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Course: MKT 330.

Group: Echo Tribe

NAME ID Contribution
Shadman Mujtahid Radh 1812200030 Answer No 2

Shehjad Rahman 1831298630 Answer No 4

Mou Mon Jahanara 1821157030 Answer No 1

MD Tanbir Hosen Nishad 2111170630 Answer No 3

Answer No 1

Understanding our target market and customizing our online education site for special children in
Bangladesh requires a thorough process called segmentation. Consider demographic,
psychographic, and geographic characteristics while identifying and describing various market
segments that are pertinent to our e-business concept. The breakdown of prospective market
segments is as follows:

​ Age:
● Children ages 3-6 who need early childhood education.
● Those enrolled in primary and secondary education who are between the ages of 7
and 18.
● Between 18 and 25-year-olds with special needs who must complete their studies
and advance their careers.

​ Disability Type:
● For students with autism spectrum disorders, modify the curriculum and
instructional strategies.
● Create materials to help manage the symptoms of attention-deficit disorder.
● Specialized instruction is provided for students with intellectual disability.
● Physical impairments: Attend to the requirements of kids with mobility issues.

​ Geographic Factors:
● Consider the disparities between Bangladesh's urban and rural communities in
terms of access to technology and educational resources.
● Region-specific: Special education may be more in demand or have more
particular needs in some places.

​ Parental Involvement:
● Parents who are extremely involved in their children's education.
● Parents with Limited Time: Parents who might require further guidance in
assisting with their child's schooling.
​ Income Levels:
● Low-Income Families: Provide accessible solutions for households with modest
● Families with Middle to High Incomes: Provide upscale services with greater

​ Language and Culture:

● Please make sure that our content is available in Bengali for Bengali speakers.
● Cultural Sensitivity: We should modify our content to take into account the
various cultural traditions of our users.

​ Psychographics:
● Learners with a preference for visual, aural, or kinesthetic learning should be
● digital Know-How: Make the platform accessible to parents and kids who are
both digital knowledgeable and less tech aware.

​ Education Level:
● Parents with a higher education background may be able to tackle more difficult
academic subjects.

​ Special Education Needs:
● IEPs (individualized education plans): Attend to the particular needs listed in an
IEP for a child.

​ Behavioral Characteristics:
● Children with Behavioural Issues: Create plans for kids with behavioural

Let's certainly concentrate on one particular group, the "Preschool Children with Autism
Spectrum Disorder (Autism Spectrum Disorder)" in Bangladesh, which provides a promising
target audience for our e-business. Here is the justification, backed up by facts and information:
Segment: Wengsters in preschool who have autism spectrum disorders (Autism Spectrum

● Autism prevalence in Bangladesh:
● The World Health Organisation (WHO) reports that autism prevalence is rising
across the globe, and Bangladesh is not an exception.
● Early childhood diagnosis of autism makes preschool-aged children an important
target demographic.

​ Limited Special Education Resources:

● Bangladesh struggles to provide sufficient special education resources,
particularly for kids with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
● Parents of preschoolers with Autism Spectrum Disorder may experience difficulty
in locating suitable educational help.

​ Early Intervention Benefits:

● According to research, early intervention and specialised instruction greatly
improve the outcomes for kids with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
● Important early intervention programmes may be available online through a site
designed exclusively for this age range.

​ Parental Demand:
● Parents of kids with Autism Spectrum Disorder are actively looking for support to
aid in their kids' development.
● Parents who are increasingly using the internet to get information and educational

​ Customized Curriculum:
● A highly specialized curriculum is necessary for preschoolers with Autism
Spectrum Disorder in order to meet their particular learning needs.
● Our E-Business can provide specially created material and instructional strategies
for this market.

​ Increasing Internet Accessibility:

● Even in rural areas, Bangladesh has experienced a significant rise in internet
● Many families, even those in distant areas, are finding online schooling to be a
viable choice.
​ Potential for Scalability:
● Weto can carve out a specific market niche in the larger special education industry
by concentrating on preschoolers with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
● We can think about branching out to service other segments once we've proven
our worth and achieved success in this one.

