Total Deposit Ratio

2077/78 15,241 262,870 5.80

2078/79 14,475 256,895 5.63

2079/80 13,231 320,703 4.13

Note: Annual Report of RBBL

Table 2.3 shows that the call deposit to total deposit ratio of the Rastriya Banijya Bank
Limited in the three fiscal year period from 2077/78 BS to 2079/80 BS. The call deposit
to total deposit ratio of the RBBL are 5.80 percent, 5.63 percent and 4.13 percent in the
three fiscal year period. The higher call deposit to total deposit ratio of the RBBL is 5.80
percent which is in the fiscal year 2077/78 BS and lower ratio is 4.13 percent which is in
the fiscal year 2079/80 BS. The call deposit to total deposit ratio of the RBBL is in
decreasing trend in the three fiscal year period.

Ratio in Percentage

2077/78 2078/79 2079/80
Fiscal Year

Figure 2.3: Trend Line of Call Deposit to Total Deposit

Figure 2.3 shows that the trend line of call deposit to total deposit of the Rastriya Banijya
Bank Limited in the three fiscal year period from 2075/76 BS to 2079/80 BS. Over the
course of three fiscal years, the RBBL's call deposit to total deposit ratio experiences
fluctuations. The call deposit to total deposit ratio of the RBBL are 5.80 percent, 5.63
percent and 4.13 percent in the three fiscal year period. The higher call deposit to total
deposit ratio of the RBBL is 5.80 percent which is in the fiscal year 2077/78 BS and
lower ratio is 4.13 percent which is in the fiscal year 2079/80 BS. The call deposit to total
deposit ratio of the RBBL is in decreasing trend in the three fiscal year period, suggesting
a relatively smaller proportion of call deposits compared to the total deposit portfolio.

Current Deposit to Total Deposit

The current deposit to total deposit ratio is a key financial metric used by banks to
evaluate the proportion of current deposits in relation to the total deposit base. Current
deposits are non-interest-bearing accounts that allow customers to deposit and withdraw
funds on demand. This ratio provides insights into the liquidity and funding profile of the
bank, with a higher ratio indicating a greater reliance on current deposits for funding.
Table 2.4
Current Deposit to Total Deposit
Fiscal Year Current Deposit Total Deposit Ratio

2077/78 67,457 262,870 25.66

2078/79 64,087 256,895 24.95

2079/80 59,032 320,703 18.41

Note: Annual Report of RBBL

Table 2.4 shows that the current deposit to total deposit ratio of the Rastriya Banijya
Bank Limited in the three fiscal year period from 2077/78 BS to 2079/80 BS. The current
deposit to total deposit ratio of the RBBL are 25.66 percent, 24.95 percent and 18.41
percent in the three fiscal year period. The higher current deposit to total deposit ratio of
the RBBL is 25.66 percent which is in the fiscal year 2077/78 BS and lower ratio is 18.41
percent which is in the fiscal year 2079/80 BS. The current deposit to total deposit ratio
of the RBBL is in decreasing trend in the three fiscal year period.


Ratio in Percentage




2077/78 2078/79 2079/80
Fiscal Year

Figure 2.4: Trend Line of Current Deposit to Total Deposit

Figure 2.4 shows that the trend line of current deposit to total deposit of the Rastriya
Banijya Bank Limited in the three fiscal year period from 2075/76 BS to 2079/80 BS.
The current deposit to total deposit ratio of the RBBL are 25.66 percent, 24.95 percent
and 18.41 percent in the three fiscal year period. The higher current deposit to total
deposit ratio of the RBBL is 25.66 percent which is in the fiscal year 2077/78 BS and
lower ratio is 18.41 percent which is in the fiscal year 2079/80 BS. The current deposit to
total deposit ratio of the RBBL is in decreasing trend in the three fiscal year period.,
suggesting a relatively smaller proportion of current deposits compared to the total
deposit portfolio.

