Lesson Plan

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Subject: MATH

Grade Level: Grade 7

Objective: solve for the mean median and mode

Learning within and across curriculum:

- Within:

1) Science - students can calculate the mean, median, and mode of data collected
during a science experiment.

2) Social Studies - students can analyze statistical data related to historical events
and calculate the mean, median, and mode.

3) English - students can gather data from a novel or poem and calculate the mean,
median, and mode of the numbers presented.

- Across:

1) Physical Education - students can calculate the mean, median, and mode of data
related to their fitness levels.

2) Technology - students can analyze data sets related to technology trends and
calculate the mean, median, and mode.

3) Music - students can calculate the mean, median, and mode of tempo or rhythm
data from different musical pieces.


[Teaching Strategy: Brainstorming]

[Instructional Materials: Whiteboard, markers]

1) Idea - Have students brainstorm different scenarios where calculating the mean,
median, and mode is important in real life.

2) Idea - Conduct a quick K-W-L chart activity where students list what they already
know about mean, median, and mode, what they want to learn, and what they have
learned at the end of the lesson.


Activity 1: Statistics Scavenger Hunt

[Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning]

Materials - Data sets with different numbers, pen, paper

Significance - To practice identifying and solving for the mean, median, and mode in
a fun and interactive way.

Instructions - Divide the class into groups and give each group a data set to analyze.
They will need to find the mean, median, and mode of the data. Present findings to
the class.

Assessment Questions:

1) What is the mean of the data set?

2) Calculate the median of the numbers given.

3) Identify the mode of the data set.

Activity 2: Math Mystery Challenge

[Teaching Strategy: Problem-Based Learning]

Materials - Envelopes with math problems, paper, pen

Significance - To engage students in solving math problems related to mean,

median, and mode.

Instructions - Give each student an envelope with a math problem related to mean,
median, or mode. Students must solve the problem and explain their reasoning to
the class.

Assessment Questions:

1) Explain how you calculated the mean of the given data set.

2) Why is the median important in finding the middle value of a set of numbers?

3) How does the mode help identify the most recurring number in a data set?

Inclusive Activity 3: Math Relay Race

[Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning]

Materials - None

Significance - To promote teamwork and problem-solving skills without the need for
additional resources.

Instructions - Divide the class into groups and have them answer mean, median, and
mode questions relay-style. The next student can only begin when the previous
question is answered correctly.

Assessment Questions:

1) Calculate the mean of the given numbers.

2) Identify the median from the data set provided.

3) What is the mode of the following set of numbers?


Activity 1 - Students will participate in a Statistics Scavenger Hunt to practice

calculating the mean, median, and mode.

Activity 2 - Students will engage in a Math Mystery Challenge to apply their

knowledge of mean, median, and mode.

Activity 3 - Students will participate in a Math Relay Race to reinforce their

understanding of mean, median, and mode.


[Teaching Strategy: Experiential Learning]

Task 1 - Students will conduct a survey and collect data to calculate the mean,
median, and mode of the responses.

Task 2 - Students will analyze grocery store prices and calculate the mean, median,
and mode of the prices.

Supporting Material 1 - "Real-life Applications of Mean, Median, and Mode"

Supporting Material 2 - "Statistics in Everyday Life"


[Teaching Strategy: Direct Instruction]

[Instructional Materials: Worksheets]

Question 1 - Find the mean, median, and mode of the following data set: 5, 7, 8,
8, 10, 12.

Question 2 - Calculate the mean, median, and mode of the numbers 3, 3, 4, 6, 6, 7,

8, 8.

Question 3 - Identify the mode of the data set: 2, 2, 4, 5, 5, 5, 7, 9.


Question 1 - Explain why finding the median is essential in representing the middle
value of a set of numbers.

Answer 1 - Calculating the median helps determine the center of a data set
accurately, ensuring a fair representation of the numbers.

Question 2 - Provide a real-life scenario where knowing the mean is crucial for

Answer 2 - Understanding the mean in financial data is essential for budgeting and
forecasting expenses accurately.

Question 3 - Discuss why identifying the mode can be misleading in certain data

Answer 3 - The mode can be misleading in skewed data sets where an outlier can
heavily influence the most frequently occurring number.


1) Assignment Overview: Have students create their own data sets and calculate the
mean, median, and mode of each.

Assignment Question: Create a set of at least 10 numbers and calculate the mean,
median, and mode of the data.

2) Assignment Overview: Ask students to find examples of mean, median, and mode
in real-world scenarios and explain their significance.

Assignment Question: Find a real-life example where knowing the mode is crucial
for making an informed decision. Explain the importance of identifying the mode in
this scenario.

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