​ Supportive NGOs and Organizations:
● There are numerous NGOs and groups in Bangladesh that promote and raise
awareness of autism.
● By collaborating with these organizations, we can successfully create awareness
and reach our target audience.

Answer No 2

Creating a targeting plan for our Bangladeshi e-business that caters to preschoolers with Autism
Spectrum Disorder (Autism Spectrum Disorder) entails figuring out the most efficient ways to
connect with and engage this particular demographic. Here is a tactic to think about:

1. Online Platform Accessibility:

● Create a user-friendly, accessible internet platform that is tailored to the special
requirements of kids with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Make sure the interface is simple to
use, visually appealing, and interactive.

2. Specialized Content Development:

● Create a curriculum that meets the learning and developmental needs of preschoolers
with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Include visual aids, engaging lessons, and content that is
3. Collaborate with Experts:
● To make sure that our content and instructional strategies are effective and based on solid
research, we collaborate with specialists in the fields of autism and special education.

4. Parental Engagement:
● Acknowledge the important role parents play in their children's education. On our site,
give parents access to tools, direction, and a community of support.

5. Personalized Learning:
● Use adaptive learning technology to customize each student's educational experience.
Follow developments and modify the content as necessary.

6. Multimodal Learning:
● Be aware that children with Autism Spectrum Disorder have a variety of preferred
learning modalities. Include a range of instructional techniques, such as active learning,
auditory learning, and visual learning.

7. Accessibility Features:
● Make sure our platform is usable by kids with different levels of handicap. Subtitles,
text-to-speech, and alternate input modalities should all be included.

8. Data Privacy and Security:

● To earn the trust of parents, provide assurances regarding data privacy and security
measures. It is crucial to comply with data protection laws.

9. Marketing & Outreach:

● Spread the word about our platform through social media, internet discussion boards, and
autistic support organizations.
● To reach a larger audience, work together with NGOs and organizations that deal with
● Consider holding webinars, workshops, and informational sessions to teach parents of the
advantages of our platform.

10. Free Resources and Trials:

● Provide free materials and trial periods so that parents and kids can use our platform
before subscribing.

11. comments Mechanism:

● Set up a structure that allows parents and kids to offer comments and report problems.
Make advantage of this criticism to enhance our site.

12. Continuous Improvement:

● Keep abreast of the most recent developments in the field of autism education.
continually enhance our platform in light of new understanding.

13. Community Building:

● Encourage on our platform a sense of community among parents and kids. Encourage
connection and encouragement between peers.

14. Professional Development:

● Provide educators, therapists, and specialists in special education with training and
materials so they can use our platform efficiently.

15. Monitoring and Reporting:

● Provide parents with statistics on their child's academic development and progress

A unique strategy is needed to cater the marketing mix components (product, pricing, place, and
promotion) to the Bangladeshi preschool population with Autism Spectrum Disorder. For this
audience, Here is a breakdown of how each component can be modified to match the specific

● Create a web-based curriculum for preschoolers with autism spectrum disorder that is
particularly tailored to their needs. Include interactive learning opportunities,
sensory-friendly materials, and visual aids.
● The educational process should be customized to meet the demands of each unique
learner using technology for adaptive learning.
● We can persuade parents to get more active in their children's education by providing
them with resources like forums, articles, and videos.
2. Price:
● Offer tier-based pricing structures, such as a free, basic plan with constrained access and
a premium plan with greater features.
● Discounts and Subsidies: To assure affordability for low-income households, think about
providing discounts or subsidies.
● Implement an annual or monthly subscription plan to give users ongoing access to the

3. Place:
● Online Accessibility: To reach a larger audience, make sure that our platform is usable on
mobile devices and online browsers.
● Collaboration with Schools: Join together with special education schools and facilities to
give teachers and therapists access to our platform.
● Participate actively in online forums and communities relating to autism in Bangladesh in
order to promote our platform.

