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Упражнения для подготовки к итоговой контрольной

по грамматике за 6 класс.

Тема 1. Косвенная речь.

Упражнение 1.Перепишите предложения в косвенной речи, обратите
внимание на изменение местоимений и видовременных форм глаголов.
1. "Where is my umbrella?" she asked.
She asked __________.
2. "How are you?" Martin asked us.
Martin asked us __________.
3. He asked, "Do I have to do it?"
He asked __________.
4. "Where have you been?" the mother asked her daughter.
The mother asked her daughter __________.
5. "Which dress do you like best?" she asked her boyfriend.
She asked her boyfriend __________.
6. "What are they doing?" she asked.
She wanted to know __________.
7. "Are you going to the cinema?" he asked me.
He wanted to know __________.
8. The teacher asked, "Who speaks English?"
The teacher wanted to know __________.
9. "How do you know that?" she asked me.
She asked me __________.
10. "Has Caron talked to Kevin?" my friend asked me.
My friend asked me __________.
11. "What's the time?" he asked.
He wanted to know __________.
12. "When will we meet again?" she asked me.
She asked me __________.
13. "Are you crazy?" she asked him.
She asked him __________.
14. "Where did they live?" he asked.
He wanted to know __________.
15. "Will you be at the party?" he asked her.
He asked her __________.
16. "Can you meet me at the station?" she asked me.
She asked me __________.
17. "Who knows the answer?" the teacher asked.
The teacher wanted to know __________.
18. "Why don't you help me?" she asked him.
She wanted to know __________.
19. "Did you see that car?" he asked me.
He asked me __________.
20. "Have you tidied up your room?" the mother asked the twins.
The mother asked the twins __________.
Упражнение 2.Выразите повествовательные предложения косвенной речью.
1. "My son is a student", said Henry.
2. "She is working at the library", said her mother.
3. My friend said to me:" I have not seen you for ages!"
4. " I shall solve the clues tomorrow," said All.
5. He said: " There is nobody here to stop them".
6. The soldier said: "We will find a place to lie up. I am afraid they will kill us".
7. My friend said to me: "We have been waiting for you for ten minutes".
8. Jane said: "I am all right. Nothing worries me".
9. "I am busy now. I am doing my lessons", said Tom.
10. "She is not here. She has just left the office", the secretary said to us.
11. He said to me: "This man is the doctor for the hospital".
12. "There is no one by that name here", they answered.
13. "I am ill. I have a high temperature", he said to us.
14. "We have tried to telephone him", they said.
15. "I don't think I will have done this work by the evening", she said.
Упражнение 3.Выразите повествовательные предложения косвенной речью.
1. "I was in London last year", she said to me.
2. "I have never been here before", he said to the girl next to him.
3. She said: "One of these men is my husband".
4. «I have come here to meet Jane", he said to me.
5. "We can not help you: we are too busy", they told me.
6. "I will come to visit you the day after tomorrow", she said to me.
7. He said: "I was tired so I went home after the party".
8. "They are at the little hotel near the station", said Mike.
9. She said: "I am trying to listen to music. Go out!"
10. "I haven't been waiting long", said Stephen to her.
11. "They are getting married tomorrow", he said.
12. She thought: "I will do it on Sunday".
13. They said to me: "We are meeting them at four o'clock today".
14. "I am going to the cinema", she said to me.
15. "He can not speak any foreign languages", Mary said to us.
Упражнение 4. Выразите повествовательные предложения косвенной речью.
1. "I am not joking", said my friend.
2. He said: "I have already spoken to the manager".
3. Joan said to Mary: "I didn't feel very well yesterday".
4. Simon said: "I must go now. I am in a hurry".
5. "I like swimming and playing tennis", she said.
6. Mike said: "My parents are arriving tomorrow".
7. "We were in this city two years ago", he said.
8. She said: "My friend doesn't like this film".
9. David said: "I will help you tomorrow if I have time".
10. "I have already translated two articles", said Jane.
11. "We are .going to stay in this hotel", they told us.
12. Julia said: "I will have finished my work by seven o'clock tonight".
13. "I want to know where you spent last night", he said.
14. "I will be working the whole day next Friday", said my cousin.
15. "Mind your business", he said to me.
Упражнение 5. Преобразуйте повелительные предложения в косвенную речь.
1. "Stop talking, Joe," the teacher said.
The teacher told Joe __________.
2. "Be patient," she said to him.
She told him __________.
3. "Go to your room," her father said to her.
Her father told her __________.
4. "Hurry up," she said to us.
She told us __________.
5. "Give me the key," he told her.
He asked her __________.
6. "Play it again, Sam," she said.
She asked Sam __________.
7. "Sit down, Caron" he said.
He asked Caron __________.
8. "Fill in the form, Sir," the receptionist said.
The receptionist asked the guest __________.
9. "Take off your shoes," she told us.
She told us __________.
10. "Mind your own business," she told him.
She told him __________.
Упражнение 6. Преобразуйте повелительные предложения в косвенную речь.
1. "Don't touch it," she said to him.
She told him __________.
2. "Don't do that again," he said to me.
He told me __________.
3. "Don't talk to me like that," he said.
He told her __________.
4. "Don't repair the computer yourself," she warned him.
She warned him __________.
5. "Don't let him in," she said.
She told me __________.
6. "Don't go out without me," he begged her.
He begged her __________.
7. "Don't forget your bag," she told me.
She told me __________.
8. "Don't eat in the lab," the chemistry teacher said.
The chemistry teacher told his students __________.
9. "Don't give yourself up," he advised her.
He advised her __________.
10. "Don't hurt yourselves, boys," she said.
She told the boys __________.
Упражнение 7. Найдите одно предложение с косвенной речью, в котором нет
ошибок. Исправьте ошибки в остальных предложениях.
1. Mike told the policeman that he lost his identity card.
2. Jane said to Dick that Julia doesn’t live next to her.
3. She told the detective that she sees the thief in the house.
4. He said that he ate nothing since morning.
5. My girlfriend told me that she felt very bad, and she had a headache.
6. Tom’s boss said to him that he hasn’t done the work properly.
7. Anna said that she doesn’t want to wear her old dress.
8. Her brother told her that they will have plenty of time to do their work.

Тема 2. Пассивный залог.