Saving Deposit to Total Deposit

The saving deposit to total deposit ratio is a vital measure used by financial institutions to
assess the proportion of saving deposits relative to the total deposit base. Saving deposits
are interest-bearing accounts held by individuals or entities for savings purposes. This
ratio offers insights into the composition of the deposit base, with a higher ratio
indicating a greater reliance on saving deposits for funding.
Table 2.5
Saving Deposit to Total Deposit
Fiscal Year Saving Deposit Total Deposit Ratio

2077/78 130,643 262,870 49.70

2078/79 115,687 256,895 45.03

2079/80 133,566 320,703 41.65

Note: Annual Report of RBBL

Table 2.5 shows that the saving deposit to total deposit ratio of the Rastriya Banijya Bank
Limited in the three fiscal year period from 2077/78 BS to 2079/80 BS. The saving
deposit to total deposit ratio of the RBBL are 49.70 percent, 45.03 percent and 41.65
percent in the three fiscal year period. The higher saving deposit to total deposit ratio of
the RBBL is 49.70 percent which is in the fiscal year 2077/78 BS and lower ratio is 41.46
percent which is in the fiscal year 2076/77 BS. The saving deposit to total deposit ratio of
the RBBL is in decreasing trend in the three fiscal year period.



Ratio in Percentage






2075/76 2076/77 2077/78 2078/79 2079/80
Fiscal Year

Figure 2.5: Trend Line of Saving Deposit to Total Deposit

Figure 2.5 shows that the trend line of saving deposit to total deposit ratio of the Rastriya
Banijya Bank Limited in the three fiscal year period from 2077/78 BS to 2079/80 BS.
Over the course of three fiscal years, the RBBL's saving deposit to total deposit ratio
experiences fluctuations. The ratios stand at 49.70 percent, 45.03 percent, and 41.65
percent, respectively. Notably, the highest saving deposit to total deposit ratio is recorded
at 49.70 percent in the fiscal year 2077/78 BS, indicating a significant portion of the total
deposits allocated towards saving deposits during that period. Conversely, the lowest
ratio of 41.46 percent is observed in the fiscal year 2076/77 BS, suggesting a relatively
smaller proportion of saving deposits compared to the total deposit portfolio.

Other Deposit to Total Deposit

The other deposit to total deposit ratio is a crucial metric used by financial institutions to
gauge the proportion of miscellaneous deposits relative to the total deposit base. These
miscellaneous deposits may include loans, transferable deposits, central bank deposits,
deposits in other financial institutions, government units, and other institutional units
represented by deposit evidence. This ratio provides insights into the diversity and
complexity of the deposit base beyond standard categories like savings, current, or term
deposits. A higher ratio suggests a significant presence of these miscellaneous deposits
within the bank's funding structure, highlighting the institution's exposure to various
types of financial instruments and counterparties.
Table 2.6
Other Deposit to Total Deposit
Fiscal Year Other Deposit Total Deposit Ratio

2077/78 621 262,870 0.24

2078/79 247 256,895 0.10

2079/80 924 320,703 0.29

Note: Annual Report of RBBL

Table 2.6 shows that the other deposit to total deposit ratio of the Rastriya Banijya Bank
Limited in the three fiscal year period from 2077/78 BS to 2079/80 BS. The other deposit
to total deposit ratio of the RBBL are 0.24 percent, 0.10 percent and 0.29 percent in the
three fiscal year period. The higher other deposit to total deposit ratio of the RBBL is
0.29 percent which is in the fiscal year 2079/80 BS and lower ratio is 0.10 percent which
is in the fiscal year 2078/79 BS. The other deposit to total deposit ratio of the RBBL is in
fluctuation trend in the three fiscal year period.


Ratio in Percentage




2075/76 2076/77 2077/78 2078/79 2079/80
Fiscal Year

Figure 2.6: Trend Line of other deposit to total deposit

Figure 2.6 shows that the trend line of other deposit to total deposit ratio of the Rastriya
Banijya Bank Limited in the three fiscal year period from 2077/80 BS to 2079/80 BS.
Over the span of three fiscal years, the RBBL's other deposit to total deposit ratio
displays fluctuations. The ratios stand at 0.24 percent, 0.10 percent, and 0.29 percent,
respectively. The higher other deposit to total deposit ratio of the RBBL is 0.29 percent
which is in the fiscal year 2079/80 BS and lower ratio is 0.10 percent which is in the
fiscal year 2078/79 BS. The other deposit to total deposit ratio of the RBBL is in
fluctuation trend in the three fiscal year period, suggesting a relatively smaller proportion
of other deposits compared to the total deposit portfolio.

