Science Energy and Forces

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Energy and Forces

Wednesday, 25.05.2022
What is energy?
Characteristics of Heat:

Heat is form of energy.

Heat flows from a hotter object to cooler object until both objects reach the same temperature.

Source of heat include the Sun, fire and electrical appliances like the oven, electrical kettle


❏ Temperature is the measure of how hot and cold an object is.

❏ The unit for temperature is degree Celsius (C°)
❏ We cannot measure temperature accurately with our sense of touch. Therefore,
thermometer are used to measure temperature.
❏ They may contain alcohol or mercury, which moves along the stem of the thermometer as
the temperature increases.
❏ The clinical thermometer is used to measure the body temperature, it has
range from 35 C° to 43 C°.
❏ This clinical thermometer contains mercury:
❏ A laboratory thermometer is used in measuring the temperature of an objects in the

Conductor and Insulator

❏ A good conductor of heat allows heat to pass through it easily.
❏ Example of conductors of heat are metal and water.
❏ Pots, pans and kettles are made of steel because it conducts heat well cook the food
or boil the water inside.
❏ An insulator is a poor conductors of heat. It takes longer time for heat to pass
through an insulator.
❏ Examples of poor conductors of heat are wood, plastic and glass.
❏ Air is a good insulator.
Characteristics of Light:

Light is a form of energy

Light always travels in straight lines. It cannot travel around bends or objects.

We can see light that comes from a light source. Examples of light sources include
the Sun, stars, a light bulb and fire

Light emitted by a light source can be reflected or absorbed.

Light can also pass through objects

Transmission of Light

Transparent Translucent Opaque

Allow some of the light to pass

Allow most of the light to Do not allow light to pass
glass to through through.
Eg: frosted glass and tracing
Eg: glasses and clear plastic Eg: books, wood and meral
Formation of Shadows
❏ Since light travels in straight lines. Shadows are formed behind an pnject when
the object blocks the path of the light.
❏ The shape of the shadow follows the shape of the object. The shape of the
shadow may charge if we change the position of the light source.
❏ An object that is placed further away from the screen and nearer to the light
source will cast a bigger shadow.
❏ The shadow is always cast in the opposite side of the light source.
❏ Shadows cast by the morning and evening sun are long, while shadows cast
by noon day sun are the shortest.
❏ We are able to see things when they reflect light into our eyes.
❏ Reflection is the bouncing back of light from surface. When light falls on an
object, the object reflects it. This reflected light reaches our eyes, helping us to
see the object.
What is sound and How does it travels?
Sound is a type of energy made by vibration.

When any object vibrates, it causes movement in the air particles. This movement called sound waves, which keeps going until the particles
run out of energy.

Everyday example of sound energy: balloon popping, door bell, vehicles sound

How does sound travel in different environment?

❏ Sound waves need to travel through a medium such as a solid, liquid or gas.
❏ The molecules in solids are packed very tightly.
❏ Liquids are not packed as tightly as solids.
❏ And gasses are very loosely packed.
❏ The spacing of the molecules enables sound to travel much faster through solid than a gas.
❏ Sound travels about four times faster in water than it does in air.
Effect of Forces
❏ Is a push or a pull
❏ A force can cause a stationary object to move
❏ It can also cause a moving object to stop or change direction
❏ Forces can cause a moving object to speed up or slow down
❏ A forces may change the shape of an object
Types of Forces

Gravitational Force Frictional Force

● Pulling force
● Produces when objects rub each other
● Pull the Earth’s gravity prevent objects ● Always act opposite to the direction of the object
from floating off into the spaces ● The heavier the object the more the friction
● The more surface area, the larger the friction
● The rougher the surface, the more the friction
● Lubricant like Oil can reduce friction
A magnet is an object made of material that is surrounded by lines of magnetic force called magnet.
A magnet can be powerful material. It is usually made of iron or steel and can attract or pull certain
There are many types of magnets as shown below:

Example of objects can be magnetic ; nail, needle, safety pin, steel spoon, steel ruler, iron key, pin

Example of objects can be non-magnetic; wooden ruler, gold ring, glass sheet, matchstick, plastic
spoon, rubber band
Electricity is a form of energy.
An electric current is the flow of particles carrying electrical energy around the
Electric Circuits
An electric circuit id made of different components connected together, forming a
path for electricity to flow.
When electricity flows through the electric circuit, the electrical appliance will work.
A simple electric circuit is made of the following components:
Symbols are used to represent the parts or components that make up a circuit:
The symbols are used in a circuit diagram that represents the actual circuit.

Closed and open circuit:

A circuit that has a complete path for electricity to flow is known as a closed circuit.
Electric current will only flow if there is a complete path in the circuit.
A circuit with a gap is known as an open circuit.

Electric current will not flow when there is a gap anywhere in the circuit.
Series and Parallel circuit
If the components are connected one after another in the circuit, there is only one path for electricity to flow. This
type of circuit is known as a series circuit.

A parallel circuit is a circuit in which there is more than one path for electricity to flow.
Changes in a circuit and brightness of light bulbs

● The more batteries there are in a circuit, the greater the amount of electric current flowing in a circuit, and thus
the brighter the lightbulbs.
● The more lightbulbs there are the less the amount of electric current flow through them, and thus their
brightness will decrease.
● Lightbulbs connected in a parallel are brighter than lighbulbs connected in series.

Conductors and insulators of electricity

● In electric circuits, the components through which electricity flows are known as conductors. They allow
electricity to flow through the circuit.
● Materials that allow electricity to flow through are known as a good conductors of electricity. Eg: metals like
copper and silver
● Materials do not allow electricity to flow are known as non-conductor of electricity or electrical insulators. Eg:
non-metals like wood, plastic rubber, glass
● Electrical insulators are used to protect electric circuits from damage. Insulators are also used to protect us from
coming into direct contact with electricity
Using electricity safety

Electricity is very useful to us. We use electricity every day in our electrical devices
and appliances.

However, electricity can also be very dangerous if it is not handled carefully.

Here are some ways to use electricity safeties:

1. Do not connect too many plugs from one socket

2. Turn off the switch before removing a plug from a socket
3. Do not touch a switch or electrical devices with wet hands
4. Do not use or touch exposed electrical wires.

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