Упражнение 1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present, Past или
Future Simple Passive.
1. Bread (to eat) every day. 2. The letter (to receive) yesterday. 3. Nick (to send) to
Moscow next week. 4. I (to ask) at the lesson yesterday. 5. I (to give) a very
interesting book at the library last Friday. 6. Not many houses (to build) in our
town every year. 7. This work (to do) tomorrow. 8. This text (to translate) at the
last lesson. 9. These trees (to plant) last autumn. 10. A lot of interesting games
always (to play) at our PT lessons. 11. This bone (to give) to my dog tomorrow.
12. We (to invite) to a concert last Saturday. 13. Lost time never (to find) again.
14. Rome (not to build) in a day. 15. My question (to answer) two days ago. 16.
Hockey (to play) in winter. 17. Mushrooms (to gather) in autumn. 18. Thousands
of houses (to destroy) during the Great Fire of London. 19. His new book (to
finish) next year. 20. Flowers (to sell) in shops and in the streets. 21. St. Petersburg
(to found) in1703.
Упражнение 2.Передайте следующие предложения в Passive Voice, обращая
внимание на место предлога.
E.g. We speak very highly of her. — She is very highly spoken of.
1. The senior students laughed at the freshman. 2. The group spoke to the
headmistress yesterday. 3. These young mothers looked after their babies with
great care. 4. Nobody lived in that old house. 5. They sent for Jim and told him to
prepare a report on that subject. 6. We thought about our friend all the time. 7. The
doctor will operate on him in a week. 8. The teacher sent for the pupil’s parents. 9.
They looked for the newspaper everywhere. 10. Nobody slept in the bed. 11. The
neighbour asked for the telegram. 12. Everybody listened to the lecturer with great
attention. 13. They often talk about the weather.
Упражнение 3.Передайте следующие предложения в Passive Voice.
E.g. Mother waters the houseplants in the evening. — The house plants are
watered in the evening (by Mother).
1. Irene’s husband brought her some beautiful shells from the south. 2. The
explorers gave the newspaper reporters a long interview. 3. Mr Wilson will teach
you English. 4. The doctor ordered me a month’s rest from studying. 5. Tom gave
Nick a book for his birthday. 6. Our mother tells us stories every evening. 7. Lydia
will show you a new book of pictures. 8. A boy showed her the way. 9. They will
send us a box of fruit. 10. Five or six small children followed them. 11. In summer
the boys often drive the horses to the fields. 12. Ivan Susanin led the Poles into the
thickest part of the forest. 13. The waves carried the little boat out to sea. 14. We
shall do the translation in the evening. 15. They water the houseplants regularly.
16. You promised me these books long ago. 17. Bessie’s father gave her a
complete set of Walter Scott’s works. 18. The two hikers dropped their heavy
backpacks. 19. The boys will paint the roof of the house. 20. Tom Sawyer
whitewashed the fence. 21. Her daughters gave her three beautiful dishes as a
birthday present.
Упражнение 4.Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глаголы в Present,
Past или Future Simple Passive.
1. Ее часто посылают на почту. 2. В прошлом году ее послали в Кембридж. 3.
Его пошлют в Гарвард. 4. За ней всегда посылают. 5. За ней послали вчера. 6.
За мной пошлют завтра. 7. Их всегда приглашают на день рождения Ани. 8.
Летом Колю отвезут на дачу. 9. Об этом неинтересном фильме много не
говорили. 10. В музее нам показали много прекрасных картин. 11. Эту книгу
очень часто спрашивают. 12. Мою идею не поняли.
Упражнение 5.Передайте следующие предложения в PassiveVoice.
1. You must take the box to the station. 2. You can cross the river on a raft. 3. The
workers can finish the building of the house very soon. 4. You must pay your debts
the day after tomorrow. 5. You must do three of these exercises tomorrow. 6. You
can find the book you need in any library. 7. We must send these letters at once. 8.
I can easily forgive this mistake. 9. You can find such berries everywhere. 10. You
must do this work very carefully. 11. The doctor says they must take her to
hospital. 12. You can do the work in three days. 13. The students must return all
the library books before each summer vacation. 14. Monkeys can climb even the
tallest trees. 15. You mustn’t spend all your money at once. 16. We can’t take his
Упражнение 6. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Active Voice или
Passive Voice.
1. Nobody (to see) him yesterday. 2. The money (to receive) tomorrow. 3. He (to
give) me this book next week. 4. The answer to this question can (to find) in the
encyclopedia. 5. We (to show) the historical monuments of the capital to the
delegation tomorrow. 6. You can (to find) interesting information about the life in
the USA in this book. 7. Budapest (to divide) by the Danube into two parts: Buda
and Pest. 8. Yuri Dolgoruky (to found) Moscow in 1147.9. Moscow University (to
found) by Lomonosov. 10. We (to call) Zhukovsky the father of Russian aviation.
11. He (to speak) very highly of the doctor.
Упражнение 7.Передайте следующие предложения в Passive Voice.
1. I bought potatoes yesterday. 2. We shall bring the books tomorrow. 3. They are
repairing the clock now. 4. They sell milk in this shop. 5. I have translated the
whole text. 6. He stole a lot of money from the shop. 7. By six o’clock they had
finished the work. 8. At twelve o’clock the workers were loading the trucks. 9. By
three o’clock the workers had loaded the trucks. 10. He is teaching computer
science to our children now. 11. They will show this film on TV. 12. They are
building a new concert hall in our street. 13. They broke the window last week. 14.
When I came home, they had eaten the sweets. 15. We shall do the work in the
evening. 16. He wrote this book in the 19th century. 17. They were playing tennis
from four till five. 18. They have carried out a number of important experiments in
this laboratory. 19. Livingstone explored Central Africa in the 19th century. 20. By
the middle of autumn we had planted all the trees. 21. They will stage this play at
the beginning of next season. 22. They have forgotten the story. 23. Has anybody
explained the rules of the game to you? 24. They haven’t brought back my skates.
25. Teachers usually make corrections in red ink.

Тема 3. Времена группы Present.