2.2 Analysis of Results

The analysis of deposit composition and ratios for Rastriya Banijya Bank Limited
(RBBL) over a three-year period reveals several key trends. Savings deposits and term
deposits contribute the highest to RBBL's total deposits, while call deposits and other
deposits represent a smaller proportion. Total deposits have shown an increasing trend

over the three fiscal years, with significant fluctuations in the composition of deposit
types. The term deposit to total deposit ratio has increased steadily, indicating a growing
reliance on term deposits as a funding source for RBBL. Conversely, the call deposit to
total deposit ratio has shown a decreasing trend, suggesting a decline in the proportion of
call deposits relative to total deposits. Similarly, the current deposit to total deposit ratio
has decreased over the period, indicating a declining share of current deposits in RBBL's
total deposit base. The saving deposit to total deposit ratio, although still significant, has
exhibited a decreasing trend, reflecting a shift away from savings deposits. The other
deposit category has shown fluctuation in its ratio over the three fiscal years, indicating
variability in the composition of these deposits. Overall, the analysis highlights the
evolving nature of deposit composition and ratios at RBBL, emphasizing the importance
of monitoring and adjusting deposit mobilization strategies to meet changing market
dynamics and customer preferences.

2.3 Findings

The major findings of the study are as follows:

 The deposit provided by the RBBL are term deposit, call deposit, current deposit ,
saving deposit and other deposit. The higher deposit comes from the saving
deposit and term deposit whereas lowest comes from the call deposit and other
deposit. The total deposit of the RBBL are Rs 262,870 million, Rs 256,895
million and Rs 320,703 million in the three fiscal year period.
 The term deposit to total deposit ratio of the RBBL are 18.61 percent, 24.29
percent and 35.53 percent in the three fiscal year period. The higher term deposit
to total deposit ratio of the RBBL is 35.53 percent which is in the fiscal year
2079/80 BS and lower ratio is 18.61 percent which is in the fiscal year 2077/78
BS. The term deposit to total deposit ratio of the RBBL is in increasing trend in
the three fiscal year period.
 The call deposit to total deposit ratio of the RBBL are 5.80 percent, 5.63 percent
and 4.13 percent in the three fiscal year period. The higher call deposit to total
deposit ratio of the RBBL is 5.80 percent which is in the fiscal year 2077/78 BS
and lower ratio is 4.13 percent which is in the fiscal year 2079/80 BS. The call

deposit to total deposit ratio of the RBBL is in decreasing trend in the three fiscal
year period.
 The current deposit to total deposit ratio of the RBBL are 25.66 percent, 24.95
percent and 18.41 percent in the three fiscal year period. The higher current
deposit to total deposit ratio of the RBBL is 25.66 percent which is in the fiscal
year 2077/78 BS and lower ratio is 18.41 percent which is in the fiscal year
2079/80 BS. The current deposit to total deposit ratio of the RBBL is in
decreasing trend in the three fiscal year period.
 The saving deposit to total deposit ratio of the RBBL are 49.70 percent, 45.03
percent and 41.65 percent in the three fiscal year period. The higher saving
deposit to total deposit ratio of the RBBL is 49.70 percent which is in the fiscal
year 2077/78 BS and lower ratio is 41.46 percent which is in the fiscal year
2076/77 BS. The saving deposit to total deposit ratio of the RBBL is in decreasing
trend in the three fiscal year period.
 The other deposit to total deposit ratio of the RBBL are 0.24 percent, 0.10 percent
and 0.29 percent in the three fiscal year period. The higher other deposit to total
deposit ratio of the RBBL is 0.29 percent which is in the fiscal year 2079/80 BS
and lower ratio is 0.10 percent which is in the fiscal year 2078/79 BS. The other
deposit to total deposit ratio of the RBBL is in fluctuation trend in the three fiscal
year period.

3.1 Summary
In this project work report is entitled on deposit analysis of Rastriya Banijya Bank
Limited. The research is done in only one bank among the 20 commercial bank i.e.
Rastriya Banijya Bank Limited which is listed in Nepal Stock Exchange. The objectives
of the study are to identify the various types of deposit to analyze deposit ratio of the
sample banks. This research is mainly based on importance and significance of the study.
The data and information are collected from secondary sources such as journals and
articles, annual report of the sample banks, previous research report, and websites of the
sample banks. The limitations of this study are reveals with past three years data i.e.
2075/76 BS to 2079/80 BS.

According to the need and objectives of the study, the secondary data is completed,
processed, tabulated and graph for better presentation with the help of various statistical
tools. Sample bank has broadened its transaction successfully and is moving ahead
towards the goals. RBB is one of the pioneer banks in the country, with a history of
nearly a half century. Rastriya Banijya Bank Limited (RBBL) has a history of serving its
customers far and wide across the nation for more than half a century. The study delves
into the realm of deposit analysis within the context of Rastriya Banijya Bank Limited
(RBBL), shedding light on its significance, trends, and implications. Beginning with an
exploration of the importance of commercial banks in economic development and the
role of deposits in capital formation, the study underscores the pivotal position of RBBL
in Nepal's financial landscape.