4. Promotion:
● Online marketing: Spread the word about our platform via social media, paid advertising,
and content marketing.
● Webinars and Workshops: Arrange webinars and workshops on subjects like autism and
special education to highlight the advantages of our platform.
● Collaborations: Join together with NGOs, organizations that deal with autism, and leaders
in the field to build credibility and expand Wer audience.
● Free trials: Provide free trials so that parents and teachers can use our platform without
● Word of Mouth: Encourage happy users to tell others about their successes using our
Answer No 3

Positioning our E-Business within the selected target segment of preschool children with Autism
Spectrum Disorder (Autism Spectrum Disorder) in Bangladesh requires a clear and compelling
value proposition that sets weapart from competitors. Here's a positioning strategy along with a
unique value proposition:

Positioning Statement:
"For parents and educators of preschool children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Bangladesh,
our E-Business is the trusted partner in providing personalized, evidence-based, and accessible
online education and support. Unlike other platforms, we focus exclusively on meeting the
unique needs of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, offering a comprehensive solution that
empowers parents and nurtures the potential of every child."

Unique Value Proposition:

​ Specialization in Autism Education: We exclusively cater to preschool children with
Autism Spectrum Disorder, tailoring our curriculum, teaching methods, and support
resources to meet their specific learning and developmental needs.
​ Personalized Learning: Our platform employs adaptive learning technology that
customizes the educational experience for each child, ensuring they progress at their own
pace while addressing their individual strengths and challenges.

​ Parental Support: We empower parents by providing a wealth of resources, including
expert guidance, forums, and progress tracking tools, enabling them to actively
participate in their child's education and growth.

​ Evidence-Based Approach: We base every part of our platform on tried-and-true best
practices by working with autism specialists, therapists, and educators to design our

​ Accessibility and inclusion: We are dedicated to promoting accessibility and inclusion,
ensuring that kids of all abilities can use our platform. No Wengster is left behind thanks
to features like text-to-speech, sensory-friendly design, and device compatibility.

​ Community and Support: We help parents, teachers, and kids feel a sense of community
so they may connect, share experiences, and support one another as they work to educate
kids with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

​ Continuous Improvement: Our platform is updated to reflect the most recent
developments in autism education and technology thanks to our commitment to
continuing research and development.

​ Affordability: We offer flexible pricing plans, including a free basic option, to make our
platform accessible to families with different financial situations.

By positioning our E-Business in this way, we emphasize our commitment to serving a specific,
underserved market segment with a comprehensive, specialized, and supportive solution that
caters to the unique needs of preschool children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Bangladesh.
This positioning strategy will help we establish trust, credibility, and a loyal user base within the
autism community.

Answer No 4

User persona name: Faiyaz Ahmed

Occupation: Student

Faiyaz’s backstory: Faiyaz os a 12 years old boy who has hearing disability. He goes to a school
in Sylhet which is for special children. He has been going to that school for last 5 years but he
has never got that extra care after school. He often faces this problem.

Behaviors: Since Faiyaz cannot hear so he understands sign language and he also
communicates through sign language. So his learning style is in sign language and in text. He
has also access to mobile phones and the internet. The learning outcome he gets from school is
not sufficient and he definitely seeks for an alternative option to get that extra care.
Needs: Faiyaz goes to school regularly and he puts efforts for his learning. But since he has a
learning disability he needs some extra care.

Preferences: Faiyaz prefers an online teaching platform like 10 minute school or Shikho where
he can get some extra lessons at home with convenience.

Pain points: Even though Faiyaz goes to school, he still faces some challenges for his
education. Since there are not a lot of schools and teachers for disabled children, he has less
options. If he has a doubt or faces a problem while understanding a particular topic he does not
have any other way to clear his doubts or solve his problems. This is the biggest challenge
Faiyaz is facing at the moment.



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