Упражнение 1. Выберите правильный вариант
1. Paul isn’t very honest person. That is why when he speaks nobody ... him.
hasn’t believed
isn’t believing
2. Нe ... sports car.
3. Bill, you hair looks wet. What ... all morning in the rain?
has you done
are you doing
do you do
have you been doing
4. Gill can’t do the dishes right now because she ... now.
is sleeping
5. Don’t you mess with that liquid! It ... some poisonous acid!
is containing
has contained
6. ... it difficult to concentrate on your work with this music on?
Are you finding
Do you find
Have you found
Have you been found
7. I ... English much better now that we have a new teacher.
am understanding
have understood
have been understanding
8. Can she ... with me, please?
will go
9. He denied having broken the vase, but I still ... to believe him.
had refused
am refusing
10. He found a new job in China. He ... to move to China because he is fond of
their lifestyle.
has always wanted
is always wanting
always wants
have always wanted
11. ... you ever ... to LA?
Have / been
Have / was
Have / gone
Has / been
12. Where have you been? I ... from you for ages!
hasn’t heard
haven’t heard
didn’t hear
don’t hear
13. I think you ... silly! You should take all the medicine the doctor has prescribed.
are being
14. I ... what you are talking about.
haven’t known
don’t know
am not knowing
hasn’t known
15. They sent me two postcards; neither of which ... .
have arrived
will arrive
has arrived
is arriving
16. I have just sent my application form, now I ... for their answer.
am waiting
have waited
have been waited
17. I ... to getting up early.
werе used
will be used
am used
18. Their flat looks so modern! – They ... twice a year.
redecorates it
redecorate it
have it redecorated
are redecorating it
19. You ... about my handwriting! Stop it!
are always complaining
have always complained
always complain
have been always complaining
20. The US space shuttle Atlantis ... safely to earth.
has been returned
has returned
is returning
21. This is the first time I ... him ashamed.
am seeing
have seen
have been seen
22. After Margery ..., she will be spending six month in Europe.
have left
will be leaving
has left
23. He’s confused. He ... to solve the problem all morning.
has tried
has been trying
24. I ... she is Russian.
am thinking
have thought
will be thinking
25. Jim ... 20 essays so far.
has checked
is checking
26. Your perfume ... nice! What is it?
is smelling
was smelled
27. Mary ... to the life in the city. She has just moved from her native village.
used to have
has used
isn’t used to living
isgetting used
28. The soup ... delicious!
is tasting
has tasted
29. I used to work in a shop, but now I ... in an office.
am working
have worked
have been working
30. They ... friends for 10 years.
will be
have been
are being
31. He is so dirty! He ... football.
has played
is playing
has been playing
32. They ... since last April.
have been married
will be married
are getting married
33. I ... to Paris 3 times.
have beеn
has been
will be
34. Where do you want to go this summer? – I ... about Italy.
am thinking
have thought
will be thinking
35. I ... my GP today. I can’t go with you.
am seeing
have seen
will be seeing
36. It ... for hours! I wish it would stop.
was raining
has been raining
37. He ... lunch now.
is having
has been having
will have
38. Cathy ... detective stories.
is liking
has been liking
will like
39. More wild animals ... extinct these days.
are becoming
will become
is becoming
40. Emily never ... horror films.
is watching
has watched
has been watching
41. Merry ... her son’s forehead.
is feeling
has been feeling
will be feeling
42. Jim ... vegetables for 2 hours.
has been picking
have picked
43. She ... three letters this morning.
has received
have been received
is receiving
44. Who ... my personal letters all the time?
has read
will read
has been reading
45. ... you ... for a long time? No, I just came here.
Has / waited
Have / been waiting
Are / waiting
Do / wait
46. He is tired. He ... hard.
is working
has been working
47. You must always ... yourself at school!
has behaved
is behaving
48. Water ... at 100ºC.
is boiling
has boiled
has been boiling
49. She ... three foreign languages.
is speaking
has spoken
has been speaking
50. That dog ... its bowl with dog’s food.
is smelling
has smelled
has been smelling
Упражнение 2.Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Indefinite,
Present Perfect, Present Continuous, Past Indefinite или Future Indefinite.
1.Our classes usually ________ (begin) at 8.30 in the morning.
2.The first lesson ________ (not to begin) yet.
3.I ________ (spend) my last weekend well.
4.I think we________ (travel) to the seaside next summer.
5.The pupils ________ (have) a break now.
1.My mother________ (buy) a lot of bananas yesterday.
2.We just________ (eat) all the bananas.
3.I think she ________ (buy) some more bananas tomorrow.
4.Usually my dog ________ (not to eat) fruit.
5.My dog ________ (eat) meat now.
1.We newer________ (swim) in the ocean.
2.We ________ (swim) in the lake very often last summer.
3.My friend certainly________ (swim) in the Black Sea next month.
4.We usually ________ (go) swimming to the swimming pool.
5.look at the boys! They________ (swim) on such a cold day.
Упражнение 3.Определите, в каком из настоящих времен переводится каждое
из предложений группы, и переведите:
Я часто читаю исторические романы.
Я прочитала интереснейший роман Вальтера Скотта.
Сейчас я читаю книгу Мориса Дрюона.
Я читаю эту книгу с понедельника.
Сегодня холодно, идет снег
Зимой нередко идет снег.
Снег идет со вчерашнего вечера.
Снег прошел, и на улицах города лежат огромные сугробы.
Анна учит английский язык с 2000 года.
Она уже выучила его основные грамматические особенности.
Анна сейчас занята, она учит английский.
Анна изучает английский язык.
Уже 7 часов, а я все еще готовлю ужин!
В нашей семье, как правило, я готовлю ужин.
Извини, я тороплюсь, я еще не приготовила ужин.
Я готовлю ужин уже 2 часа: сегодня к нам придут гости.
Бабушка вяжет варежки.
Бабушка связала новую пару варежек.
Бабушка вяжет варежки уже неделю.
Она вяжет варежки своим внукам каждую зиму.
Дик сделал зарядку и сейчас собирается принять душ.
Он делает зарядку каждое утро.
Он делает зарядку, не мешай ему.
Дик делает зарядку уже 20 минут и скоро закончит.
Моя подруга работает переводчиком, она переводит тексты.
Она переводит этот текст уже давно, он очень сложен.
Мне придется перезвонить позже, она переводит текст.
Она перевела этот текст, но ей надо подготовить еще один.
Упражнение 4. Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в нужное время
1. He (watch) TV now.
2. He (prepare) lessons regularly.
3. He (be) at home in this time.
4. They (buy) tickets to Moscow (already).
5. Look, now he (make) a mistake.
6. She (to be) always late for her lessons.
7. Have you (buy) the dictionary?
8. She (play) the piano well.
9. She (play) the guitar?
11. She (play) the piano now.
12. She (play) the piano already.
13. My daughter often (look) at these pictures.
14. My grandfather (work) in the garden now.
15. I know you (sing) very well.
16. Listen, somebody (sing) in the next room.
17. I (read not) this article yet.
18. You friend (study) at music school.
19. She often (make) mistakes in English.
20. He (make) 3 mistakes in English.
21. – What is he doing? – He (speak) over the phone.
22. My mother (cook) dinner in your family?
23. My mother (cook) a cake in the kitchen.
24. – Let’s bye a box of chocolates. – I (bye) it (already).
25. My mother (work) at the hospital.
26. My child (sleep) twice a day.
27. They (not go) to the south in summer.
28. They (prefer) to rest in the country.
Упражнение 5.Раскройте скобки.
1. James is in his room, he (to play) there since the morning. 2. For 3 hours now
we (to chat) about it and we haven’t come to any decision yet. 3. Jane, do you
know where my hat is? I (to look) for it for half an hour and I can’t find it. 4. Your
cousin (to dance) with that red-haired girl since she came into the room. 5. He (to
try) to solve this problem for several months now but he hasn’t found a solution
yet. 6. He (to teach) at school for twenty years. 7. Mr. Smith (to work) in his room
since early morning.8. The children (to sleep) for 5 hours.
Упражнение 6. Переведите на английский.
1. Летом многие люди уезжают на юг.
2. Посмотри! Птицы летят на юг.
3. Мы уже прилетели в Чикаго.
4. Они еще не летали в Москву.
5. Что ты пишешь сейчас? - Я пишу новую книгу. Я уже написал три главы. -
Когда ты собираешься закончить ее? - Я еще не знаю. Я собираюсь закончить
ее к лету. Но я не вполне уверен в этом. У меня слишком много информации,
а печатаю я медленно. Моя дочь помогает мне, но у нее мало времени. Она
тоже очень занята.
6. Что ты делаешь здесь? Я рыбачу. Разве ты не видишь? А где твоя рыба?
Я еще не поймал ни одной рыбки. Как долго ты здесь? Я сижу здесь более
часа. Я здесь рыбачу с трех часов, если быть точным. Я рыбачу здесь каждое
воскресенье. Я рыбачу здесь с прошлого года.
Ваш ответ:
7. Я плыву в море и ни о чем не думаю. Солнышко светит. Вода теплая. На
пляже много людей. Я приезжаю сюда каждый год. Я был здесь семь раз. Я
посещаю это чудное место с 2001го года. Вечером я иду в ресторан. Я люблю
южные рестораны на открытом воздухе. Пора плыть обратно к берегу.
8. Обычно мы выращиваем картошку, но в этом году собираемся посадить
капусту. Мы еще никогда не делали этого.
9. Послушай как она поет. Она поет уже три часа. Какой прекрасный голос. Я
посещаю каждый концерт этой певицы. В этом году я был на ее концертах
семь раз.
10. Я сижу на берегу моря и рассказываю своему сыну сказки. Он любит
слушать меня. Темнеет. На юге быстро темнеет. Он играет на песке и
внимательно слушает меня. Я уже рассказал ему три сказки. Но он просит
еще одну. Пора идти искупаться в море. Из ресторанов сзади нас музыка.
Люди гуляют. Много смеха. Я собираюсь заказать еще немного шашлыка.
Сегодня вечером я уже заказывал шашлык. Прекрасный вечер.
11. Ты сейчас слушаешь меня, но я не вполне уверен, что ты слышишь меня.
Ты внимательно смотришь на меня, но я не вполне уверен, что ты видишь
меня. Твои глаза широко открыты. О чем ты сейчас думаешь? Где ты
Упражнение 7.Раскройте скобки.
1. He knows Africa well because he (travel) a lot there.
2. You (write) this composition for two hours and can't complete it.
3. – John is still repairing his car.
4. Alice promised to come, but she's absent. Something (happen) to her.
5. The children are drawing. They (draw) since they came home.
6. ... they (tell) anything about their summer plans?
7. My aunt (have) the big house in the country.