RBBL, as Nepal's largest commercial bank, plays a crucial role in mobilizing resources
and fostering economic growth. The bank's extensive network and comprehensive
banking services cater to a diverse array of customers, ranging from individual savers to
large enterprises. With a history spanning over half a century, RBBL has weathered
challenges and emerged as a cornerstone of the national economy. The study identifies
and categorizes various types of deposits offered by RBBL, including term deposits, call

deposits, current deposits, saving deposits, and other miscellaneous deposits. Through an
analysis of deposit trends over a three-year period, the study reveals intriguing patterns
and dynamics within RBBL's deposit portfolio. Key findings include the dominance of
saving and term deposits as primary contributors to the total deposit pool, reflecting
customer preferences for long-term and interest-bearing deposit options. Conversely, call
deposits and other miscellaneous deposits exhibit comparatively modest contributions,
indicating either lower demand or lesser emphasis on these deposit types.

The study concludes with a summary of findings, emphasizing RBBL's significance in

the banking landscape and the implications of deposit trends for stakeholders and
policymakers. It underscores the importance of deposit analysis as a tool for
understanding banking dynamics, informing decision-making, and fostering financial
stability. Overall, the study contributes valuable insights into deposit mobilization,
resource allocation, and financial performance within RBBL, serving as a reference for
researchers, investors, management, and policymakers alike.

3.2 Conclusion

This project work fulfills the gap by giving an idea about the mobilization of deposit
analysis of the sample banks. In conclusion, the analysis of deposit trends provided by the
RBBL underscores the dynamic nature of the bank's deposit composition over the three-
fiscal-year period. Despite fluctuations in various deposit categories, saving deposits and
term deposits consistently emerge as the primary contributors to the total deposit,
signaling their enduring popularity among customers. Conversely, call deposits and other
deposits show relatively lower contributions, reflecting either subdued demand or lesser
emphasis on these deposit options. The total deposit amount exhibits a positive growth
trajectory, indicating the RBBL's ability to attract and retain customer funds over time.
Furthermore, examining specific deposit-to-total-deposit ratios reveals fluctuating trends
across different fiscal years, highlighting the evolving preferences of customers and
changing market dynamics. These findings emphasize the importance of ongoing
monitoring and analysis to inform strategic decision-making and ensure the alignment of
banking services with customer needs and market trends in the dynamic financial


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Rastriya Banijya Bank Limited

Particulars/ Fiscal Years 2075/76 2076/77 2077/78 2078/79 2079/80

Deposits 189,255,335 230,902,636 263,836,765 258,144,297 321,659,484
Income Tax Liability
Other Liabilities
Current Liabilities 189,255,335 230,902,636 281,313,156 297,563,866 343,283,422

Share Capital 9,004,795 9,004,795 10,184,891

Reserve and Funds 11,186,516 13,263,128 15,035,604 15,875,136
Debenture and Bonds
Total Capital and Liabilities 226,410,177 266,766,261 309,987,456 330,242,804
Shareholders Equity 20,191,311 22,267,923 28,674,300 32,678,937 50,738,307
Cash and Bank Balance
Money at Call & Short Notice
Investment 40,181,642 74,769,660 71,061,224 65,377,116 76,090,626
Loan & Advances 142,022,875 155,254,600 177,870,982 210,183,764 227,308,982
Other Assets 14,243,429 6,364,264 3,981,293 6,404,963 5,886,219
Current Assets 225,286,143 265,210,540 308,143,168 327,075,325 363,659,635
Quick Assets 43,081,626 35,186,280 59,210,962 51,514,445 60,260,027

Fixed Assets 1,124,034 1,555,721 1,844,288 3,167,479 30,362,094

Non Banking Assets
Total Assets 226,410,177 266,766,261 309,987,456 330,242,804 394,021,729

Particulars/ Fiscal Year

Interest Income 14,923,052 17,160,174 16,229,108 20,689,738
Interest Expenses 4,974,936 7,711,772 8,019,658 11,393,790
Net Interest Income 9,948,115 9,448,401 8,209,449 9,295,948

Operating profit 6,470,434 5,939,658 4,496,990 5,817,398 4,962,248

Profit before bonus & Taxes 6,616,162
Net Profit/ Loss 5,046,520 4,377,316 3,423,628 4,292,821 3,595,127

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