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(Complete the blanks using a suitable preposition.)

1) _______ 1564, the English poet and playwright, William

Shakespeare, was born 2) _______ Stratford-upon-Avon, a
small town 3) _______ south Warwickshire, England. He
married Anna Hathaway 4) ______ the age of 18 and together
they had three children. 5) _______ 1585 and 1592, he lived 6)
_______ London and while he was there, he worked as a
writer and an actor 7) _______ The King’s Men company. 8)
_______ the end of the 16th century, he had produced most of
his most famous works, including Romeo and Juliet, The
Merchant of Venice, A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Love’s
Labour’s Lost.
9) _______ his later years, Shakespeare retired and travelled
back 10) _______ Stratford some time 11) _______ his death.
He died 12) _______ 1616.
13) _______ present, he is considered to be 14) _______ the
most well-known and most respected literary figures in the
world. 15) _______ this reason, his plays are taught at
schools, universities and colleges and are performed 16)
_______ stage around the world. Shakespeare had a great
impact 17) _______ the English language and many of the
expressions he used or made 18) _______ are used today. 19)
_______ example, the expression It was Greek to me comes
20) _______ Julius Caesar, one of Shakespeare’s tragedies.

1. in
2. in
3. in
4. at
5. between
6. in
7. in
8. at
9. in
10. to
11. before
12. in
13. At
14. among
15. For
16. on
17. on
18. up
19. For
20. from

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