Тема 4. Времена группы Past

Упражнение 1.Вставьте в пропущенные места Present Perfect или Past Simple:
1. ..................................................(You/go) on holidays last year? 2. Yes,
I .................................................. (go) to Spain. 3. ..................................................
(you/ever/be) there? 4. I ..................................................(not/finish) my homework
yet. 5. We .................................................. (not/see) him since he ....................
.............................. (leave) school. 6. We .................................................. (go) to
bed early last night because we .................................................. (be) tired. 7.
Kevin .................................................. (lose) his key.
He .................................................. (leave) it on the bus yesterday. 8.
I ................................................ (not play) tennis since
I .................................................. (be) at school. 9. I think our
teacher ................................................ (forget) about the test.
He .................................................. (not say) anything about it in the last lesson. 10.
Sarah .................................................. (break) her leg.
She .................................................. (fall) off a horse last week. 11.
I ................................................... (finish) decorating my room.
I ................................................... (paint) it last week and
I .................................................. (put) the new curtains last night. 12.
Tom .................................................. (see) this film twice.
Упражнение 2.Определите, в каком из прошедших времен переводится
каждое из предложений группы, и переведите:
a) Past Simple b) Past Progressiveс) Past Perfect d) Past Perfect Continuous
1) Вчера вечером я гладила.
2) Я гладила вчера в 5 часов вечера.
3) Я уже погладила белье, когда муж пришел с работы.
4) Я гладила уже полчаса, когда утюг вдруг сломался
1) Вчера мы играли в шахматы с 2 до 3.
2) Мы сыграли три партии к 6 часам вечера.
3) Вчера мы играли в шахматы.
4) Мы играли 20 минут, когда мне позвонил мой коллега и мне пришлось
1) Мэри печатала статью уже довольно долго, когда пришел электрик, и ей
пришлось прерваться.
2) Она печатала статью вчера весь вечер.
3) Она напечатала статью к четвергу, последнему дню сдачи.
4) На прошлой неделе Мэри закончила печатать статью.
1) В пятницу Алекс купил себе мобильный телефон.
2) Он выбирал телефон полчаса, прежде чем купил его.
3) Алекс покупал телефон, в то время как его жена выбирала посудомоечную
4) После того как Алекс купил телефон, он решил купить еше и факс.
1) Джейн н Питер смотрели телевизор, когда зазвонил телефон.
2) Они смотрели телевизор уже час, когда пришла Моника.
3) Как только они посмотрели свою любимую программу, они пошли
Упражнение 3.Выберите нужный вариант
1. Margaret … go to the bank yesterday
a) hadn’t
b) didn’t
c) wasn’t
2. I drink black coffee but I … drink white coffee
a) didn’t
b) doesn’t
c) don’t
3. Today it is warm, but yesterday the weather … cold
a) were
b) was
c) are
4. This time last year we Paris
a) was
b) are
c) were
5. He … cleaned the room, when his mother came home.
a) has
b) had
c) was
6. He… driving very fast when the police stopped me.
a) were
b) did
c) was
8. He … cleaning the room, when his friend came to him.
a) were
b) was
c) had
Упражнение 4. Откройте скобки
1. Mary (to speak) _______to me when her little brother (to throw) ______her
bag out of the window.
2. A few days later while he (to have) _________tea, the postman (to bring)
_______him a letter from his friend.
3. As soon as I (to see) _____him, I (to understand) _____________that he (to
work) _______hard. He (to write) _______something and (not to notice)
4. When you friend (to return) _______from the south? She (to return)
______yesterday. You (to go) _____to the station to meet her? No, I (to do)
__________, I (to be) _________busy.
5. As soon as I (to hear) ___________a cry, I (to run) _________out of the
room and (to see) __________that a child (to lie) _______on the ground and (to
cry) ___________- What (to happen) ___________? –Why you (to cry)
__________? –You (to hurt) _________ yourself? I asked.
6. Della (to hurry) _________from shop to shop looking for a present for Jim.
7. The other day my sister and I (to go) __________shopping together. We (to
enter) __________a big shop in Arbat street. While my sister (to choose)
____________a new hat, I (to look for) ____________a pair of gloves.
8. The moment he (to hear) ___________ the news, Jim (to call) __________
me by telephone.
9. Just as I (to leave) _______for home, a student (to stop) _________me in the
10. When I last (to see) ________her she (to hurry) __________along the road to
the station. I (to ask) _________her where she (to go) ___________ and she (to
say) ________London, but I don’t think she (to tell) _______ the truth because
there (not to be) __________any train to London at that time.
Упражнение 5. Закончите предложения. Используйте Past Simple или Past
1. David (to come in) ________when the children (to write) _________a
2. Mike (to phone) ________ me, when I (to have) _________breakfast.
3. Mary (to speak) __________to me when her little brother (to throw)
________her bag out of the window.
4. We (to meet) __________them when we (to stand) _______at the bus stop.
5. She (to buy) _______a present for her Granny when I (to see) _______her.
6. When his parents (to have) _______dinner Tom (to arrive) ________.
7. He (to sleep) ______when his mother (to come) _______back.
8. A few days later while he (to have) ________tea, the postman (to bring)
_________him a letter from his friend.
9. When the teacher (to come) _________into the classroom, the children (to
sit) ________ at their desks.
10. One day while she (to read) ________ a book, a big black fly (to sit down)
_________on her book.
Упражнение 6.Выбери правильный вариант
1. I (talk) over the phone when they brought me the letter.
A talked
B had talked
C had been talking
D was talking
2. They (sit) in the room when the taxi arrived.
A sat
B had sat
C had been sitting
D were sitting
3. He quickly forgot everything he (learn) at school.
A learnt
B had learnt
C had been learning
D was learning
4. I visited Brazil in April. I (stay) at a nice hotel for a fortnight.
A stayed
B had stayed
C had been staying
D was staying
5. I (stay) at the hotel for a fortnight when I received your letter.
A stayed
B had stayed
C had been staying
D was staying
6. The musician (play) the piano for a whole hour when we came in.
A played
B had played
C had been playing
D was playing
7. Alice closed the magazine and rose from the sofa on which she (lie) for more
than two hours.
A lay
B had lain
C had been lying
D was lying
8. A man (be) unconscious for a few minutes when an ambulance arrived.
A was
B had been
C had being
9. We (walk) along a forest road for two hours when we saw a house.
A walked
B had walked
C had been walking
D were walking
10. I (talk) over the phone for a whole hour when the porter knocked at the door.
A talked
B had talked
C had been talking
D was talking
11. I hardly (finish) speaking with a porter when the phone rang again.
A finished
B had hardly finished
C had been finishing
D was finishing
12. First I (answer) the phone, and then I read your letter.
A answered
B had answered
C had been answering
D was answering
13. And I began writing to you instead of going to the seaside, as I (plan) before.
A planned
B had planned
C had been planning
D was planning
Упражнение 7. Раскройте скобки.
1) I (see) his pictures before I (visit) the museum. 2) Pedro (learn) English before
he (go) to England. 3) After Bill (do) his homework, he (begin) playing computer
games. 4) Boris (say) that his uncle (go) to Kiev yesterday. 5) I soon (realize) that
he (make) a serious mistake. 6) I (write) a letter before my mother (come) home. 7)
Lily (eat) all the cakes before her mother (come).
Тема 5. Условные предложения.
Упражнение 1.

