STAT343 Peer Review Fall 2022 2

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1. Who was the only president to not be in office in Washington D.C?

a. Thomas Jefferson
b. !George Washington
c. Richard Nixon
d. Abraham Lincoln

2. The largest consumer market in 2015 was...

a. !The United States of America
b. Japan
c. Germany
d. United Kingdom

3. Which letter do you need to have on a European driver license in order to ride
any motorbikes?
a. X
b. !A
c. B
d. D

4. Who was the 45th President of the United States?

a. Bill Clinton
b. !Donald Trump
c. Barack Obama
d. George Bush

5. What is the name of Niccolograve; Machiavelli039;s work that argued effective

leaders needed to crush their opponents at all costs?
a. Will to Power
b. The Rape of Lucrece
c. Love039;s Labours Lost
d. !The Prince

6. What is centralism?
a. Remaining politically neutral.
b. ! Concentration of power and authority in a central organization.
c. Conforming to one single common political agenda.
d. The grey area in the spectrum of political left and right.

7. Who was elected leader of the UK Labour Party in September 2015?

a. Ed Miliband
b. David Cameron
c. Theresa May
d. !Jeremy Corbyn

8. Helen Clark was the 37th Prime Minister of Australia.

a. !False
b. True

9. What was the personal nickname of the 40th Governor of the US State Louisiana,
Huey Long?
a. The Champ
b. The Hoot Owl
c. The Oracle
d. !The Kingfish

10. Jeb Bush was elected as Governor of Florida in 2002, starting his political
a. !False
b. True

11. What are the first names of the first father and son pair that were both Prime
Ministers of Canada?
a. Brian and Justin
b. John and Louis
c. !Justin and Pierre
d. Brian and Pierre

1. What are the first 6 digits of the number quot;Piquot;?

a. 3.25812
b. 3.12423
c. !3.14159
d. 3.14169

2. What is the Roman numeral for 500?

a. L
b. C
c. X
d. !D

3. What is the first Mersenne prime exponent over 1000?

a. !1279
b. 2203
c. 1009
d. 1069

4. A universal set, or a set that contains all sets, exists.

a. True
b. !False

5. What prime number comes next after 19?

a. 21
b. !23
c. 27
d. 25

6. How many sides does a heptagon have?

a. 6
b. !7
c. 5
d. 8
7. An equilateral triangle always has every angle measuring 60deg;.
a. False
b. !True

8. Which of these numbers is closest to the total number of possible states for an
army standard Enigma Machine?
a. 1.58 x 1024
b. 1.58 x 1018
c. 1.58 x 1022
d. !1.58 x 1020

9. Which greek mathematician ran through the streets of Syracuse naked while
shouting quot;Eurekaquot; after discovering the principle of displacement?
a. Euclid
b. Homer
c. Eratosthenes
d. !Archimedes

10. Which of the following famous mathematicians died in a duel at the age of 20?
a. Euler
b. Abel
c. !Galois
d. Gauss

11. How many books are in Euclid039;s Elements of Geometry?

a. 10
b. 17
c. !13
d. 8

12. Which mathematician refused the Fields Medal?

a. Andrew Wiles
b. !Grigori Perelman
c. Edward Witten
d. Terence Tao

13. In the complex plane, multiplying a given function by i rotates it

anticlockwise by how many degrees?
a. 180
b. 270
c. 0
d. !90

1. What was the punishment for Sysiphus039;s craftiness?

a. Standing in a lake filled with water he could not drink.
b. To fell a tree that regenerated after every axe swing.
c. !Cursed to roll a boulder up a hill for eternity.
d. Tied to a boulder for eternity, being pecked by birds.
2. The ancient Roman god of war was commonly known as which of the following?
a. Ares
b. !Mars
c. Juno
d. Jupiter

3. The Hippogriff, not to be confused with the Griffon, is a magical creature with
the front half of an eagle, and the back half of what?
a. A Tiger
b. !A Horse
c. A Lion
d. A Dragon

4. Hera is god of...

a. War
b. !Marriage
c. Sea
d. Agriculture

5. In Norse mythology, what is the name of the serpent which eats the roots of the
ash tree Yggdrasil?
a. Bragi
b. !Nidhogg
c. Odin
d. Ymir

6. Who is the Egyptian god of reproduction and lettuce?

a. !Min
b. Menu
c. Mut
d. Meret

7. A minotaur is half human half what?

a. Cow
b. Horse
c. !Bull
d. Eagle

8. What mythology did the god quot;Apolloquot; come from?

a. Greek and Chinese
b. !Greek and Roman
c. Roman and Spanish
d. Greek, Roman and Norse

9. Janus was the Roman god of doorways and passageways.

a. !True
b. False

10. What immense structure is referred to in Norse Mythology as the Yggdrasil.

a. Temple
b. Mountain
c. !Tree
d. Castle

11. What is the name of the first human being in Norse mythology?
a. Ake
b. Asger
c. Asmund
d. !Ask

12. Which greek godgoddess tossed a golden apple with the words quot;for the
fairestquot; into the middle of the feast of the gods?
a. Hades
b. Ares
c. !Eris
d. Artemis

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