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Annexure III - Medical Fitness - List of mandatory pre-employment Medical tests

The following are the list of recommended tests that must be included in a basic medical check-up,
this is not exhaustive. The Doctor in charge of the medical evaluation can request further
investigation, in order to determine the employee’s fitness. Category Tests

1 Medical Examination Physical Examination (medical history,
height, weight, BP, P, auscultation etc.
2 Medical Examination BMI
3 Medical Examination Eye examination (Vision acuity, colour
vision, vision field)
4 Medical Examination Chest X-ray
5 Medical Examination ECG
6 Medical Examination Urine R/M (strip test)
7 Blood Test Blood Sugar- FBC/CBC (=Haemogram)
8 Blood Test Blood Grouping
9 Blood Test Lipid profile (Cholesterol, total HDL,
LDL, Triglycerides)
10 Eye & Dental Check-Up Physician Examination, Test Result,
Final Report & Assessment by
Registered Medical Practitioner
11 Blood Test Hb, Peripheral Smear, RBC, Creatinine
12 Blood Test ESR / HsCRP
13 Occupational Health Risks (HRA) Spirometry
14 Occupational Health Risks (HRA) Audiometry
15 Occupational Health Risks (HRA) Specific Urine Analysis
16 Occupational Health Risks (HRA) Stool Analysis
17 Occupational Health Risks (HRA) SGOT/SGPT +Gamma GT

These tests has to be got done by you before joining the Company. We shall reimburse you up to Rs.
5000/- against evidence, after joining.

Note:-Kindly carry the list of test & fitness certificate format attached during your visit for medical

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