Упражнение 2. Раскройте скобки и поставьте приведенные в них глаголы в правильную

грамматическую форму в соответствии с типом данного условного предложения.
Назовите соответствующий тип условного предложения.
1. If Ann (to be) busy, Jennifer (to wait) for her in the lobby. – Если Энн будет занята, то
Дженнифер подождет ее в холле.
2. If Jack (to meet) his parents, I (to inform) you about it. – Если бы Джек встретил ее
родителей (= завтра, сегодня), я бы проинформировал тебя об этом.
3. Jenny (to have) underweight unless she (to stop) smoking. – У Дженни будет
недостаточный вес до тех пор, пока она не прекратит курить.
4. If Elisabeth`s children (to be) there, they (to enjoy) this unusual party. – Если бы дети
Элизабет тогда (= раньше) были здесь, они смогли бы получить удовольствие от этой
необычной вечеринки.
5. If Henry (to drink) milk there, he (to eat) your fish now. – Если бы Генри попил там
молока, он бы сейчас не ел твою рыбу.
6. If Jane (to learn) these German phrases, she (to be able) to explain her wishes. – Если
Джейн выучит эти немецкие выражения, то она будет в состоянии объяснить свои
7. If our students (to read) these articles last week, they (to be) geared-up to answer these
questions. – Если бы наши студенты прочитали эти статьи на прошлой неделе, то они
были бы готовы ответить на эти вопросы (сейчас).
8. If Linda (to be) in the club a day before yesterday, we (to see) her there. – Если бы Линда
была позавчера в клубе, то мы бы ее там увидели.
9. If our children (to be) afraid of thunderstorm, we (to ask) Mary`s sister to stay with them. –
Если наши дети будут бояться грозы, мы попросим сестру Мэри побыть с ними.
10. If we (to gather) a lot of mushrooms that summer, I (can + to give) a royal spread to our
friends tonight. – Если бы мы набрали много грибов тем летом, я бы смог сегодня
вечером угостить наших друзей по-царски.
11. Peter (not to catch) the bus unless he (to hurry). – Петер не успеет на автобус, если не
12. If Jane had bought enough vegetables yesterday, she should have made more different
salads. – Если бы Джейн купила вчера достаточно овощей, то она бы приготовила
больше разных салатов (ранее).
Упражнение 3.Раскройте скобки.
You need a passport if you (want) to travel abroad.
If I (wake up) early, I’ll go jogging.
If our team had won the match, they (move) up in the league.
The teacher gets angry if we (not/work) hard.
He (visit) his uncle, if he finishes early.
If she had taken care of her son, he (not/become) a criminal.
If I were a star, I (help) the poor.
If you freeze water, it (turn) to ice.
If I (have) time, I would come to your birthday party.
She would have been top of her class if she (work) hard.
Упражнение 4.Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующейся форме.
1. If he were not such an outstanding actor, he (not tо have) so many admirers. 2. If you (to
give) me your address, I shall write you а letter. 3. If she (not to be) an absent-minded, she
would be а much better student. 4. If my sister does not go to the south, we (to spend) the
summer in St Petersburg together. 5. If they (not to go) to Moscow last year, they would not
have heard that famous musician. 6. If you (not to get) tickets for the Philharmonic, we shall
stay at home. 7. If you were not so careless about your health, you (to consult) the doctor. 8. I
should be delighted if I (to have) such аbeautiful fur coat. 9. If it (to rain), we shall have to
stay at home. 10. If he (to work) hard, he would have achieved great progress. 11. If it is not
too cold, I (not to put) on my coat. 12. I (tо write) the essay long ago if you had not disturbed
me. 13. If he (not to read) so much, he would not be so clever. 14. If my friend (tо be) at
home, he will tell us what to do
Упражнение 5. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующейся форме.
1. If you (not to buy) coffee, we shall drink tea. 2. If he is free tomorrow, he certainly (to
come) to our party. 3. My brother would not have missed sо many lessons if he (not to hurt)
his leg. 4. If my friend (tо work) in my office, we should meet every day. 5. If you spoke
English every day, you (to improve) your language skills. 6. If you get а"five", your mother
(to be) happy. 7. If she (to return) earlier, she would have been able to see him before he left.
8. If these shoes were not too big for me, I (to buy) them. 9. If you (tо ring) me up, I shall tell
you а secret. 10. If you (to be) а poet, you would write beautiful poetry. 11. If he did not read
so much, he (not to know) English literature sо well. 12. If he (tо come) to our house
yesterday, he would have met his friend. 13. If he (not to pass) his exam, he will not get а
scholarship. 14. If she (not to help) me, I should have been in аvery difficult situation. 15. Му
father would have more free time if he (not to read) so many newspapers. 16. If only you had
let me know, I (to go) there immediately. 17. If I were а famous singer, I (to get) а lot of
flowers every day.
Упражнение 6. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующейся форме.
1. If my brother (to be) in trouble, I shall help him, of course. 2. If I don't manage to finish my
report today, I (tо stay) at home tomorrow. 3. If she were more careful about her diet, she (not
to be) so stout. 4. You would not feel so bad if you (not to smoke) too much. 5. If he (to learn)
the poem, he would not have got а bad mark. 6. If you gave me your dictionary for а couple of
days, I (to translate) this text. 7. If I (to be) а musician, I should be very happy. 8. If Barbara
(tо get) up at half past eight, she would have been late for school. 9. If you had not put the cup
on the edge of the table, it (not to get) broken. 10. I should be very glad if he (to come) to my
place. 11. If he (to live) in St Petersburg, he would go to the Hermitage every week. 12. If you
(tо go) tо the theatre with us last week, you would have enjoyed the evening. 13. You won't
understand the rule if you (not to listen) to the teacher. 14. If he weren't such а bookworm, he
(not to spend) so much time sitting in the library. 15. I should not have bought the car if my
friend (not to lend) me money. 16. If he did not live in St Petersburg, we (not to meet) so
often. 17. If he had warned me, I (to do) the work in time.
Упражнение 7. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующейся форме.
1. If it (to snow), the children will play snowballs. 2. If I (not tо know) English, I should not
be able to enjoy Byron's poetry. 3. I (not to do) it if you did not ask me. 4. If men (to have) nо
weapons, would wars be роssible? 5. You will never finish your work if you (to waste) your
time like that. 6. If I (to have) his telephone number, I should easily settle this matter with
him. 7. If I (to have) this rаге book, I should gladly lend it tо you. 8. The dish would have
been much more tasty if she (to be) а better cook. 9. Не never (to phone) you if I hadn't
reminded him to do that. 10. Your brother (tо become) much stronger if he took cold baths
regularly. 11. If he (to be) more, courageous, he would not be afraid. 12. If the fisherman had
been less patient, he (not to catch) so much fish. 13. If you (to put) the ice cream in the
freezer, it would not have melted. 14.If I (to know) the result now, I would phone her
immediately. 15. If you had let me know yesterday, I (to bring) you my book.

