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Basic science process skills

7 basic science process skills include:

1. Observing: Using the senses of sight, hearing, taste, smell, or touch to gather
information about objects and phenomena
2. Classify: Sort out and group objects or phenomena based on similar
3. Measure and numbering: Make quantitative observations using numbers,
standard tools or standardized tools.
4. Making inferences: Making reasonable initial conclusions, which may or may
not be true to explain an event or observation.
5. Predicting: Making predictions about an event based on past observations and
experiences or based on data.
6. Communicate: Obtain, select, organize and present information or ideas in
written, oral, table, graph, diagram or model form.
7. Using space-time relationships: Describe changes such as location, direction,
shape, size, volume, weight and mass over time

Integrated science process skills

5 integrated science process skills.

1. Interpret data: Give a rational description of an object, event or pattern from the
data collected.
2. Operational definition: Give an interpretation of a concept or situation by stating
things done and observed.
3. Controlling variables: Identify manipulated variables (what is changed),
responding variables (what is observed/measured) and constant variables (what is
fixed/constant throughout the experiment).
4. Make a hypothesis: Make a general statement about the relationship between
variables that are opinionated to be true to explain a thing or event. This statement
can be tested to determine its validity.
5. Experimenting: Planning and conducting an investigation to test a hypothesis,
collecting data, interpreting data, obtaining conclusions from the investigation.

 The experiment should follow the following steps (checklist) so that the problem
statement can be solved.
 Experiment checklist:

1. Identifying problems
2. Making hypothesis
3. Design an experiment – controlling variables, determine the required equipment
and materials, determine steps of conducting experiments, determine methods of
data collection, determine methods of data analysis
4. Conducting experiment – conduct the experiment according to the planned steps
5. Collect the data
6. Analyze the data
7. Interpret the data
8. Draw conclusions – State the conclusions obtained from the experiments
9. Make a report

1.2 Manipulative Skills

 Science manipulative skills need to be practiced during an

experiment or investigation.
 There are 5 manipulative skills:

1. Use and handle equipment and materials correctly

2. Accurately draw specimens, equipment and science materials.
3. Handle specimens correctly and carefully
4. Store equipment and materials properly and safely
5. Clean equipment the right way.

 Science manipulative skills are important so that:

1. The results of the investigation obtained are clear and accurate.

2. Management of tools and materials becomes more systematic.

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