Тема 6. Модальные глаголы.

Упражнение 1. Complete the following sentences using the most appropriate forms of the
1. Jack has got a headache. He … sleep well recently.
a) can’t
b) couldn’t have
c) hasn’t been able to
2. I … sleep for hours when I was a little girls.
a) could
b) am able to
c) can
3. Tom … play tennis well but he … play a game yesterday because he was ill.
a) couldn’t, could
b) can, was able
c) can, couldn’t
4. I didn’t want to be late for the meeting. We … meet at 5 sharp.
a) were to
b) had to
c) could
5. Where are my gloves? — I … put them on because it’s cold today.
a) can’t
b) have to
c) needn’t
6. You … take an umbrella today. The Sun is shining.
a) needn’t
b) mustn’t
c) can’t
7. I’m sorry, you didn’t invite me to your birthday party. You … invite me next time.
a) must
b) should
c) need to
8. Well, it’s 10 o’clock. I … go now.
a) can
b) has to
c) must
9. You … smoke so much.
a) would
b) can’t
c) shouldn’t
10. We have got plenty of time. We … hurry.
a) must
b) needn’t
c) should
Упражнение 2. Переведите предложения
1. Вы должны бросить курить.
2. Вечеринка была замечательная. Вам следовало прийти.
3. Ты можешь решить эту проблему.
4. Тебе следует навестить своего больного друга.
5. Тебе следовало навестить своего больного друга, но ты не навестил.
6. Не хотите еще чая?
7. Я вынужден был сделать это.
8. Я не знаю, почему мы спешили. Нам не нужно было спешить.
9. Я бы хотел пойти с тобой.
10. Ты можешь делать все, что хочешь.
11. Ольге нужно уделить больше внимания занятиям по английскому языку.
12. Я не уверен, но возможно он неправ.
13. Ему разрешили взять машину своего отца в прошлую пятницу.
14. Я могу считать до 50 на испанском.
Упражнение 3. Исправьте ошибки в предложениях.
1. Actors may learn a lot of dialogues by heart.
2. Your glass is empty. Must I refill it?
3. Would I introduce Mr. Brown to you?
4. My sister can to play a few musical instruments.
5. Some years ago I didn’t can speak English.
Упражнение 4. Перефразируйте предложения, используя модальные глаголы
Example: It is not possible that he has finished already.
He can’t have finished already.
He was not able to write until he was eight.
Talking is not permitted during the test.
It would be a good idea for you to give up smoking.
I am sure that she has gone home.
It isn’t right to speak to your mother like that.
It is not possible for me to come to the party tonight.
He is obliged to go to the police station twice a week.
It is not possible that you have spent all the money.
I advise you to consult the doctor.
Students are not permitted to leave the classroom.
Dogs are prohibited herе.
Were you able to speak Spanish last year?
Упражнение 5 Дополните предложения модальными глаголами can/can't, must/mustn't,
needn't, have to:
1 A: Is Jason at work today?
B: He ...can't... be. His car isn't in the car park.
2 A: I can't do my German homework. It's too difficult.
B: I'll help you. I............speak German.
3 A: I'm going to watch television.
B: Alright, but you .............stay up too late.
4 A: a taxi to take us to the airport.
B: I'll do it now.
5 A: I didn't know Rachel was in the choir.
B: Oh yes. She..............sing beautifully.
6 A: Shall I cook dinner tonight?
B: No, you.............We're going to a restaurant.
7 A: Has Tim bought a car yet?
B: He............have. I saw him on the bus yesterday.
8 A: very rich.
B: Yes. She's got a huge house and an expensive car.
9 A: I did the washing-up for you.
B: Oh, you.............have, but it was kind of you.
10 A: Would you like to come to my party on Saturday night?
B: I'd like to, but Mum says I .............visit my grandparents.

Тема 7. Степени сравнения.

Упражнение 1. Put adjectives into correct forms.
1. John is (young) of the 3 brothers.
2. The Sun is (bright) the Moon.
3. Is the diameter of Jupiter (big) than that of the Earth?
4. That room is (light) than yours.
5. This room is (large) than the one upstairs.
6. It doesn’t take (much) than four days to cross the Atlantic, does it?
Упражнение 2. Choose the correct form of an adjective.
1. Jane is the (taller — tallest) of the 2 girls.
2. Father was the (eldest — elder) of seven sons.
3. Albert is (elder — older) than John.
4. I think your plan is the (best — better) of the two.
5. This is the (most large-largest) power — station, I’ve ever seen.
6. Henry is the (oldest — eldest) of the 3 brothers.
Упражнение 3. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык.
1. Это очень легкая задача. Дайте мне более трудную задачу. 2. Летом дни длинные, а
ночи короткие. 3. 22 июня – самый длинный день. 4. В июле дни короче. 5. В декабре
дни самые короткие. 6. «Четверка» - хорошая отметка, но «пятерка» лучше. 7.
«Пятерка» - самая лучшая отметка. 8. Самая плохая отметка – «двойка». 9. Твое платье,
конечно, очень красивое, но мое платье красивее. 10. Мой папа – высокий мужчина. 11.
Это более теплое пальто. 12. Я думаю, что наш учитель английского языка был очень
терпелив.13. Наш старый доктор был очень занят. Наш новый доктор даже более занят.
14. Моя учительница немецкого языка – самый энергичный человек. 15. Мы знаем, твой
сосед – очень скучный человек. 16. Я считаю, твой дедушка – самый щедрый человек,
которого я когда-либо встречал. 17. Часы Рональда точные, но часы его тети более
точные. 18. Она купила часы в Швейцарии, потому что она считает, что швейцарские
часы самые точные в мире. 19. Тот телевизионный фильм гораздо хуже, чем
сегодняшний. 20. Какая самая смешная телевизионная программа? 21. Это были самые
счастливые дни в ее жизни.
Упражнение 4. Раскройте скобки, употребляя требующуюся форму прилагательного.
1. – How do you like Smucker’s Sweet Orange Marmalade, Mrs Johnson? – I think it’s
(delicious). It’s much (delicious) than the marmalade I usually buy. – We agree with you, Mrs
Johnson. We think Smucker’s Sweet Orange Marmalade is (delicious) marmalade in the
world. 2. The rivers in America are much (big) than those in England. 3. The island of Great
Britain is (small) than Greenland. 4. What is the name of the (high) mountain in Asia? 5. The
English Channel is (wide) than the Straits of Gibraltar. 6. Russia is a very (large) country.

Тема 8. Определители количества.

Упражнение 1. Выберите правильный вариант.
1. We saw a lot of pictures at the art shop, but ______ was good enough to buy for our
none of them
no of them
not some of them
only any of them
2. If there are ______ calls for me, can you ask to leave a message?
3. While peeling potatoes my small brother cut ______ with a sharp knife.
4. There are many good hotels in the town. You can stay at ______ of them.
5. I've been trying to phone her all day but ______ I phone her the line is engaged.
every time
all the time
the every time
the whole time
6. He is invited to lots of parties and he goes to ______ .
every one
7. These are ______ organizations operating in our market and even ______ we would
consider real competitors.
a few, many
little, some
some, fewer
few, fewer
8. You are not the only one who failed to hear the news. I didn't ______ .
9. If we hadn't taken the same plane, we might have never met ______ .
each other
both of us
10. ______ food, clothes and some ______ goods have be¬come more expensive nowadays.
much, others
many, others
many, the others
much, other
11. I'm going to the wedding on Saturday. ______ is getting married.
a friend of me
a friend of mine
mine friend
a friend of my
12. During the terrible road accident one car bumped into ______ one. One driver was heavily
injured and ______ died.
another, other
another, the other
other, the other
the other, other
13. — Did you hear about the party at Kate's last night? - No, I didn't. ______ of my friends
______ there.
none, was
nobody, was
nobody, were
no, were
14. "The system of education is not superb," she said. "Too ______ mathematics ______
usually taught at school."
many, are
much, is
much, are
many, is
15. ______ should be present at the meeting. A very serious question will be discussed.
any one
16. We've got too ______ petrol. We must have the car filled at the nearest service station.
a little
17. When the train arrived at the railway station ______ pas¬sengers got their suitcases. So we
picked up ______ too.
other, our
others, our
some, ours
another, ours
18. There are ______ evenings when I do not want to go to bed. But there are ______
evenings when nothing could keep me from going to bed.
some, other
some, the others
several, others
some, the other
19. I don't really enjoy going to the cinema ______ . I'd rather have ______ to go with me.
by my own, no one
by myself, someone
on myself, someone
by my own, anyone
20. I have been talking to that strange man for an hour but I still can't understand if he is
______ Spanish ______ Portuguese.
either, or
neither, or
neither, nor
either, nor

Тема 9. Complex Object.

Упражнение 1. Закончите предложения, употребляя сложное дополнение.
E.g. “Bring me a book,” said my brother to me. My brother wanted me to bring him a book.
1. The teacher said to the pupils: “Learn the rule.” — The teacher wanted ... 2. “Be careful, or
else you will spill the milk,” said my mother to me. — My mother did not want ... 3. “My
daughter will go to a ballet school,” said the woman. — The woman wanted ...4. The man
said: “My son will study mathematics.” —The man wanted ... 5. “Oh, father, buy me this toy,
please,” said the little boy. — The little boy wanted …6. “Wait for me after school,” said Ann
to me. — Ann wanted ... 7. “Fix the shelf in the kitchen,” my father said to me. — My father
wanted ... 8. “It will be very good if you study English,” said my brother to me. —My brother
wanted ... 9. “Fetch me some water from the river, children,” said our grandmother. — Our
grandmother wanted ... 10. “Come to my birthday party,” said Kate to her classmates. — Kate
wanted ... 11. The biology teacher said to us: “Collect some insects in summer.” — The
biology teacher wanted ...12. “Don’t eat ice cream before dinner,” said our aunt to us. Our
aunt did not want ... 13. “Come and live in St Petersburg with me,” said my mother to me. My
mother wanted...
Упражнение 2. Закончите предложения, используя Complex Object.
1. She wants you … 2. We saw them… 3. He considered her… 4. Mary heard Tim… 5.
Sarah watched her sister … 6. I noticed her…… 7. We never expected them … 8. I’d like
my friend … 9. Mother wishes her daughter … 10. Father expected his son …
Упражнение 3. Дополните предложения, используя сложное дополнение:
1. The teacher said to the pupils: "Learn the rule." — The teacher wanted ...2. "Be careful, or
else you will spill the milk," said my mother to me. — My mother did not want...
3. "My daughter will go to a ballet school," said the woman. — The woman wanted ...
4. The man said: "My son will study mathematics." —The man wanted ...
5. "Oh, father, buy me this toy, please," said the little boy. — The little boy wanted ...
6. "Wait for me after school," said Ann to me. — Ann wanted ...
7. "Fix the shelf in the kitchen," my father said to me. — My father wanted ..
8. "It will be very good if you study English," said my mother to me. —My mother wanted ...
9. "Bring me some water from the river, children," said our grandmother. — Our grandmother
wanted ... 10. "Come to my birthday party," said Kate to her classmates — Kate wanted ...
11. The biology teacher said to us: "Collect some insects in summer." —The biology teacher
wanted ... 12. "Don't eat ice cream before dinner," said our mother to us. Our mother did not
Упражнение 3. Раскройте скобки
1. He made (I, do) it all over again.
2. He made (she, repeat) the message.
3. If you want (we, get) there before dark you should let (we, start) at once.
4. Would you like (I, go) now?
5. They won't let (we, leave) the Customs till our luggage has been examined.
6. He wouldn't let (my baby, play) with his gold watch.
7. Please, let (I, know) your decision as soon as possible.
8. He made (we, wait) for hours.
9. I let (he, go) early as he wanted to meet his wife.
10. I'd like (he, go) to a university but I can't make (he, go).
11. I want (she, learn) English; I think everybody must know it.
12. I heard (the door, open) and saw (a shadow, move) across the floor.
13. He tried to make (I, believe) that he was my stepbrother.
14. I felt (the house, snake) with the explosion.
15. Before he let (we, go) he made (we, promise) not to tell anybody what he had seen.
16. I advised (he, ask) the bus-conductor to tell him where to get off.
17. She expects (her husband, pay) all the household expenses although she has a good job,
too. 18. What do you want (I, tell) him?
19. I saw (the driver, open) his window and (throw) a box into the bushes.
20. That is too heavy for one person to carry, let (I, help) you.
21. I saw (the plane, crash) into the hill and (burst) into flames.
22. The teacher advised (we, use) dictionaries.
23. Her father doesn't allow (she, go) to the cinema alone.
Упражнение 4.

Упражнение 5.
Упражнение 6

Упражнение 7.

Упражнение 8.
Упражнение 9.

Тема 10. Способы выражения будущего

Упражнение 1. Используйте will или be going to. Иногда возможен больше, чем один
правильный ответ.
Look out! We _____________ crash!
"There's the doorbell." "I ______________ go."
We promise that if you vote for us we ______________ double your income in twelve
"It's very cloudy, isn't it?" "Yes, I think it ________________ rain."
The next train to arrive at platform six _______________ be the delayed 7.32 service for
I wonder what she __________________ do next.
"Can somebody answer the phone?" "I _____________________."
A Poor Sue went to hospital yesterday.
Упражнение 2. Закончите следующие предложения, используя will или be going to и
любые другие необходимые слова. Иногда возможны оба варианта.
1. A I've got to phone a Paris number. Do you know the code?
B No, _________________ in the directory for you.
2. A What are you doing over the Easter holidays?
B Absolutely nothing. We _________________ rest.
3. A Did you hear the weather forecast?
B Yes. _____________ cold at first, then _____________ a little warmer this afternoon,
and this evening _________________ some light showers.
4. A Why did you buy a house in such terrible condition?
B It was cheap. We _______________ modernize it from top to bottom, and we
_____________ into a restaurant. What do you think?
5. A If you are elected, what ________ your party ______ about unemployment?
B We have carefully considered this issue. When we are elected, as we most certainly
________ be, we __________ create half a million new jobs.
6. A What are you doing here? Annie's expecting you for lunch.
B I completely forgot! I__________ a ring, and tell her I ____________ be late. Thanks
for reminding me.
7. A How will the proposed tax increase on petrol affect your business?
B To be perfectly honest, we haven't thought about it yet. We ____________ cross that
bridge when we get to it.
Упражнение 3. Заполните пропуски подходящими глаголами в правильной форме
будущего времени.
. „It is getting dark" - „I ______________ turn on the light
2. „The tape recorder doesn't work" I_____________________repair it".
3. He____________________see his Granny on Sunday.
4. I think they____________________pass the exam.
5. „The bag is so heavy, I can't carry it"- „I____________________help you".
6. I don't want to go home by bus. I_____________________walk.
7. Do you think John____________________phone us tonight?
8. Take an umbrella with you. It_____________________rain.
9. It's Tom's birthday tomorrow. We_____________________give him a present.
10. I think he____________________like his present.
Упражнение 4. Поставьте в скобки походящий глагол в соответствующей форме.
Don't cry, Johnny. I () you another ice-cream.
Mary () a baby. I hope it () a boy.
We () a party next Saturday.
The train () at 3:00.
"Do you need a ride to the train station?" — "Thanks, but Joel () me."
I () Mr. Johnson on Monday.
I promise I () it tomorrow.
Classes () next week.
"I don't want to cook tonight." — "OK. () it."
"Are you busy tomorrow evening?" — "Yes, () to the cinema."
"Do you have any plans for your birthday?" — "Yes, () a party."
"I need some help with the cooking tomorrow." — "Don't worry. I () you "
"I have to leave early today. I () to the dentist's."
"What are your plans for the weekend?" — " I () to the country."
Упражнение 5. Напишите ответы на следующие вопросы:
1. What will you be doing from 6 to 7 tomorrow?
2. Who will you be meeting tomorrow?
3. Where will your family be spending weekend?
4. At what time will you be reading for exams?
5. How many people will be arriving at your birthday party?
6. How much money will you be earning in ten years’ time?
Упражнение 6. Переведите предложения на английский язык
1. Когда я приду домой, мой младший брат будет смотреть мультики (cartoons).
2. Вы будете ремонтировать телевизор в это время завтра?
3. Секретарь будет печатать письма в это время завтра?
4. Завтра в это время мастер (repairman) будет ремонтировать холодильник (fridge).
5. Мы обязательно встретим вас.
6. Вам сейчас нужен будет словарь (dictionary)?
7. Вам сейчас нужен будет велосипед?
8. Вы будете проходить (pass) мимо банка?
9. Вы будете проходить мимо почты?
10. Что вы будете делать в это время завтра?
11. Что ваши друзья будут делать в это время?
12. Где вы будете проводить летние каникулы?
Упражнение 7. Выберите правильный вариант.
1. This time tomorrow they (sit) in the train on their way to Chicago.
A will sit B will be sitting
2. I (be) at home if you need anything.
A will be B will being
3. Don't phone Jim from 5 to 6 - he (have) English.
A will have B will be having
4. Why are you in a hurry? If you arrive at 8 0' clock, they (still / cook) the meal.
A will still cook B will still be cooking
5. He (come) at eight in the evening.
A will come B will be coming
6. ... you (have lunch) with me on Friday?
A Will you have lunch B Will you be having lunch
7. – I'm not sure I'll recognize Eve. I haven't seen her for ages.
– She (wear) a dark blue pullover and jeans.
A will wear B will be wearing

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